15 research outputs found

    The renal arginine vasopressin receptors and regulation of blood pressure

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    Arginine vasopressin (AVP) は血管平滑筋細胞のV1受容体を介して、強い収縮作用を発揮し、血管昇圧反応を示すことはよく知られている。しかし、AVPが最も顕著な作用を発揮するのは腎集合管のV2受容体を介する抗利尿作用である。従って、AVPが高血圧の発症・維持には果たす役割については、いまだに十分に解明されていない。我々は、実験的高血圧モデルを用いて、腎のV2受容体の変化について検討してきた。ここでは、我々の成績を紹介して、実験的高血圧の分野での概要を示すとともに、本態性高血圧におけるAVPの役割についての最近の知見をまとめた。Arginine vasopressin (AVP) interacts with at least two types of receptors, classified according to their second messengers. The vasoconstrictive effect on systemic arteries is mediated throgh V1 receptors. The antidiuretic effect of AVP is mediated by V2 receptors located mainly in the renal collecting ducts. V1 receptors are not affected by physiological dose of AVP blood pressure control, so the biological significance of AVP in blood pressure control is unknown. In the field of hypertension research, various hypertension animal models have been used. Spontaneouslyhypertensive rats (SHR), DOCA-salt hyperteisive rats, Dahl salt-sensitive or Dahl saltresistant rats. SHR are often used as a model of human essential hypertension, whereas the DOCA model is considered to be a model of volume dependent hypertension. Relationship between AVP and regulation of blood pressure was reviewed

    Evaluation of the system of admitting students on the recommendation of their high school principals

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    岡山大学医療技術短期大学部看護学科では,平成5年度より定員の約20%を募集人員とした推薦入試制度を導入し,以来本年で3回卒業生を送りだしてきた。本学は来年度から保健学科として新入生を募集することになっており,推薦入学もとられる予定である。そこで,これを機会に推薦入学学生と一般入試による入学生との在学成績,学習態度等を比較検討し,推薦入試制度の有用性を検討した。推薦入学生の在学成績は一般入試による入学者の成績とほとんど差はないか,むしろよい傾向にある結果を得た。今回の検討結果は在学成績のみでしかも期間が3回しか卒業生を送りだしていない時点であることから推薦入学制度の有用性を結論づけるためには更に今後検討が必要である。At the nursing department of our college, we introduced in 1993 a system of admitting students on the recommendation of their high school principals, by which about 20 % of the full quota are to be admitted. Since then, our department has graduated students for 3 years. To evaluate the usefulness of this system, students admitted by this system were compared with those admitted by general entrance examination in terms of their college record and the during learning. The college record in the students admitted on recommendation was similar to or slightly better than that in the students admitted by general entrance examination. However, these results were obtained only by comparing the college record, and this system has been used only 3 years. To confirm the usefulness of this recommendation-admission system, further studies are necessary

    A case of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma associated with hypercalcemia.

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    A patient with a diffuse, small cleaved cell, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma associated with marked hypecalcemia was described. Antibody to the adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma virus was absent. Although bone marrow was infiltrated by lymphoma cells, destructive or lytic bone lesions could not be detected. The serum level of immunoreactive parathyroid hormone C-terminal (PTH-C) was normal. The serum level of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D was lower than normal. This case suggests that other humoral substances produced by lymphoma cells may be responsible for hypercalcemia.&#60;/P&#62;</p

    Senior high school students' recognition and interest in allied medical education of college

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    1996年7~9月にかけて,岡山県周辺の10県下高校普通科3年在学中の学生に志望進路,志望分野とともに大学,短期大学における医療技術教育への認識と関心についてアンケート調査を行った。サンプリングによって依頼した127校のうち回答が得られたのは52校(回収率40.9%)で,得られた回答数は合計1,998人(男子891人,女子1,077人,不明30人)であった。これらの分析から,これらの地域では進学志望者の率は高く,特に男子に著名で,男女ともに理系への志望が多いことを認めた。医療技術系大学の認識は看護学科を除いて低く,関心も特に男子で低かった。4年制大学の進学を志望する学生にとっては, 3年制の多い医療技術系短期大学には関心が寄せがたく, 4年制へ移行した場合には関心も志望も高まる事が認められた。将来この分野を担う人材の確保には現在の医療短大の4年制化や医療技術職の待遇改善が重要である と結論づけた。A survey was carried out by senior high school students in Okayama and nine surrounding prefectures from July through September, 1996. Data obtained from 1998 twelfth-grade students studying general courses at 52 schools were computed. Eighty four percent of the 891 male students and 54.2% of the 1,077 female students wished to go on to senior college. Sixtyseven percent of the male students wished to enter science college courses, while only 25.8% of female students did. The rate of students who knew about the course of allied medical science in senior or junior colleges was 63.8% for male students and 82.5% for female students. The nursing course was popular among both sexes, but other courses such as radiological technology, medical technology, physical therapy and occupational therapy were not well known, especially among male students. It was thought that students wishing to go on to the senior college were not interested in those areas which were usually taught in three year courses at junior colleges or special (vocational) schools. Accordingly, the data showed that their interests in the allied medical course would be increased by the shifting it to a four year course. To attract senior high school students who are both intelligent and talented in the medical and health field, the authors concluded that the further improvement of educational course for allied medicine, especially such as shifting to a four year course, and the bettering of position of comedical workers through it are needed

