9 research outputs found

    Minerageny of zeolite tuffs of Serbia

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    Лежишта наших зеолитских туфова (Златокоп, Игрош, Јабланица 1, Беочин, Топоница и Сланци) која су овде била предмет детаљних истраживања, просторно и генетски везана су за вулканске и вулканокластичне стене маринских средина сенонске и неогенске старости и језерске седименте неогене старости и настала су као продукт девитрификације вулканског стакла. Током лабораторијских испитивања при изради ове докторске дисертације, примењене су следеће аналитичке методе: оптичка испитивања петрографских препарата; рендгенска дифракција праха (XRD); скенирајућа електронска микроскопија (СЕМ метода); хемијска карактеризација зеолитских туфова у оквиру које је извршено одређивање хемијског састава и садржаја тешких метала и елемената у траговима, методом атомско апсорпционе спектроскопије (ААS); одређивање капацитета катјонске измене-одређивање измењивих катјона Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ и K+ и одређивање укупног капацитета катјонске измене (KKИ) и методe термичке карактеризације– термогравиметријска и диференцијалнотермичка анализа (DTA/TG метода). Наведене аналитичке методе су омогућиле реализацију постављених циљева истраживања, при чему је: – дат преглед геолошких карактеристика лежишта и појава зеолитских туфова на подручју Србије; – дефинисана детаљна минералошка и кристалохемијска карактеризација зеолитских туфова Србије; – извршена детаљна технолошка карактеризација наших зеолитских туфова (XRD, DTA/TGA, SEM); – дефинисан генетски модел образовања зеолитских туфова и утврђенe законитости размештаја лежишта и појава зеолитских туфова Србије и – наведене могућности примене различитих типова зеолита у различитим гранама привредне делатности, укључујући приказ добијања одређених производа (у ИТНМС-Београд) на бази зеолитских минерала наших лежишта зеолитских туфова и њихову примену у наведеним областима привреде...Our zeolite tuff deposits (Zlatokop, Igroš, Jablanica 1, Beočin, Toponica and Slanci), which were the subject of detaild research, spatially and genetically are connected to volcanic volcaniclastic rocks of marine environment of Senonian and Neogene age, as well as lake sediments of Neogene age. Zeolitic tuff deposits were formed as a product of devitrification of volcanic glass. During the laboratory research following analytical methods: thin sections petrography; X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); chemical characterization (main elements, trace elements and heavy metal content) obtained by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (ААS); Cation Exchange Capacity of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ и K+ (CEC ); themal characterization – thermogravimetric and differentlial thermal analysis (DTA/TGA). Specified analytical methods enabled the realization of the set goals of the research. Namely: – Overview of geological characteristics of Serbian zeolitic tuff deposits ad occurrences; – Defined detailed mineralogical and crystallochemical characterization of Serbian zeolitic tuff deposits; – Obtained detail technological characterization of Serbian zeolitic tuff deposits (XRD, DTA/TGA, SEM); – Defined genetic model of formation of zeolitic tuffs and determined disposition of Serbian zeolitic tuff deposits and occurences; – Specified application possibilities of different zeolite types in various branches of economic activities, including a view of obtaining certain products (in ITNMS-Belgrade) on the basis of zeolite minerals obtained from our deposits, and their application in the stated areas of the economy

    Influence of type and quantity of filler on change of density of sulfur concrete

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    Concrete is a material that has been used for centuries and is often modified using polymers. In the last fifty years, synthetic polymers have been used for the modification of concrete, but also for the production of concrete. In recent decades, sulfur concrete has been an interesting product that can be used mainly in low-rise construction due to its characteristics. In this work, we used the starting mixture for the preparation of sulfur concrete (sand, elemental sulfur with the addition of modified sulfur and fillers) heated to a temperature of 120 ºC to 170 ºC and homogenized. The results of previous research on the production of sulfur concrete showed that the density of the obtained product changes depending on the type as well as the amount of filler added to the basic mixture based on raw materials. Talc, microsilicon, plate alumina and fly ash were used as fillers. The amounts of fillers were 0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 10%

