364 research outputs found

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    ePortfolio Taxonomy

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    This ePortfolio High-Impact Practice Taxonomy seeks to clearly define the features of ePortfolios as a high-impact practice in individual courses, across degree and co-curricular programs, and across entire undergraduate experiences. The taxonomy describes four attributes of ePortfolio practice along three dimensions of impact—High-Impact, Higher-Impact, and Highest-Impact. For the purpose of supporting student success the taxonomy aims to: 1. Provide guidance for course instructors, program directors, and campus administrators in planning, developing, implementing, and reflecting on ePortfolios in the context of course, curriculum, and program development; 2. Provide direction to campus ePortfolio professional development efforts; and 3. Provide a tool for encouraging program fidelity

    Subchorionic Hemorrhage Appearing as Twin Gestation on Endovaginal Ultrasound

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    This case study describes a pregnant patient with vaginal bleeding who had a bedside endovaginal ultrasound in the emergency department (ED). The emergency physician identified a live intra-uterine pregnancy (IUP) with another structure that appeared to be a second gestational sac. The patient subsequently had an endovaginal ultrasound in the radiology department 46 minutes later. The attending radiologist described one live IUP and a subchorionic hemorrhage. Comparison of the ED and radiology ultrasound showed that the second structure, identified as a subchorionic hemorrhage, had significantly decreased in size. Endovaginal ultrasound in the evaluation of possible ectopic pregnancy is a useful bedside tool in the ED. We discuss a pitfall that can occur with endocavitary ultrasound when a twin gestation is presumed

    Does individual ability play a role in educational attainment over and above household, school and other socio-economic circumstances?

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-74).This study looks at the impact of latent individual ability on educational attainment, specifically the decision to acquire tertiary education. The analysis aims to determine whether ability is significant over and above socio-economic status in determining educational attainment. The Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS) (2002-2005) and the School Register of Needs Survey (2000) provide data at the individual, household and school level, which are used to model the decision to apply for tertiary education for a sample of respondents who have completed matric. The CAPS data-set provides a set of literacy and numeracy test scores, which are regarded as measures of manifest ability. After purging out the effects of age, education level, as well as household and schoollevel characteristics from these test scores, a latent measure of ability is obtained, which is relatively independent of socio-economic status

    Retinal Detachment Diagnosed by Bedside Ultrasound in the Emergency Department

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    This case study describes a patient who presented with vague visual complaints in the right eye, decreased visual acuity in the affected eye, and a difficult initial eye evaluation, including fundoscopic and slit lamp examinations, in the emergency department (ED). The preliminary finding included a darkened-appearing area of the retina on fundoscopic exam. The patient subsequently had bedside sonography of the eyes done by an emergency medicine (EM) intern which revealed a thin and serpentine strip appearing as a hyperechoic representation of the retina floating freely into the vitreous from the superior-lateral section of the posterior globe

    Evidence of environmental strains on charge injection in silole based organic light emitting diodes

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    Using d. functional theory (DFT) computations, the authors demonstrated a substantial skeletal relaxation when the structure of 2,5-bis-[4-anthracene-9-yl-phenyl]-1,1-dimethyl-3,4-diphenyl-silole (BAS) is optimized in the gas-phase comparing with the mol. structure detd. from monocrystal x-ray diffraction. The origin of such a relaxation is explained by a strong environmental strains induced by the presence of anthracene entities. Also, the estn. of the frontier orbital levels showed that this structural relaxation affects mainly the LUMO that is lowered of 190 meV in the gas phase. To check if these theor. findings would be confirmed for thin films of BAS, the authors turned to UV photoemission spectroscopy and/or inverse photoemission spectroscopy and electrooptical measurements. The study of the c.d. or voltage and luminance or voltage characteristics of an ITO/PEDOT/BAS/Au device clearly demonstrated a very unusual temp.-dependent behavior. Using a thermally assisted tunnel transfer model, this behavior likely originated from the variation of the electronic affinity of the silole deriv. with the temp. The thermal agitation relaxes the mol. strains in thin films as it is shown when passing from the cryst. to the gas phase. The relaxation of the intramol. thus induces an increase of the electronic affinity and, as a consequence, the more efficient electron injection in org. light-emitting diodes

    How do electronic carriers cross Si-bound alkyl monolayers?

