29 research outputs found

    Orientation-Dispersed Apparent Axon Diameter via Multi-Stage Spherical Mean Optimization

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    The estimation of the apparent axon diameter (AAD) via diffusion MRI is affected by the incoherent alignment of single axons around its axon bundle direction, also known as orientational dispersion. The simultaneous estimation of AAD and dispersion is challenging and requires the optimization of many parameters at the same time. We propose to reduce the complexity of the estimation with an multi-stage approach, inspired to alternate convex search, that separates the estimation problem into simpler ones, thus avoiding the estimation of all the relevant model parameters at once. The method is composed of three optimization stages that are iterated, where we separately estimate the volume fractions, diffusivities, dispersion, and mean AAD, using a Cylinder and Zeppelin model. First, we use multi-shell data to estimate the undispersed axon micro-environment’s signal fractions and diffusivities using the spherical mean technique; then, to account for dispersion, we use the obtained micro-environment parameters to estimate a Watson axon orientation distribution; finally, we use data acquired perpendicularly to the axon bundle direction to estimate the mean AAD and updated signal fractions, while fixing the previously estimated diffusivity and dispersion parameters. We use the estimated mean AAD to initiate the following iteration. We show that our approach converges to good estimates while being more efficient than optimizing all model parameters at once. We apply our method to ex-vivo spinal cord data, showing that including dispersion effects results in mean apparent axon diameter estimates that are closer to their measured histological values

    White matter microstructural abnormalities in children with severe congenital hypothyroidism.

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    This study assessed white matter microstructural integrity and behavioral correlates for children with severe congenital hypothyroidism (CH) who were identified and treated early following newborn screening. Eighteen children with severe CH and 21 healthy controls underwent a battery of behavioral measures of hearing, language and communication, along with diffusion MR imaging. Tract-based spatial statistics were performed on standard diffusion parameters of fractional anisotropy and diffusivity metrics. Microscopic diffusion anisotropy mapping based on the Spherical Mean Technique was also used to evaluate biologically specific metrics. Compared with age-matched controls, children with severe CH had poorer hearing and communication skills, albeit generally within normal limits. Children with severe CH had fractional anisotropy that was significantly lower in the cerebellum, bilateral thalami and right temporal lobe, and radial diffusivity that was significantly higher in the cerebellum and bilateral thalami. Microscopic fractional anisotropy and intra-neurite volume fraction were also significantly decreased, and transverse microscopic diffusivity was significantly increased, in the CH group in areas including the cerebellum, thalamus, occipital lobe, and corpus callosum, and in the white matter adjacent to sensorimotor cortex, particularly in the left hemisphere. Significant and widespread correlations were observed between behavioral measures and measures of white matter microstructural integrity in children with CH. The results indicate that children with severe CH who are identified through newborn screening may have significant brain white matter microstructural abnormalities despite early treatment.This work was supported by a NIHR/CSO Healthcare Science Doctoral Research Fellowship, Hannah Cooper, NIHR-HCS-D12-03-05. We also acknowledge funding from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, University College London, as well as at University College London Hospitals. Enrico Kaden was supported by grants UK EPSRCEP/M020533/1, EP/N018702/1 and EU H2020 634541-2

    Image quality transfer and applications in diffusion MRI

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    This paper introduces a new computational imaging technique called image quality transfer (IQT). IQT uses machine learning to transfer the rich information available from one-off experimental medical imaging devices to the abundant but lower-quality data from routine acquisitions. The procedure uses matched pairs to learn mappings from low-quality to corresponding high-quality images. Once learned, these mappings then augment unseen low quality images, for example by enhancing image resolution or information content. Here, we demonstrate IQT using a simple patch-regression implementation and the uniquely rich diffusion MRI data set from the human connectome project (HCP). Results highlight potential benefits of IQT in both brain connectivity mapping and microstructure imaging. In brain connectivity mapping, IQT reveals, from standard data sets, thin connection pathways that tractography normally requires specialised data to reconstruct. In microstructure imaging, IQT shows potential in estimating, from standard “single-shell” data (one non-zero b-value), maps of microstructural parameters that normally require specialised multi-shell data. Further experiments show strong generalisability, highlighting IQT's benefits even when the training set does not directly represent the application domain. The concept extends naturally to many other imaging modalities and reconstruction problems

    Uncertainty modelling in deep learning for safer neuroimage enhancement: Demonstration in diffusion MRI

