457 research outputs found

    Scattered Context Grammars and Their Applications in Natural Language Analysis

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    Obsahem práce je vytvoření metody, která by umožnila automatizované zpracování přirozeného jazyka s využitím gramatik s rozptýleným kontextem. Toho je dosaženo zavedením upravené metody syntaktické analýzy shora dolů, přičemž součástí práce je i implementace algoritmu v jazyce Python. K tomu je využita knihovna NLTK, která slouží k získávání větných členů z anglických vět. Výsledný program je modulární a je schopen zpracovat libovolnou gramatiku v korektním formátu. The purpose of this thesis is to create a method, based on scattered context grammars, for natural language analysis. The method proposed in this thesis, is similiar to syntax analysis for context-free grammars. Implementation of the proposed algorithm is attached. The programm is written in Python 2.7 and the module NLTK is needed. The purpose of NLTK is to parse English sentence and return the lexems

    Varhaisen tuen mallin ja työn muokkaamisen oikeussäännöt

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia työelämässä vallitsevia sairauspoissaolokäytäntöjä sekä niitä sääteleviä oikeussääntöjä. Opinnäytetyössä perehdyttiin lisäksi työnantajan mahdollisuuksiin hyödyntää varhaisen tuen mallin käyttöä ja työn muokkaamista sairauspoissaolojen vähentämiseksi. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä kerättiin ajantasaisin tieto koskien varhaisen tuen mallin ja työn muokkaamisen oikeussääntöjä sekä aiheesta kirjoitettua tutkimustietoa. Sairauspoissaolojen määrät ja niiden syyt ovat merkityksellisiä niin yksilön kuin kansantalouden tasolla. Opinnäytetyössä avattiin pohjoismaiden tilannetta sairauspoissaolojen suhteen, ja kerättyä tilastotietoa sairauspoissaoloista verrattiin kotimaiseen työelämään ja sen käytänteisiin. Työpaikoilla toteutettavilla ennakoivilla toimenpiteillä, kuten työn muokkaamisella ja varhaiselle puuttumisella voidaan vähentää poissaolojen määriä. Aiheita käsiteltiin opinnäytetyössä yleisellä tasolla ja pitkälti niihin liittyvien oikeussääntöjen kautta. Työssä selvitettiin nykyistä lainsäädäntöä lainopin menetelmin ja tutustuttiin erityisesti työoikeutta ja sairauspoissaoloja sääteleviin lakeihin ja muihin oikeuslähteisiin. Osassa nykyisiä työehtosopimuksia on huomioitu työelämän muutostrendi, jonka yhtenä tavoitteena on pidentää työuria ja lisätä työkykyä. Työssä tutkittiin eri alojen työehtosopimuksia ja miten niissä on huomioitu työkyvyn ylläpitäminen.The purpose of this study was to study sickness absence practicies and the legal rules that regulate them. The study clarifies the employer’s possibilities to utilize the model for early support and modified work as a way to reduce sickness absences. It also collects the latest research results concerning the model for early support and modified work. The aim of the study was to gather the legal rules of the model for early support and modified work and study how they may be used to reduce sickness absence in the Finnish work life. The number and reasons for the sickness absences have a significant impact for individuals and also for nation economic. The study touches on the Skandinavan statistics of the sickeness absences and those are compared to the Finnish work life. Proactive measures can reduce absences at work places and it enables employer to modify the work or offer early support to the employee. The mentioned themes are handled in general level and mostly through by the legal rules. Legal investigation methods were used in the study, especially focucing on juridical investigations. In addition to the law the resources contained government proposals and legal literature. Some of the present collective agreements include provisions that takes account the changing trends of the work life. The aims are to prolong the duration of working lives and increase the ability tho work. The collective agreements are also studied in this thesis

    The Pour-over Trust

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    One of the most important features of the inter vivos trust is its function as the receptacle of a pour-over provision in a will. The pour-over device is utilized when a disposition by a will provides, often in the residuary clause, for the devise or bequest of additional property to a previously created inter vivos trust This avoids the necessity of repeating in the will all the terms of the trust, and the estate conveyed to the trust is not thereafter involved in probate proceedings. The grantor of an amendable inter vivos trust can thus create and remodel an estate plan without relinquishing any control over the assets during his lifetime. Accompanying the benefits, however, are a myriad of legal problems. Over the past twenty years the pour-over provision has become the subject of troubled controversy and conflicting judicial opinion

    The Pour-over Trust

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    One of the most important features of the inter vivos trust is its function as the receptacle of a pour-over provision in a will. The pour-over device is utilized when a disposition by a will provides, often in the residuary clause, for the devise or bequest of additional property to a previously created inter vivos trust This avoids the necessity of repeating in the will all the terms of the trust, and the estate conveyed to the trust is not thereafter involved in probate proceedings. The grantor of an amendable inter vivos trust can thus create and remodel an estate plan without relinquishing any control over the assets during his lifetime. Accompanying the benefits, however, are a myriad of legal problems. Over the past twenty years the pour-over provision has become the subject of troubled controversy and conflicting judicial opinion

    Knowledge Engineering in the Social Era

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    We have never been so connected like nowadays. We have become more and more social by forming spontaneous relations and initiating interactions to share information with each other (even with strangers). In this keynote speech, we highlight the evolution of knowledge engineering, point out social systems\u27 characteristics, and then, discuss how these characteris-tics could impact knowledge engineering. Indeed, we expect that social systems\u27 characteristics will make knowledge engineering adjust to tackle the social era\u27s challenges. Existing knowledge engineering models, practices, techniques, and languages need to be revisited and social systems\u27 complexity needs to be mastered with new and advanced knowledge engineering models, practices, techniques, and languages for a better appreciation of knowledge in the social era

    Vascular Surgery in COVID-19 Period and Beyond: Acknowledging the New Normal

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    The first infected case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) in Nepal was diagnosed on 23 January, 2020 which was also the first recorded case in South Asia, but after confirmation of subsequent cases on March 23 and 24, the entire nation was put under lock down. Between January and March, the government took preventive measures by upgrading health infrastructure, setting up health desks atimportant public spaces like airports, spreading public awareness through various means, sealing off of international borders. Initially, our optimism stemmed from the slow rise in cases compared to our neighbors which delivered hope that things will be back on track soon. But with consistently escalating infection rates it was clear that we are as vulnerable to this as any other nation. For us, it reflected in thinning out of emergency and urgent cases. This was sure to have a significant impact on patients’ lives. On one hand, owing to confinement measures, to avail specialty services was becoming a challenge for them, especially those from remote, rural areas where transportation even if desired is accessible on select occasions. On the other, phobiaof coronavirus led patients to defer going to distant tertiary hospital as far as possible

    Software testing as a service (TaaS): The BISA approach

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    In this paper an approach for designing a service-oriented software testing framework is discussed. This framework relies on a set of intelligent expert tools developed earlier in the context of the OptimalSQM initiative. After an overview of OptimalSQM, the paper concentrates on the key challenges that rise out of adopting Test as a Service (TaaS) in compliance with the movement of Software as a Service (SaaS). TaaS is, also examined from a social perspective by helping out software engineers discover necessary test services. © 2011 IEEE

    Software engineering framework for digital service-oriented EcoSystem

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    This paper deals with a software development process framework intended to act as a testbed in a service-oriented digital ecoSystem. After short introduction to software ecosystems a concise overview of the framework and its role in such environment is given. After that, the main software engineering components of the framework are described with few examples of how it works. © 2011 IEEE