557 research outputs found

    27P Chirurgiczne leczenie powikłań powstałych w wyniku radioterapii nowotworów dróg rodnych i jąder

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    Jednym z elementów leczenia dróg rodnych i jąder jest radioterapia. W wyniku tego postępowania może dojść do uszkodzenia promieniami innych narządów. Szczególną wrażliwość wykazuje jelito cienkie oraz jelito grube. Na skutek popromiennego zapalenia jelit występują krwawienia do światła jelita, perforacje, pojawiają się zrosty i zwężenia prowadzące do niedrożności przewodu pokarmowego. Niedrożność może być też spowodowana atonią odcinków uszkodzonego jelita. Częstym powikłaniem popromiennym jest przetoka pochwowo- odbytnicza. W takich przypadkach konieczne jest leczenia operacyjne.Celem pracy jest ocena leczenia chirurgicznego powikłań popromiennych. W Oddziale Chirurgii I WCO w latach 1988–1998 z powodu powikłań popromiennych leczono 90 chorych w wieku 31 do 73 lat; 3 mężczyzn i 87 kobiet. Z rozpoznaniem Ca. colli uteri 79 Ca. endometri 6, Ca. ovariorum 2 kobiety, 3 mężczyzn z rozpoznaniem Ca testis.54 operowano z powodu przetoki pochwowoodbytniczej. 15 razy z powodu krwawienia do świateł jelita, przyczyną 20 operacji była niedrożność przewodu pokarmowego, 1 raz perforacja jelita.Metodę leczenia dostosowywano indywidualnie do poszczególnych przypadków. Stosowano chirurgiczne wywołanie odbytu na esicy lub poprzecznicy, wykonywano operacje Hartmana lub brzuszno-kroczowe odjęcie odbytnicy, stosowano odcinkowe resekcje jelita lub zespolenia omijające, podwiązywano naczynia biodrowe wewnętrzne. W ostatnim okresie w przypadkach krwawienia z odbytnicy z powodzeniem stosowano laseroterapię aparatem Nd: YAG. Należy zaznaczyć, że wymienione zabiegi operacyjne wykonywane były w trudnych warunkach spowodowanych uszkodzeniami popromiennymi; jelito o słabej ścianie wrażliwe na urazy, liczne zrosty oraz krótka zmieniona zapalnie krezka jelita. Niejednokrotnie dużym problemem decyzyjnym i diagnostycznym jest zróżnicowanie niedrożności popromiennej z niedrożnością spowodowaną rozsiewem procesu nowotworowego. Chorzy są w złym stanie ogólnym, a obraz kliniczny jest niejasny. Postępowanie w takich przypadkach wymaga pewnego doświadczenia w prowadzeniu chorych leczonych promieniami.Wnioski1.Metody chirurgicznego leczenia powikłań popro miennych muszą być dostosowane indywidualnie do każdego przypadku.2.Leczenie operacyjne pomimo trudności i ryzyka jest celowe i daje dobre efekty terapeutyczne.3.W przypadku krwawienia z odbytnicy uszkodzonej promieniami nową skuteczną metodą leczenia jest laseroterapia

    A rapid assay for tyrosinase activity

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    A rapid assay for tyrosinase activit

    Unconventional superconducting phases in a correlated two-dimensional Fermi gas of nonstandard quasiparticles: a simple model

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    We discuss a detailed phase diagram and other microscopic characteristics on the applied magnetic field - temperature (H_a-T) plane for a simple model of correlated fluid represented by a two-dimensional (2D) gas of heavy quasiparticles with masses dependent on the spin direction and the effective field generated by the electron correlations. The consecutive transitions between the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) and the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phases are either continuous or discontinuous, depending on the values of H_a and T. In the latter case, weak metamagnetic transitions occur at the BCS-FFLO boundary. We single out two different FFLO phases, as well as a reentrant behaviour of one of them at high fields. The results are compared with those for ordinary Landau quasiparticles in order to demonstrate the robustness of the FFLO states against the BCS state for the case with spin-dependent masses (SDM). We believe that the mechanism of FFLO stabilization by SDM is generic: other high-field low-temperature (HFLT) superconducting phases benefit from SDM as well.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Cryopreservation of threatened native Australian species—what have we learned and where to from here?