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    Electron transport through Si-C bound alkyl chains, sandwiched between n-Si and Hg, is characterized by two distinct types of barriers, each dominating in a different voltage range. At low voltage, current depends strongly on temperature but not on molecular length, suggesting transport by thermionic emission over a barrier in the Si. At higher voltage, the current decreases exponentially with molecular length, suggesting tunneling through the molecules. The tunnel barrier is estimated, from transport and photoemission data, to be ~1.5 eV with a 0.25me effective mass.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    A Survey for Transient Astronomical Radio Emission at 611 MHz

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    We have constructed and operated the Survey for Transient Astronomical Radio Emission (STARE) to detect transient astronomical radio emission at 611 MHz originating from the sky over the northeastern United States. The system is sensitive to transient events on timescales of 0.125 s to a few minutes, with a typical zenith flux density detection threshold of approximately 27 kJy. During 18 months of around-the-clock observing with three geographically separated instruments, we detected a total of 4,318,486 radio bursts. 99.9% of these events were rejected as locally generated interference, determined by requiring the simultaneous observation of an event at all three sites for it to be identified as having an astronomical origin. The remaining 3,898 events have been found to be associated with 99 solar radio bursts. These results demonstrate the remarkably effective RFI rejection achieved by a coincidence technique using precision timing (such as GPS clocks) at geographically separated sites. The non-detection of extra-solar bursting or flaring radio sources has improved the flux density sensitivity and timescale sensitivity limits set by several similar experiments in the 1970s. We discuss the consequences of these limits for the immediate solar neighborhood and the discovery of previously unknown classes of sources. We also discuss other possible uses for the large collection of 611 MHz monitoring data assembled by STARE.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures; to appear in PAS

    IUPUI's HIP Taxonomy for ePortfolio: A Tool for Development, Implementation, and Scaling

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    So-called High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are high-impact only when planned and executed thoughtfully, with attention to the relevant literature and the wisdom of experienced practitioners. After decades of experience with most HIPs, and national recognition for several, in 2016, IUPUI (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) undertook to create a series of HIP taxonomies describing the features needed to ensure that a given HIP experience will be truly high-impact. In 2018-2019, a committee of IUPUI HIPs and ePortfolio practitioners and experts convened to develop a similar taxonomy for ePortfolio, the most recently recognized HIP and one with which IUPUI already had nearly two decades of experience. In this Occasional Paper, we discuss the history of ePortfolio at IUPUI and what we came to understand about effective ePortfolio practice; the purposes of the taxonomies and of the ePortfolio taxonomy in particular; the development process for the taxonomy; our use of the ePortfolio taxonomy for professional development; and the attributes of high-impact ePortfolio practice that we identified, based on the growing literature on ePortfolio and on our campus and individual experiences. In the taxonomy and this paper, we emphasize the need for ePortfolio to be central to curricular design; embedded in pedagogies that support integrative learning and identity development; developed in concert with explicit instruction on “ePortfolio making”; and assessed holistically and in alignment with desired learning outcomes and experiences. The paper concludes with a case study from IUPUI’s Philanthropic Studies B.A. program, which discovered through its own ePortfolio work many of the same principles and practices reflected in the taxonomy and the literature

    A Geostatistical Data Fusion Technique for Merging Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Observations of Aerosol Optical Thickness

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    Particles in the atmosphere reflect incoming sunlight, tending to cool the Earth below. Some particles, such as soot, also absorb sunlight, which tens to warm the ambient atmosphere. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is a measure of the amount of particulate matter in the atmosphere, and is a key input to computer models that simulate and predict Earth's changing climate. The global AOD products from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), both of which fly on the NASA Earth Observing System's Terra satellite, provide complementary views of the particles in the atmosphere. Whereas MODIS offers global coverage about four times as frequent as MISR, the multi-angle data makes it possible to separate the surface and atmospheric contributions to the observed top-of-atmosphere radiances, and also to more effectively discriminate particle type. Surface-based AERONET sun photometers retrieve AOD with smaller uncertainties than the satellite instruments, but only at a few fixed locations. So there are clear reasons to combine these data sets in a way that takes advantage of their respective strengths. This paper represents an effort at combining MISR, MODIS and AERONET AOD products over the continental US, using a common spatial statistical technique called kriging. The technique uses the correlation between the satellite data and the "ground-truth" sun photometer observations to assign uncertainty to the satellite data on a region-by-region basis. The larger fraction of the sun photometer variance that is duplicated by the satellite data, the higher the confidence assigned to the satellite data in that region. In the Western and Central US, MISR AOD correlation with AERONET are significantly higher than those with MODIS, likely due to bright surfaces in these regions, which pose greater challenges for the single-view MODIS retrievals. In the east, MODIS correlations are higher, due to more frequent sampling of the varying AOD. These results demonstrate how the MISR and MODIS aerosol products are complementary. The underlying technique also provides one method for combining these products in such a way that takes advantage of the strengths of each, in the places and times when they are maximal, and in addition, yields an estimate of the associated uncertainties in space and time
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