    A different distribution of corticotropin releasing factor and arginine vasopressin contents in the hypothalamic nuclei after estrogen administration.

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    The distribution of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in hypothalamic nuclei were examined in control and estrogen-treated female rats. CRF activity was measured using monolayer cultured rat anterior pituitary cells and AVP by radioimmunoassay. Hypothalamic nuclei were punched out according to the method of Palkovits. The distribution of CRF activity in 5 different hypothalamic nuclei was similar to that of AVP in intact female rats. CRF activity in hypothalamic nuclei, pituitary ACTH content and plasma ACTH levels in estrogen-treated rats were not significantly different from those in control rats. However, significant elevation of AVP content was observed in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of estrogen-treated rats. These results indicate that CRF and AVP are distributed in similar hypothalamic nuclei, but that they are not identical.</p

    Views concerning nursing and nursing course of senior high school guidance teachers

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    1993年に岡山県で行った先の研究で,高校生の看護課程の選択にあたって,進路指導を行っている教師の役割が大きい事を報告した。今回は3年経った1996年に,同じ郵送調査を岡山県および周辺10県の普通科高校617校より無作為に選んだ127校において実施した。64校より得られた回答を要約すると以下の通りであった。1.教師が挙げた看護婦不足の理由はまず「勤務時間が厳しい(85.9%)」,「仕事の内容が厳しい(53.1%)」といった仕事のきつさで,次いで「仕事の割には社会的評価が低い(32.8%)」であった。2.教師が学生に肯定的イメージとして看護課程を勧める理由は,「まず専門職であること(73.4%)」,次いで「人に貢献できる喜び(53.1%)」であった。これらの結果は前回の結果と比較して統計的な有意差は認めなかった。3.近年進められている3年制看護課程(準学士課程)から4年制課程(学士課程)への移行に関して,教師はこれらは学生の関心を呼ぶとし(79.8%),看護課程へ進学する者は増加するであろうとしている(57.8%)。またこれまでよりこの課程への進学を教師は勧め易くなるとしている(56.3%)。これらの率は前回の結果と比較すると統計的に有意に高かった。A previous study in Okayama prefecture in 1993 indicated the importance of high school teachers' influential rule on student's choice of nursing course. The same questionnaire survey was sent out by mail in 1996 to guidance teachers of 127 general high schools randomly selected from 617 schools in 10 prefectures, in and around Okayama. Data obtained from 64 teachers were analyzed and the results were as follows; 1. They suggested that shortage of nursing manpower was due to the harsh working conditions such as long and irregular hours (85.9%) and hard work (53.1 %), and also the low social esteem of nurse (32.8%). 2. The aspect of nursing noted by teachers were job specialty (73.4%) and devotion to people (53.l%). There were no statistical difference between these results and those of the previous study. 3. The teachers answered that the new four-year nuersing course (baccalaureate) currently being promoted from over the the present three-year course (associate degree) would be an incentive to students (79.8%) and might increase the number of students choosing to study nursing (57.8%). And they also noted that they would more readily recommend this course to students than before. These rates were significantly increased compared to the results of the previous report

    Achievement levels of students on clinical nursing practice for chronic illness

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    実習目標の到達度及び実習目標間の関係を明らかにするために,74名の学生による実習目標の自己評価を分析した。その結果,実習目標の到達度は,「自己の看護観や自己成長を培う」が最も高かった。そして「疾患の病態生理や検査・治療についての理解と看護援助」「セルフケアに向けた看護援助」「危機に直面している患者の看護援助」などの看護実践面に関する目標が高値を示していた。学生は目標に沿った看護を実践する中で,経験したひとつひとつのケアを意味づけたり,看護とは何かを探求していったと思われ,それが看護観の形成や自己成長につながっていったものと考えられた。実習目標間の関係では,各実習目標との間に相関が見られ,それらは信頼性のある妥当な慢性期看護実習の目標であることが確認された。This paper is designed to demonstrate the relationships between each objective and the students' achievement levels for the objectives of clinical nursing practice. Seventy four students evaluated their own achievement levels related to their clinical nursing practice. Evaluation scores for each objective were analyzed. The following results were obtained: The objective of cultivating the view of nursing and developing themselves had the highest score. Understanding the mechanism of disease, physical examination and treatment, and patient care, understanding nursing care toward patient's self care, and understanding nursing care for patient in crisis had high scores. The students, through their own nursing care, explored the meaning of each care (or each experience) and inquired about the nature of nursing. Their view of nursing and self development was formed from their own various experiences. Correlation among each objective was found. Each for clinical nursing practice has reliability and validity

