180 research outputs found


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    Maluku Tengah District have the potential fisheries resources. But the contribution of fishery against Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) only of 6.20%. In general, this research aims to identify and analyze the contribution of fisheries sector in the economy of the Maluku Tengah district, knowing the level of the base, and analyze the fishery economic typology. The methods used are secondary data analysis. Data analysis is an analysis of Shift Share analysis, Location Quotient (LQ), and analysis of the Klassen Typology. The calculation of the value of the contribution, the value of LQ, typology of economic sector of fisheries in Maluku Tengah district obtained the results that the contribution of fishery on the basis of prevailing prices and constant prices put the fishery on the order/rank fifth and sixth in the achieving of GRDP, the sector of fisheries in Maluku Tengah district is not a sector basis with patterns and economic structures that are growing but are at a condition relative's left behind. There are five sub-districts that became a priority and need to be developed/improved, among others: Banda, Tehoru, Salahutu, Leihitu, and Seram Utara.   Kabupaten Maluku Tengah memiliki potensi sumberdaya perikanan yang cukup besar. Namun sumbangan sektor perikanan terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) hanya sebesar 6,20%. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kontribusi sektor perikanan dalam perekonomian wilayah Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, mengetahui tingkat basis, menganalisis tipologi ekonomi sektor perikanan.Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis data sekunder. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Shift Share, analisis Location Quotient (LQ), dan Analisis Tipologi Klassen. Perhitungan nilai kontribusi, nilai LQ, tipologi ekonomi sektor perikanan di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah diperoleh hasil bahwa kontribusi sektor perikanan atas dasar harga berlaku dan harga konstan menempatkan sektor perikanan pada urutan/peringkat kelima dan keenam dalam pembentukan PDRB, sektor perikanan di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah bukan merupakan sektor basis dengan pola dan struktur ekonomi yang sedang bertumbuh namun berada pada kondisi relatif tertinggal. Terdapat lima kecamatan yang menjadi prioritas dan perlu dikembangkan/ditingkatkan antara lain: Banda, Tehoru, Salahutu, Leihitu, dan Seram Utara

    The Role of Hedonic Consumption Tendency and Positive Emotion in Mediating the Influence of Fashion Involvement on Impulsive Buying

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    Fashion products are one of the most popular types of products and are often purchased by people in general especially in Indonesia. Many individuals are willing to spend a lot of time just to improve the appearance in order to be able to follow the fashion trends that occur at certain time. This thing that becomes the reason why many consumers often make un- planned purchase of fashion products or in other words do impulsive buy- ing. This research is done to find out the contribution of fashion involve- ment, hedonic consumption tendency, and positive emotion on impulsive buying, then the contribution of fashion involvement on hedonic consump- tion tendency and positive emotion, and the effect of hedonic consump- tion tendency and positive emotion in mediating the influence of fashion involvement on impulsive buying. Data collection in this research is done by distributing 120 questionnaire method using Google form to the cus- tomers who have ever purchased fashion products at Beachwalk Bali mall. In this research, sampling is done with purposive sampling method. The questionnaires that are feasible to be analyzed are 97 questionnaires. The results of this research indicate that (1) fashion involvement, hedonic con- sumption tendency, and positive emotion affect positive and significant on impulsive buying, (2) fashion involvement affects positive and significant on hedonic consumption tendency and positive emotion, and (3) hedonic consumption tendency. and positive emotion partially mediate the relation between fashion involvement on impulsive buying. Keywords: fashion; fashion involvement; hedonic consumption tendency; positive emotion; impulsive buyin


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    This study aims to determine the effect of store (mall) environment and money availability on consumer impulse buying in the City of Tomorrow (Cito) Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative approach whose data is obtained from the results of questionnaires. The sample in this study were 389 respondents taken based on purposive sampling technique which was included in non-probability sampling techniques. The results of this study indicate that the store (mall) environment has no effect on impulse buying. Meanwhile, money availability has a positive and significant effect on consumer impulse buying in the City of Tomorrow (Cito) Surabaya

