18 research outputs found


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    日本における2022 年のSARS-CoV-2 感染症による累積死亡者数は速報値で39,000 名を超え,2023 年1 月15 日現在で1 週間当たり2,900 名を超えていて未だにピークは見えていない(新規感染確認者数2の増加も同様である).これは1 年間が52 週であることを考えれば,2023 年の間に10 万人以上の人命がSARS-CoV-2 感染症で失われる可能性があることを意味しているが,そのようなことは全く報道されていない.ワクチン接種の効果が時間の経過と共に減弱することが明らかになっているにも拘わらず追加接種率が低迷するなかで迎えた3 年ぶりの「行動制限の無い年末年始」がもたらすであろうものを2023年1月末時点で予測する

    サイエンス・ギルド -知の分断についての一考察-

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    今,知らなければならないこと ―SARS-CoV-2 感染症(COVID-19 パンデミック)についての基礎知識―

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    人体の基本的な機能に関するリテラシーについて:大学1回生へのアンケート結果 ―日本人は,なぜ屋外でもマスクをし続けているのか―

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    日本におけるCOVID-19(SARS-CoV-2 感染症)第8 波が未だに収束していない2023 年1 月20 日,首相がSARS-CoV-2 感染症の感染症法の位置付けの変更の検討を厚生労働大臣らに指示した1が,果たして日本国民は感染症についての基礎的な知識をどの程度有しているのだろうか?2023 年に入り,(病院の休診日翌日に相当する日を除いて2)日々300 名以上のSARS-CoV-2 感染症による死亡者が発表され続けている3時点で,高等学校までに学んだはずの「感染症」や「人体の免疫機構」に関する知識を実際にどのくらい正しく認識しているのか?について,COVID-19 パンデミック開始後に大学に入学した1 年次生へ経時的に調査した結果に関して報告する


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    Additional Nitrogen Fertilization at Heading Time of Rice Down-Regulates Cellulose Synthesis in Seed Endosperm

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    <div><p>The balance between carbon and nitrogen is a key determinant of seed storage components, and thus, is of great importance to rice and other seed-based food crops. To clarify the influence of the rhizosphere carbon/nitrogen balance during the maturation stage of several seed components, transcriptome analysis was performed on the seeds from rice plants that were provided additional nitrogen fertilization at heading time. As a result, it was assessed that genes associated with molecular processes such as photosynthesis, trehalose metabolism, carbon fixation, amino acid metabolism, and cell wall metabolism were differentially expressed. Moreover, cellulose and sucrose synthases, which are involved in cellulose synthesis, were down-regulated. Therefore, we compared cellulose content of mature seeds that were treated with additional nitrogen fertilization with those from control plants using calcofluor staining. In these experiments, cellulose content in endosperm from plants receiving additional nitrogen fertilization was less than that in control endosperm. Other starch synthesis-related genes such as starch synthase 1, starch phosphorylase 2, and branching enzyme 3 were also down-regulated, whereas some α-amylase and β-amylase genes were up-regulated. On the other hand, mRNA expression of amino acid biosynthesis-related molecules was up-regulated. Moreover, additional nitrogen fertilization caused accumulation of storage proteins and up-regulated Cys-poor prolamin mRNA expression. These data suggest that additional nitrogen fertilization at heading time changes the expression of some storage substance-related genes and reduces cellulose levels in endosperm.</p></div

    Rice cultivation schedule.

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    <p>Samples were grown in a growth chamber at 28°C/22°C over a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. Fertilizer was supplied at planting and 37 days after germination. In addition, 400 mg ammonium chloride (NH<sub>4</sub>Cl) was supplied at heading time to the “+NH<sub>4</sub>Cl” group.</p

    Significantly enriched categories were identified using QuickGO.

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    <p>In response to additional fertilization, 1,365 genes were up- or down-regulated; FDR-corrected <i>P</i>-values of categories at the deepest hierarchical level are shaded; *<i>P</i><0.05.</p