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    Cryogenic storage techniques have been developed and adopted for more than 100 (mainly agricultural) plant species worldwide, and within Australia, at least 30 critically endangered plants have been stored long term using cryogenic approaches. Nevertheless, there are many species that are very difficult to store using current procedures, and organizations involved in plant germplasm conservation (such as botanic gardens, agricultural institutions, etc.) that utilise cryogenic storage techniques are in some respects at a crossroads in their endeavours to cheaply and effectively store a wide selection of species and genotypes for conservation and agricultural/horticultural purposes. For taxa that are not amenable to current cryogenic approaches, new ways of developing cryogenic storage techniques need to be investigated, including research into the ways in which cell membranes interact and change when cooled to cryogenic temperatures (−196°C in liquid nitrogen) in the presence of various cryoprotective agents. This review highlights the current state of cryogenic research both within Australia and internationally, provides a case study on threatened plant species and also describes several new research initiatives that aim to provide answers to why some native species are quite amenable to widely utilised cryogenic approaches whilst others are currently non-responsive. New approaches aim to integrate laboratory and membrane modelling paradigms to provide guidelines for the development of new cryopreservation protocols and to assess the robustness of theoretical models in predicting optimum cryogenic conditions

    Anderson lattice with explicit Kondo coupling: general features and the field-induced suppression of heavy-fermion state in ferromagnetic phase

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    We apply the extended (statistically-consistent, SGA) Gutzwiller-type approach to the periodic Anderson model (PAM) in an applied magnetic field and in the strong correlation limit. The finite-U corrections are included systematically by transforming PAM into the form with Kondo-type interaction and residual hybridization, appearing both at the same time. This effective Hamiltonian represents the essence of \textit{Anderson-Kondo lattice model}. We show that in ferromagnetic phases the low-energy single-particle states are strongly affected by the presence of the applied magnetic field. We also find that for large values of hybridization strength the system enters the so-called \textit{locked heavy fermion state}. In this state the chemical potential lies in the majority-spin hybridization gap and as a consequence, the system evolution is insensitive to further increase of the applied field. However, for a sufficiently strong magnetic field, the system transforms from the locked state to the fully spin-polarized phase. This is accompanied by a metamagnetic transition, as well as by drastic reduction of the effective mass of quasiparticles. In particular, we observe a reduction of effective mass enhancement in the majority-spin subband by as much as 20% in the fully polarized state. The findings are consistent with experimental results for Cex_xLa1x_{1-x}B6_6 compounds. The mass enhancement for the spin-minority electrons may also diminish with the increasing field, unlike for the quasiparticles states in a single narrow band in the same limit of strong correlations

    Applying plant lectins to assay the effect of environmental pollution on the glycosylation of human placenta

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    Our study was designed to establish whether air pollution in urbanized industrial centers of southern Poland affects the process of glycosylation in a full-term human placenta. This process of glycosylation was analyzed by the quantitative determination of the binding of WGA and LCA lectins to placental villi. The study was performed on human placentas collected in 1990-91 and 2000-01 in regions of southern Poland differing in their degree of environmental pollution: the highly polluted areas of Upper Silesia and Cracow agglomeration. The Bieszczady area with low pollution was considered the control. The concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur oxides and the concentration of aerosols were used as markers of the degree of air pollution. The direct immunofluorescence reaction of the placenta tissues with fluorescein-labeled (FITC) lec-tins was used. The staining of the placenta tissues was examined under a fluorescence microscope linked to an analysis system. A microdensytometric method was used to assay the amount of tissue-bound lectins. The results showed no significant effect of the three main air pollutants in the study areas in southern Poland, i.e. nitrogen and sulfur oxides and high level of aerosols, on the structure of WGA-and LCA-specific glycoconjugates in human placenta. However, the marked quantitative changes in th

