48 research outputs found

    Analysis of the trends and determinants of credit and saving behavior of households in the Russian regions

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    Objective: to identify the current trends and factors of credit and savings behavior of the Russian households.Methods: graphical method, logit model, probit model, maximum likelihood method.Results: the development of digital services, the acceleration of inflation and the increase in debt burden resulting from the pandemic have changed the model of economic behavior of households. The need to analyze credit and savings behavior has become more acute in order to empirically substantiate the measures of economic, legal and financial support of households by state institutions. The analysis showed an increase in the average loan amount and the proportion of families whose members took a loan; a decrease in the proportion of families who borrowed from individuals, lent money and made savings; a sharp increase in the variation of the amount of credit and savings in 2019; a decrease in the number of commodity loans and an increase in the number of consumer and mortgage loans. A positive effect of the number of people in the household, place of residence, income, availability of a computer, laptop and high-speed Internet access in the household on the probability of attracting credit funds was found; a negative influence of the number of people in the household and place of residence (village) on the probability of savings was confirmed; the impact of having a computer and high-speed Internet access on the probability of savings in the household was not found.Scientific novelty: the article uses data from the Russian Monitoring of the economic situation and public health of the HSE University for the period from 2010 to 2019 to identify the current trends and factors of credit and savings behavior of the Russian households.Practical significance: the main conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and practical activities in the development of financial literacy programs, policies and online products to motivate and encourage credit and savings behavior and attract investment

    IFRS 16 «Rent»: the main causes of occurance

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    Renting has become increasingly important in recent years. Often, international business representatives, and sometimes entire industries, opt for leasing, refusing to purchase large and expensive assets. Such industries include retail companies, airlines, healthcare, telecommunications, transport, logistics, etc. These business representatives, due to the specifics of their activities, prefer leasing the largest assets to acquiring them. IFRS 16 Leases, published on January 13, 2016, became mandatory for the first time when reporting for 2019 by entities. This standard is a recommendation for the reflection in the financial statements of organizations of information about objects that have been transferred or received on lease. The methodology for reflecting leases in financial statements has often become the subject of discussion in professional circles. Dissatisfaction with the provisions of the earlier IAS 17 “Leases” on the part of business representatives, analysts, scientists and other users provoked the development and subsequent adoption of IFRS 16 “Leases”. The article explores the main prerequisites and reasons for the development of new provisions, which later became the basis for the current international standard for accounting for leases. The purpose of the work is to identify the main negative consequences of the application of IAS 17 “Lease”, the main reasons for the development of the provisions of IFRS 16 “Lease”, which is in force today. An analysis of the reasons for the emergence of this standard and foreign experience in its use will help to assess the consequences of applying its Russian counterpart FSBU 25/2018 “Lease Accounting”: to analyze the possibility of solving the main issues that arise for external and internal users of financial information, and to determine the impact of the new domestic standard lease accounting has an impact on the reliability and comparability of financial statements, the financial condition and performance of Russian companies, which is of scientific value. In the course of the study, such general scientific methods of cognition as comparative analysis, generalization of theoretical and factual material were used. It was found that the application of IAS 17 “Lease” by companies had a negative impact on the accuracy and transparency of reporting compiled by companies, which provoked dissatisfaction on the part of investors, analysts and other users. The author gives the main reasons for changing the previously existing lease accounting model and further development of IFRS 16 “Leases”

    Econometric analysis of the mortgage loans dependence on per capita income

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. The article makes the econometric modeling of the size of the mortgage loan in order to identify the most important prognostic factors. The leading role of mortgage lending in the domestic banking services market is emphasized. Using Excel, Gretl software the authors are trying to prove the predominant influence of household income on the dynamics of the mortgage market. The article presents the methodical approach to measuring the dependence of mortgage loans on per-capita income. The results of empirical evaluations have confirmed their practical feasibility in the management of the credit portfolio

