69 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Hambatan Samping Terhadap Kinerja Jalan Pada Sipang Bersinyal (Studi Kasus Jl. Abdullah Daeng Sirua dan Jl. Adyaksa Baru Kota Makassar)

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    On the section at the signalized intersection of Jl. Abdullah Dg. Sirua – Jl. Adyaksa Baru Makassar City's traffic flow uses a two-way system, on this section of road the volume of vehicle traffic is quite dense plus there is high side obstacle activity because it is a trade business area such as offices, banking, shops, restaurants and shopping centers where transactions take place. sellers and buyers and there is a place of worship. Side barriers in the signalized intersection area on Jalan Abdullah Dg.Sirua – Jl. Adyaksa Baru in its existing condition obtained the highest value at point 1 on Monday at 16:30-17:30 WITA with an occurrence frequency of 456 Kej/hour per 200 m and a weight frequency of 298 Kej/hour. In this side resistance condition, it can be categorized as a low condition (Low

    Tingkah Laku Asertif Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Lima Aliran Sains Dan Sastera Di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato Bentara Dalam, Segamat, Johor.

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    Kajian ini merupakan satu kajian tinjauan tentang tingkah laku asertif dalam kalangan pelajar aliran sains dan aliran sastera tingkatan lima di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato Bentara Dalam, Segamat. Tujuan kajian adalah mengenalpasti tahap tingkah laku asertif yang dimiliki oleh pelajar. Seramai 170 orang pelajar yang terdiri dari pelajar aliran sastera iaitu seramai 92 orang dan 78 orang pelajar aliran sains telah dijadikan sampel yang diambil daripada populasi seramai 319 orang. Data yang dikumpul telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 14.0. Statistik desktiptif yang melibatkan taburan demografi responden dianalisis dengan menggunakan jadual kekerapan bagi mencari kekerapan dan peratusan. Min skor digunakan untuk melihat tahap tingkah laku asertif. Manakala ujian-t digunakan untuk mengkaji tahap tingkah laku asertif mengikut aliran. Hasil kajian menunjukkan pelajar tingkatan lima berada pada tahap tingkah laku asertif yang sederhana. Manakala melalui ujian-t didapati terdapat berbezaan tahap tingkah laku asertif antara aliran sains dan aliran sastera. Pengkaji telah mengemukakan beberapa cadangan kepada organisasi dan pengkaji akan datang bagi meningkatkan mutu kajian pada masa akan depan

    Teori dan praktis kaunseling kelompok kontemporari

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    Manusia menghadapi pelbagai cabaran kesan daripada globalisasi yang melanda seluruh dunia. Impaknya kesihatan mental dan kehidupan manusia menjadi tidak berarah. Justeru, pengetahuan dan kemahiran bermasyarakat yang dinamakan sebagai Kaunseling Kelompok amat penting dikuasai oleh manusia pada hari ini. Menerusi Kaunseling Kelompok, sekurang–kurangnya masalah yang terpendam dapat diluah dan dikongsi bersama rakan–rakan lain bagi menuju kesejahteraan hidup. Buku ini mengandungi sembilan jenis Kaunseling Kelompok, iaitu Kelompok Terapi Pemusatan Klien, Kelompok Terapi Gestalt, Kelompok Terapi Analisis Transaksional, Kelompok Terapi Emosi Rasional, Kelompok Terapi Tingkah Laku, Kelompok Terapi Realiti, Kelompok Kanak–Kanak, Remaja, dan Dewasa. Buku ini sesuai sebagai rujukan utama kepada ahli psikologi, pengamal kaunseling, pelajar psikologi dan kaunseling di peringkat siswazah dan pascasiswazah, pendidik sekolah, pensyarah di kolej, maktab dan universiti atau individu yang berminat menambahkan pengetahuan dalam bidang Kaunseling Kelompok

    Total quality management in the health-care context: integrating the literature and directing future research

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    Background: Synergistic integration of predictors and elements that determine the success of total quality management (TQM) implementations in hospitals has been the bane of theoretical development in the TQM research area. Thus, this paper aims to offer a systematic literature review to provide a foundation on which research on TQM can be built and to identify the predictors of successful TQM in the health-care context. Materials and methods: A systematic literature survey was adopted in this paper, involving the review of 25 relevant researched articles found in the databases Science Direct, EBSCO, MEDLINE, CINAHL and PubMed. Result: The systematic literature survey reveals five variables to be core predictors of TQM, signifying how important these variables are in the successful implementation of TQM in the health-care context. Also, it is revealed that the identified core predictors have positive effects on an improved health-care system. However, the systematic survey of the literature reveals a dearth of studies on TQM in the health-care context. Conclusion: As TQM has become an important management approach for advancing effectiveness in the health-care sector, this kind of research is of value to researchers and managers. Stakeholders in the health sectors should introduce and implement TQM in hospitals and clinics. Nevertheless, this study has limitations, including that the databases and search engines adopted for the literature search are not exhaustive