    Analysis of Social Identity and Co-Creation Activities on the Behavior of Members of Coffee Enhancement Communities in KisahKitaNgopi Café

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    The existence of a community will have an impact on the community brand being carried. Participation and recommendations of members depend on the identification of community members. Social identification has an impact on co-creation activities by exchanging knowledge among community members. The community targeted in this study was the Komunitas Penikmat kopi who interacted at Café KisahKitaNgopi. The purpose of this study was: 1) to analyze how social identity influences the co-creation activities by coffee connoisseur community members in the KisahKitaNgopi Café; 2) to analyze how co-creation affects the intentions of the coffee connoisseurs in the Story of Coffee Café; and 3) to analyze how social identity influences the intentions of the Komunitas Penikmat kopi at the Story Cafe. Research subjects were members of the Komunitas Penikmat kopi in Surabaya and Sidoarjo who were customers at Café KisahKitaNgopi during the data collection period and could be contacted to fill out the questionnaire and recommend other community members as respondents. There were 170 respondents. Hypothesis testing was carried out using Structural Equation Modelling using AMOS. Results of the study: 1) social identity had a significant positive effect on the co-creation activities of coffee connoisseurs at KisahKitaNgopi Café; 2) co-creation activities had a significant positive effect on the intentions of the Komunitas Penikmat kopi in the Story of Cafe Kopi; 3) social identity had a significant positive effect on intentions in the Komunitas Penikmat kopi at the Story of Cafe Kopi. Keywords: social identity, joint creation, intention to behave, communit

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Repurchase Decision at Rulyprint Printing Services

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    The purpose of this thesis research is to find out what factors influence consumer repurchase decisions at Rulyprint printing. The research method used is confirmatory factor analysis to test and confirm a group of latent variables assumed at the beginning of the study. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling with a saturated sample of 53 respondents where the entire population was used as a sample in this study. From the results of the study, it was confirmed that five factors were formed that influenced consumer repurchase decisions at Rulyprint printing. The first factor is consumer perception with five indicators in it, namely attitudes, motives, interests, experiences, and expectations. The second factor is service quality with five indicators that influence tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The third factor is perceived value with four indicators, namely performance, value for money, emotional value, and social value. The fourth factor is trust with three influencing indicators, namely ability, benevolence, and integrity. Finally, the fifth factor is switching cost with three indicators, namely procedural switching cost, financial switching cost, and relational switching cost. The first factor has the highest influence with a percentage of 36.136%, the second factor is 13.638%, the third factor is 10.100%, the fourth factor is 6.062%, and the fifth factor is 5.161%. These factors have a total variance of 71.097%


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    ABSTRACTSopapei Beach has the potential to be developed and plays a role in tourism development. This can be seen from the white sand, clear sea water and a very comfortable atmosphere that can be enjoyed when entering the Sopapei Beach. The development of the Sopapei Beach tourism object is expected to provide input for the development of Sopapei Beach tourism to attract more tourists to visit. Tourist ratings of existing tourist objects can be used as a reference for the development of tourism objects in the future. The purposes of this study were to describe the existing potential of the Sopapei Beach tourism object and to analyze the visitor's perception of the Sopapei Beach tourist attraction. Descriptive and perception analyses were used to describe tourists' perceptions of the Sopapei Beach tourism. The results showed that the attractiveness of the Beach has its own features compared to other tourist objects in Central Maluku Regency, in terms of having a shady and quiet beach, a very sloping beach location on the edge of the sea, beautiful scenery, clear water and a special feature as well. When tide is far away, it is suitable for tourist who wants a calm atmosphere to release their fatigue from busy work activity. In the perception of tourist attraction in the Sopapei Beach, the surrounding community is always involved in environmental cleaning activities and maintaining the comfort and safety of the Sopapei Beach tourist attraction, indicated by the percentage values of convenience by 96% and of the safety 98%