    Mineralogy and crystallographic properties of heu-type zeolitic tuff from the novakovic deposit, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    This paper presents mineralogical and crystallographic characterization of the zeolitic tuff from the Novakovic deposit, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The zeolitic tuff is of a whitish color composed of Ca-clinoptilolite and an amorphous phase (volcanic glass and amorphous SiO 2 ). The zeolitic tuff was analyzed by X-ray diffraction of the polycrystalline sample (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), and differential thermal and thermogravimetric (DTA/DTG) methods. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that the studied zeolitic tuff is composed of Heu-type minerals. Based on the chemical analysis, thermal treatment and XRPD analysis it was determined that this is a mineral Ca-clinoptilolite. Thermal analysis in the temperature range from 300 up to 700°C showed that the examined zeolite minerals from the Novaković deposit are stable up to the temperature of 600°C. The crystal structure of Ca-clinoptilolite has been refined in the centrosymmetric space group C2/m (S.G. 12) with disordered distribution of Al and Si in the tetrahedral framework. The unit-cell parameters are as follows: a = 17.662 Å, b = 17.874 Å, c = 7.402 Å, β = 116.32° and V = 2122.73 Å 3 . The basic structural motif is represented by four channels. Three channels are composed of eight-membered rings, and one of ten-membered rings. The ten-membered (channel A) and one eight-membered channel (B) are parallel to the crystallographic axis c, and the other eight-membered channel is parallel to the a-axis. Ca-clinoptilolite comprises approximately 90 % of the studied zeolite tuff while the rest 10 % is the amorphous phase. The overall cation exchange capacity (CEC) amounts to 187 mmolM + / 100 g, and calcium represents the most abundant cation in the studied sample. The atomic ratios of Si/Al, Na + /(Na + +K + ), and Ca 2+ /(Ca 2+ +Mg 2+ ) are as follows: 4.36, 0.14, and 0.55, respectively. The zeolite tuff is both thermally and structurally stable and has applications in various areas of industry and agriculture. © 2018, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia. All rights reserved


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    The Srebrenica orefield is mostly composed of Tertiary dacite-andesites, and quartz latites, pyroclastites, Paleozoic schists, and Quaternary sediments, but in a in a lesser extent. The latest research showed that in the Srebrenica orefield occur complex mineral parageneses and associations deposited in pneumatolytic-hydrothermal and hydrothermal (from high- to low-temperature) stage, accompanied with very rare minerals. Beside ore mineral parageneses and associations, specials emphasis was on rare hydrated phosphates: vivianite, ludlamite, and vauxite. It is important to say that vauxite from the Srebrenica orefield is fourth discovery in the world. The minerals above were studied using DTA-TGA, IR-spectroscopy, and XRPD.

    Characterization of the zeolitic tuff from the “Igroš-Vidojevići” deposit regarding geological and technological aspects

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    This study presents investigations of zeolitic tuff samples from the “Igroš- -Vidojevići” deposit. The aim of the research was to determine the quality of samples taken from all deposit parts. Thus, samples were taken from the footwall (“Zeolit 1”), and four samples from the central deposit part (“Zeolit 2”, “Zeolit 3”, “Zeolit 4” and “Zeolit 5”). Characterization of the samples included chemical analysis, determination of the adsorption coefficient for methylene blue dye and cation-exchange capacity (CEC), X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRPD), differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis (DTA and TGA), and Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopic analysis (FTIR). Results have shown that the footwall consists mostly of clays, whereas zeolite minerals dominate in the rest of the deposit. XRD analysis of the “Zeolit 1” sample confirmed presence of smectite and kaolinite clays, while zeolite of analcime type and quartz are present as smaller fractions. Chemical composition analysis and determination of heavy metal contents showed a significant amount (7.58%) of Fe2O3 in this sample. Therefore, further research can be pursued to find a method for removal of magnetic impurities in this deposit portion in order to utilize the clay fraction. On the other hand, according to XRD, FTIR, DTA/TGA and SEM/EDS analyses, samples which belong to the central deposit part (“Zeolit 2–5”) consist of clinoptilolite zeolite type, while clays are present in less than 10%. Thus, clays (smectites and kaolinite) accompanied with analcime and quartz are the most abundant footwall minerals while central deposit parts contain predominantly clinoptilolite accompanied with small amounts of clays. Mineragenetically, zeolites are most abundant in the “Zeolit 2” and “Zeolit 3” samples. The smallest value of CEC was determined for the “Zeolit 1” sample (46.98 mmol/100g). According to CEC values determined for “Zeolit 2” and “Zeolit 3” (141.99 and 121.01 mmol/100 g, respectively) these samples are of the best quality, and could be utilized as adsorbents of inorganic pollutants from contaminated waters. Moreover, they could be potentially used for removal of mycotoxins from cattle feed. “Zeolit 4” and “Zeolit 5” samples have shown slightly lower CEC values (89.48 and 83.75 mmol/100 g, respectively), which implies lower quality, and, therefore, could be used for soil quality improvement. Finally, determination of the external CEC has revealed a significant difference between “Zeolit 1” and “Zeolit 5” samples (17.9 and 5.31 mmol/100 g, respectively). [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. TR34013 and Grant no. TR33007

    Mineralogy and crystallochemical characteristics of HEU-type minerals from zeolitic tuff deposits of Serbia