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    Deep learning (DL) has shown great potential in medical image enhancement problems, such as super-resolution or image synthesis. However, to date, most existing approaches are based on deterministic models, neglecting the presence of different sources of uncertainty in such problems. Here we introduce methods to characterise different components of uncertainty, and demonstrate the ideas using diffusion MRI super-resolution. Specifically, we propose to account for intrinsic uncertainty through a heteroscedastic noise model and for parameter uncertainty through approximate Bayesian inference, and integrate the two to quantify predictive uncertainty over the output image. Moreover, we introduce a method to propagate the predictive uncertainty on a multi-channelled image to derived scalar parameters, and separately quantify the effects of intrinsic and parameter uncertainty therein. The methods are evaluated for super-resolution of two different signal representations of diffusion MR images—Diffusion Tensor images and Mean Apparent Propagator MRI—and their derived quantities such as mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy, on multiple datasets of both healthy and pathological human brains. Results highlight three key potential benefits of modelling uncertainty for improving the safety of DL-based image enhancement systems. Firstly, modelling uncertainty improves the predictive performance even when test data departs from training data (“out-of-distribution” datasets). Secondly, the predictive uncertainty highly correlates with reconstruction errors, and is therefore capable of detecting predictive “failures”. Results on both healthy subjects and patients with brain glioma or multiple sclerosis demonstrate that such an uncertainty measure enables subject-specific and voxel-wise risk assessment of the super-resolved images that can be accounted for in subsequent analysis. Thirdly, we show that the method for decomposing predictive uncertainty into its independent sources provides high-level “explanations” for the model performance by separately quantifying how much uncertainty arises from the inherent difficulty of the task or the limited training examples. The introduced concepts of uncertainty modelling extend naturally to many other imaging modalities and data enhancement applications

    Cross-scanner and cross-protocol multi-shell diffusion MRI data harmonization: algorithms and result

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    Cross-scanner and cross-protocol variability of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) data are known to be major obstacles in multi-site clinical studies since they limit the ability to aggregate dMRI data and derived measures. Computational algorithms that harmonize the data and minimize such variability are critical to reliably combine datasets acquired from different scanners and/or protocols, thus improving the statistical power and sensitivity of multi-site studies. Different computational approaches have been proposed to harmonize diffusion MRI data or remove scanner-specific differences. To date, these methods have mostly been developed for or evaluated on single b-value diffusion MRI data. In this work, we present the evaluation results of 19 algorithms that are developed to harmonize the cross-scanner and cross-protocol variability of multi-shell diffusion MRI using a benchmark database. The proposed algorithms rely on various signal representation approaches and computational tools, such as rotational invariant spherical harmonics, deep neural networks and hybrid biophysical and statistical approaches. The benchmark database consists of data acquired from the same subjects on two scanners with different maximum gradient strength (80 and 300 ​mT/m) and with two protocols. We evaluated the performance of these algorithms for mapping multi-shell diffusion MRI data across scanners and across protocols using several state-of-the-art imaging measures. The results show that data harmonization algorithms can reduce the cross-scanner and cross-protocol variabilities to a similar level as scan-rescan variability using the same scanner and protocol. In particular, the LinearRISH algorithm based on adaptive linear mapping of rotational invariant spherical harmonics features yields the lowest variability for our data in predicting the fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), mean kurtosis (MK) and the rotationally invariant spherical harmonic (RISH) features. But other algorithms, such as DIAMOND, SHResNet, DIQT, CMResNet show further improvement in harmonizing the return-to-origin probability (RTOP). The performance of different approaches provides useful guidelines on data harmonization in future multi-site studies

    2015 MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI

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    These Proceedings of the 2015 MICCAI Workshop “Computational Diffusion MRI” offer a snapshot of the current state of the art on a broad range of topics within the highly active and growing field of diffusion MRI. The topics vary from fundamental theoretical work on mathematical modeling, to the development and evaluation of robust algorithms, new computational methods applied to diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data, and applications in neuroscientific studies and clinical practice. Over the last decade interest in diffusion MRI has exploded. The technique provides unique insights into the microstructure of living tissue and enables in-vivo connectivity mapping of the brain. Computational techniques are key to the continued success and development of diffusion MRI and to its widespread transfer into clinical practice. New processing methods are essential for addressing issues at each stage of the diffusion MRI pipeline: acquisition, reconstruction, modeling and model fitting, image processing, fiber tracking, connectivity mapping, visualization, group studies and inference. This volume, which includes both careful mathematical derivations and a wealth of rich, full-color visualizations and biologically or clinically relevant results, offers a valuable starting point for anyone interested in learning about computational diffusion MRI and mathematical methods for mapping brain connectivity, as well as new perspectives and insights on current research challenges for those currently working in the field. It will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the fields of computer science, MR physics, and applied mathematics

    Computational Diffusion MRI : MICCAI Workshop

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    This volume presents the latest developments in the highly active and rapidly growing field of diffusion MRI. The reader will find numerous contributions covering a broad range of topics, from the mathematical foundations of the diffusion process and signal generation, to new computational methods and estimation techniques for the in-vivo recovery of microstructural and connectivity features, as well as frontline applications in neuroscience research and clinical practice. These proceedings contain the papers presented at the 2017 MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI’17) held in Québec, Canada on September 10, 2017, sharing new perspectives on the most recent research challenges for those currently working in the field, but also offering a valuable starting point for anyone interested in learning computational techniques in diffusion MRI. This book includes rigorous mathematical derivations, a large number of rich, full-colour visualisations and clinically relevant results. As such, it will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the fields of computer science, MRI physics and applied mathematics