250 research outputs found

    Methods of Solving Financial Problems of Universities

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    Annotation: This article shows the main problems and financial decadences of universities. And also, some effective solutions are provided

    ESR study of spin adducts of the direct electrocatalytic decomposition of light aliphatic alcohols in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell

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    Spin adducts of methanol and ethanol electrocatalytic oxidation were detected by the spin trap method using a tiny H2/O2 fuel cell (FC) designed for ESR in situ with a Nafion/Pt membrane electrode assembly. Spin adducts of intermediates of the direct electrooxidation of ethanol, which have not been observed earlier, were obtained by the variation of oxidation conditions, in particular, the FC potential. The work of the FC was controlled by monitoring the diagnostic curves potential3-current density, power density3-current density, and efficiency-power density. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Obtain and Application of Surface-active Substance on the Base of Products Refination of Cotton Seed Oil

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    The article the results of investigation on obtaining of surface-active substance -SAS on the waste cotton oil for drilling of wells and intensification of the flotation process are presented. The main component of new SAS are waste, cotton oil refinery and chemical plants. SAS have hudrophobization (waterproof) action on easy-swelling rocks (clays, argellites, alevrolits). Direct water emulsions obtained from reagents have low viscosity, high stability and low filtration index. There reagents have influence at drilling tools (that is they increase the life of drilling bits and diamond bits) [1, 2]. The study flotation enrichments of copper-molybdic ore is revealed characteristic foam-former and collector surface-active substances (NA-1) and is simulation one oily provided creation without minerals fields extraction of gold and color metals has been determined. Optimal conditions of the syntheses: ratio of main components, time of reaction, temperature and concentration have been determined. The comparison of new SAS with other foreing analogies was carried out. The main colloidal-chemical characteristic of synthesized SAS: surface activity, adsorption, viscosity, concentration of micelle- formation have been determined. Technology of obtain of anion surfaceactive substances from local organic raw material was elaborated, which by qualitative characteristics is a substitute of the import reagent collector and foam-former [4, 5]. Dependence on obtained product from the temperature of the process, time of reactions, ratio of initial components optimal concentration of NaOH was investigated. The foam forming ability of the new reagents in comparison with standard reagent T-92 was determined and it was shown that by best ability of forms destruction the methyl syloxane’s liquid and mineral oil have possessed.The intensifications of the process of flotation’s enrichment of copper-molybdic ore with using new obtain reagent NA-1 was offered

    Neotectonics of the Caucasus and Kura valley, Azerbaijan

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    Analysis of remote sensing, gravity, earthquake, horizontal and vertical motion data in the broader Azerbaijan region, located between the colliding Arabia and Eurasian Platform, indicates the overall dextral transpression. The region undergoes deformation by NW-SE striking transpressional strike-slip faults, pure strike-slip faults and thrusts. It is also deformed by N-S to NE-SW striking sinistral strike-slip faults. The study area is located to the NE of the main indentation point. The direction of indentation is roughly parallel to the NW-SE trending symmetry axis of the fanning horizontal motion vectors, to the NNW-SSE trending axis of the fanning 1-stress trajectories and to the fastest slowdown direction of horizontal motions in front of the advancing Arabia, which are all roughly parallel to the Arabian motion vector. The broader Azerbaijan region is situated in the eastern side of these fan-shaped patterns. It is characterized by 1 trends progressively changing from NNW-SSE to NE-SW and by the seismoactive zone thickness increasing SE-ward underneath the Kura Valley from 40 to almost 70 km. Its eastern portion, typical by its small-block mosaic structure, contains some unusual local stress regimes. It is argued that they are related to the addition of the regional tectonic stress, highly perturbed along numerous local strike-slip faults, to local stresses generated by interactions of local rotating blocks. This eastern portion is most prone to block rotations, being most distant from the main indentation point and being affected by the least transpressive strike-slip faulting

    Cyclic voltammetry of tris(2,2-bipyridine)zinc(II) diperchlorate detected by electron spin resonance

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    Electrochemical transformations of the tris(2,2-bipyridine) complex of zinc(II) perchlor- ate were studied by cyclic voltammetry detected by electron spin resonance (DESR CV), which made it possible to indentify the intermediates formed and to monitor the unpaired electron localization in them. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Effective development of enterprises on the basis of activization of innovative processes

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    В статье на основе анализа современного этапа социально экономического развития Узбекистана выявлена роль инновационного процесса.On the basis of analysis of the present stage of socio-economic development of Uzbekistan has identified the role of the innovation process

    Влияние сроков посадки маточных луковиц на урожайность и посевные качества семян лука репчатого