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    The results of perennial research of several Serbian zeolitic tuffs enriched with HEU-type minerals are presented in this paper. There are several recognized zeolitic tuff deposits containing HEU-type minerals: Zlatokop, Igroš, Beočin, Toponica, Slanci, but their comparative mineralogical and crystallochemical features have not been studied in detail so far. These zeolitic tuff deposits are spatially and genetically connected to volcanic and pyroclastic rocks of marine and lake environments of Senonian and Eocene, and Neogene age, respectively. As a result of devitrification and diagenesis process of volcanic glass within zeolitic tuffs hypocrystalline porphiry and vitroclastic textures occur. The studied zeolitic tuffs are mainly composed of heulandite occuring in a form of needle- to plate-like crystals of 0,1 do 100 μm in length, associated with other silicates. Depending on the type and content of exchangeable cations as well as the thermal stability of these raw materials, 24 clinoptilolite-Ca and heulandite-Ca can be distinguished. The values of cation exchange capacity and surface area capacity range from 96 to 166 meq/100 g, and from 8,0 to 10,5 meq/100 g, respectively. HEU-type minerals can be distinguished either by a Si/Al ratio or arrangement of extra framework cations within the crystal structure of these minerals. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 34013: Osvajanje tehnoloških postupaka dobijanja ekoloških materijala na bazi nemetaličnih mineralnih sirovina i br. 45012: Sinteza, procesiranje i karakterizacija nano strukturnih materijala za primenu u oblasti energije, mehaničkog inţenjerstva, zaštite životne sredine i biomedicine

    Ceramic clays from the western part of the Tamnava Tertiary Basin, Serbia: Deposits and clay types

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    Based on geological, mineralogical, physical, chemical and technological investigations in the Tamnava Tertiary Basin near Šabac town (western Serbia), deposits of ceramic clays were studied. These ceramic clays are composed of kaolin-illite with a variable content of quartz, feldspars, mica, iron oxides and hydroxides, and organic matter. Four main types of commercial clays were identified: i) red-yellow sandy-gravely (brick clays); ii) grey-white poor sandy (ceramic clays); iii) dark-carbonaceous (ceramic clays); and iv) lamellar (“interspersed”) fatty, poor sandy (highly aluminous and ferrous clays). Ceramic clays are defined as medium to high plastic with different ranges of sintering temperatures, which makes them suitable for the production of various kinds of materials in the ceramic industry. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-176016

    A review of Pb-Sb(As)-S, Cu(Ag)-Fe(Zn)-Sb(As)-S, Ag(Pb)-Bi(Sb)-S and Pb-Bi-S(Te) sulfosalt systems from the Boranja orefield, West Serbia

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    Recent mineralogical, chemical, physical, and crystallographic investigations of the Boranja orefield showed very complex mineral associations and assemblages where sulfosalts have significant role. The sulfosalts of the Boranja orefield can be divided in four main groups: (i) Pb-Sb(As)-S system with ±Fe and ±Cu; (ii) Cu(Ag)-Fe(Zn)-Sb(As)-S system; (iii) Ag(Pb)-Bi(Sb)-S; (iv) and Pb-Bi-S(Te) system. Spatially, these sulfosalts are widely spread, however, they are the most abundant in the following polymetallic deposits and ore zones: Cu(Bi)-FeS Kram-Mlakva; Pb(Ag)-Zn-FeS2 Veliki Majdan (Kolarica-Centralni revir-Kojići); Sb-Zn-Pb-As Rujevac; and Pb-Zn-FeS2-BaSO4 Bobija. The multi stage formation of minerals, from skarnhydrothermal to complex hydrothermal with various stages and sub-stages has been determined. All hydrothermal stages and sub-stages of various polymetallic deposits and ore zones within the Boranja orefield are followed by a variety of sulfosalts. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-176016: Magmatism and geodynamics of the Balkan Peninsula from Mesozoic to present day: Significance for the formation of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits

    Badanie możliwości otrzymywania koncentratu poflotacyjnego zawierającego mikę ze skaolinizowanego granitu

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    This study shows the results of flotation concentration of mica minerals from kaolinised granite taken from the "Bašića bare" deposit – Kobaš, Srbac, The Republic of Srpska (B&H). Mineralogical composition of kaolinised granite is as follows: kaolinite, feldspar, quartz, and mica. After separating >0.630 mm, and 0.630 mm i <0.043 mm, zawierających największe ilości kaolinitu, pozostały produkt stanowi klasa ziaren o wymiarach –0.630+0.043, zawierających kwarc, skaleń oraz mikę. Koncentrat zawierający mikę otrzymano z koncentratu poflotacyjnego, skaleń i kwarc zebrano w produkcie dolnym procesu flotacji. W oparciu o analizy składu mineralogicznego stwierdzono, że minerałami występującymi w największych ilościach są mika oraz chloryty/iły, kwarc oraz skalenie wy-stępują w znacznie mniejszych ilościach podczas gdy pozostałe minerały występują jedynie w ilościach śladowych. Przeprowadzona analiza mineralogiczna koncentratu miki w ujęciu ilościowym w oparciu o wyniki rentgenowskiej dyfraktometrii proszkowej (X-ray powder diffraction – XRPD) ujawniła że skład jego jest następujący: mika ≈55%; chloryty/iły ≈35 %; kwarc ≈5%; skalenie (łącznie plagioklazy i skalenie potasowe) ≈5%