
Senior high school students' recognition and interest in allied medical education of college


1996年7~9月にかけて,岡山県周辺の10県下高校普通科3年在学中の学生に志望進路,志望分野とともに大学,短期大学における医療技術教育への認識と関心についてアンケート調査を行った。サンプリングによって依頼した127校のうち回答が得られたのは52校(回収率40.9%)で,得られた回答数は合計1,998人(男子891人,女子1,077人,不明30人)であった。これらの分析から,これらの地域では進学志望者の率は高く,特に男子に著名で,男女ともに理系への志望が多いことを認めた。医療技術系大学の認識は看護学科を除いて低く,関心も特に男子で低かった。4年制大学の進学を志望する学生にとっては, 3年制の多い医療技術系短期大学には関心が寄せがたく, 4年制へ移行した場合には関心も志望も高まる事が認められた。将来この分野を担う人材の確保には現在の医療短大の4年制化や医療技術職の待遇改善が重要である と結論づけた。A survey was carried out by senior high school students in Okayama and nine surrounding prefectures from July through September, 1996. Data obtained from 1998 twelfth-grade students studying general courses at 52 schools were computed. Eighty four percent of the 891 male students and 54.2% of the 1,077 female students wished to go on to senior college. Sixtyseven percent of the male students wished to enter science college courses, while only 25.8% of female students did. The rate of students who knew about the course of allied medical science in senior or junior colleges was 63.8% for male students and 82.5% for female students. The nursing course was popular among both sexes, but other courses such as radiological technology, medical technology, physical therapy and occupational therapy were not well known, especially among male students. It was thought that students wishing to go on to the senior college were not interested in those areas which were usually taught in three year courses at junior colleges or special (vocational) schools. Accordingly, the data showed that their interests in the allied medical course would be increased by the shifting it to a four year course. To attract senior high school students who are both intelligent and talented in the medical and health field, the authors concluded that the further improvement of educational course for allied medicine, especially such as shifting to a four year course, and the bettering of position of comedical workers through it are needed

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