4,046 research outputs found

    Causative factors of construction and demolition waste generation in Iraq Construction Industry

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    The construction industry has hurt the environment from the waste generated during construction activities. Thus, it calls for serious measures to determine the causative factors of construction waste generated. There are limited studies on factors causing construction, and demolition (C&D) waste generation, and these limited studies only focused on the quantification of construction waste. This study took the opportunity to identify the causative factors for the C&D waste generation and also to determine the risk level of each causal factor, and the most important minimization methods to avoiding generating waste. This study was carried out based on the quantitative approach. A total of 39 factors that causes construction waste generation that has been identified from the literature review were considered which were then clustered into 4 groups. Improved questionnaire surveys by 38 construction experts (consultants, contractors and clients) during the pilot study. The actual survey was conducted with a total of 380 questionnaires, received with a response rate of 83.3%. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software. Ranking analysis using the mean score approach found the five most significant causative factors which are poor site management, poor planning, lack of experience, rework and poor controlling. The result also indicated that the majority of the identified factors having a high-risk level, in addition, the better minimization method is environmental awareness. A structural model was developed based on the 4 groups of causative factors using the Partial Least Squared-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. It was found that the model fits due to the goodness of fit (GOF ≥ 0.36= 0.658, substantial). Based on the outcome of this study, 39 factors were relevant to the generation of construction and demolition waste in Iraq. These groups of factors should be avoided during construction works to reduce the waste generated. The findings of this study are helpful to authorities and stakeholders in formulating laws and regulations. Furthermore, it provides opportunities for future researchers to conduct additional research’s on the factors that contribute to construction waste generation

    Optimal Color Model for Information Hidingin Color Images

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    In present work the effort has been put in finding the most suitable color model for the application of information hiding in color images. We test the most commonly used color models; RGB, YIQ, YUV, YCbCr1 and YCbCr2. The same procedures of embedding, detection and evaluation were applied to find which color model is most appropriate for information hiding. The new in this work, we take into consideration the value of errors that generated during transformations among color models. The results show YUV and YIQ color models are the best for information hiding in color images

    Influence of Magnetized Saltwater Irrigation on Chemical Characteristics ‎of Soil

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             تناولت هذه الدراسة  كيفية تأثر  الخصائص الكيميائية  للتربة  عند ريها  بمياه المصب العام المالحة   الممغنطة . تم  اخذ تربة من  موقع  البحث  ووضعها في سنادين  متطابقة  تمامًا  مع  بعضها  البعض . زرعت نباتات البصل في السنادين مع ثلاث مكررات لكل حالة واخذ المعدل.    تم استخدام سبعة أنواع لمياه الري لسقي السنادين  وهي الري  بمياه النهر  والري بمياه المصب  العام غير   الممغنطة وكذلك الري بماء المصب العام الممغنط بخمس شدات مغناطيسية هي (2000,1000, 3000, 5000 , و 7000) غاوس . تم العثور على أعلى انخفاض للعناصر الثلاثة  المهمة التي تغذي النبات وهي الفوسفات والنترات والبوتاسيوم عند حالة السقي بالماء الممغنط بشدة 3000 غاوس. كذلك حدثت أعلى نسبة انخفاض في جميع الخواص الكيميائية عند استخدام الماء الممغنط بقوة 3000 جاوس. باستخدام التكنلوجيا المغناطيسية سوف يساعدنا بتوفير مياه صالحة لري المحاصيل والتغلب على شحة المياه في موقع الدراسة.This study looks at how soil chemical characteristics are affected by the magnetization of saline irrigation water from Almasab Alam. The dirt was gathered from the research location and put into pots that were completely identical to one another. Onion plants were sown in the soil, with three replications done for each case to determine the average results. Different types of irrigation water were used to irrigate the anvils. Seven different methods of testing the irrigation water were used, including irrigating with river  water, irrigating with salty Almasab Alam drainage water without magnetization, and irrigating with magnetized Almasab Alam water with intensities (7000, 5000, 3000, 2000, and 1000) gauss. The highest decrease of the three important elements that nourish the plant: netrate, phosfate, and potasum, was found in the case of irrigation with magnetized water with an intensity of 3000 gauss. The highest percentage decrease in all chemical properties occurred when using magnetized water with strength of 3000 gauss.Utilizing magnetic technology, provides appropriate water for irrigating crops by Almasab Alam water, and overcoming the investigation location's water scarcity

    A Mathematical Approach for Computing the Linear Equivalence of a Periodic Key-Stream Sequence Using Fourier Transform

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    A mathematical method with a new algorithm with the aid of Matlab language is proposed to compute the linear equivalence (or the recursion length) of the pseudo-random key-stream periodic sequences using Fourier transform. The proposed method enables the computation of the linear equivalence to determine the degree of the complexity of any binary or real periodic sequences produced from linear or nonlinear key-stream generators. The procedure can be used with comparatively greater computational ease and efficiency. The results of this algorithm are compared with Berlekamp-Massey (BM) method and good results are obtained where the results of the Fourier transform are more accurate than those of (BM) method for computing the linear equivalence (L) of the sequence of period (p) when (L) is greater than (p/2). Several examples are given for conciliated the accuracy of the results of this proposed method

