
Views concerning nursing and nursing course of senior high school guidance teachers


1993年に岡山県で行った先の研究で,高校生の看護課程の選択にあたって,進路指導を行っている教師の役割が大きい事を報告した。今回は3年経った1996年に,同じ郵送調査を岡山県および周辺10県の普通科高校617校より無作為に選んだ127校において実施した。64校より得られた回答を要約すると以下の通りであった。1.教師が挙げた看護婦不足の理由はまず「勤務時間が厳しい(85.9%)」,「仕事の内容が厳しい(53.1%)」といった仕事のきつさで,次いで「仕事の割には社会的評価が低い(32.8%)」であった。2.教師が学生に肯定的イメージとして看護課程を勧める理由は,「まず専門職であること(73.4%)」,次いで「人に貢献できる喜び(53.1%)」であった。これらの結果は前回の結果と比較して統計的な有意差は認めなかった。3.近年進められている3年制看護課程(準学士課程)から4年制課程(学士課程)への移行に関して,教師はこれらは学生の関心を呼ぶとし(79.8%),看護課程へ進学する者は増加するであろうとしている(57.8%)。またこれまでよりこの課程への進学を教師は勧め易くなるとしている(56.3%)。これらの率は前回の結果と比較すると統計的に有意に高かった。A previous study in Okayama prefecture in 1993 indicated the importance of high school teachers' influential rule on student's choice of nursing course. The same questionnaire survey was sent out by mail in 1996 to guidance teachers of 127 general high schools randomly selected from 617 schools in 10 prefectures, in and around Okayama. Data obtained from 64 teachers were analyzed and the results were as follows; 1. They suggested that shortage of nursing manpower was due to the harsh working conditions such as long and irregular hours (85.9%) and hard work (53.1 %), and also the low social esteem of nurse (32.8%). 2. The aspect of nursing noted by teachers were job specialty (73.4%) and devotion to people (53.l%). There were no statistical difference between these results and those of the previous study. 3. The teachers answered that the new four-year nuersing course (baccalaureate) currently being promoted from over the the present three-year course (associate degree) would be an incentive to students (79.8%) and might increase the number of students choosing to study nursing (57.8%). And they also noted that they would more readily recommend this course to students than before. These rates were significantly increased compared to the results of the previous report

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