16 research outputs found

    A Translational Examination of Alternative-Response Discrimination Training and Resurgence

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    Individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders often engage in severe forms of problem behavior. Reward-based behavioral interventions are highly effective at reducing levels of problem behavior and teaching more appropriate and adaptive alternative behaviors. Despite successful reduction in problem behavior during treatment, problem behaviors are susceptible to reoccurrence or relapse. Resurgence is a type of behavioral relapse that is particularly relevant to the treatment of problem behavior and may occur following the worsening of conditions of a more recently learned alternative behavior. That is, if the rewards that were used to teach the alternative behavior are removed or lessened, problem behavior may increase as a result. Importantly, resurgence of problem behavior poses a major obstacle for these individuals and their families. Recent clinical research has suggested that resurgence of severe destructive behavior may be prevented using a specific signal to indicate that a particular behavior will not be rewarded. While this may be a promising method for preventing resurgence, the generality of this finding is unknown. Laboratory research with animal subjects is a useful way to study resurgence under highly controlled settings and can provide important information for the development of behavioral interventions in clinical settings. The general procedures of behavioral interventions used in the clinic were approximated in Experiments 1 and 2 with rats as subjects to expand on this previous clinical finding. The goal of Experiment 1 was to determine whether resurgence would still be prevented by the signal that indicates reward unavailability when the reward is removed under conditions in which it was previously available. Contrary to previous findings, the signal for reward unavailability did not prevent resurgence; however, the conditions under which resurgence was tested were different between Experiment 1 and the previous clinical research. The goal of Experiment 2 was to determine whether this difference contributed to the discrepant findings. Resurgence was compared under conditions identical to Experiment 1 as well as conditions that more closely resembled those in the clinic. Resurgence was not differentially impacted by the testing procedures and, importantly, was not reduced under conditions similar to those used in the clinic. These results suggest that the conditions under which this signal may mitigate resurgence are limited and suggest avenues for future research to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for this effect

    50th Annual Academic Honors Day Chapel

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    April 15, 2014https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/honors_day_programs/1003/thumbnail.jp

    An Ocean Between Us: The Implications of Inconsistencies Between the Navigational Laws of Coastal Arctic Council Nations and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea for Arctic Navigation

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    Appraisal rights are codified by section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law ( DGCL ), which grants dissenting target shareholders in a merger the right to seek judicially determined fair value for their shares.\u27 Appraisal rights therefore aim to protect dissenting shareholders from majority expropriation. 2 However, a new class of shareholders has emerged, testing the bounds of this remedy. Appraisal arbitrageurs are hedge funds who seek to exploit the once seldom- used appraisal remedy by buying target company stock after the announcement of the merger solely to pursue appraisal. These appraisal arbitrageurs have fueled the ongoing resurgence of appraisal litigation, sparking debate among corporate law practitioners and academics, many of whom condemn the investment strategy. Powerful opponents argue that appraisal arbitrage creates significant transaction costs for merger parties by extracting rents from target shareholders and creating deal uncertainty. Moreover, appraisal arbitrage has sparked a close look at Delaware courts\u27 methodology in appraisal proceedings, exposing inconsistencies in valuing companies and revealing the judiciary\u27s inappropriate legislative role. Accordingly, the backlash against appraisal arbitrage has not only uncovered a need This Note proposes reforming Delaware\u27s appraisal statute to curb appraisal arbitrage and ensure certainty in appraisal proceedings, upholding the purpose of the appraisal remedy and addressing practical concerns. Part I reviews Delaware\u27s appraisal statute and its related practical considerations, evaluates the economic incentives surrounding appraisal arbitrage, and chronicles the anti-arbitrage call for legislative reform. Part II analyzes specific aspects of the appraisal statute and its attendant judicial application in context with intended policy goals and underlying economic principles. It suggests the market out exception is unnecessary for disinterested mergers and critiques how the appraisal statute and its judicial interpretation promote appraisal arbitrage and undermine the purpose of the remedy. It also explores Delaware courts\u27 valuation methods, inconsistent appraisal doctrine, and improper political motives and legislative role. Part III advocates for legislative reform beyond recent amendments to section 262, including constricting aspects of appraisal rights to eliminate the perverse economic incentives that attract arbitrageurs and to effect the purpose of the appraisal remedy. While the de minimis and interest reduction amendments are a welcome start, Delaware should also (1) confine the market-out exception\u27s cash carve-out to interested transactions, (2) limit appraisal rights to shareholders as of the record date, and (3) delegate valuation in appraisal proceedings to a panel of, independent finance professionals

