
Achievement levels of students on clinical nursing practice for chronic illness


実習目標の到達度及び実習目標間の関係を明らかにするために,74名の学生による実習目標の自己評価を分析した。その結果,実習目標の到達度は,「自己の看護観や自己成長を培う」が最も高かった。そして「疾患の病態生理や検査・治療についての理解と看護援助」「セルフケアに向けた看護援助」「危機に直面している患者の看護援助」などの看護実践面に関する目標が高値を示していた。学生は目標に沿った看護を実践する中で,経験したひとつひとつのケアを意味づけたり,看護とは何かを探求していったと思われ,それが看護観の形成や自己成長につながっていったものと考えられた。実習目標間の関係では,各実習目標との間に相関が見られ,それらは信頼性のある妥当な慢性期看護実習の目標であることが確認された。This paper is designed to demonstrate the relationships between each objective and the students' achievement levels for the objectives of clinical nursing practice. Seventy four students evaluated their own achievement levels related to their clinical nursing practice. Evaluation scores for each objective were analyzed. The following results were obtained: The objective of cultivating the view of nursing and developing themselves had the highest score. Understanding the mechanism of disease, physical examination and treatment, and patient care, understanding nursing care toward patient's self care, and understanding nursing care for patient in crisis had high scores. The students, through their own nursing care, explored the meaning of each care (or each experience) and inquired about the nature of nursing. Their view of nursing and self development was formed from their own various experiences. Correlation among each objective was found. Each for clinical nursing practice has reliability and validity

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