31 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a method for time-of-flight, wavelength and distance calibration for neutron scattering instruments by means of a mini-chopper and standard neutron monitors

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    Accurate conversion of neutron time-of-flight (TOF) to wavelength, and its uncertainty, is of fundamental importance to neutron scattering measurements. Especially in cases where instruments are highly configurable, the determination of the absolute wavelength after any change must always be performed. Inspired by the manner with which neutron spectrometers determine the absolute wavelength, we evaluate for the first time, in the author's knowledge, a commonly used method for converting TOF to neutron wavelength, the distance of a monitor from the source of neutrons and we analytically calculate the uncertainty contributions that limit the precision of the conversion. The method was evaluated at the V20 test beamline at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB), emulating the ESS source with a pulse of 2.86 ms length and 14 Hz repetition rate, by using a mini-chopper operated at 140 Hz, beam monitors (BMs) and data acquisition infrastructure. The mini-chopper created well-defined neutron pulses and the BM was placed at two positions, enabling the average wavelength of each of the pulses created to be determined. The used experimental setup resulted in absolute wavelength determination at the monitor positions with a δλmean/λmean\delta \lambda_{mean} / \lambda_{mean} of \sim1.8% for λ>4\lambda >4 \r{A}. With a modest increase of the distance between the reference monitor positions a δλmean/λmean\delta \lambda_{mean} / \lambda_{mean} of below 0.5% can be achieved. Further improvements are possible by using a thinner monitor, smaller chopper disc openings and a higher rotational speed chopper. The method requires only two neutron measurements and doesn't necessitate the use of crystals or complex fitting, and could constitute a suitable addition to imaging, diffraction, reflectometers and small angle neutron scattering instruments, at spallation sources, that do not normally utilise fast choppers

    Effects of reactive oxygen species and neutrophils on endothelium-dependent relaxation of rat thoracic aorta

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced in different metabolic processes including the respiratory burst of neutrophils accompanying local inflammation. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP)-activated neutrophils, isolated from the guinea pig peritoneal cavity, on isolated rings of a large (conduit) artery, the rat thoracic aorta. FMLP-activated neutrophils enhanced the basal tension increased by α1-adrenergic stimulation. In phenylephrine-precontracted aortae, they elicited marked contraction, while in noradrenaline-precontracted rat aortal rings they caused a biphasic response (contraction-relaxation). To eliminate interaction of activated neutrophils with catecholamines, in the subsequent experiments the basal tension was increased by KCl-induced depolarization. Activated neutrophils evoked a low-amplitude biphasic response (relaxation-contraction) on the KCl-induced contraction. Not only the acetylcholine- and A23187-induced relaxations but also the catalase sensitive hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) elicited contractions were endothelium-dependent. Even though the acetylcholine-induced relaxation was changed by activated neutrophils and by the ROS studied, their effects differed significantly, yet none of them did eliminate fully the endothelium-dependent acetylcholine relaxation. The effect of activated neutrophils resembled the effect of superoxide anion radical (O2 •–) produced by xanthine/xanthine oxidase (X/XO) and differed from the inhibitory effects of Fe2SO4/H2O2-produced hydroxyl radical (•OH) and H2O2. Thus O2 •– produced either by activated neutrophils or X/XO affected much less the endothelium-dependent acetylcholine-activated relaxation mechanisms than did •OH and H2O2. In the large (conduit) artery, the effects of activated neutrophils and various ROS (O2 •–, •OH and H2O2) seem to be more dependent on muscle tension than on endothelial mechanisms

    Time- and energy-resolved effects in the boron-10 based Multi-Grid and helium-3 based thermal neutron detectors

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    The boron-10 based Multi-Grid detector is being developed as an alternative to helium-3 based neutron detectors. At the European Spallation Source, the detector will be used for time-of-flight neutron spectroscopy at cold to thermal neutron energies. The objective of this work is to investigate fine time- and energy-resolved effects of the Multi-Grid detector, down to a few μ\mueV, while comparing it to the performance of a typical helium-3 tube. Furthermore, it is to characterize differences between the detector technologies in terms of internal scattering, as well as the time reconstruction of ~ μ\mus short neutron pulses. The data were taken at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, where the Multi-Grid detector and a helium-3 tube were installed at the ESS test beamline, V20. Using a Fermi-chopper, the neutron beam of the reactor was chopped into a few tens of μ\mus wide pulses before reaching the detector, located a few tens of cm downstream. The data of the measurements show an agreement between the derived and calculated neutron detection efficiency curve. The data also provide fine details on the effect of internal scattering, and how it can be reduced. For the first time, the chopper resolution was comparable to the timing resolution of the Multi-Grid detector. This allowed a detailed study of time- and energy resolved effects, as well as a comparison with a typical helium-3 tube.Comment: 37 pages, 21 figure

    Evolution of distance between omega particles in metastable beta Ti alloy determined from in situ small angle neutron scattering

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    The evolution of distance between omega particles in metastable beta Ti 15Mo alloy 8.1 in at. was determined from in situ small angle neutron scattering SANS . SANS data were recorded during heating of the material from room temperature to 600 C with the heating rate of 1 C min. The results agree with previously determined ordering of omega particles in a cubic three dimensional array with the axes along the cubic axes [100]beta of the host lattice. The distance between particles, which increases with temperature, was investigated in three orientations with the incident beam parallel to [100]beta, [110]beta and [111]bet

    Bedeutung von Knochenmineraldichte und Zementvolumen bei der Vertebroplastie

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