44 research outputs found


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    At the present stage of socio-economicdevelopment an important feature of theinnovation economy is the fact that todayknowledge has become real, the main productive force, primarily based on creationand modernization of technologies.The article describes and analyzes changesin the structure of innovative activities on innovation indicators, estimation of the structural shift in production technologiesin Russia. Outlines the development oftechnological innovation in the time of theirimplementation and the impact of patentson the design.The identified model that best describes the analyzed indicator «Production design» andprojections until 2016.Переход экономики страны на инновационный путь развития невозможен без формированияконкурентоспособнойвглобальноммасштабенациональнойинновационнойсистемы- системыинструментов, механизмовиинфраструктурыподдержки инновационной деятельности во всех сферахэкономикииобщественнойжизни. В статье выявлены и проанализированы изменения в структуре видов инновационной деятельности по инновационным показателям, осуществлена оценка структурных сдвигов в изменении производственных технологий в России. Рассмотрено развитие технологических инноваций по времени их внедрения и влияние патентов на разработки. Выявлены модели, наилучшим образом описывающие исследуемый показатель «Производственное проектирование» и построен прогноз до 2016 г


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    Formation and realization of innovative activity both in Russia in general, and in its regions is the strategic direction of development of national economy. In article research of innovative development of regions by realization of a method of the cluster analysis is carried out. The indicators characterizing innovative activity for an assessment of innovative development of regions are selected. And also division of regions into groups on the level of innovative activity is carried out.Формирование и реализация инновационной деятельности как в России в целом, так и в ее регионах является стратегическим направлением развития экономики страны. В статье осуществлено исследование инновационного развития регионов путем реализации метода кластерного анализа. Отобраны показатели, характеризующие инновационную деятельность, для оценки инновационного развития регионов. А также проведено разделение регионов на группы по уровню инновационной активности

    Processes of integration and differentiation in modern psychology

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    An analogy is drawn between social integration and differentiation in psychology. The study of integration processes and differentiating mechanisms in psychology allows us to objectively investigate the human psyche and its manifestations in real reality more objectively, using an extensive set of methods and a modern theoretical basis.Проводится аналогия между социальной интеграцией и дифференциацией в психологии. Изучение интеграционных процессов и дифференцирующих механизмов в психологии позволяют объективно исследовать психику человека и ее проявления в реальной действительности более объективно, используя обширный набор методов и современную теоретическую базу

    Mind the gap: Intended versus perceived human resource practices and knowledge sharing of line managers and employees

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    Understanding how human resource (HR) management can stimulate knowledgesharing among employees has received considerable attention recently. However,the extant research has focused predominantly on which HR practices are usedand has paid little attention to how they are implemented. Building on both per-spectives, we explore the nature of the gaps between intended and perceived HRpractices and the effects of these gaps on knowledge-sharing behaviours. Based ona survey of 198 respondents from a high-tech company, we found that the gapsbetween intended and perceived HR practices (a) can be multidirectional, that is,both underestimation and overestimation of HR practices exist; (b) differ in theirmagnitude between line managers and employees; and (c) have varied effects onknowledge-sharing behaviours—they can be positive, negative or have no impact,and these effects differ between line managers and employees. We discuss a rangeof conceptual, methodological and practice implications of these findings

    EL CACHORRO [Material gráfico]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    The Problem of Preserving the Mental Health of Youth Students in Modern Educational Organizations

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    Описана значимость профессиональной работы с эмоциональным компонентом как одним из основополагающих при сохранении психического здоровья учащейся молодежи в современных образовательных организациях. Развитие эмоционального интеллекта крайне важно для оптимизации учебной и профессиональной деятельности молодежи посредством постепенного овладения ею навыками понимания, адекватного проживания своих и чужих эмоций, а также управления эмоциональными состояниями. Данные навыки позволяют обучающимся быстрее адаптироваться к смене деятельности при переходе из одной образовательной организации в другую, эффективнее коммуницировать с другими обучающимися, преподавателями и т.д. Важно разработать систему однозначных методов сохранения в процессе обучения психического здоровья молодежи как состояния психического благополучия, которое позволяет справляться со стрессовыми ситуациями в жизни, реализовывать свой потенциал, успешно учиться и работать, а также вносить вклад в жизнь общества.The importance of professional work with the emotional component as one of the fundamental ones in maintaining the mental health of students in modern educational organizations is described. The development of emotional intelligence is extremely important for optimizing the educational and professional activities of young people through the gradual mastery of the skills of understanding, adequately living their own and others' emotions, as well as managing emotional states. These skills allow students to quickly adapt to changing activities when moving from one educational organization to another, communicate more effectively with other students, teachers, etc. It is important to develop a system of unambiguous methods for preserving the mental health of young people as a state of mental well-being in the process of teaching, which allows them to cope with stressful situations in life, realize their potential, study and work successfully, and contribute to society

