19 research outputs found

    Defects and Lattice Instability in Doped Lead-Based Perovskite Antiferroelectrics: Revisited

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    This paper is a summary of earlier results that have been completed with recent investigations on the nature and sequence of phase transitions evolving in the antiferroelectric PbZrO3 single crystals doped with niobium and Pb(Zr0.70Ti0.30)O3 ceramics doped with different concentration of Bi2O3. It was found that these crystals undergo new phase transitions never observed before. To investigate all phase transitions, different experimental methods were used to characterize the crystal properties. Temperature and time dependencies have been tentatively measured in a wide range, including a region above Tc, where precursor dynamics is observed in the form of non-centrosymmetric regions existing locally in crystal lattices. Also, coexistence of antiferroelectric phase and one of the intermediate phases could be observed in a wide temperature range. The phase transition mechanism in PbZrO3 is discussed, taking into account the local breaking of the crystal symmetry above Tc and the defects of crystal lattices, i.e., those generated during crystal growth, and intentionally introduced by preheating in a vacuum or doping with hetero-valent dopant

    Flexoelectricity in antiferroelectrics

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    Flexoelectricity (coupling between polarization and strain gradients) is a property of all dielectric materials that has been theoretically known for decades, but only relatively recently it has begun to attract experimental attention. As a consequence, there are still entire families of materials whose flexoelectric performance is unknown. Such is the case of antiferroelectrics: materials with an antiparallel but switchable arrangement of dipoles. These materials are expected to be flexoelectrically relevant because it has been hypothesised that flexoelectricity could be linked to the origin of their antiferroelectricity. In this work, we have measured the flexoelectricity of two different antiferroelectrics (PbZrO and AgNbO) as a function of temperature, up to and beyond their Curie temperature. Although their flexocoupling shows a sharp peak at the antiferroelectric phase transition, neither flexoelectricity nor the flexocoupling coefficients are anomalously high, suggesting that it is unlikely that flexoelectricity causes antiferroelectricity

    Strong piezoelectric properties and electric-field-driven changes in domain structures in a PbZr0.87Ti0.13O3 single crystal

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    PbZr 1-x Tix O3 perovskite materials, known as PZT, are highly applicable, mainly due to their extraordinary piezoelectric properties. Recently, a technology of PZT crystals growth has been elaborated and opened new investigation possibilities for these compounds. In this paper, we demonstrate a highly piezoelectric response in PbZr 0.87 Ti 0.13 O3 single crystal. Under the action of an electric field, the piezoelectric coefficient d 33 turns out to be over 2500 pm V -1. The optical studies performed have proved a significant influence of the domain dynamics on such high-efficiency piezoelectric response. Monoclinic M and rhombohedral R phases have been observed in the lead zirconate-titanate crystals with a low Ti content. This coex- istence of phases with different symmetries and dense domain walls are the primary sources of high piezoelectric response. We have observed that strong electric fields may act on randomly oriented po- larization vectors so that the total piezoelectric activity disappears, and the unusual isotropization point near 250 °C appears

    Nondestructive analysis of single crystals of selenide spinels by X-ray spectrometry techniques

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    The paper presents possibilities and difficulties in nondestructive analysis of small multielement single crystals performed by means of X-ray spectrometry techniques: micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (μ-XRF), energydispersive electron probe microanalysis (ED-EPMA), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The capability of the X-ray spectroscopy techniques in elemental analysis is demonstrated with the single crystals of selenide spinels of the general formula MxNyCrzSe4 (M+2 and N+3 are, for example, Zn+2, V+3, Ga+3, Cd+2, In+3, and Sb+3). The results of the nondestructive analyses (μ-XRF, ED-EPMA, and XPS) are compared with those obtained by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (WDXRF) following sample digestion. The present study shows satisfactory agreement between the results of μ-XRF analysis performed using the standardless fundamental parameter method and the results obtained with the WDXRF and ICP-OES analyses. If the measured single crystal is precisely positioned, the difference between μ- XRF and wet analysis (WDXRF and ICP-OES) does not exceed 5% rel. The reliable results of ED-EPMA can be obtained only if the measured area is sufficiently large, i.e., of 200×300 μm. Even if this condition is fulfilled, the relative difference between the ED-EPMA and the wet analysis may reach 10% rel. In case of the XPS analysis, the accuracy of results depends on the proper preparation of the sample surface. It should be free of contamination that can be obtained by scraping in situ in ultrahigh vacuum. The ion etching, commonly used for cleaning the surface, leads to preferential sputtering; therefore, the reliable results cannot be obtained