    Faculty Senate Chronicle for April 6, 2017

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    Minutes for the regular faculty senate meeting of April 6, 2017

    The Supreme Court in Context: Conceptual, Pragmatic, and Institutional

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    Is it possible to decide whether a constitutional decision is right or wrong? Legal scholars respond with an enthusiastic \u27Yes! but their reasons for this answer are generally based on what philosophers call formal arguments. These arguments, as opposed to substantive arguments, focus on internal coherence, rather than external standards. Originalism, textualism, structural analysis, and evolving meaning are all formal arguments. Their appeal lies precisely in their independence from external issues-that is, from the sort of issues that generate political and social controversy. If one can demonstrate by formal argument that a particular constitutional decision is correct, then one can insist on the result, even in the face of those who disagree on normative or pragmatic grounds. Erwin Chemerinsky\u27s The Case Against the Supreme Court takes a different approach. It condemns the Court\u27s decisions, over the course of American history, on the grounds that these decisions have violated an external standard. That standard can be roughly described as a progressive approach to human rights issues. At the outset, Chemerinsky states that his standard for assessing whether the Court is succeeding or failing is whether it hands down decisions that are uniformly condemned by subsequent generations of scholars and judges. Such decisions could involve a wide variety of topics, of course, but Chemerinsky goes on to declare that the ones on which he is basing his assessment-and the ones we should care about-are the rights of minorities who cannot rely on the political process and resistance to repressive desires of political majorities. The formal standards, such as fidelity to text or structural coherence, that dominate academic writing about constitutional law are subject to many challenges, but Chemerinsky\u27s external standard is equally open to challenge, albeit on different grounds

    Resurgence of Cocaine-Seeking in Rats Following Long Access and Punishment

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    Strategies that provide access to alternative non-drug rewards are among the most effective at reducing substance use in individuals with substance use disorders, but relapse often occurs when alternative rewards are removed. Relapse induced by the loss of alternative rewards is called resurgence, and represents a challenge to otherwise effective strategies for reducing drug use. An animal model has been useful for studying resurgence, but the extant model has two limitations. First, humans usually refer to the negative consequences of drug use as the reason they stop taking drugs, but the extant model uses drug unavailability to reduce drug seeking. Second, individuals with substance use disorders display behaviors that can be summarized as uncontrolled drug seeking, but the extant model does not simulate uncontrolled drug seeking. Chapter 2 addressed the first concern by studying resurgence of previously-punished cocaine seeking. Chapter 3 addressed the second concern by using procedures shown to simulate uncontrolled drug seeking in rats to study resurgence of previously-punished cocaine seeking. Chapter 2 showed that resurgence of cocaine seeking can occur following suppression by punishment, and Chapter 3 showed that resurgence may be unaffected following procedures shown to increase relapse in other models. The models developed herein should contribute to future research into resurgence by better simulating the conditions under which individuals with substance use disorders experience relapse