    Gerakan Daya Wawasan (GDW) sebagai pemangkin pembinaan nilai-nilai proaktif, kreatif, inovatif dan cemerlang komuniti luar bandar di Malaysia

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    Kertas kerja ini melihat sejauhmanakah nilai-nilai proaktif, kreatif, inovatif dan cemerlang telah berjaya ditanamkan ke dalam komuniti luar bandar di Malaysia sejak Gerakan Desa Wawasan dilancarkan pada 4 hb Julai 1996. Matlamat Gerakan Desa Wawasan antara lain adalah untuk menimbulkan kesedaran bagi melakukan perubahan nilai, paradigma, sikap, amalan dan aspirasi di kalangan komuniti di luar bandar yang juga selari dengan matlamat Transformasi Kedua Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Wawasan 2020. Lantaran itu Gerakan Daya Wawasan merupakan satu mekanisme penting bagi menyediakan komuniti luar bandar ke arah pencapaian Wawasan 2020 bagi membentuk komuniti luar bandar yang memiliki nilai-nilai proaktif, berdaya tahan, berinisiatif, berdikari, berilmu dan berdisiplin. Objektif Gerakan Daya Wawasan ialah bagi meningkatkan nilai berdikari di kalangan komuniti luar bandar dengan mengikis mentaliti subsidi, meningkatkan penglibatan masyarakat dalam pembangunan komuniti, meningkatkan keupayaan komuniti luar bandar untuk maju dan mampu menggunakan teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat (ICT). Menyedari betapa pentingnya Gerakan Desa Wawasan ini dalam pembangunan insan bagi membina komuniti luar bandar yang proaktif dan berdaya tahan dalam dunia yang serba mencabar hari ini menyebabkan kerajaan telah bersetuju menukar nama Gerakan Desa Wawasan kepada Gerakan Daya Wawasan bagi mempertegaskan usaha anjakan paradigma dan nilai di kalangan komuniti luar bandar

    Potential Data Collections Methods for System Dynamics Modelling: A Brief Overview

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    System Dynamics (SD) modelling is a highly complex process. Although the SD methodology has been discussed extensively in most breakthroughs and present literature, discussions on data collection methods for SD modelling are not explained in details in most studies. To date, comprehensive descriptions of knowledge extraction for SD modelling is still scarce in the literature either. In an attempt to fill in the gap, three primary groups of data sources proposed by Forrester: (1) mental database, (2) written database and (3) numerical database, were reviewed, including the potential data collections methods for each database by taking into account the advancement of current computer and information technology. The contributions of this paper come in three folds. First, this paper highlights the potential data sources that deserved to be acknowledged and reflected in the SD domain. Second, this paper provides insights into the appropriate mix and match of data collection methods for SD development. Third, this paper provides a practical synthesis of potential data sources and their suitability according to the SD modelling stage, which can serve as modelling practice guidelines

    Overviews of Uncertainty: Concepts, Categories and Coping Strategies in Decision Making

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    Uncertainty is not a new issue in decision making. A wrong decision made of a lack of certainty is every decision maker’s nightmare. Although uncertainty is broadly discussed in academic literature, uncertainty has been defined in many definitions, terms and conceptions. Some of the terms often overlap with similar terms from different perspectives. In the light of this, this paper takes the opportunity to explain uncertainty under 3 C’s perspectives; the Concept, the Categories and the Coping Strategies. An overview of uncertainty concepts pro- vides the basis for understanding how it is defined from a particular perspective related to decision support for decision making. The categories of uncertainty are explained based on their characterisation to provide a better understanding. Since there is no fixed way to treat uncertainty, this study takes the opportunity to compile the possible coping strategies in handling uncertainty. As an outcome, the contributions of this study come in two ways. First, this paper provides insights on uncertainty concepts and uncertainty categories that are worthy of being reflected in decision support for decision-making research domains. Second, this paper provides solutions and ideas for potential mix-and-match coping strategies that might be helpful in dealing with uncertainty in decision-making

    Portable mud remover

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    Basically, the only way to remove mud is by using shovel. The process of removing mud usually need us to shovel out the mud, put it into buckets and carry it outside and by using a garden sprayer or hose to wash away mud from hard surfaces [1]. This is because there are no specific tools or products to remove the mud in our industries. In that case, our group had come up with an idea to design a “Portable Mud Remover” which is inspired from a lawnmower and vacuum as shown in Figure 10.1. The idea of using concept of lawnmower is because to make is the product is portable and easy to handling. The smallest types of lawnmower are pushed by a human user and are suitable for small space. The problem occurs for the pool vacuum is that the product is not suitable to suck the mud because it is not designed for a heavy duty work