14 research outputs found

    Coexistence of two sympatric cryptic bat species in French Guiana: insights from genetic, acoustic and ecological data

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    International audienceBackground: The distinction between lineages of neotropical bats from the Pteronotus parnellii species complex has been previously made according to mitochondrial DNA, and especially morphology and acoustics, in order to separate them into two species. In these studies, either sample sizes were too low when genetic and acoustic or morphological data were gathered on the same individuals, or genetic and other data were collected on different individuals. In this study, we intensively sampled bats in 4 caves and combined all approaches in order to analyse genetic, morphologic, and acoustic divergence between these lineages that live in the same caves in French Guiana

    Population genetic structures at multiple spatial scales: importance of social groups in European badgers

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    International audienceAbstract Population viability and metapopulation dynamics are strongly affected by gene flow. Identifying ecological correlates of genetic structure and gene flow in wild populations is therefore a major issue both in evolutionary ecology and species management. Studying the genetic structure of populations also enables identification of the spatial scale at which most gene flow occurs, hence the scale of the functional connectivity, which is of paramount importance for species ecology. In this study, we examined the genetic structure of a social, continuously distributed mammal, the European badger (Meles meles), both at large spatial scales (among populations) and fine (within populations) spatial scales. The study was carried out in 11 sites across France utilizing a noninvasive hair trapping protocol at 206 monitored setts. We identified 264 badgers genotyped at 24 microsatellite DNA loci. At the large scale, we observed high and significant genetic differentiation among populations (global Fst = 0.139; range of pairwise Fst [0.046–0.231]) that was not related to the geographic distance among sites, suggesting few large-scale dispersal events. Within populations, we detected a threshold value below which badgers were genetically close (< 400 m), highlighting that sociality is the major structuring process within badger populations at the fine scale

    Species delineation and genetic structure of two Chaerephon species ( C. pusillus and C. leucogaster ) on Madagascar and the Comoro archipelago

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    Cryptic species diversity is known to be common in bats but remains challenging to study in these mammals, whose natural history traits render their sampling and monitoring challenging. For these animals, indirect genetic approaches provide a powerful tool to gain insight into the evolutionary history and ecology of cryptic bat species. The speciation history of the polyphyletic Chaerephon pumilus species group (Molossidae) is poorly understood, including those found on western Indian Ocean islands. Two species in this complex have been identified in the Comoros: C. pusillus and C. leucogaster. Here, we aim to genetically characterize these two species and investigate their spatial population genetic structure. Analyzing five nuclear microsatellite markers from 200 individuals and one mitochondrial DNA gene (Cyt‐b) from 161 (out of the 200) individuals sampled on Madagascar and the Comoros, our findings indicated that these species are genetically differentiated. We observed mitonuclear discordance in numerous individuals (33% of the 161 (mt)DNA‐sequenced individuals). Based on ABC analyses, we found that this pattern could potentially be the result of asymmetric introgressive hybridization from C. leucogaster to C. pusillus and calls for further studies on the demographic history of these species. Moreover, at the intra‐specific level, analyses of the microsatellite loci suggested the evidence of a more pronounced, although weak, geographically based genetic structure in C. pusillus than in C. leucogaster. Altogether, our findings provide preliminary insights into the eco‐evolutionary aspects of this species complex and warrant further research to understand hybridization dynamics and mechanisms responsible for mitonuclear discordance

    New insights into the past and recent evolutionary history of the Corsican mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) to inform its conservation