    Evaluation of adult nursing practices using self-assessment form - analysis in 3rd and 5th weeks of practice -

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    この研究目的は,実習目標の達成度に対する学生の自己評価を明らかにすることである。調査対象は短大の看護学科3年生74名である。調査は自記式の調査票により成人看護実習の3週後と終了時の5週後に行った。この自己評価は実習目標11項目について5件法で行った。その結果,患者理解,患者指導,自己の内面の気づきなど目標は,3週後より5週間の実習によってより評価が高くなった。最も自己評価が低いのは社会資源の活用の理解であった。悪性の患者を受け持った学生の方は良性の患者の受け持ち学生より,人間としての態度や死生観などに関して5週後有意に高値であった。今後の課題は,限られた実習期間内で,学生個々の経験をどのように共有させるかや患者の福祉について理解を深めることである。The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adult nursing practices using a self-assessment form. Seventy-four third-grade nursing students assessed 11 items in the 3rd and 5th weeks of practice. The scores of all assessment items in the 5th week were significantly higher than these in the 3rd week. The lowest scoreing item at both 3rd and 5th weeks was understanding of the utility of social resources. The students assigned patients with malignant diseases reported higher scores on 3 assessment items. These findings suggest that students should share their experiences and learn about social resources during clinical practice

    Combined anterior pituitary function test using CRH, GRH, LH-RH, TRH and vasopressin in patients with non-functioning pituitary tumors.

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    We examined 8 normal subjects and 16 patients with non-functioning pituitary tumors with a combined anterior pituitary test to evaluate the clinical usefulness of the test. Diagnoses included 9 of chromophobe adenoma, 3 of craniopharyngioma, 2 of Rathke's cleft cyst, and 1 each of intrasellar cyst and tuberculum sella meningioma. All subjects received hypothalamic releasing hormones: 1 micrograms/kg corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), 1 micrograms/kg growth hormone releasing hormone (GRH), 500 micrograms thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 100 micrograms luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH), and a relatively small dose (5 mU/kg) of lysine vasopressin (LVP). In the normal subjects, the addition of LVP potentiated the secretion of adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) induced by CRH, but had no significant effect on the secretion of other anterior pituitary hormones. In the combined test with 5 releasing hormones, the plasma ACTH and cortisol responses were not impaired in the majority of the patients before pituitary surgery. Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), prolactin (PRL) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) responses were not impaired in 82%, 70% and 67% of the patients, respectively, while the serum LH and GH responses were impaired in 67% and 73% of the patients, respectively. Following pituitary surgery, responses of these hormones to combined testing were similarly impaired in more than 75% of the patients. These results indicate that plasma ACTH, cortisol and serum TSH responses are fairly good before pituitary surgery but are impaired significantly after surgery. No subjects experienced any serious adverse effects related to the testing. These results suggest that combined testing with hypothalamic hormones is a convenient and useful method for evaluating pituitary function.</p

    Enhanced pressor response in spontaneously hypertensive rats induced by stimulation of vasopressin-V1 receptors.

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    To elucidate the effect of the arginine vasopressin (AVP) system in vivo, especially V1 and V2 activity, on blood pressure, we measured the acute changes in blood pressure and heart rate after AVP, OPC-21,268 (a V1 receptor antagonist), and OPC-31,260 (a V2 receptor antagonist) were injected intravenously in anesthetized spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats at the age of 15 weeks. Compared with the control period, single injection of AVP 5 ng/kg significantly increased systolic blood pressure in WKY rats without a concomitant increase in heart rate, but there was no significant increase in blood pressure in SHR. In contrast, single injection of either OPC-21,268 3 mg/kg or OPC-31,260 3 mg/kg did not affect blood pressure or heart rate in either SHR or WKY rats. Injection of AVP after the administration of OPC-31,260 induced a greater increase in blood pressure in SHR than in WKY rats, whereas injection of AVP after the administration of OPC-21,268 did not induce any clear increase in blood pressure in SHR or WKY rats. These results suggest that SHR have enhanced pressor activity mediated by V1 receptors and that this increase may be due to an increase in their number. In conclusion, enhancement of V1 activity may contribute to the development of high blood pressure in SHR.</p