    The Effect of Instagram on Kisah Kita Ngopi Sidoarjo Customer Retention

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    This research was conducted to examine the influence of social presence, media richness, self-presentation and self-disclosure on Kisah Kita Ngopi Sidoarjo customer retention. Social media is seen as being helpful for interacting with customers. Quantitative data collection was used. Primary data included information about sales, digital marketing and service quality. Secondary data was obtained from the literature and from the internal data of Kisah Kita Ngopi Sidoarjo. The sample was customers of Kisah Kita Ngopi and the purpose was to determine the effect of social media on customer retention. Keywords: social presence, media richness, self-presentation, self-disclosure, customer retentio

    Contribution of Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara for Food Supply of Skipjack in Ambon City

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    The fishery is a source of food. Ambon City as an area that has an ocean area of ​​52% can rely on the fishery sector as a source of protein food. The level of fish consumption in Ambon City in 2019 was 37.01 kg/capita/year with the most consumed type of fish being the type of tuna/ skipjack/tuna. Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Ambon (PPN) is one of the fish landings centers that contribute to the provision of fish food, including skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Ambon city. The production of skipjack which landed at the Nusantara Fisheries Port (PPN) Ambon in 2014-2020 fluctuated with an average production of 613.51 tons or 32.03%. The highest production was in 2014 at 1,093.54 tons and the lowest was in 2015 at 161.07 tons. Based on the average production of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), PPN contributes 21.14% to the supply of fish food in Ambon City


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi produk, product knowledge, dan content marketing terhadap minat beli ButuhBaju. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah variasi produk, product knowledge, dan content marketing sebagai variabel bebas dan minat beli sebagai variabel terikat. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif regresi linear berganda. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling dan sampel berjumlah 140 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membagikan kuesioner yang menggunakan skala likert. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel variasi produk, product knowledge, dan content marketing berpengaruh positif secara parsial dan simultan terhadap minat beli ButuhBaju. Kata kunci: Variasi Produk, Product Knowledge, Minat Beli, Content Marketin


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    Abstract. As a distinctive employee behavior, organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) plays an important role in shaping the quality of service provided by nurses tofurther enhance the feeling of satisfaction experienced by customers. This researchaims to explain the relationship between OCB, service quality, and patient satisfactionin hospital setting. We use the perception of costumers in explaining the threeconstructs used in this research. The respondents are 30 full time nurses and 100hospital inpatients of private hospitals (63.29% response rate) in private hospitals inSurabaya. SEM-PLS is used for the data analysis, yielding results that OCB haspositive and significant relationship towards service quality, and service quality haspositive and significant relationship towards customer satisfaction. Thus, the resultsconfirm previous researchers’ findings. Future research direction is advised as therelationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is found to besignificantly weaker than previous researchers’ results.Keyword: Organizational citizenship behavior, service quality, customer satisfactionAbstrak. Sebagai sebuah perilaku karyawan yang unik, organizational citizenshipbehavior (OCB) memegang peranan penting dalam membentuk kualitas layanan sustersusterdi Rumah Sakit yang nantinya akan meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara OCB, kualitas layanan,dan kepuasan konsumen di setting Rumah Sakit. Persepsi konsumen digunakan dalammenjelaskan ketiga konstruk dalam penelitian ini. Responden berjumlah 30 suster yangbekerja penuh waktu dan 100 pasien rumah sakit swasta (63,29% tingkat respon) diSurabaya. SEM-PLS digunakan untuk menganalisa data, dengan hasil bahwa OCBmemiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas layanan, dan kualitaslayanan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Hasil inimengkonfirmasi penelitian-penelitian terdahulu. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnyadijelaskan lebih lanjut karena hubungan kualitas layanan dan kepuasan pelangganditemukan jauh lebih lemah daripada hasil peneliti-peneliti terdahulu
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