    Teatro de bonecos e arte de rua : uma proposta pedagógica

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2015.O presente trabalho tem como finalidade planejar e construir os bonecos de um espetáculo, e através de testes com diferentes métodos de criação, propor os que mais se adequem aos proponentes do espetáculo, a Trupe Por um Fio, coletivo de artistas de Planaltina-DF, que pretende realizar apresentações e oficinas com o público. A temática do espetáculo é a arte urbana, sua história, motivações e possibilidades. O tema foi escolhido pela proximidade com o público, crianças e adolescentes da periferia de grandes centros urbanos, e pelas possibilidades de discussão que pode suscitar, como a utilização do espaço público pelos indivíduos, o compartilhar livre de ideias, a ação questionadora do sistema e o valor relativo da arte. O objetivo é que o espetáculo seja apresentado em escolas e na rua. Na primeira parte do trabalho discorremos sobre o teatro de bonecos, a arte urbana e o teatro do oprimido, e os pontos de convergência ideológica entre elas. Em seguida, tratamos sobre a criação de personagens e roteiro, palhaços e o teatro de rua, buscando elementos para embasar a concepção dos bonecos, que inicia com a criação dos quatro personagens e uma estrutura inicial de roteiro que compreende possíveis ideias governantes centrais para o roteiro, possíveis temas a serem tratados durante a peça e alguns artistas e fases históricas da arte urbana que mais podem ajudar a elucidar cada tema. Por fim, demonstramos o processo de confecção dos quatro bonecos, segundo quatro métodos testados, encontrados em tutoriais em vídeo de diferentes pessoas com diferentes abordagens. Os métodos são analisados quanto aos processos de fabricação e a manipulação pelos atores-manipuladores. O método 3 foi o escolhido para confeccionar os bonecos usados na montagem do espetáculo, pela agilidade que proporciona na manipulação em empanada. Também foi o método escolhido para a produção de bonecos junto a crianças, em situações de oficina e aulas; é o que apresenta maior facilidade de produção e menor tempo de fabricação, e não depende de moldes de terceiros. Uma cena curta com os bonecos foi criada e apresentada em local público para testar o processo de criação de roteiro a partir da improvisação, e também as reações do público, ambos com resultados bastante satisfatórios. A Trupe Por um Fio prosseguirá com a criação do roteiro, montagem do espetáculo e apresentações.This work aims to plan and build puppets for a presentation, and, through testing with different creation methods, propose the ones that fit most to the proponent of the presentation, Trupe Por um Fio, an artists‟ collective from the city of Planaltina-DF, that intends to do presentations and workshops with the audience. The main theme of the presentation is Urban Art, its history, motivations and possibilities. The theme was chosen for its proximity with the audience, kids and teenagers from the suburbs of main towns, and for the possibilities of discussion that can raise from that, as the utilization of the public space by individuals; the free sharing of ideas; the action that questions the system and the relative value of art. It shall be exhibited in schools and on the street. In the first part of this work we will talk about Puppets Theater, urban art and “teatro do oprimido”, and the convergence points of ideology between them. Next we will talk about characters development, screenplay writing, clowns and Street theatre, looking for elements that can base the conceiving of the puppets, that starts with the conceiving of the four characters and an initial script structure that contains possible governing central ideas for the screenplay, possible themes to be treated during the presentation and some artists and historical phases of urban art that can help the most to elucidate each theme. Last, we show the making process of the four puppets, according to four different tested methods, found out in video tutorials from different people with different approaches. The methods are analyzed considering the fabrication process and the manipulation by the actors-manipulators. Method 3 was the chosen one to the making of puppets to presentations, for the agility of manipulation that it provides when using an empanada (folding structure for presentations). It was also the chosen method to making puppets with kids, in workshops and classes, for is the one that and is the most easy to produce and takes less time, and requires no external resources, like patterns. A short scene was created and presented in a public place to test the process of screenwriting from improvisation and also the audience reactions, both with satisfactory results. Trupe Por um Fio will proceed with the screenwriting, production of the presentation and exhibitions


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    2022 - 2023, Gardner-Webb Academic Catalog

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    2022 - 2023, Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog. William Downs, president.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/academic-catalogs-graduate-undergraduate-combined/1007/thumbnail.jp