294 research outputs found

    The return of the bursts: Thermonuclear flashes from Circinus X-1

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    We report the detection of 15 X-ray bursts with RXTE and Swift observations of the peculiar X-ray binary Circinus X-1 during its May 2010 X-ray re-brightening. These are the first X-ray bursts observed from the source after the initial discovery by Tennant and collaborators, twenty-five years ago. By studying their spectral evolution, we firmly identify nine of the bursts as type I (thermonuclear) X-ray bursts. We obtain an arcsecond location of the bursts that confirms once and for all the identification of Cir X-1 as a type I X-ray burst source, and therefore as a low magnetic field accreting neutron star. The first five bursts observed by RXTE are weak and show approximately symmetric light curves, without detectable signs of cooling along the burst decay. We discuss their possible nature. Finally, we explore a scenario to explain why Cir X-1 shows thermonuclear bursts now but not in the past, when it was extensively observed and accreting at a similar rate.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Tables 1 & 2 merged. Minor changes after referee's comments. 5 pages, 4 Figure

    Dirac operators and the Very Strange Formula for Lie superalgebras

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    Using a super-affine version of Kostant's cubic Dirac operator, we prove a very strange formula for quadratic finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras with a reductive even subalgebra.Comment: Latex file, 25 pages. A few misprints corrected. To appear in the forthcoming volume "Advances in Lie Superalgebras", Springer INdAM Serie

    Equivariant map superalgebras

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    Suppose a group Γ\Gamma acts on a scheme XX and a Lie superalgebra g\mathfrak{g}. The corresponding equivariant map superalgebra is the Lie superalgebra of equivariant regular maps from XX to g\mathfrak{g}. We classify the irreducible finite dimensional modules for these superalgebras under the assumptions that the coordinate ring of XX is finitely generated, Γ\Gamma is finite abelian and acts freely on the rational points of XX, and g\mathfrak{g} is a basic classical Lie superalgebra (or sl(n,n)\mathfrak{sl}(n,n), n>0n > 0, if Γ\Gamma is trivial). We show that they are all (tensor products of) generalized evaluation modules and are parameterized by a certain set of equivariant finitely supported maps defined on XX. Furthermore, in the case that the even part of g\mathfrak{g} is semisimple, we show that all such modules are in fact (tensor products of) evaluation modules. On the other hand, if the even part of g\mathfrak{g} is not semisimple (more generally, if g\mathfrak{g} is of type I), we introduce a natural generalization of Kac modules and show that all irreducible finite dimensional modules are quotients of these. As a special case, our results give the first classification of the irreducible finite dimensional modules for twisted loop superalgebras.Comment: 27 pages. v2: Section numbering changed to match published version. Other minor corrections. v3: Minor corrections (see change log at end of introduction

    The Harish-Chandra isomorphism for reductive symmetric superpairs

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    We consider symmetric pairs of Lie superalgebras which are strongly reductive and of even type, and introduce a graded Harish-Chandra homomorphism. We prove that its image is a certain explicit filtered subalgebra of the Weyl invariants on a Cartan subspace whose associated graded is the image of Chevalley's restriction map on symmetric invariants. This generalises results of Harish-Chandra and V. Kac, M. Gorelik.Comment: 43 pages; v2: substantially improved versio

    Cluster algebras of type A2(1)A_2^{(1)}

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    In this paper we study cluster algebras \myAA of type A2(1)A_2^{(1)}. We solve the recurrence relations among the cluster variables (which form a T--system of type A2(1)A_2^{(1)}). We solve the recurrence relations among the coefficients of \myAA (which form a Y--system of type A2(1)A_2^{(1)}). In \myAA there is a natural notion of positivity. We find linear bases \BB of \myAA such that positive linear combinations of elements of \BB coincide with the cone of positive elements. We call these bases \emph{atomic bases} of \myAA. These are the analogue of the "canonical bases" found by Sherman and Zelevinsky in type A1(1)A_{1}^{(1)}. Every atomic basis consists of cluster monomials together with extra elements. We provide explicit expressions for the elements of such bases in every cluster. We prove that the elements of \BB are parameterized by \ZZ^3 via their g\mathbf{g}--vectors in every cluster. We prove that the denominator vector map in every acyclic seed of \myAA restricts to a bijection between \BB and \ZZ^3. In particular this gives an explicit algorithm to determine the "virtual" canonical decomposition of every element of the root lattice of type A2(1)A_2^{(1)}. We find explicit recurrence relations to express every element of \myAA as linear combinations of elements of \BB.Comment: Latex, 40 pages; Published online in Algebras and Representation Theory, springer, 201