    Production of Hard Grade Bitumen for Using in High Modulus Asphalt Concrete

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    قد تتعرض الخرسانة الاسفلتية الاعتيادية لعدة اضرار مثل شقوق الكلل والتخدد وتتفاقم درجة هذه الاضرار مع الظروف المناخية القاسية والحمل المروري المتكرر. يمكن اعتبار الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة المصممة وفقا للطريقة الفرنسية (EME)) أحد الحلول المهمة للحد من هذه الاضرار. ان انتاج هذا النوع من الخليط يتطلب اسفلت (كمادة رابطة) عالي الصلابة. البحث الحالي يتضمن طريقة جديدة لأنتاج الاسفلت بتدرج اختراق نوع hard)) ليلائم متطلبات الاسفلت العالي الصلابة المستخدم لأنتاج الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة المصممة وفقا للطريقة الفرنسية. العمل المختبري يتضمن خلط البوليمر ومصلبه مع الاسفلت الاعتيادي لأنتاج الاسفلت الجديد العالي الصلابة. نظرا لأن شقوق الكلل هي أكثر المخاوف المتعلقة بالأسفلت (كمادة رابطة) العالي الصلابة والخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة، لذلك تمت إضافة حبيبات المطاط الى الاسفلت المنتج العالي الصلابة لتحسين أداء التبليط في مقاومة شقوق الكلل. تم اجراء اختباري مطياف الاشعة تحت الحمراء ومسح المجهر الالكتروني للأسفلت الاعتيادي وللأسفلت العالي الصلابة. كانت القيمة المثلى المختارة للمضافات لانتاج الاسفلت العالي الصلابة المستخدم في الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة هي 4% و0.4% من وزن الاسفلت للنوفولاك والهكسامين على التوالي، بينما نسبة حبيبات المطاط لتحسين المرونة هي 0.5%. أظهرت نتائج الاختبارات المجهرية والاشعة تحت الحمراء للاسفلت المنتج حدوث تداخلا ميكانيكيا بين الاسفلت والمضافات أدى الى تحسن كبير في الخواص الميكانيكة للاسفلت المنتج. الاسفلت المنتج قد حقق متطلبات الاسفلت العالي الصلابة وبالتالي يمكن استخدامه في انتاج الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة المصممة وفق الطريقة الفرنسية.The conventional Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) may suffer from several distress such as fatigue cracks and rutting. These distresses increase with severe climate conditions and reputation of traffic load. The High Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) designed according to the French method (EME) can be considered as one of the important solutions for these distresses. The production of HMAC requires hard grade bitumen. The current research involved a novel way to produce hard grade bitumen (asphalt binder) to be consonant with the requirements of hard grade bitumen used for a HMAC. The experimental work involved mixing polymer and cross-linking agent with conventional bitumen to get the new bitumen. Since the most concern with hard grade bitumen and HMAC is the fatigue cracks, Crumb Rubber (CR) was added to the obtained bitumen to improve the fatigue performance of the pavement. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) tests were carried out on the conventional and hard grade bitumen. The optimal value of additives was selected to meet the requirement of hard grade bitumen was 4% Novolac from weight of bitumen and 10 % of Hexamine from weight of Novolac (i.e. 0.4% of weight of bitumen), while the selected CR ratio to improve flexibility was 0.5% from weight of bitumen. FTIR and SEM test results showed that a mechanical interaction was occurring between the bitumen and the additives leads to greatly improve the mechanical properties of resulting bitumen. The obtained bitumen is satisfied to required standards and can be used for HMAC according to French method

    Urban Landscape Fragmentation as an Indicator of Urban Expansion Using Sentinel-2 Imageries

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    Rapid urbanization in some cities has led to the emergence of numerous subsidiary settlements around their primary cities. Due to this rapid urbanization and growth, there is a great demand for urban land, mostly for commercial, industrial, and residential uses. Urban green spaces and vegetation are at risk due to a large amount of urban land, as seen by a decline in connectivity and increased fragmentation, especially due to land conversion. However, the identification of the spatial and momentary variability in the clustering and fragmentation of vegetation patterns in urban settings has not made full use of local indicators of spatial distribution measurements, such as Baqubah, a city in Iraq. Since it is essential to measure the degree of fragmentation and evaluate urban expansion trajectories consistently, this study proposes a new approach to assessing the anticipated direction of urban extension, using the fragmentation indicator of built-up patterns in urban areas. Sentinel-2 data was used to map the fragmented urban centres and their future extent in the city at a single time point. The proposed method employs indices to capture the initial distribution of spatial patterns of vegetation cover and built-up areas. The main extracted land cover classes, landscape fragmentation performance, and surface density analysis were accomplished in ArcGIS. The results indicate that the entire built-up area in Baqubah has a high degree of fragmentation at 75%, and about 23% of the open space within the urban extent of the city. Two predicted trajectories of urban expansion were also revealed: one may follow the external road direction, while the other is multi-directional, commencing from the edges of the built-up area. The study concludes that the new method is useful for comprehending and assessing urban landscape fragmentation, as well as anticipating its path. This integrated approach to remote sensing and GIS can sufficiently and effectively determine priority urban regions for successful planning and management. In addition, our study's findings highlight the potential of the suggested strategy as a useful spatially explicit method for determining the spatial clustering and fragmentation of urban landscape patterns. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-09-04 Full Text: PD

