253 research outputs found

    Signs and signals: The conception of communication in U.S. telecommunications rhetoric.

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    The thesis at hand will investigate communication and its changing conditions with respect to the thinking of the political community in the United States. The central aim is to deliberate upon the relationship between communication and specific telecommunication systems during the period ranging from the telegraph to computer networks. Together with related discourses and practices, systems of communication have formed an environment wherein "communication" as such has become thought about. That is, taken as both the object and the means of administrative practices, communication has come to be regarded as communication. It is in these practices that the inherent relationship between communication and control can be found, which makes them the main focus for an administrative history of communication and a history of the administration of communication. Thus, we will analyze the relationship between historical forms of communication and the ontology of communication to the extent that this relationship is built up through socially institutionalized communication systems and related discourses

    Suomalainen itsepalvelukulttuuri historiallisesta näkökulmasta

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    Video-EEG epilepsian diagnostiikassa - milloin ja miksi?

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    Aivosähkötoimintaa mittaava EEG on epilepsian spesifinen tutkimus. Video-EEG:llä (V-EEG) tarkoitetaan EEG:n ja videokuvan samanaikaista tallennusta. Valtaosa epilepsiapotilaista joudutaan diagnosoimaan ilman V-EEG:tä, varsinkin jos kohtauksia on esiintynyt vain muutama. Kohtausten toistuessa tavoite on päästä kohtauksenaikaiseen V-EEG-rekisteröintiin. V-EEG:n käyttöaiheista tärkein on epilepsian diagnostiikka ja erotusdiagnostiikka. V-EEG:llä pystytään erottamaan epileptiset kohtaukset esimerkiksi sydänperäisistä kohtauksista, liikehäiriöistä ja toiminnallisista kohtauksista. Keskeisiä kliinisiä käyttöaiheita ovat epilepsioiden tarkempi luokittelu, hoitovasteen arviointi ja epilepsialeikkausta edeltävä kohtauspesäkkeen paikannus. V-EEG voidaan rekisteröidä kaikenikäisiltä. Tutkimuksen kesto vaihtelee kliinisen tarpeen mukaan muutamista tunneista useaan vuorokauteen. V-EEG:stä hyötyvät kaikki tutkimukseen ohjatut potilaat, vaikka vain osa etenee esimerkiksi epilepsian kirurgiseen hoitoon. English summary: Video-EEG in epilepsy diagnostics - when and why? Video-EEG (V-EEG) refers to the recording of video picture simultaneously with EEG. A major part of epilepsy patients have to be diagnosed without V-EEG. For a patient having recurrent seizures, the aim is to accomplish V-EEG recording during a seizure. Of the indications of V-EEG, the most important one is diagnosis and differential diagnosis of epilepsy. V-EEG is able to differentiate epileptic seizures from cardiogenic seizures, motor disorders or functional seizures, for example. Essential clinical indications include a more exact classification of epilepsies, evaluation of therapeutic response, and localization of the seizure focus prior to epilepsy surgery

    Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs: Scope and Definitions

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    We discuss options to reform the EU genetically modified organisms (GMO) regulatory framework, make risk assessment and decision-making more consistent with scientific principles, and lay the groundwork for international coherence. The first in a three-part series, this article focuses on reform options related to the scope of the legislation and the GMO definition.</p

    Europe’s Farm to Fork Strategy and Its Commitment to Biotechnology and Organic Farming: Conflicting or Complementary Goals?

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    The European Commission's Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, under the European Green Deal, acknowledges that innovative techniques, including biotechnology, may play a role in increasing sustainability. At the same time, organic farming will be promoted, and at least 25% of the EU's agricultural land shall be under organic farming by 2030. How can both biotechnology and organic farming be developed and promoted simultaneously to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? We illustrate that achieving the SDGs benefits from the inclusion of recent innovations in biotechnology in organic farming. This requires a change in the law. Otherwise, the planned increase of organic production in the F2F strategy may result in less sustainable, not more sustainable, food systems

    The overlap of genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia and cardiometabolic disease can be used to identify metabolically different groups of individuals

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    Understanding why individuals with severe mental illness (Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder) have increased risk of cardiometabolic disease (including obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and identifying those at highest risk of cardiometabolic disease are important priority areas for researchers. For individuals with European ancestry we explored whether genetic variation could identify sub-groups with different metabolic profiles. Loci associated with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder from previous genome-wide association studies and loci that were also implicated in cardiometabolic processes and diseases were selected. In the IMPROVE study (a high cardiovascular risk sample) and UK Biobank (general population sample) multidimensional scaling was applied to genetic variants implicated in both psychiatric and cardiometabolic disorders. Visual inspection of the resulting plots used to identify distinct clusters. Differences between these clusters were assessed using chi-squared and Kruskall-Wallis tests. In IMPROVE, genetic loci associated with both schizophrenia and cardiometabolic disease (but not bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder) identified three groups of individuals with distinct metabolic profiles. This grouping was replicated within UK Biobank, with somewhat less distinction between metabolic profiles. This work focused on individuals of European ancestry and is unlikely</p