6,260 research outputs found

    On The Expected Photon Spectrum in B -> X_s + gamma and Its Uses

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    Measuring the photon energy spectrum in radiative B decays provides essential help for gaining theoretical control over semileptonic B transitions. The hadronic recoil mass distribution in B -> X_u \ell\nu promises the best environment for determining |V_ub|. The theoretical uncertainties are largest in the domain of low values of the lepton pair mass q^2. Universality relations allow to describe this domain reliably in terms of the photon spectrum in B -> X_s + \gamma. A method is proposed to incorporate 1/m_b corrections into this relation. The low-E_\gamma tail in radiative decays is important in the context of extracting |V_ub|. We argue that CLEO's recent fit to the spectrum underestimates the fraction of the photon spectrum below 2 GeV. Potentially significant uncertainties enter in the theoretical evaluation of the integrated end-point lepton spectrum or the B -> X_u \ell\nu width with a too high value of the lower cut on q^2 in alternative approaches to |V_ub|.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX. Revised: Complete version. Numerical predictions are improved and the estimate for the decay fraction revised. The theoretical expectations for the decay fraction and the spectrum itself are given on the plot

    On the theory of pseudogap anisotropy in the cuprate superconductors

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    We show by means of the theory of the order parameter phase fluctuations that the temperature of "closing" (or "opening") of the gap (and pseudogap) in the electron spectra of superconductors with anisotropic order parameter takes place within a finite temperature range. Every Fourier-component of the order parameter has its own critical temperature

    Right-Handed New Physics Remains Strangely Beautiful

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    Current data on CP violation in B_d -> eta' K_S and B_d -> phi K_S, taken literally, suggest new physics contributions in b -> s transitions. Despite a claim to the contrary, we point out that right-handed operators with a single weak phase can account for both deviations thanks to the two-fold ambiguity in the extraction of the weak phase from the corresponding CP-asymmetry. This observation is welcome since large mixing in the right-handed sector is favored by many GUT models and frameworks which address the flavor puzzle. There are also interesting correlations with the B_s system which provide a way to test this scenario in the near future.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures; published version: added 1 reference and 1 clarificatio

    Dynamics and thermalization of the nuclear spin bath in the single-molecule magnet Mn12-ac: test for the theory of spin tunneling

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    The description of the tunneling of a macroscopic variable in the presence of a bath of localized spins is a subject of great fundamental and practical interest, and is relevant for many solid-state qubit designs. Instead of focusing on the the "central spin" (as is most often done), here we present a detailed study of the dynamics of the nuclear spin bath in the Mn12-ac single-molecule magnet, probed by NMR experiments down to very low temperatures (T = 20 mK). We find that the longitudinal relaxation rate of the 55Mn nuclei in Mn12-ac becomes roughly T-independent below T = 0.8 K, and can be strongly suppressed with a longitudinal magnetic field. This is consistent with the nuclear relaxation being caused by quantum tunneling of the molecular spin, and we attribute the tunneling fluctuations to the minority of fast-relaxing molecules present in the sample. The transverse nuclear relaxation is also T-independent for T < 0.8 K, and can be explained qualitatively and quantitatively by the dipolar coupling between like nuclei in neighboring molecules. We also show that the isotopic substitution of 1H by 2H leads to a slower nuclear longitudinal relaxation, consistent with the decreased tunneling probability of the molecular spin. Finally, we demonstrate that, even at the lowest temperatures, the nuclear spins remain in thermal equilibrium with the lattice phonons, and we investigate the timescale for their thermal equilibration. After a review of the theory of macroscopic spin tunneling in the presence of a spin bath, we argue that most of our experimental results are consistent with that theory, but the thermalization of the nuclear spins is not.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures. Experimental study of the spin bath dynamics in quantum nanomagnets, plus an extensive review and application of the theor

    On The Potential of Minimal Flavour Violation

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    Assuming the Minimal Flavour Violation hypothesis, we derive the general scalar potential for fields whose background values are the Yukawa couplings. We analyze the minimum of the potential and discuss the fine-tuning required to dynamically generate the mass hierarchies and the mixings between different quark generations. Two main cases are considered, corresponding to Yukawa interactions being effective operators of dimension five or six (or, equivalently, resulting from bi-fundamental and fundamental scalar fields, respectively). At the renormalizable and classical level, no mixing is naturally induced from dimension five Yukawa operators. On the contrary, from dimension six Yukawa operators one mixing angle and a strong mass hierarchy among the generations result.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures; Note added in proof on the stability of the minima of the scalar potential; results unchanged; references adde

    On the Occurrence of Finite-Time-Singularities in Epidemic Models of Rupture, Earthquakes and Starquakes

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    We present a new kind of critical stochastic finite-time-singularity, relying on the interplay between long-memory and extreme fluctuations. We illustrate it on the well-established epidemic-type aftershock (ETAS) model for aftershocks, based solely on the most solidly documented stylized facts of seismicity (clustering in space and in time and power law Gutenberg-Richter distribution of earthquake energies). This theory accounts for the main observations (power law acceleration and discrete scale invariant structure) of critical rupture of heterogeneous materials, of the largest sequence of starquakes ever attributed to a neutron star as well as of earthquake sequences.Comment: Revtex document of 4 pages including 1 eps figur

    BCS pairing in a trapped dipolar Fermi gase

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    We present a detailed study of the BCS pairing transition in a trapped polarized dipolar Fermi gas. In the case of a shallow nearly spherical trap, we find the decrease of the transition temperature as a function of the trap aspect ratio and predict the existence of the optimal trap geometry. The latter corresponds to the highest critical temperature of the BCS transition for a given number of particles. We also derive the phase diagram for an ultracold trapped dipolar Fermi gases in the situation, where the trap frequencies can be of the order of the critical temperature of the BCS transition in the homogeneous case, and find the critical value of the dipole-dipole interaction energy, below which the BCS transition ceases to exist. The critical dipole strength is obtained as a function of the trap aspect ratio. Alternatively, for a given dipole strength there is a critical value of the trap anisotropy for the BCS state to appear. The order parameter calculated at criticality, exhibits nover non-monotonic behavior resulted from the combined effect of the confining potential and anisotropic character of the interparticle dipole-dipole interation.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics of two interacting Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We analize the dynamics of two trapped interacting Bose-Einstein condensates and indentify two regimes for the evolution: the regime of slow periodic oscillations and the regime of strong non-linear mixing leading to the damping of the relative motion of the condensates. We compare our predictions with an experiment recently performed at JILA.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 3 eps figure

    Prediction of extreme events in the OFC model on a small world network

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    We investigate the predictability of extreme events in a dissipative Olami-Feder-Christensen model on a small world topology. Due to the mechanism of self-organized criticality, it is impossible to predict the magnitude of the next event knowing previous ones, if the system has an infinite size. However, by exploiting the finite size effects, we show that probabilistic predictions of the occurrence of extreme events in the next time step are possible in a finite system. In particular, the finiteness of the system unavoidably leads to repulsive temporal correlations of extreme events. The predictability of those is higher for larger magnitudes and for larger complex network sizes. Finally, we show that our prediction analysis is also robust by remarkably reducing the accessible number of events used to construct the optimal predictor.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure