22 research outputs found

    Alpha basic crystallin expression in canine mammary tumors

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate prognostic and/or diagnostic factors of canine mammary tumors by immunohistochemically analyzing the expression of alpha basic crystallin (αB-c). For this, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks of 51 naturally-occurring canine mammary tumors (11 benign and 40 malignant) were used. Tissue from eight normal canine mammary glands were served as a control. Immunohistochemically, in the control mammary tissues, a few luminal epithelial cells were αB-c positive but myoepithelial cells were negative. In benign or simple type malignant tumors, αB-c expression was observed in luminal epithelial cells while the myoepithelial basal cells were negative. In benign or complex type malign tumors, positive staining was predominantly found in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. Immunoreactivity of αB-c was also observed in neoplastic myoepithelial cells. Statistically, the number of cells immunolabeled with αB-c was found to be significantly different among tissues from normal canine mammary glands, benign lesions, and malignant tumors (p < 0.05). αB-c immunoreactivity was higher in malignant tumors than the control mammary tissues (p < 0.001). Data obtained in the current study revealed a strong association between high expression levels of αB-c and primary mammary gland tumors in canines

    The expressions of HSP70 and αB-crystallin in myocarditis associated with foot-and-mouth disease virus in lambs

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    This study describes the expression of heat shock protein70 (HSP70) and alpha-basic-crystallin (α-BC) and their association with apoptosis and some related adaptor proteins in the pathogenesis of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV)-induced myocarditis in lambs. HSP70 was generally overexpressed in the myocardial tissues and inflammatory cells of FMDV-induced myocarditis with differential accumulation and localization in same hearts when compared to non-foot-and-mouth disease control hearts. α-BC immunolabeling showed coarse aggregations in the Z line of the cardiomyocytes in FMDV-infected hearts in contrast to control hearts. Overall, the results of this study show that the anti-apoptotic proteins, HSP70 and α-BC, were overexpressed with increased apoptosis in FMDV-infected heart tissues. Both proteins failed to protect the cardiomyocytes from apoptosis as defense mechanisms to the FMDV during the infection, suggesting that the virus is able to increase apoptosis via both downregulation and/or upregulation of these anti-apoptotic proteins

    Macroanatomic, light, and electron microscopic examination of pecten oculi in the seagull (Larus canus)

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    The present study was conducted to determine macroanatomic characteristic as well as light and electron microscopic examination (SEM) of pecten oculi and totally 20 bulbus oculi belonging to 10 seagulls (Larus canus) were used. Pecten oculi formations consisted of 18 to 21 pleats and their shape looked like a snail. Apical length of the pleats forming pecten oculi were averagely measured as 5.77 +/- 0.56 mm, retina-dependent base length was 9.01 +/- 1.35 mm and height was measured as 6.4 +/- 0.62 mm. In pecten oculi formations which extend up to 1/3 of the bulbus oculi, two different vascular formations were determined according to thickness of the vessel diameter. Among these, vessels with larger diameters which are less than the others in count were classified as afferent and efferent vessels, smaller vessels which are greater in size were classified as capillaries. Furthermore, the granules which were observed intensely in apical side of the pleats of pecten oculi were observed to distribute randomly along the plica

    Macroanatomıc, light and electron microscopy examınation of pecten oculi in larus canus

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    Pecten oculi yapısının makroanatomik, ışık ve electron mikroskobik (SEM) olarak belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılan bu &ccedil;alışmada 10 martıya (Larus canus) ait toplam 20 bulbus oculi kullanıldı. 18-21 plicadan oluşan pecten oculi&rsquo;nin şekli salyangoza benzemekteydi. Pecten oculi&rsquo;yi oluşturan plicaların d&uuml;z bir bant g&ouml;r&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;ndeki apical kısımlarının uzunluğu ortalama olarak 5,77&plusmn;0,56 mm, retinaya bağlı taban uzunluğu 9,01&plusmn;1,35 mm, y&uuml;ksekliği ise 6,4&plusmn;0,62 mm olarak &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;ld&uuml;. Bulbus oculi&rsquo;nin 1/3 &uuml;ne kadar uzanan pecten oculi&rsquo;de damar &ccedil;aplarının kalınlığına g&ouml;re 2 farklı damar yapısı belirlendi. Bunlardan &ccedil;apları b&uuml;y&uuml;k olan ve sayıca diğerlerinden az olan damarlar afferent ve efferent, daha k&uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;k &ccedil;aptaki ve &ccedil;ok sayıdaki damarlar ise kapillar damar olarak sınıflandırıldı. Ayrıca pecten oculi&rsquo;de plikaların apical&rsquo;inde olduk&ccedil;a yoğun olarak g&ouml;r&uuml;len gran&uuml;llerin, plika boyunca gelişi g&uuml;zel dağıldığı g&ouml;zlend

    Biološka važnost pretjerane ekspresije HSP70 i alfa-B kristalina u supstanciji nigri štakora izloženih različitim dozama permetrina

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possible role of the Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) and Alpha B-crystallin (αBC) in the substantia nigra of rats exposed to permethrin at different doses on the apoptotic cell status. The orogastric gavage method was used to administer the different doses of permethrin (75 mg kg-1 in Group I, 150 mg kg-1 in group II, 300 mg kg-1 in group III) to the rats. Using the Western blot test, all the permethrin-treated groups showed a dose-dependent increase in the expression of HSP70 and αBC when compared to the control group. TUNEL positive apoptotic cells were not detected in the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra after treatment with permethrin; however, upon immunofluorescent staining, intense positive reactions for HSP70 and αBC were observed in all of the treated groups. No immunopositive cells were detected in the tissue sections of the control group. These results suggest that the different administered doses of permethrin did not cause apoptotic cell death in the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons; however, they did induce an increase in HSP70 and αBC expression. Thus, it appears that HSP70 and αBC could play a neuroprotective role in permethrin-induced neurotoxicitySvrha ove studije bila je istražiti moguću ulogu proteina toplinskog stresa 70 (HSP70) i alfa-B kristalina (αBC) u supstanciji nigri (lat. substantia nigra) štakora izloženih različitim dozama permetrina na apoptotske stanice. Metoda orogastričnog hranjenja upotrijebljena je kako bi se štakorima dale različite doze permetrina (75 mg kg-1 u skupini I, 150 mg kg-1 u skupini II, 300 mg kg-1 u skupini III). Nakon provođenja analize Western blot sve skupine kojima je dan permetrin pokazale su, ovisno o dozi, povećanje ekspresije HSP70 i αBC u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Apoptotske stanice pozitivne na TUNEL-test nisu otkrivene u dopaminergičkim neuronima supstancije nigre nakon tretmana permetrinom. Međutim nakon imunofl uorescentnog bojenja za HSP70 i αBC primijećene su snažne pozitivne reakcije u svim tretiranim skupinama. U tkivu kontrolne skupine nije bilo imunopozitivnih stanica. Naši rezultati upućuju na to da različite doze permetrina nisu uzrokovale apoptozu dopaminergičkih neurona supstancije nigre, ali su izazvale povećanje ekspresije HSP70 i αBC. Stoga bi HSP70 i αBC mogli imati pozitivan neuroprotektivni učinak pri neurotoksičnosti izazvanoj permetrinom