    First experimental evidence of the piezoelectric nature of struvite

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    In this paper, we present the first experimental evidence of the piezoelectric nature of struvite ( MgNH4PO4·6H2O). Using a single diffusion gel growth technique, we have grown struvite crystals in the form of plane parallel plates. For struvite crystals of this shape, we measured the piezoelectric coefficients d33 and d32. We have found that at room temperature the value of piezoelectric coefficient d33 is 3.5 pm/V, while that of d32 is 4.7 pm/V. These values are comparable with the values for other minerals. Struvite shows stable piezoelectric properties up to the temperature slightly above 350 K, for the heating rate of 0.4 K/min. For this heating rate, and above this temperature, the thermal decomposition of struvite begins, which, consequently, leads to its transformation into dittmarite with the same non-centrosymmetric symmetry as in case of struvite. The struvite-dittmarite transformation temperature is dependent on the heating rate. The higher the heating rate, the higher the temperature of this transformation. We have also shown that dittmarite, like struvite exhibits piezoelectric properties

    Direct Visualization of Anti-Ferroelectric Switching Dynamics via Electrocaloric Imaging

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    The large electrocaloric coupling in PbZrO allows using high-speed infrared imaging for visualizing anti-ferroelectric switching dynamics via the associated temperature change. It is found that in ceramic samples of homogeneous temperature and thickness, switching is fast due to the generation of multiple nucleation sites, with devices responding in the millisecond range. By introducing gradients of thickness, however, it is possible to change the dynamics to propagation limited, whereby a single-phase boundary sweeps across the sample like a cold front, at a speed of ≈20 cm s. Additionally, introducing thermostatic temperature differences between two sides of the sample enables the simultaneous generation of a negative electrocaloric effect on one side and a positive one on the other, yielding a Janus-like electrocaloric response.The authors acknowledge financial support to ICN2, which is funded by the CERCA programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and by the Severo Ochoa programme of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO, Grant No. SEV-2017-0706). The authors also acknowledge the support of Plan Nacional (MINECO, Grant Nos. MAT2016-77100-C2-1-P and BES-2016-077392), as well as the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (Grant No. PID2019-108573GB-C21). R.F. and E.D. thank the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) for funding part of this research through the projects CAMELHEAT/C17/MS/11703691/Defay. This work was also supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the HIPERCELLS project (RTI2018-098392-B-I00), the Regional Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya under Grant Nos. 2017 SGR 1384 and 2017 SGR 00579. This work was also supported by the National Science Centre, Poland, within the Project No. 2016/21/B/ST3/02242

    Origin of the Large Negative Electrocaloric Effect in Antiferroelectric PbZrO3

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    We have studied the electrocaloric response of the archetypal antiferroelectric PbZrO3 as a function of voltage and temperature in the vicinity of its antiferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition. Large electrocaloric effects of opposite signs, ranging from an electro-cooling of -3.5 K to an electro-heating of +5.5 K, were directly measured with an infrared camera. We show by calorimetric and electromechanical measurements that the large negative electrocaloric effect comes from an endothermic antiferroelectric-ferroelectric switching, in contrast to dipole destabilization of the antiparallel lattice, previously proposed as an explanation for the negative electrocaloric effect of antiferroelectrics.Comment: Article (17 pages) and supplemental material (12 pages) present in .pdf fil

    Monoclinic domain populations and enhancement of piezoelectric properties in a PZT single crystal at the morphotropic phase boundary