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    Human-mediated species dispersal across the Mediterranean stretches back at least 10,000 years and has left an indelible stamp on present-day biodiversity. Believed to be a descendant of the Asiatic mouflon (Ovis gmelini gmelinii), the Corsican mouflon (O. g. musimon) was translocated during the Neolithic as ancestral livestock by humans migrating from the Fertile Crescent to the Western Mediterranean. Today, two geographically limited and disconnected populations can be found in Corsica. Whether they originated from distinct founders or one ancestral population that later split remains unknown, although such information is pivotal for the species’ management on the island. We genotyped 109 and 176 individuals at the Cytochrome-b gene and 16 loci of the microsatellite DNA, respectively, to gain insights into the natural history of the Corsican mouflon. We found evidence confirming that the Asiatic was the ancestor of the Corsican mouflon, which should thus be unvaryingly referred to as O. g. musimon, i.e. as a subspecies of the Asiatic mouflon. Haplotype divergence dating and the investigation of genetic structure highlighted a strong and ancient genetic differentiation between the two Corsican populations. Approximate Bayesian Computation pointed to the introduction of a single group of founders as the most reliable scenario for the origin of the entire Corsican population. Later, this ancestral stock would have decreased in number, facing genetic bottlenecks and eventually resulting in two divergent demes. Splitting most likely occurred several hundred years ago. Their shared past notwithstanding, we discuss whether the two relic Corsican mouflon populations should be now considered as distinct management units

    Coexistence de deux espĂšces cryptiques de chauves-souris en Guyane française : apprentissages Ă  partir de la gĂ©nĂ©tique de l’acoustique et de l’écologie

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    International audienceDans le but de rechercher quels mĂ©canismes facilitent la coexistence des espĂšces cryptiques, nous avons estimĂ© les divergences gĂ©nĂ©tiques, acoustiques, morphologiques et Ă©cologiques entre deux chauves-souris nĂ©otropicales du lignage Pteronotus parnellii. La distinction entre lignages a Ă©tĂ© faite antĂ©rieurement dans d'autres Ă©tudes Ă  partir de la gĂ©nĂ©tique, la morphologie et l'acoustique, dans le but de sĂ©parer ces deux espĂšces qui vivent dans les mĂȘmes cavitĂ©s en Guyane française ; mais soit la taille d'Ă©chantillon Ă©tait trop faible quand les donnĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©tiques et morphologiques Ă©taient disponibles en mĂȘme temps sur les mĂȘmes individus, soit les donnĂ©es diverses Ă©taient collectĂ©es sur des individus diffĂ©rents..

    Microsatellites and mitochondrial evidence of multiple introductions of the invasive raccoon Procyon lotor in France

