17 research outputs found

    The acoustic diversity in the phoneme inventories of the world’s languages

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    A comparative analysis of multi-language speech samples is conducted using acoustic characteristics of phoneme realisations in spoken languages. Different approaches to investigation of phonemic diversity in the context of language evolution are compared and discussed. We introduced our approach (materials and methods) and presented preliminary results of research. We built an online database dedicated to voice acquisition and a storage of good quality speech samples collected across the globe. Software designed for automatic extraction and analysis of phonemes was developed and adapted for languages classification. Research involves both experimental and theoretical works that aim at gaining knowledge about phonetic diversity of languages across the world. Additionally, the expected results may be applied to verify the hypothesis of modern languages expansion from Africa, brought to attention by Atkinson

    Application of open multi-commodity market data model on the communication bandwidth market, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 4

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    In the paper the market model for balancing communication bandwidth trade (BCBT) is analyzed in the form of multi-commodity market data model (M3). The distinguishing feature of BCBT model is that it assumes that market players can place buy offers not only for isolated network resources – inter-node links, but also for end-to-end network paths of predefined capacity, that is, every offer concerns a point-to-point bandwidth connection between a pair of specified locations in a communication network. The model enables effective balancing of sell and buy offers for network resources in a way which maximizes global economic welfare. The open multi-commodity market data model provides efficient and clear mechanisms, which support the environment of auctions and multi-commodity exchanges, especially when the trade is constrained by the infrastructure resources. Thus the model may be used in designing open information systems for market balancing and clearing in the context of multicommodity trade in various network infrastructure sectors

    Warsaw Argumentation Week (Waw 2018) Organised by the Polish School of Argumentation and Our Colleagues from Germany and the UK, 6th-16th September 2018

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    In September 2018, the ArgDiaP association, along with colleagues from Germany and the UK, organised one of the longest and most interdisciplinary series of events ever dedicated to argumentation - Warsaw Argumentation Week, WAW 2018. The eleven-day ‘week’ featured a five day graduate school on computational and linguistic perspectives on argumentation (3rd SSA school); five workshops: on systems and algorithms for formal argumentation (2nd SAFA), argumentation in relation to society (1st ArgSoc), philosophical approaches to argumentation (1st ArgPhil), legal argumentation (2ndMET-ARG) and argumentation in rhetoric (1st MET-RhET); and two conferences: on computational models of argumentation (7th COMMA conference) and on argumentation and corpus linguistics (16th ArgDiaP conference). WAW hosted twelve tutorials and eight invited talks as well as welcoming over 130 participants. All the conferences and workshops publish pre- or post-proceedings in the top journals and book series in the field

    System analizy i zarządzania danymi na potrzeby przetwarzania sygnałów

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    This paper presents framework for managing analysis of scientific data. The framework was build on sole purpose of research on signal processing and speech technology but can be successfully adapted to other scientific problems.Artykuł przedstawia środowisko zarządzania analizami danych naukowych. System został stworzony na potrzeby badań nad przetwarzaniem sygnałów i technologią mowy, ale może być z powodzeniem zastosowany w innych problemach naukowych

    Baza danych nagrań mowy dla analizy porównawczej różnojęzycznych fonemów

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    The paper presents a system of collecting and analyzing multi-language speech samples for research on characteristics of phonemes in several hundred world languages. We describe the implementation: database and webpage. The content and form of the database and applications for development of the new methods of speech analysis are presented.Artykuł prezentuje system gromadzenia, archiwizacji i akustycznej analizy wielojęzycznych próbek mowy. Głównym celem badań jest analiza porównawcza fonemów dla kilkuset języków i stworzenie drzewa genealogicznego języków świata. Opisana została implementacja systemu, jako bazy danych z portalem internetowym. Przedstawiono informacje dotyczące zawartości i formy bazy, perspektyw rozwoju i zastosowań w lingwistyce komputerowej

    Soil cover in the Carpathian national parks in Poland

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    Methodology for estimating defoliation of Quercus robur L. on the basis of reflectance analysis in the range of 0.64-0.73 µm

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    Ocena defoliacji koron jest użytecznym wskaźnikiem kondycji i żywotności drzew. W ramach projektu HESOFF podjęta została próba wypracowania metodyki oszacowania defoliacji drzewostanów dębu szypułkowego (Quercus robur) za pomocą analizy wielospektralnych zdjęć lotniczych wykonywanych z użyciem sześciokanałowej Platformy Wielosensorowej QUERCUS.6. Podczas cyklu wegetacyjnego (marzec-wrzesień 2015 r.) wykonane zostały zobrazowania lotnicze drzewostanów dębowych Płyty Krotoszyńskiej (zakres widzialny promieniowania elektromagnetycznego i bliska podczerwień). W badanych drzewostanach został oznaczony poziom defoliacji metodami terenowymi. Na podstawie fotografii wykonany został model wysokościowy pokrycia terenu oraz oznaczono niezacienioną część koron dębów. Dla 49 drzew o znanym poziomie defoliacji wykonano analizę PCA reflektancji uwzględniając odpowiednio oświetloną część ich koron, poziom defoliacji zmierzony in situ oraz model wysokościowy. Analiza wykazała silnie ujemną korelację poziomu defoliacji oraz reflektancji w kanale optycznym 0,73 µm. Na podstawie tej zależności zaproponowano metodę oszacowania defoliacji z wykorzystaniem zdjęć lotniczych.The assessment of tree crown defoliation is a useful indicator of the condition and viability of trees. As part of the HESOFF project, an attempt was made to develop a methodology for estimating defoliation of oak tree stands (Quercus robur) using multi-spectral aerial photographs acquired with the six-channel QUERCUS.6 Multisensor Platform. During the vegetation cycle (March- September 2015) aerial imaging of forests at the Krotoszyñska Plate was made (the visible range of electromagnetic radiation and near infrared). In the studied stands, the defoliation level was determined using traditional methods. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the land cover was made on the basis of the photograph and next an unshaded part of the oaks crown was selected. For 49 trees with a known level of defoliation, a PCAanalysis of reflectance was performed taking into account the adequately illuminated part of crowns, the level of defoliation measured in situ and DEM. Analysis showed a strong negative correlation between the level of defoliation and a reflectance determined in optical channel 0.73 µm. On the basis of this relationship, a method for estimating defoliation by means of aerial photographs was proposed