1,046 research outputs found

    Re-membering and connecting: Decolonizing theology through storytelling

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    This article was originally published in The Prophet -- a journal created by and for the students at the Boston University School of Theology (BUSTH) to amplify the voices of STH students by promoting and sharing a range of perspectives on matters of concern including, but not limited to, spiritual practices, faith communities and society, the nature of theology, and current affairs. It serves as a platform for STH students to share their academic work, theological reflections, and life experiences with one another and the wider community."Boston was never on the radar. After completing a Master’s degree in New York City, the plan... " [EXCERPT

    Desenvolvimentos da Conjetura de Fulkerson

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    Orientador: Christiane Neme CamposDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Em 1971, Fulkerson propôs a seguinte conjetura: todo grafo cúbico sem arestas de corte admite seis emparelhamentos perfeitos tais que cada aresta do grafo pertence a exatamente dois destes emparelhamentos. A Conjetura de Fulkerson tem desafiado pesquisadores desde sua publicação. Esta conjetura é facilmente verificada para grafos cúbicos 3-aresta-coloráveis. Portanto, a dificuldade do problema reside em estabelecer a conjetura para grafos cúbicos sem arestas de corte que não possuem 3-coloração de arestas. Estes grafos são chamados snarks. Nesta dissertação, a Conjetura de Fulkerson e os snarks são introduzidos com ¿ênfase em sua história e resultados mais relevantes. Alguns resultados relacionados à Conjetura de Fulkerson são apresentados, enfatizando suas conexões com outras conjeturas. Um breve histórico do Problema das Quatro Cores e suas relações com snarks também são apresentados. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, a Conjetura de Fulkerson é verificada para algumas famílias infinitas de snarks construídas com o método de Loupekine, utilizando subgrafos do Grafo de Petersen. Primeiramente, mostramos que a família dos LP0-snarks satisfaz a Conjetura de Fulkerson. Em seguida, generalizamos este resultado para a família mais abrangente dos LP1-snarks. Além disto, estendemos estes resultados para Snarks de Loupekine construídos com subgrafos de snarks diferentes do Grafo de PetersenAbstract: In 1971, Fulkerson proposed a conjecture that states that every bridgeless cubic graph has six perfect matchings such that each edge of the graph belongs to precisely two of these matchings. Fulkerson's Conjecture has been challenging researchers since its publication. It is easily verified for 3-edge-colourable cubic graphs. Therefore, the difficult task is to settle the conjecture for non-3-edge-colourable bridgeless cubic graphs, called snarks. In this dissertation, Fulkerson's Conjecture and snarks are presented with emphasis in their history and remarkable results. We selected some results related to Fulkerson's Conjecture, emphasizing their reach and connections with other conjectures. It is also presented a brief history of the Four-Colour Problem and its connections with snarks. In the second part of this work, we verify Fulkerson's Conjecture for some infinite families of snarks constructed with Loupekine's method using subgraphs of the Petersen Graph. More specifically, we first show that the family of LP0-snarks satisfies Fulkerson's Conjecture. Then, we generalise this result by proving that Fulkerson's Conjecture holds for the broader family of LP1-snarks. We also extend these results to even more general Loupekine Snarks constructed with subgraphs of snarks other than the Petersen GraphMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Object of Study of Literacy: a learning object based on mobile learning to aid in the process of child literacy

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    The basic literacy is a complex phase, composed of several stages that require dedication to the conclusion of the process. Nowadays, with the evolution of electronic devices and with the advent of data mining technology, respectively, the teaching and monitoring of the stages of literacy can be facilitated by the introduction of its principles into the educational process. Based on this, this paper proposes the presentation of a learning object, consisting mainly of a mobile application and a follow-up system, named Object of study of Literacy, Objeto de Estudo de Letramento (OEL), for teaching and monitoring the initial stages of the process of basic literacy.

    Sponsorship Evaluation of Soccer Teams: An Exploratory Study of São Paulo State League

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    Brazil is developing in sport management, what gets Brazilian soccer teams to take less advantage over the several means of raising income that exist, among which there is sport sponsorship. In this sense, given its importance and considering the gap of studies using new methods for sponsorship evaluation in Brazil, as well as the importance of A-1 series of São Paulo State League (Campeonato Paulista de Futebol, in Portuguese) – which has not been studied yet –, this paper presents the brands that sponsored the 20 clubs that participated in the aforementioned championship in 2012. We separated the sponsors of the clubs into technical and commercial, pointing out the television media exposure time of each brand to demonstrate strategies that contribute to sport sponsorship and to the soccer teams. The research conducted was exploratory, with consultation to primary and secondary data. Therefore, the theoretical background used was about sport sponsorship and the Brazilian context, and sponsorship evaluation. The results pointed out to a configuration in which major international companies sponsored, preferably, major clubs, obtaining wide exposure on television media. On the other hand, smaller companies, located near the clubs’ headquarters, sponsored clubs that participated with lower frequency in the championship, obtaining lower exposure on television media. Finally, the study provided the perception of the benefits that certain sponsorship strategies to smaller clubs may generate by allowing wider television media exposure when the clubs are sponsored concurrently.Brazil is developing in sport management, what gets Brazilian soccer teams to take less advantage over the several means of raising income that exist, among which there is sport sponsorship. In this sense, given its importance and considering the gap of studies using new methods for sponsorship evaluation in Brazil, as well as the importance of A-1 series of São Paulo State League (Campeonato Paulista de Futebol, in Portuguese) – which has not been studied yet –, this paper presents the brands that sponsored the 20 clubs that participated in the aforementioned championship in 2012. We separated the sponsors of the clubs into technical and commercial, pointing out the television media exposure time of each brand to demonstrate strategies that contribute to sport sponsorship and to the soccer teams. The research conducted was exploratory, with consultation to primary and secondary data. Therefore, the theoretical background used was about sport sponsorship and the Brazilian context, and sponsorship evaluation. The results pointed out to a configuration in which major international companies sponsored, preferably, major clubs, obtaining wide exposure on television media. On the other hand, smaller companies, located near the clubs’ headquarters, sponsored clubs that participated with lower frequency in the championship, obtaining lower exposure on television media. Finally, the study provided the perception of the benefits that certain sponsorship strategies to smaller clubs may generate by allowing wider television media exposure when the clubs are sponsored concurrently