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    Relevance. In Uzbekistan, especially in the south of the republic, in recent years, early ripe varieties of onion Sumbula, Ravnak, Bakhora have become widespread. However, the technology of seed production of early maturing varieties has not been developed. In this regard, several studies were carried out to identify the optimal time for planting the mother plants of the early maturing onion variety Sumbula by using the favorable climatic conditions of southern Uzbekistan.Material and methodology. The material for the research was the early ripe onion variety Sumbula, bred by the Research Institute of Vegetable and Melon Crops and Potatoes. The studies were carried out according to the Methodological guidelines for the ecological testing of vegetable crops in the open field etc. The dates of seed planting were studied.Results. Studies have shown that the highest seed yield (0.97 t/ha) was obtained in the early autumn planting of mother plants on September 1. It was 20% more than in the control variant – September 15. At later planting dates, the seed yield decreases sharply.When mother plants were planted on October 30, the seed yield was only 0,46 t/ha, or 59.7% of the control.The yield of onion seeds increases, mainly due to the more powerful development of plants during early autumn planting – the formation of large leaves, inflorescences, and additional arrows. The more large and powerful leaves, the more plants have the ability to synthesize plastic substances in the process of photosynthesis and accumulate a high yield.Актуальность. В Узбекистане, особенно на юге республики, в последние годы широкое распространение получили раннеспелые сорта лука репчатого Сумбула, Равнак, Бахорой. Однако технология семеноводства раннеспелых сортов не разработана. В связи с этим, используя благоприятные климатические условия южного Узбекистана, были проведены исследования по выявлению оптимального срока высадки маточников раннеспелого сорта лука репчатого Сумбула.Материал и методика. Исследования проводили в 2019-2020 годах на ‘кспериментальной базе Сурхандарьинской научно-опытной станции НИИ овоще-бахчевых культур и картофеля согласно методическим указаниям по экологическому испытанию овощных культур в открытом грунте. Материалом для исследований служил раннеспелый сорт лука репчатого Сумбула селекции НИИ овоще-бахчевых культур и картофеля.Результаты. Самая высокая урожайность семян (0,97 т/га) была получена при раннеосенней посадке маточников – 1 сентября. Она была на 20% больше, чем в контрольном варианте (высадка 15 сентября). При более поздних сроках посадки урожайность семян резко снижается. При посадке маточников 30 октября она составила всего 0,46 т/га или 59,7% к контролю. Урожайность семян лука повышается, в основном, за счёт более мощного развития растений при раннеосенних сроках посадки – образования крупных листьев, соцветий, дополнительных стрелок. Чем больше крупных и мощных листьев, тем больше растения имеют возможность синтезировать пластические вещества в процессе фотосинтеза и сформировать высокий урожай

    Selective synthesis of nanosized palladium phosphides from white phosphorus

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    The reaction of white phosphorus with the palladium(0) complex [Pd 2(dba)3] (dba is dibenzylideneacetone) leads to stable associates [Pd(P4)]n. The coordination polymer obtained is stabilized in a solid state via the formation of nanosized palladium phosphides Pd3P2 and Pd6P with average particle sizes of 140 and 65 nm, respectively. © 2011 Mendeleev Communications. All rights reserved

    Supramolecular strategy to construct quantum dot-based sensors for detection of paraoxon

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. The development of advanced tools for sensing specific materials remains an ongoing challenge. Detailed below is a new quantum dot (QD)-based sensor via supramolecular interactions, demonstrating a novel simplicity of design to obtain sensitive QDs while avoiding their covalent cross-linking. A simple label-free and turn-off method for the detection of paraoxon and its degradation products in aqueous media was proposed by using the fluorescent QD/surfactant/cyclodextrin supramolecular system. This nanocomposite was prepared from 3-mercaptopropionic acid-capped CdTe QDs coated with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) through electrostatic self-assembly. Further nanocomposite modification by β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), thanks to hydrophobic interaction between cetyl tails of surfactants and inner cavity of macrocycle contributed to an increase in emission intensity and stability in aqueous solution. The strong fluorescence of CdTe/CTAB/β-CD nanocomposite can be effectively quenched by the addition of paraoxon due to the host–guest complexation between β-CD cavity and paraoxon degradation product. The functionality of the paraoxon sensor was also tested with blood samples of paraoxon-poisoned rats (1/2 × LD50). These fluorescent nanocomposites were obtained by using the simple supramolecular method to coat QDs with surfactant–cyclodextrin shells. This coating strategy potentially offers common method for the functionalization of QDs and avoids time-consuming synthesis procedures

    Spectroelectrochemistry: ESR of Paramagnetic Intermediates in the Electron Transfer Series [Cr(bpy)<inf>3</inf>]<sup>n</sup> (n = 3+, 2+, 1+, 0, 1-)

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. A new method of cyclic voltammetry with simultaneous ESR spectra multiple recording (CV-MRESR) has been proposed and implemented. Along with cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electron spin resonance (ESR), the combined method involving cyclic voltammetry and ESR (CV-ESR) has been used for the study of electron transfer in a series of complexes [Cr(bpy)3]n (n = 3+, 2+, 1+, 0, 1-)