    DNA double strand breaks repair and apoptosis induction in peripheral blood lymphocytes of head and neck cancer patients

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    Aim: To evaluate the generation and repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) as a critical factors that define the efficiency of radiation therapy of cancer patients. Methods: Peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained from 18 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and 18 healthy donors were studied. The efficiency of DSBs repair after genotoxic treatment with hydrogen peroxide and γ-radiation were examined by neutral comet assay. MTT assay was used for cell viability analysis and Annexin V-FITC kit specific for kinase-3 was employed to determine apoptosis. Results: Lymphocytes from HNSCC patients were sensitive to genotoxic treatment and displayed impaired DSBs repair. Finally, as a consequence of this finding we have evidenced higher rate of apoptosis induction after γ-radiation treatment of lymphocytes from HNSCC patients than those from healthy controls. Conclusions: DSBs repair and increased apoptosis in cells of patients with head and neck cancer is relevant for efficient therapy of HNSCC

    Tus, an E. coli Protein, Contains Mammalian Nuclear Targeting and Exporting Signals

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    Shuttling of proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm in mammalian cells is facilitated by the presence of nuclear localization signals (NLS) and nuclear export signals (NES), respectively. However, we have found that Tus, an E. coli replication fork arresting protein, contains separate sequences that function efficiently as NLS and NES in mammalian cell lines, as judged by cellular location of GFP-fusion proteins. The NLS was localized to a short stretch of 9 amino acids in the carboxy-terminus of Tus protein. Alterations of any of these basic amino acids almost completely abolished the nuclear targeting. The NES comprises a cluster of leucine/hydrophobic residues located within 21 amino acids at the amino terminus of Tus. Finally, we have shown that purified GFP-Tus fusion protein or GFP-Tus NLS fusion protein, when added to the culture media, was internalized very efficiently into mammalian cells. Thus, Tus is perhaps the first reported bacterial protein to possess both NLS and NES, and has the capability to transduce protein into mammalian cells

    Postocclusive hyperemia measured with laser Doppler flowmetry and transcutaneous oxygen tension in the diagnosis of primary Raynaud's phenomenon : a prospective, controlled study

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    The aim of this study was to measure the sensitivity and specificity of transcutaneous oxygen tension and postocclusive hyperemia testing using laser Doppler flowmetry in patients with primary Raynaud’s phenomenon. One hundred patients and one hundred controls were included in the study. Baseline microvascular blood flow and then time to peak flow following occlusion were measured using laser Doppler flowmetry. Afterwards, the transcutaneous oxygen tension was recorded. The sensitivities of baseline microvascular blood flow, postocclusive time to peak flow, and transcutaneous oxygen tension were 79%, 79%, and 77%, respectively. The postocclusive time peak flow had a superior specificity of 90% and area under the curve of 0.92 as compared to 66% and 0.80 for baseline microvascular flow and 64% and 0.76 for transcutaneous oxygen tension. Time to postocclusive peak blood flow measured by laser Doppler flowmetry is a highly accurate test for differentiating patients with primary Raynaud’s phenomenon from healthy controls

    Classification of Construction Projects

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    The final publication is available at World Academy of Science via https://waset.org/Publication/classification-of-construction-projects/10001697 © 2015, This unmodified version is made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/In order to address construction project requirements and specifications, scholars and practitioners need to establish taxonomy according to a scheme that best fits their need. While existing characterization methods are continuously being improved, new ones are devised to cover project properties which have not been previously addressed. One such method, the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI), has received limited consideration strictly as a classification scheme. Developed by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) in 1996, the PDRI has been refined over the last two decades as a method for evaluating a project's scope definition completeness during front-end planning (FEP). The main contribution of this study is a review of practical project classification methods, and a discussion of how PDRI can be used to classify projects based on their readiness in the FEP phase. The proposed model has been applied to 59 construction projects in Ontario, and the results are discussed