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    International audienceAbstract Raccoons ( Procyon lotor ) are worldwide invaders, due to deliberate or accidental releases, and their impacts exceed hundred of billions of Euros in Europe only. In France, raccoons have currently established three separate, expanding populations. Identifying the current spatial genetic structure, dispersal events and phylogeography of these populations is needed to infer the invasion history and identify management units. We used wild and captive individuals sampled in France and Belgium to characterize the genetic diversity and current population genetic structure of French raccoon populations and identify potential genetic connectivity with the Belgium population using both mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci. Results confirm that French populations are the result of at least three independent introductions. While the three populations display low genetic diversity and sign of recent bottleneck, they are still expanding, suggesting that in addition to their ecological plasticity, the remaining genetic diversity is sufficient to successfully adapt to their new environment and allow a quick colonization. Particular attention must be given to the North-Eastern population, which shows genetic admixture with the Belgium population, as admixed individuals may exhibit hybrid vigor facilitating their expansion. The comparison of captive and wild individuals did not allow to identify a potential captive origin of the wild populations. The current regulation in France allowing captivity in zoos without enforcement to tighten the biosecurity of detention facilities might dampen any management measure as few introduced founders might be enough to create new populations.Raccoons ( Procyon lotor ) are worldwide invaders, due to deliberate or accidental releases, and their impacts exceed hundred of billions of Euros in Europe only. In France, raccoons have currently established three separate, expanding populations. Identifying the current spatial genetic structure, dispersal events and phylogeography of these populations is needed to infer the invasion history and identify management units. We used wild and captive individuals sampled in France and Belgium to characterize the genetic diversity and current population genetic structure of French raccoon populations and identify potential genetic connectivity with the Belgium population using both mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci. Results confirm that French populations are the result of at least three independent introductions. While the three populations display low genetic diversity and sign of recent bottleneck, they are still expanding, suggesting that in addition to their ecological plasticity, the remaining genetic diversity is sufficient to successfully adapt to their new environment and allow a quick colonization. Particular attention must be given to the North-Eastern population, which shows genetic admixture with the Belgium population, as admixed individuals may exhibit hybrid vigor facilitating their expansion. The comparison of captive and wild individuals did not allow to identify a potential captive origin of the wild populations. The current regulation in France allowing captivity in zoos without enforcement to tighten the biosecurity of detention facilities might dampen any management measure as few introduced founders might be enough to create new populations.Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are worldwide invaders, due to deliberate or accidental releases, and their impacts exceed hundred of billions of Euros in Europe only. In France, raccoons have currently established three separate, expanding populations. Identifying the current spatial genetic structure, dispersal events and phylogeography of these populations is needed to infer the invasion history and identify management units. We used wild and captive individuals sampled in France and Belgium to characterize the genetic diversity and current population genetic structure of French raccoon populations and identify potential genetic connectivity with the Belgium population using both mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci. Results confirm that French populations are the result of at least three independent introductions. While the three populations display low genetic diversity and sign of recent bottleneck, they are still expanding, suggesting that in addition to their ecological plasticity, the remaining genetic diversity is sufficient to successfully adapt to their new environment and allow a quick colonization. Particular attention must be given to the North-Eastern population, which shows genetic admixture with the Belgium population, as admixed individuals may exhibit hybrid vigor facilitating their expansion. The comparison of captive and wild individuals did not allow to identify a potential captive origin of the wild populations. The current regulation in France allowing captivity in zoos without enforcement to tighten the biosecurity of detention facilities might dampen any management measure as few introduced founders might be enough to create new populations

    A mutation in the FAM83G gene in dogs with hereditary footpad hyperkeratosis (HFH)

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    Hereditary footpad hyperkeratosis (HFH) represents a palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, which is inherited as a monogenic autosomal recessive trait in several dog breeds, such as e.g. KromfohrlĂ€nder and Irish Terriers. We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in both breeds. In KromfohrlĂ€nder we obtained a single strong association signal on chromosome 5 (p(raw) = 1.0×10(-13)) using 13 HFH cases and 29 controls. The association signal replicated in an independent cohort of Irish Terriers with 10 cases and 21 controls (p(raw) = 6.9×10(-10)). The analysis of shared haplotypes among the combined KromfohrlĂ€nder and Irish Terrier cases defined a critical interval of 611 kb with 13 predicted genes. We re-sequenced the genome of one affected KromfohrlĂ€nder at 23.5× coverage. The comparison of the sequence data with 46 genomes of non-affected dogs from other breeds revealed a single private non-synonymous variant in the critical interval with respect to the reference genome assembly. The variant is a missense variant (c.155G>C) in the FAM83G gene encoding a protein with largely unknown function. It is predicted to change an evolutionary conserved arginine into a proline residue (p.R52P). We genotyped this variant in a larger cohort of dogs and found perfect association with the HFH phenotype. We further studied the clinical and histopathological alterations in the epidermis in vivo. Affected dogs show a moderate to severe orthokeratotic hyperplasia of the palmoplantar epidermis. Thus, our data provide the first evidence that FAM83G has an essential role for maintaining the integrity of the palmoplantar epidermis

    Electropherograms of the <i>FAM83G:c.155G>C</i> variant.

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    <p>A fragment harboring exon 2 and flanking sequences of the <i>FAM83G</i> gene was PCR-amplified and sequenced with the Sanger method. The figure shows representative traces from KromfohrlÀnder with the 3 different genotypes. The position of the variant is indicated by an arrow.</p