    Estimation of potential field environments from heterogeneous behaviour of sensing agents

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    This paper proposes a novel modelling framework for estimating the global potential field from trajectories of multiple sensing agents whose perception of the unknown field is subject to abrupt changes. We derive a parametrised formulation of the estimation problem by combining the jump Markov non-linear system (JMNLS) model of agent dynamics with a basis function decomposition of the environmental field. An approximate expectation-maximisation algorithm is employed for joint estimation of the global field and of the agent behavioural modes from observed agent trajectories. To avoid prohibitive computational costs associated with the state estimation of JMNLS, we utilise two approximation steps. First, an interacting multiple model smoother is used to account for the hybrid structure that emerges in this problem. Second, we propose two approaches to approximating the non-linear sufficient statistics during the expectation step. This results in the maximization step being exact. The performance of the developed framework is tested on simulation examples and demonstrated on an application study in which the observed movement patterns of immune cells are utilised in quantifying the underlying chemical concentration field that governs their migration. The results showcase that the proposed framework can be readily applied to problems where agents assume several behavioural modes

    The effect of endomorphins-1, -2 on the production of reactive oxygen species and the absorption activity of innate immunity cells <i>in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>

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    Background. A high percentage of people in the world suffer from acute or chronic pain, the treatment of which is based on the introduction of morphine and its derivatives, agonists of the µ-opioid receptors, leading to the development of addiction in patients. An urgent task is to study the properties of endogenous opioid peptides, which are capable of showing not only pronounced analgesic activity, but also have a number of other effects on the periphery, while having a much smaller spectrum of side effects. Of particular interest are the immunomodulatory effects of peptide agonists of µ-receptors – endomorphins, tetrapeptides, the effects of which are not described in detail in the literature. Due to their structure and properties, endorphins can be considered as potential substitutes for low-molecular-weight opiates.   The aim. To investigate the effect of endorphins-1,2 on the synthesis of oxygen radicals and the absorption activity of innate immunity cells in vitro, in vivo.   Materials and methods. The object of the in vitro study is peripheral venous blood leukocytes from donors aged 22–40 years; the object of the in vivo study is peritoneal flush cells of Swiss white male mice. Oxygen-dependent microbicidal activity was evaluated using a luminol-dependent chemiluminescence reaction. Phagocytic activity was evaluated by flow cytometry.   Results. It has been found that endomorphins inhibited spontaneous production of reactive oxygen species in vitro, in vivo. Endomorphin-2 reduced the intensity of respiratory explosion in stimulated cultures of peritoneal macrophages. Blockade of opiate receptors with naloxone in vitro, in vivo did not cancel the effects of endomorphins. Both peptides and naloxone had no effect on the phagocytic activity of macrophages of the peritoneal cavity of mice in vivo, but in vitro endomorphins led to an increase in the percentage of phagocytosis of peripheral blood leukocytes.   Conclusions. The effects of endomorphins in vitro, in vivo are predominantly depressive

    Effect of digitalization on unemployment among the elderly population in EAEU countries

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    Objective: to identify current trends in the labor market under digitalization and the growing risks and global instability in the world and national markets in the EAEU countries.Methods: panel data analysis models, graphical method, least squares method, generalized feasible least squares method.Results: the data of the EAEU countries from 2016 to 2020 show the synchronization of unemployment indicators; a slight increase in the share of unemployed aged 55 and older in all countries except Russia; a decrease in value added produced within the “Information and Communication” type of activity, with the exception of Kazakhstan; during the pandemic, a decrease in the integral indicator of unemployment and the number of unemployed aged 55 and older was found under the influence of the gross value added within the “Information and Communication” type of activity, as well as a decrease in unemployment among elder citizens under the influence of the share of the population using the Internet.Scientific novelty: the current trends of unemployment are reflected, under digitalization and the growing risks and global instability in the world and national markets in the EAEU countries.Practical significance: the main conclusions of the article can be an argument in favor of the competitive advantages of the older population in the labor market under digitalization and uncertainty of economy

