36 research outputs found
Neuvokas perhe osana perhevalmennusta : - Lapsuusiän ylipainon ennaltaehkäisy
Opinnäytetyönä toteuttiin perhevalmennusilta, jonka osana testattiin Neuvokas perhe –ohjausmenetelmää. Sydänliiton Neuvokas Perhe -ohjausmenetelmä on koko perheen liikunta- ja ravitsemustottumusten kartoittamiseen ja elintapaohjaukseen kehitetty työväline odotus- ja lapsiperheaikana.
Opinnäytetyö toteuttiin toiminnallisena.Työn viitekehys rakentuu lasten ylipainon ennaltaehkäisyn tutkimustiedoista ja Neuvokas perhe-ohjausmenetelmästä tuotuna osaksi perhevalmennusta. Opinnäytetyössä selvitetään näiden työmenetelmien yhtenäisyyksiä ja toisiaan täydentäviä merkityksiä. Keskeisiä käsitteitä ovat perhekeskeisyys, motivoiva keskustelu, varhainen vuorovaikutus ja vertaistuki.
Perhevalmennusta tulee kehittää, perhekeskeiseksi toimintatavaksi lapsen terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi Neuvolatyötä ohjaavat uudet asetukset(A 1.7.2009/380.) ja (A13.4.2007/417.) määrittelevät äitiys-ja lastennneuvoloissa tehtävän terveysneuvonnan ainakin osittain tapahtuvaksi niin, että koko perheen on mahdollista siihen osallistua. Työ on samalla ehkäisevää lastensuojelua, jolla edistetään ja turvataan lasten kasvua, kehitystä ja hyvinvointia sekä tuetaan vanhemmuutta.This bachelors´ thesis was carried out by arranging a preparation course for pregnant mothers and the members of their family. The Finnish Heart Association has a teaching tool called ”Neuvokas Perhe”, (a Resourceful Family) which was used as a part of this course. The Neuvokas Perhe- Program has been developed to assess and improve physical exercise and nutritional habits among families expecting a child and families with young children.
The research question of the thesis was to determine how the Neuvokas Perhe –program and research-based knowledge of preventive work with overweight children can be brought together in a family preparation course. The thesis examined the coherence and the mutual compatibility of the working methods. The fundamental terms here were family-orientation, motivational dialogue, early interaction and peer support.
Preparation courses for expectant mothers and their families are a very important method of support and they should be developed further. In Finland there are two recent decrees ( A 1.7.2009/380.; A13.4.2007/417.) which state that counselling at the maternity clinic should be implemented, at least in part, in such a way that the whole family can participate. This work can also be called preventive child welfare as it promotes child well-being and supports parenting
Personal epistemology of university students: Individual profiles
The aims of this study were to examine and compare the consistency of personal epistemology profiles among university students representing three academic disciplines. Student interview data (N = 87) were analyzed in order to reveal students’ conceptions of knowledge, thinking and reasoning. The individual answers were examined and rated on a scale from absolutist to evaluativist thinking. On the basis of the student answers, three personal epistemology profiles were identified from the data: a) absolutist profiles; b) relativistic profiles; and c) evaluativist profiles consisting of the subgroups entitled “limited” and “sophisticated”. The categorization of personal epistemology profiles was compared with background variables such as age, major subject and study phase. The results indicated that the personal epistemology profiles varied significantly among students on the basis of the background variables. Explanations for the consistent and inconsistent personal epistemology profiles are discussed in more detail.Peer reviewe
Vertaisarvioitu. Teema : munuaissairaudetGlomerulonefriitti on yleisnimitys taudeille, jotka vaurioittavat munuaiskeräsiä immunologisella mekanismilla. Myös geneettiset ja ympäristötekijät ovat vaikuttamassa. Se voi löytyä oireettomana sattumalöydöksenä tai osana yleisoireista tautia. Diagnoosi perustuu munuaiskoepalaan, eikä eri glomerulonefriittejä voida varmuudella erotella toisistaan kliinisin perustein. Yhteistä kaikkien glomerulonefriittien hoidolle ovat verenpaineen ja proteinurian hoito. Osa tarvitsee myös immunomoduloivaa hoitoPeer reviewe
Cross-sectional associations between the diversity of sport activities and the type of low back pain in adulthood