    On classical finite and affine W-algebras

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    This paper is meant to be a short review and summary of recent results on the structure of finite and affine classical W-algebras, and the application of the latter to the theory of generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies.Comment: 12 page

    Unheard voices: A qualitative study of LGBT+ older people experiences during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK

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    This paper reports findings from a qualitative study into the immediate impact of social distancing measures on the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) older people (≥60 years) living in the UK during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. It draws on in-depth interviews with 17 older people and 6 key informants from LGBT+ community-based organisations, exploring the strategies used to manage their situations, how they responded and adapted to key challenges. Five themes emerged related to: 1) risk factors for LGBT+ older people and organisations, including specific findings on trans experiences,;2) care practices in LGBT+ lives,;3) strengths and benefits of networking 4) politicisation of ageing issues and their relevance to LGBT+ communities; and 5) learning from communication and provision in a virtual world. The findings illuminate adaptability and many strengths in relation to affective equality and reciprocal love, care and support among LGBT+ older people. It is vital UK that the government recognises and addresses the needs and concerns of LGBT+ older people during emergencies. What is known: The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and the wider governmental and societal response, brought health inequalities into sharp focus, exposing the structural disadvantage and discrimination faced by many marginalised communities in the UK and globally. LGBT+ older people are known to experience health inequalities compounded by anticipated or poor experiences of accessing health and social care services. What this paper adds: An exploration of LGBT+ older peple, their communities and social networks and how these were adapted in the COVID-19 context. Trans older people have been affected in very specific ways. The findings illuminate adaptability and many strengths in relation to affective equality and reciprocal love, care and support among LGBT+ older people. It is vital UK that the government recognises and addresses the needs and concerns of LGBT+ older people during emergencies

    Unifying N=5 and N=6

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    We write the Lagrangian of the general N=5 three-dimensional superconformal Chern-Simons theory, based on a basic Lie superalgebra, in terms of our recently introduced N=5 three-algebras. These include N=6 and N=8 three-algebras as special cases. When we impose an antisymmetry condition on the triple product, the supersymmetry automatically enhances, and the N=5 Lagrangian reduces to that of the well known N=6 theory, including the ABJM and ABJ models.Comment: 19 pages. v2: Published version. Minor typos corrected, references adde

    Finiteness and orbifold Vertex Operator Algebras

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    In this paper, I investigate the ascending chain condition of right ideals in the case of vertex operator algebras satisfying a finiteness and/or a simplicity condition. Possible applications to the study of finiteness of orbifold VOAs is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, comments are welcom

    Braided m-Lie Algebras

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    Braided m-Lie algebras induced by multiplication are introduced, which generalize Lie algebras, Lie color algebras and quantum Lie algebras. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the braided m-Lie algebras to be strict Jacobi braided Lie algebras are given. Two classes of braided m-Lie algebras are given, which are generalized matrix braided m-Lie algebras and braided m-Lie subalgebras of EndFMEnd_F M, where MM is a Yetter-Drinfeld module over BB with dim B<B< \infty . In particular, generalized classical braided m-Lie algebras slq,f(GMG(A),F)sl_{q, f}(GM_G(A), F) and ospq,t(GMG(A),M,F)osp_{q, t} (GM_G(A), M, F) of generalized matrix algebra GMG(A)GM_G(A) are constructed and their connection with special generalized matrix Lie superalgebra sls,f(GMZ2(As),F)sl_{s, f}(GM_{{\bf Z}_2}(A^s), F) and orthosymplectic generalized matrix Lie super algebra osps,t(GMZ2(As),Ms,F)osp_{s, t} (GM_{{\bf Z}_2}(A^s), M^s, F) are established. The relationship between representations of braided m-Lie algebras and their associated algebras are established.Comment: 14 page