    Integral assessment of the enterprise investment attractiveness: Testing the hypothesis of non-conformity to investor's interests

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017. The study attempts to improve the construction of a dynamic model for assessing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. The researchers use the calculation of the Kendall correlation coefficient for two rank series by comparing the actual order of the growth rates of investment appeal indices with the standard ones based on internal environment indicators of a leading chemical enterprise. The researchers calculate the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness. The study emphasizes that the maximum value of the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness is equal to one in the case when all observed characteristics conform to the interests of potential investors. To test the null hypothesis about the statistical insignificance of the Kendall correlation coefficient the "tau" statistics and the calculation of the critical values of the Kendall rank correlation coefficient were used. The researchers employed an applied statistical analysis of the company's internal environment indicators for the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness. In future, this technique will help researchers formulate unified approaches to assessing investment attractiveness by systemizing both internal and external factors based on the structure of the relationships between them

    Peculiarities of modelling of the enterprise investment attractiveness in the conditions of multicollinearity of predictors

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017. The study presents an approach to assess the enterprise investment attractiveness based on the econometric modeling of return on assets. The researchers underline the key role of financial indicators in assessing investment attractiveness and propose a system of financial ratios of the enterprise-predictors of return on assets. In the conditions of collinearity of prognostic factors, the researchers offer to implement ridge regression which enables to obtain better prognostic characteristics to preserve reliability and informational value of the modelling. The researchers suggest tools to analyze how predictors of return on assets contribute to the assessment of investment attractiveness whose quality was tested using standard fisher and student tests and the standard error. The results of the empirical evaluations carried out using the Gretl Software confirmed their feasibility for potential investors, shareholders and owners in managing the use of capital effectively

    Monitoring of Radioactive Releases in the Middle Urals

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    The report presents the results of long-term monitoring of the ambient dose equivalent rate, total beta-activity of atmospheric fallout and aerosols, as well as the activity of Cs-137 and Sr-90 radionuclides in atmospheric fallout and aerosols at the Verkhneye Dubrovo weather station

    Condition of menstrual function in adolescent girlswith dance loading

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    A survey of 43 girls enrolled in a class of choreography and 34 Girls enrolled in the class of visual arts was conducted. We compared physical activity, sleep duration, the formation and characteristics of menstrual function and the attitude of girls to reproductive health problems. It was found that 38.2% of girls ballerinas sleep less than 8 hours a day and 16% among girls are female artists. Half (51%) of the ballerinas had from 2 to 5 hours of physical exertion per day 5-6 days a week, as opposed to 2 hours 2-3 times a week in 94% of girls girls. Regular menstrual cycles have had only 34% of girls are ballerinas and 71% of girls are artists. Amenorrhea was found in 21% of dancers and 5.8% of female artists. Scanty menstruation is also more often noted by ballerinas 34.8 versus 26.4% among artists. At the same time, 35% of female artists and 14% of ballet dancers noted dysmenorrhea.Было проведено анкетирование 43 девочек, обучающихся в классе хореографии и 34 девочки, обучающиеся в классе изобразительного искусства. Сравнивали физическую нагрузку, продолжительность сна, становление и особенности менструальной функции и отношение девочек к проблемам с репродуктивным здоровьем. Было установлено, что спят менее 8 часов в сутки 38,2% девочек балерин и 16% девочек художниц. Половина (51%) балерин имели от 2 до 5 часов физической нагрузки в день 5-6 дней в неделю против 2 часов 2-3 раза в неделю у 94% девочек художниц. Регулярным менструальный цикл был только у 34% девочек балерин и у 71% девочек художниц. Аменорея была установлена у 21% балерин и 5,8% художниц. Скудные менструации также чаще отмечали балерины 34,8 против 26,4% у художниц. В то же время дисменорею отмечали 35% художниц и 14% балери