13,805 research outputs found

    Making electromagnetic wavelets

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    Electromagnetic wavelets are constructed using scalar wavelets as superpotentials, together with an appropriate polarization. It is shown that oblate spheroidal antennas, which are ideal for their production and reception, can be made by deforming and merging two branch cuts. This determines a unique field on the interior of the spheroid which gives the boundary conditions for the surface charge-current density necessary to radiate the wavelets. These sources are computed, including the impulse response of the antenna.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; minor corrections and addition

    Driven collective instabilities in magneto-optical traps: a fluid-dynamical approach

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    We present a theoretical model to describe an instability mechanism in ultra-cold gases, where long-range interactions are taken into account. Focusing on the nonlinear coupling between the collective (plasma-like) and the center-of-mass modes, we show that the resulting dynamics is governed by a parametric equation of the generalized Mathieu type and compute the corresponding stability chart. We apply our model to typical ranges of magneto-optical traps (MOT) parameters and find a good agreement with previous experimental observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Some minor changes in the published version

    Onsager's Wien Effect on a Lattice

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    The Second Wien Effect describes the non-linear, non-equilibrium response of a weak electrolyte in moderate to high electric fields. Onsager's 1934 electrodiffusion theory along with various extensions has been invoked for systems and phenomena as diverse as solar cells, surfactant solutions, water splitting reactions, dielectric liquids, electrohydrodynamic flow, water and ice physics, electrical double layers, non-Ohmic conduction in semiconductors and oxide glasses, biochemical nerve response and magnetic monopoles in spin ice. In view of this technological importance and the experimental ubiquity of such phenomena, it is surprising that Onsager's Wien effect has never been studied by numerical simulation. Here we present simulations of a lattice Coulomb gas, treating the widely applicable case of a double equilibrium for free charge generation. We obtain detailed characterisation of the Wien effect and confirm the accuracy of the analytical theories as regards the field evolution of the free charge density and correlations. We also demonstrate that simulations can uncover further corrections, such as how the field-dependent conductivity may be influenced by details of microscopic dynamics. We conclude that lattice simulation offers a powerful means by which to investigate system-specific corrections to the Onsager theory, and thus constitutes a valuable tool for detailed theoretical studies of the numerous practical applications of the Second Wien Effect.Comment: Main: 12 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information: 7 page

    Extreme 13C depletion of CCl2F2 in firn air samples from NEEM, Greenland

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    A series of 12 high volume air samples collected from the S2 firn core during the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) 2009 campaign have been measured for mixing ratio and stable carbon isotope composition of the chlorofluorocarbon CFC-12 (CCl2F2). While the mixing ratio measurements compare favorably to other firn air studies, the isotope results show extreme 13C depletion at the deepest measurable depth (65 m), to values lower than d13C = -80‰ vs. VPDB (the international stable carbon isotope scale), compared to present day surface tropospheric measurements near -40‰. Firn air modeling was used to interpret these measurements. Reconstructed atmospheric time series indicate even larger depletions (to -120‰) near 1950 AD, with subsequent rapid enrichment of the atmospheric reservoir of the compound to the present day value. Mass-balance calculations show that this change is likely to have been caused by a large change in the isotopic composition of anthropogenic CFC-12 emissions, probably due to technological advances in the CFC production process over the last 80 yr, though direct evidence is lacking

    Connection between accretion disk and superluminal radio jets and the role of radio plateau state in GRS 1915+105

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    We investigate the association between the accretion disk during radio plateau state and the following superluminal relativistic radio jets with peak intensity varies from 200 mJy to 1000 mJy observed over a period of five years and present the evidences of direct accretion disc-jet connection in microquasar GRS 1915+105. We have analysed RXTE PCA/HEXTE X-ray data and have found that the accretion rate, m˙accr\dot{m}_{accr}, as inferred from the X-ray flux, is very high during the radio plateaux. We suggest that the accretion disk during the radio plateaux always associated with radiation-driven wind which is manifested in the form of enhanced absorption column density for X-ray and the depleted IR emission. We find that the wind density increases with the accretion disk luminosity during the radio plateaux. The wind density is similar to the density of the warm absorber proposed in extragalactic AGNs and Quasars. We suggest a simple model for the origin of superluminal relativistic jets. Finally, We discuss the implications of this work for galactic microquasars and the extragalactic AGNs and Quasars.Comment: 9 pages, 6 Figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
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