    Polygeneration District Heating and Cooling Systems Based on Renewable Resources

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    Traditional district heating (DH) and district heating and cooling (DHC) systems have to address two principal challenges: phase-out of fossil fuels in favor of renewables; and profit instability related to declines in heating and cooling demands along with electricity price fluctuations. These obstacles can be overcome at once through upgrading these systems to a polygeneration concept by means of a retrofitted air-steam gasifier and gas upgrading equipment, enabling the use of renewable feedstocks such as refuse derived fuel (RDF) and municipal solid waste (MSW). In particular, the polygeneration DHC system will be able to produce simultaneously heating, cooling, electricity and value-added products – char, syngas, synthetic natural gas (SNG) and hydrogen. This work investigates the retrofit of these DHC systems through a case study based on the existing Climaespaco facility, located in Lisboa, Portugal. Thermodynamic, exergy, economic, exergo-economic and environmental models were built in Engineering Equation Software (EES) and Matlab. Overall, both RDF and MSW were found to be technically feasible and economically viable for using as feedstocks in the polygeneration DHC system. SNG production integrated in the polygeneration DHC system through the air-steam gasification and gas upgrading equipment is judged to be practical and also boosts revenues. The highest energy efficiency is achieved for cases where char is the sole by-product. System efficiencies drop as other value-added products are included as system outputs, although the extent of the efficiency decline can be adjusted by regulating syngas and SNG production. The highest discounted net cash flows are found for the scenario where SNG, syngas and char are produced simultaneously. A payback period of 3 years was determined for this and the other cases. From the exergy and exergo-economic perspectives, the scenario of simultaneous char and syngas production is the most promising as the overall exergy efficiency has the highest value and product exergo-economic costs are the lowest. However, from the products diversity viewpoint, the simultaneous production of char, SNG, syngas and H2 is advantageous

    Polygeneration District Heating and Cooling Systems Based on Renewable Resources

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    Traditional district heating (DH) and district heating and cooling (DHC) systems have to address two principal challenges: phase-out of fossil fuels in favor of renewables; and profit instability related to declines in heating and cooling demands along with electricity price fluctuations. These obstacles can be overcome at once through upgrading these systems to a polygeneration concept by means of a retrofitted air-steam gasifier and gas upgrading equipment, enabling the use of renewable feedstocks such as refuse derived fuel (RDF) and municipal solid waste (MSW). In particular, the polygeneration DHC system will be able to produce simultaneously heating, cooling, electricity and value-added products – char, syngas, synthetic natural gas (SNG) and hydrogen. This work investigates the retrofit of these DHC systems through a case study based on the existing Climaespaco facility, located in Lisboa, Portugal. Thermodynamic, exergy, economic, exergo-economic and environmental models were built in Engineering Equation Software (EES) and Matlab. Overall, both RDF and MSW were found to be technically feasible and economically viable for using as feedstocks in the polygeneration DHC system. SNG production integrated in the polygeneration DHC system through the air-steam gasification and gas upgrading equipment is judged to be practical and also boosts revenues. The highest energy efficiency is achieved for cases where char is the sole by-product. System efficiencies drop as other value-added products are included as system outputs, although the extent of the efficiency decline can be adjusted by regulating syngas and SNG production. The highest discounted net cash flows are found for the scenario where SNG, syngas and char are produced simultaneously. A payback period of 3 years was determined for this and the other cases. From the exergy and exergo-economic perspectives, the scenario of simultaneous char and syngas production is the most promising as the overall exergy efficiency has the highest value and product exergo-economic costs are the lowest. However, from the products diversity viewpoint, the simultaneous production of char, SNG, syngas and H2 is advantageous