876 research outputs found

    Re-analysis of the A(1520) photoproduction reaction

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    Based on previous studies that support the important role of the N*(2120)D-13 resonance in the gamma p -> K+ A(1520) reaction, we make a re-analysis of this A(1520) photoproduction reaction taking into account the recent CLAS differential cross-section data. In addition to the contact, t-channel (K) over bar exchange, s-channel nucleon pole, and N*(2120) [previously called N*(2080)] resonance contributions, which have been considered in previous works, we also study the u-channel A(1115) hyperon pole term. The latter mechanism has always been ignored in all theoretical analysis, which has mostly relied on the very forward K+ angular LEPS data. It is shown that when the contributions from the N*(2120) resonance and the A(1115) hyperon are taken into account, both the new CLAS and the previous LEPS data can be simultaneously described. We also show that the contribution from the u-channel A(1115) pole term produces an enhancement for large K+ angles, and it becomes more and more relevant as the photon energy increases, being essential to describe the CLAS differential cross sections at backward angles. Furthermore, we find that the new CLAS data also favor the existence of the N*(2120) resonance and that these measurements can be used to further constrain its properties

    Feedforward and feedback projections of caudal belt and parabelt areas of auditory cortex: refining the hierarchical model

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    Our working model of the primate auditory cortex recognizes three major regions (core, belt, parabelt), subdivided into thirteen areas. The connections between areas are topographically ordered in a manner consistent with information flow along two major anatomical axes: core-belt-parabelt and caudal-rostral. Remarkably, most of the connections supporting this model were revealed using retrograde tracing techniques. Little is known about laminar circuitry, as anterograde tracing of axon terminations has rarely been used. The purpose of the present study was to examine the laminar projections of three areas of auditory cortex, pursuant to analysis of all areas. The selected areas were: middle lateral belt (ML); caudomedial belt (CM); and caudal parabelt (CPB). Injections of anterograde tracers yielded data consistent with major features of our model, and also new findings that compel modifications. Results supporting the model were: (1) feedforward projection from ML and CM terminated in CPB; (2) feedforward projections from ML and CPB terminated in rostral areas of the belt and parabelt; and (3) feedback projections typified inputs to the core region from belt and parabelt. At odds with the model was the convergence of feedforward inputs into rostral medial belt from ML and CPB. This was unexpected since CPB is at a higher stage of the processing hierarchy, with mainly feedback projections to all other belt areas. Lastly, extending the model, feedforward projections from CM, ML, and CPB overlapped in the temporal parietal occipital area (TPO) in the superior temporal sulcus, indicating significant auditory influence on sensory processing in this region. The combined results refine our working model and highlight the need to complete studies of the laminar inputs to all areas of auditory cortex. Their documentation is essential for developing informed hypotheses about the neurophysiological influences of inputs to each layer and area

    Prediction of Emerging Technologies Based on Analysis of the U.S. Patent Citation Network

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    The network of patents connected by citations is an evolving graph, which provides a representation of the innovation process. A patent citing another implies that the cited patent reflects a piece of previously existing knowledge that the citing patent builds upon. A methodology presented here (i) identifies actual clusters of patents: i.e. technological branches, and (ii) gives predictions about the temporal changes of the structure of the clusters. A predictor, called the {citation vector}, is defined for characterizing technological development to show how a patent cited by other patents belongs to various industrial fields. The clustering technique adopted is able to detect the new emerging recombinations, and predicts emerging new technology clusters. The predictive ability of our new method is illustrated on the example of USPTO subcategory 11, Agriculture, Food, Textiles. A cluster of patents is determined based on citation data up to 1991, which shows significant overlap of the class 442 formed at the beginning of 1997. These new tools of predictive analytics could support policy decision making processes in science and technology, and help formulate recommendations for action

    Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells do not enhance intra-synovial tendon healing despite engraftment and homing to niches within the synovium

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    Intra-synovial tendon injuries display poor healing, which often results in reduced functionality and pain. A lack of effective therapeutic options has led to experimental approaches to augment natural tendon repair with autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) although the effects of the intra-synovial environment on the distribution, engraftment and functionality of implanted MSCs is not known. This study utilised a novel sheep model which, although in an anatomically different location, more accurately mimics the mechanical and synovial environment of the human rotator cuff, to determine the effects of intra-synovial implantation of MSCs

    Knowledge Integration and Diffusion: Measures and Mapping of Diversity and Coherence

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    I present a framework based on the concepts of diversity and coherence for the analysis of knowledge integration and diffusion. Visualisations that help understand insights gained are also introduced. The key novelty offered by this framework compared to previous approaches is the inclusion of cognitive distance (or proximity) between the categories that characterise the body of knowledge under study. I briefly discuss the different methods to map the cognitive dimension

    Measurement of the branching ratios of the Z0 into heavy quarks

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    We measure the hadronic branching ratios of the Z0 boson into heavy quarks: Rb=Gamma(Z0->bb)/Gamma(Z0->hadrons) and Rc=Gamma(Z0->cc/Gamma(Z0->hadrons) using a multi-tag technique. The measurement was performed using about 400,000 hadronic Z0 events recorded in the SLD experiment at SLAC between 1996 and 1998. The small and stable SLC beam spot and the CCD-based vertex detector were used to reconstruct bottom and charm hadron decay vertices with high efficiency and purity, which enables us to measure most efficiencies from data. We obtain, Rb=0.21604 +- 0.00098(stat.) +- 0.00073(syst.) -+ 0.00012(Rc) and, Rc= 0.1744 +- 0.0031(stat.) +- 0.0020(syst.) -+ 0.0006(Rb)Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D version 2: changed title to ratios, used common D production fractions for Rb and Rc and corrected Zgamma interference. Identical to PRD submissio

    Measurement of the cross-section and forward-backward charge asymmetry for the b and c-quark in e+e- annihilation with inclusive muons at sqrt(s) = 58 GeV

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    We have studied inclusive muon events using all the data collected by the TOPAZ detector at sqrt(s)=58 GeV with an integrated luminosity of 273pb-1. From 1328 inclusive muon events, we measured the ratio R_qq of the cross section for qq-bar production to the total hadronic cross section and forward-backward asymmetry A^q_FB for b and c quarks. The obtained results are R_bb = 0.13+-0.02(stat)+-0.01(syst), R_cc = 0.36+-0.05(stat)+-0.05(syst), A^b_FB = -0.20+-0.16(stat)+-0.01(syst) and A^c_FB = -0.17+-0.14(stat)+-0.02(syst), in fair agreement with a prediction of the standard model.Comment: To be published in EPJ C. 24 pages, 12 figure

    Direct Measurements of A_b and A_c using Vertex/Kaon Charge Tags at SLD

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    Exploiting the manipulation of the SLC electron-beam polarization, we present precise direct measurements of the parity violation parameters A_c and A_b in the Z boson - c quark and Z boson - b quark coupling. Quark/antiquark discrimination is accomplished via a unique algorithm that takes advantage of the precise SLD CCD vertex detector, employing the net charge of displaced vertices as well as the charge of kaons that emanate from those vertices. From the 1996-98 sample of 400,000 Z decays, produced with an average beam polarization of 73.4%, we find A_c = 0.673 +/- 0.029 (stat.) +/- 0.023 (syst.) and A_b = 0.919 +/- 0.018 (stat.) +/- 0.017 (syst.).Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, to be submitted to Physical Review Letters; version 2 reflects changes suggested by the refere