    Tax Reduction for the Entry of Taxpayers By the Supply Chain Strategies

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    The research stems from a problem of prevalence of tax evasion phenomenon from taxpayers and its negative and serious impacts resulting therefrom. The results of such negative and serious impacts are represented in a decrease tax revenue proceeds and the damages to the public treasury of the state, as well as the occurrence of evader taxpayers under the law and take the penalties and legal sanctions against them by the tax authority. For the purposes of this research, tax exemption can be perceived as those exemptions granted on the incomes of natural and moral taxpayers.  These are determined by a general or private legislative text for the purpose of achieving tax justice, by taking into account the circumstances of the personal, family and family taxpayer, and to prevent double taxation. Such cases may be Temporary, or permanent, or partial exemption for the purpose of achieving the economic, political and social objectives sought by the state.  The research aims to highlight the tax exemptions granted to the taxpayers in accordance with the amended Income Tax Law No. (113) for the year 1982 and the applied legislations and laws, show their suitability to basic tax rules, and identify the role of tax exemptions to reduce the tax evasion phenomenon, and thus increase tax revenues. The present study used case study method to prove and establish the result and finding supported by the financial numbers and previous research literature.  The paper is concluded by offering some recommendations to the policy makers and other important stakeholders

    Functional and Physiological Role of Extra-Hypothalamic Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Neurons in the Nucleus of the Hippocampal Commissure in Regulation of Stress Response

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    Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) neurons located within the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) are known to be involved in regulation of stress responses. Recently, CRH neurons were identified above the PVN within the nucleus of the hippocampal commissure (NHpC) that located in the septum. We hypothesized that CRH neurons in the NHpC play a critical role in the stress response due to their rapid activation and could be a part of the traditional hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The dissertation addresses the role of 1) CRH expressing neurons in the NHpC compared with those within the PVN utilizing two different stressors, food deprivation (FD) and immobilization stress, 2) arginine vasotocin (AVT) neurons in the late phase of stress responses to sustain CRH neuron activities, 3) CRH and AVT receptors within the NHpC, PVN, and anterior pituitary (APit), 4) brain derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, in the regulation of the stress response, particularly, interactions of CRH and AVT and their, major receptors, CRHR1 and V1aR, and 5) the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and its role in regulating CRH neurons in the NHpC and PVN, and POMC transcripts within the APit. Results showed that CRH neurons in the NHpC are activated rapidly and help initiate the general response of both types of stressors investigated, namely, FD and immobilization. rapid activation of CRH neurons in the NHpC indicated that the NHpC contributes significantly in the initial upregulation of POMC transcripts and plasma CORT concertation increase; however, persistence of high CORT levels seemed to be attributed to both CRH and AVT activation in the PVN demonstrating that the two neuropeptides are working together to maintain a response to continued stress. Additionally, a delayed increase of AVT expression in the PVN is associated with upregulation of its major receptor, V1aR, showing a positive feedback indicating that AVT and V1aR are involved when a stressor persists. CRH and AVT receptors within the two structures, NHpC and PVN, are regulated differentially during the stress response. Specifically, CRH and its major receptor, CRHR1, are regulated negatively in the NHpC and positively within the PVN; however, CRHR2 has a positive feedback with its ligand in both neural structures. Importantly, BDNF appeared to play a critical role in the upregulation of CRH followed by AVT activation in the PVN as well as for the positive feedback relationship between CRH and CRHR1 and AVT and V1aR within the PVN. Additionally, the V1bR mRNA was detected and shown upregulated within the NHpC and PVN. Increased neuronal secretion during stress downregulated CRHR1 and V1aR gene expression in the APit resulting in an absence of stimulating POMC transcripts thereby reducing their effect on CORT release. In contrast, upregulation of the V1bR in the APit maintains a significant CORT release when stressors persist. Upregulation of GR within the brain functions to inhibit CRH neurons in the NHpC followed by those in the PVN in order to decrease peak plasma levels of CORT. Hence, CRH neurons in the NHpC function to assist in initiating the stress response and, therefore, play a significant role in the early phase of HPA axis activation. CRH and AVT in the PVN sustain the stress response as evidenced by plasma CORT levels. The GR functions to dampen peak levels of CORT thereby effecting a homeostatic response to persistent stressors