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    The origin of the strong piezoelectric phenomenon in PbZr1−xTixO3 (PZT) perovskites still suffers from a lack of complete understanding. It concerns the distinction between the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that govern PZT's piezo activity. These two mechanisms have been investigated in single crystal PbZr0.54Ti0.46O3 at the morphotropic phase boundary. After poling in a DC electric field, the piezoelectric properties were examined on the same crystal by observing piezoelectric resonances to determine the piezoelectric coefficient d31 and measuring quasistatic deformation to determine the coefficient d33. The domain populations were investigated during and after poling in a DC electric field. These populations were also investigated as a function of DC fields for strengths similar to those used to measure quasistatic piezoelectric properties for a poled crystal. The experiments indicate that the intrinsic origin of the enhancement of the piezoelectric properties is connected with a change in the population of domains with monoclinic symmetry, in which there is an easy polarization rotation under the action of the electric field

    [Methylhydrazinium]2PbBr4, a ferroelectric hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite with multiple nonlinear optical outputs

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    An expansive library of structurally complex two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) lead halide perov-skites has emerged over the past decade, finding applications in various aspects of photon management: photovoltaics, photo-detection, light emission, and nonlinear optics. Needless to say, the highest degree of structural plasticity enjoys the former group, offering a rich playground for modifications of relevant optoelec-tronic parameters such as exciton energy. Structural tailorability is reflected in the ease of modification of the chemistry of the organic layers residing between inorganic slabs. In this vein, we show that the introduction of methylhydrazinium cation (MHy+, CH3NH2NH2+) into 2D perovskite gives a material with a record low separation of the inorganic layers (8.91 Å at 300 K). Optical studies showed that MHy2PbBr4 features the most red-shifted excitonic absorption among all known A2PbBr4 compounds as well as a small exciton binding energy of 99.9 meV. MHy2PbBr4 crystallizes in polar Pmn21 symmetry at room emperature (phase III) and at 351 K undergoes a phase transition to modulated Pmnm phase (II) followed by another phase transition at 371 K to Pmnm phase (I). The ferroelectric property of room-temperature phase III is inferred from switching of the pyrocurrent, dielectric measurements, and optical birefringence results. MHy2PbBr4 exhibits multiple nonlinear optical phenomena such as second-harmonic generation, third-harmonic generation, two-photon excited luminescence, and multiphoton excited luminescence. Analysis of MHy2PbBr4 single-crystal luminescence spectra obtained through linear and nonlinear optical excitation pathways indicates that free exciton emission is readily probed by the ultraviolet excitation, whereas crumpled exciton emission is detected under two- and multiphoton excitation conditions. Overall, our results demonstrate that incorporation of MHy+ into the organic layer is an emergent strategy for obtaining a 2D perovskite with polar character and multifunctional properties

    Ultrahigh Piezoelectric Strains in PbZr1−xTixO3 single crystals with controlled Ti content close to the tricritical point

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    Intensive investigations of PbZr Ti O (PZT) materials with the ABO perovskite structure are connected with their extraordinary piezoelectric properties. Especially well known are PZT ceramics at the Morphotropic Phase Boundary (MPB), with x~0.48, whose applications are the most numerous among ferroelectrics. These piezoelectric properties are often obtained by doping with various ions at the B sites. Interestingly, we have found similar properties for undoped PZT single crystals with low Ti content, for which we have confirmed the existence of the tricritical point near x~0.06. For a PbZr Ti O crystal, we describe the ultrahigh strain, dielectric, optical and piezoelectric properties. We interpret the ultrahigh strain observed in the region of the antiferroelectric-ferroelectric transition as an inverse piezoelectric effect generated by the coexistence of domains of different symmetries. The complex domain coexistence was confirmed by determining optical indicatrix orientations in domains. The piezoelectric coefficient in this region reached an extremely high value of 5000 pm/V. We also verified that the properties of the PZT single crystals from the region near the tricritical point are incredibly susceptible to a slight deviation in the Ti content