34 research outputs found

    Spectral properties of distance matrices

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    Distance matrices are matrices whose elements are the relative distances between points located on a certain manifold. In all cases considered here all their eigenvalues except one are non-positive. When the points are uncorrelated and randomly distributed we investigate the average density of their eigenvalues and the structure of their eigenfunctions. The spectrum exhibits delocalized and strongly localized states which possess different power-law average behaviour. The exponents depend only on the dimensionality of the manifold.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Partition function zeros for the Ising model on complete graphs and on annealed scale-free networks

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    We analyze the partition function of the Ising model on graphs of two different types: complete graphs, wherein all nodes are mutually linked and annealed scale-free networks for which the degree distribution decays as P(k)kλP(k)\sim k^{-\lambda}. We are interested in zeros of the partition function in the cases of complex temperature or complex external field (Fisher and Lee-Yang zeros respectively). For the model on an annealed scale-free network, we find an integral representation for the partition function which, in the case λ>5\lambda > 5, reproduces the zeros for the Ising model on a complete graph. For 3<λ<53<\lambda < 5 we derive the λ\lambda-dependent angle at which the Fisher zeros impact onto the real temperature axis. This, in turn, gives access to the λ\lambda-dependent universal values of the critical exponents and critical amplitudes ratios. Our analysis of the Lee-Yang zeros reveals a difference in their behaviour for the Ising model on a complete graph and on an annealed scale-free network when 3<λ<53<\lambda <5. Whereas in the former case the zeros are purely imaginary, they have a non zero real part in latter case, so that the celebrated Lee-Yang circle theorem is violated.Comment: 36 pages, 31 figure

    Suicide among persons with childhood leukaemia in Slovenia

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    Pri osebah, ki so v otroštvu zbolele za rakom, so pogosto prisotne telesne in psihosocialne posledice bolezni ter njenega zdravljenja. Mnoge raziskave so pokazale, da je pri osebah z izkušnjo raka v otroštvu depresivnost in samomorilno vedenje močneje izraženo. V naši raziskavi smo proučili pojavljanje samomorov pri osebah, ki so v otroštvu zbolele za levkemijo, v primerjavi s splošno populacijo v Sloveniji, v obdobju 1978–2010. Pričakovano število samomorov smo izračunali na osnovi kontrolne skupine posameznikov iz splošne populacije, ki je bila s skupino preiskovancev, tj. oseb, ki so v otroštvu zbolele za levkemijo, izenačena po spolu, starosti ob začetku opazovanja, letu začetka opazovanja in dolžini opazovanja. Raziskava je pokazala, da med tistimi, ki so v otroštvu zboleli za levkemijo, v letih 1978–2010 nobena oseba ni storila samomora, kar se statistično značilno ne razlikuje od pričakovanega števila samomorov (0,448) v primerljivi splošni populaciji v Sloveniji. Ugotovitve raziskave nakazujejo, da kljub znano bolj izraženem samomorilnem vedenju med preživelimi raka v otroštvu v Sloveniji v primerjavi s splošno populacijo pojavljanje samomorov pri osebah, zbolelih za levkemijo v otroštvu, ni pogostejše kot v splošni populaciji.Persons with childhood leukaemia often suffer from physical and psychosocial consequences of the disease and its treatment. Several studies have shown that depression and suicidal behaviour are expressed strongly in persons with a childhood cancer experience. In our study, we researched the occurrence of suicides among persons with childhood leukaemia compared to the general population in Slovenia in the period 1978–2010. The expected number of suicides was calculated based on the control group of individuals from the general population with the same gender, age at the beginning of observation, starting year and duration of observation as the research group, thus group of persons with childhood cancer. The study showed that none of the persons with childhood cancer committed suicide in the period 1978-2010, which is not statistically different from the expected number of suicides (0.448) in comparison with the general population in Slovenia. The findings of this study indicate that, despite the significantly increased expression of suicidal behaviour among survivors of childhood leukaemia in Slovenia compared to the general population, suicides do not occur more often among people with childhood leukaemia than among the general population

    Harmful Elements in Estuarine and Coastal Systems

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    Estuaries and coastal zones are dynamic transitional systems which provide many economic and ecological benefits to humans, but also are an ideal habitat for other organisms as well. These areas are becoming contaminated by various anthropogenic activities due to a quick economic growth and urbanization. This chapter explores the sources, chemical speciation, sediment accumulation and removal mechanisms of the harmful elements in estuarine and coastal seawaters. It also describes the effects of toxic elements on aquatic flora and fauna. Finally, the toxic element pollution of the Venice Lagoon, a transitional water body located in the northeastern part of Italy, is discussed as a case study, by presenting the procedures adopted to measure the extent of the pollution, the impacts on organisms and the restoration activities