Leisure-time physical activity has a complex relationship with low back pain (LBP). Thus, we aimed to investigate whether the diversity of sport activities is associated with the type of LBP. In the FinnTwin16 study, 4246 (55% females) Finnish twins at mean age 34.1 years replied to a health behaviour survey in 2010-2012. Based on the participation in different sport activities, we created two measures of diversity: quantity (i.e. the number of sport activities: 1, 2, 3, 4 and >= 5) and quality (i.e. the type of sport activity: endurance, strength, body care, etc.). Based on the frequency, duration and type of LBP, we created three groups: no history of LBP lasting more than one day, radiating LBP and non-radiating LBP. The associations between the quantity and quality of sport activities and the type of LBP were investigated with logistic regression analyses. Participation in >= 5 sport activities associated with less radiating and non-radiating LBP in analyses pooled across sex (odds ratio 0.46, 95% CI 0.30-0.69 and 0.66, 0.44-0.99, respectively). However, the associations attenuated after adjusting for several confounders. Participation in endurance sports was associated with less radiating (0.58, 0.43-0.76) and non-radiating (0.60, 0.44-0.81) LBP, whereas strength sports and body care only with less radiating LBP (0.76, 0.58-1.00 and 0.26, 0.09-0.74, respectively) adjusted for all sport types. On a sport-specific level, running and cycling were associated with less radiating and non-radiating LBP. In adulthood, the diversity of sport activities, particularly participation in endurance sports, may be associated with less radiating and non-radiating LBP.Peer reviewe
Is diversity of leisure-time sport activities associated with low back and neck–shoulder region pain? A Finnish twin cohort study : A Finnish twin cohort study
This study investigates cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between the diversity of leisure-time sport activities and the frequencies of low back pain (LBP) and neck-shoulder region pain (NSP) in twins, including a cross-sectional within-pair design to adjust for potential familial confounding. Finnish twins born in 1975–79 (FinnTwin16 study) reported participation in leisure-time sport activities at the mean ages of 17 (1992–96) (n = 5096, 54% females) and 34 years (2010−12) (n = 3731, 57% females). Diversity assessed as the number of sport activities was categorized as 1, 2, 3, 4, and ≥ 5, excluding inactive individuals. The frequencies of LBP (n = 3201) and NSP (n = 3207), reported at age 34, were categorized as never/seldom, monthly, or weekly pain. Cross-sectional and longitudinal individual-based associations between the number of sport activities and the frequency of LBP and NSP were investigated with multinomial logistic regression analyses, adjusting for multiple confounders. Cross-sectionally, participation in ≥5 sport activities, compared to 1 sport, was associated with significantly less weekly LBP (OR = 0.63, 95%CI = 0.43–0.90), but not with NSP. Longitudinally, participation in several sport activities in adolescence had no significant association with LBP or NSP in adulthood. Cross-sectional within-pair analyses were conducted among twin pairs discordant for LBP (n = 507) and NSP (n = 579). The associations between monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs were similar in LBP-discordant pairs but differed within NSP-discordant pairs. Participation in ≥5 sport activities in adulthood may be associated with less weekly LBP, but not with monthly LBP or the frequency of NSP. However, within-pair analyses for NSP suggest confounding due to shared familial factors.Peer reviewe
FinnTwin16 : A Longitudinal Study from Age 16 of a Population-Based Finnish Twin Cohort
The purpose of this review is to provide a detailed and updated description of the FinnTwin16 (FT16) study and its future directions. The Finnish Twin Cohort comprises three different cohorts: the Older Twin Cohort established in the 1970s and the FinnTwin12 and FT16 initiated in the 1990s. FT16 was initiated in 1991 to identify the genetic and environmental precursors of alcoholism, but later the scope of the project expanded to studying the determinants of various health-related behaviors and diseases in different stages of life. The main areas addressed are alcohol use and its consequences, smoking, physical activity, overall physical health, eating behaviors and eating disorders, weight development, obesity, life satisfaction and personality. To date, five waves of data collection have been completed and the sixth is now planned. Data from the FT16 cohort have contributed to several hundred studies and many substudies, with more detailed phenotyping and collection of omics data completed or underway. FT16 has also contributed to many national and international collaborations.Peer reviewe