    Ajaloolised maakatte rekonstruktsioonid ja nende täpsus Eestis

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    Para além do neoliberalismo e da social-democracia: uma análise do liberalismo social de José Guilherme Merquior

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    O propósito deste trabalho é analisar a doutrina do liberalismo social tal como defendida pelo diplomata e sociólogo José Guilherme Merquior (1941-1991). Pretendo compreender o peso de cada uma das principais influências que Merquior mescla no seu ideário político: o “liberalismo de esquerda” de Keynes; o liberalismo humanista de Humboldt; a ênfase na individualidade de Stuart Mill; a síntese democrático-liberal de Bobbio; e o liberalismo economicista, laissez-faire de Hayek. Por fim, cabe investigar, a partir das críticas de Merquior à social-democracia (acusada de ineficiência econômica) e ao neoliberalismo (criticado por seu déficit democrático), como ele se situava no debate político no Brasil dos anos 1980, época marcada pela redemocratização e por uma aguda crise econômica

    Prevalence of multimorbidity in older adults in São Paulo, Brazil: a study with ISA-Capital

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    OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of multimorbidity in older adults in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS A cross-sectional study based on the 2015 ISA-Capital population-based survey, with a subsample of 1,019 older adults aged ≥ 60 years old. Multimorbidity was categorized considering two or more chronic diseases, based on a previously defined list. The data were analyzed in univariate and multiple models with Poisson regression. RESULTS The prevalence of multimorbidity was 40% (95%CI: 36.6–43.8), being higher in women (PR a = 1.95 [compared to men]; 95%CI: 1.58–2.40), in individuals aged ≥ 75 years old (PR a = 1.25 [compared to individuals aged ≥ 60 to 64 years old]; 95%CI: 1.01–1.60), in Black people (PR a = 1.28 [compared to White people]; 95%CI: 1.04–1.59), in high-income people (PR a = 1.27 [compared to low income]; 95%CI: 1.09–1.50) and in former smokers (PR a = 1.30 [compared to those who never smoked]; 95%CI: 1.05–1.60), and lower in smokers (PR a = 0.72 [compared to those who never smoked]; 95%CI: 1.09–1.50). CONCLUSION The prevalence of multimorbidity was lower than that reported in most of the reviewed studies, but consistently associated with gender, age, race/skin color, smoking habit and socioeconomic status. The standardization of conceptual and methodological criteria for estimation is a challenge to relieve problems in the planning and management of health care systems for older populations.OBJETIVO Estimar a prevalência de multimorbidade em idosos em São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal, aninhado ao inquérito de base populacional ISA-Capital, de 2015, com sub amostra de 1.019 idosos com 60 anos ou mais. A multimorbidade foi categorizada considerando duas ou mais doenças crônicas, a partir de uma lista previamente definida. Os dados foram analisados em modelos univariado e múltiplo com a regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS A prevalência de multimorbidade foi de 40% (IC95% 36,6–43,8), sendo maior nas mulheres (RP a = 1,95 [comparado com homens]; IC95% 1,58–2,40), nos indivíduos com 75 anos ou mais (RP a = 1,25 [comparado com indivíduos de 60 a 64 anos]; IC95% 1,01–1,60), nos pretos (RP a = 1,28 [comparado com brancos]; IC95% 1,04–1,59), nas pessoas de alta renda (RP a = 1,27 [comparado com baixa renda]; IC95% 1,09–1,50) e nos ex-fumantes (RP a = 1,30 [comparado com quem nunca fumou]; IC95% 1,05–1,60) e menor nos que se declararam fumantes (RP a = 0,72 [comparado com quem nunca fumou]; IC95% 1,09–1,50). CONCLUSÕES A prevalência de multimorbidade foi inferior à reportada na maioria dos estudos revisados, mas há consistência sobre sua associação com sexo, idade, cor da pele, tabagismo e nível socioeconômico. A padronização de critérios conceituais e metodológicos para a sua estimação é um desafio para mitigar problemas no planejamento e gestão de sistemas de saúde para populações cada vez mais envelhecidas