633 research outputs found
Spin and lattice excitations of a BiFeO3 thin film and ceramics
We present a comprehensive study of polar and magnetic excitations in BiFeO3
ceramics and a thin film epitaxially grown on an orthorhombic (110) TbScO3
substrate. Infrared reflectivity spectroscopy was performed at temperatures
from 5 to 900 K for the ceramics and below room temperature for the thin film.
All 13 polar phonons allowed by the factor-group analysis were observed in
theceramic samples. The thin-film spectra revealed 12 phonon modes only and an
additional weak excitation, probably of spin origin. On heating towards the
ferroelectric phase transition near 1100 K, some phonons soften, leading to an
increase in the static permittivity. In the ceramics, terahertz transmission
spectra show five low-energy magnetic excitations including two which were not
previously known to be infrared active; at 5 K, their frequencies are 53 and 56
cm-1. Heating induces softening of all magnetic modes. At a temperature of 5 K,
applying an external magnetic field of up to 7 T irreversibly alters the
intensities of some of these modes. The frequencies of the observed spin
excitations provide support for the recently developed complex model of
magnetic interactions in BiFeO3 (R.S. Fishman, Phys. Rev. B 87, 224419 (2013)).
The simultaneous infrared and Raman activity of the spin excitations is
consistent with their assignment to electromagnons
We observed the infl uence of silage additives for choice qualitative parameters at 109 samples of clovergrass silages in working conditions. We evaluated total classifi cation and categorization to quality classes according to fermentation process. It has been found out positive effect of the silage additives for fermentation class and for total silage quality of silages. This positive effec t has been more considerable at classifi cation to the fermentation classes at clover-grass silages. The high content of crude fi bre decreased fermentation results and total silage quality at test clover-grass silages. The greatest (deterioration) infl uence for clasifi cation to total quality class has crude fi bre content. It is see from correlation
coefi cient at clover-grass silages – r = 0,75 (P < 0,05). The weak dependence r = 0,37 (P < 0,05) was detected between fermentation class and acetic acid content. It was detected large dependence between fermentation class and butyric acid content r = 0,73 (P < 0,05).U 109 vzorků jetelotravních siláží byl v provozních podmínkách sledován vliv silážních aditiv na kvalitativní ukazatele. Posuzováno bylo jednak celkové zatřídění a zařazení do tříd jakosti podle fermentačního procesu. U silážovaných krmiv bylo potvrzeno, že aditiva mají pozitivní vliv na fermentační proces a tím i na celkovou kvalitu siláží. Tento pozitivní vliv byl ještě více patrný na zatřídění do třídy fermentace. Vysoký obsah vlákniny u sledovaných silážovaných krmiv zhoršoval fermentační výsledky i celkovou jakost siláží. Z korelačních koefi cientů hodnotící jetelotravní siláže je
patrné, že největší (zhoršující) vliv na zařazení do celkové třídy jakosti má množství vlákniny r 0,75 (P < 0,05). Mírná závislost r 0,37 (P < 0,05) byla zjištěna mezi třídou fermentace a obsahem kyseliny octové. Mezi třídou fermentace a obsahem kyseliny máselné byla zjištěna velká závislost r 0,73 (P < 0,05)
We observed the infl uence of silage additives for choice qualitative parameters at 109 samples of clovergrass silages in working conditions. We evaluated total classifi cation and categorization to quality classes according to fermentation process. It has been found out positive effect of the silage additives for fermentation class and for total silage quality of silages. This positive effec t has been more considerable at classifi cation to the fermentation classes at clover-grass silages. The high content of crude fi bre decreased fermentation results and total silage quality at test clover-grass silages. The greatest (deterioration) infl uence for clasifi cation to total quality class has crude fi bre content. It is see from correlation coefi cient at clover-grass silages – r = 0,75 (P < 0,05). The weak dependence r = 0,37 (P < 0,05) was detected between fermentation class and acetic acid content. It was detected large dependence between fermentation class and butyric acid content r = 0,73 (P < 0,05)
High-temperature phase transitions in SrBi_2Ta_2O_9 film: a study by THz spectroscopy
Time-domain THz transmission experiment was performed on a film deposited on sapphire substrate. Temperatures between 300
and 923 K were investigated and complex permittivity spectra of the film were
determined. The lowest frequency optic phonon near 28 cm reveals a slow
monotonic decrease in frequency on heating with no significant anomaly near the
phase transitions. We show that the dielectric anomaly near the ferroelectric
phase transition can be explained by slowing down of a relaxational mode,
observed in the THz spectra. A second harmonic generation signal observed in a
single crystal confirms a loss of center of symmetry in the ferroelectric phase
and a presence of polar clusters in the intermediate ferroelastic phase.Comment: subm. to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte
Effects of Added Vegetation on Sand Bar Stability and Stream Hydrodynamics
Vegetation was added to a fully developed sandy point bar in the meander of a constructed stream. Significant changes in the flow structure and bed topography were observed. As expected, the addition of vegetative resistance decreased the depth-averaged streamwise velocity over the bar and increased it in the open region. In addition, the secondary circulation increased in strength but became confined to the deepest section of the channel. Over the point bar, the secondary flow was entirely outward, i.e., toward the outer bank. The changes in flow led to changes in bar shape. Although the region of the bar closest to the inner bank accumulated sediment, erosion of the bar and the removal of plants by scouring were observed at the interface between the planted bar and the open channel.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant No. EAR 0738352
Terahertz and infrared spectroscopic evidence of phonon-paramagnon coupling in hexagonal piezomagnetic YMnO3
Terahertz and far-infrared electric and magnetic responses of hexagonal
piezomagnetic YMnO3 single crystals are investigated. Antiferromagnetic
resonance is observed in the spectra of magnetic permeability mu_a [H(omega)
oriented within the hexagonal plane] below the Neel temperature T_N. This
excitation softens from 41 to 32 cm-1 on heating and finally disappears above
T_N. An additional weak and heavily-damped excitation is seen in the spectra of
complex dielectric permittivity epsilon_c within the same frequency range. This
excitation contributes to the dielectric spectra in both antiferromagnetic and
paramagnetic phases. Its oscillator strength significantly increases on heating
towards room temperature thus providing evidence of piezomagnetic or
higher-order couplings to polar phonons. Other heavily-damped dielectric
excitations are detected near 100 cm-1 in the paramagnetic phase in both
epsilon_c and epsilon_a spectra and they exhibit similar temperature behavior.
These excitations appearing in the frequency range of magnon branches well
below polar phonons could remind electromagnons; however, their temperature
dependence is quite different. We have used density functional theory for
calculating phonon dispersion branches in the whole Brillouin zone. A detailed
analysis of these results and of previously published magnon dispersion
branches brought us to the conclusion that the observed absorption bands stem
from phonon-phonon and phonon- paramagnon differential absorption processes.
The latter is enabled by a strong short-range in-plane spin correlations in the
paramagnetic phase.Comment: subm. to PR
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