1,661 research outputs found

    On the second homotopy group of SC(Z)SC(Z)

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    In our earlier paper (K. Eda, U. Karimov, and D. Repov\v{s}, \emph{A construction of simply connected noncontractible cell-like two-dimensional Peano continua}, Fund. Math. \textbf{195} (2007), 193--203) we introduced a cone-like space SC(Z)SC(Z). In the present note we establish some new algebraic properties of SC(Z)SC(Z)

    Foliations with few non-compact leaves

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    Let F be a foliation of codimension 2 on a compact manifold with at least one non-compact leaf. We show that then F must contain uncountably many non-compact leaves. We prove the same statement for oriented p-dimensional foliations of arbitrary codimension if there exists a closed p form which evaluates positively on every compact leaf. For foliations of codimension 1 on compact manifolds it is known that the union of all non-compact leaves is an open set [A Haefliger, Varietes feuilletes, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 16 (1962) 367-397].Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol2/agt-2-12.abs.htm

    Cosmic dimensions

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    Martin's Axiom for σ\sigma-centered partial orders implies that there is a cosmic space with non-coinciding dimensions.Comment: 2005-11-15: new version, largely rewritte

    Generators of von Neumann algebras associated with spectral measures

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    Let PEP_E be the set of all values of a spectral measure EE and A(PE)A(P_E) be the smallest von Neumann algebra containing PEP_E. We give a simple description of all sets of generators of A(PE)A(P_E) in terms of the integrals with respect to EE. The treatment covers not only the case of generators belonging to A(PE)A(P_E), but also the case of (possibly unbounded) generators affiliated with this algebra.Comment: 10 pages, published versio

    Universally Kuratowski-Ulam spaces and open-open games

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    We examine the class of spaces in which the second player has a winning strategy in the open--open game. We show that this spaces are not universally Kuratowski-Ulam. We also show that the games G and G7 introduced by P. Daniels, K. Kunen, H. Zhou [Fund. Math. 145 (1994), no. 3, 205--220] are not equivalent

    Covering dimension and finite-to-one maps

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    Hurewicz' characterized the dimension of separable metrizable spaces by means of finite-to-one maps. We investigate whether this characterization also holds in the class of compact F-spaces of weight c. Our main result is that, assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, an n-dimensional compact F-space of weight c is the continuous image of a zero-dimensional compact Hausdorff space by an at most 2n-to-1 map

    Taxonomies of Model-theoretically Defined Topological Properties

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    A topological classification scheme consists of two ingredients: (1) an abstract class K of topological spaces; and (2) a taxonomy , i.e. a list of first order sentences, together with a way of assigning an abstract class of spaces to each sentence of the list so that logically equivalent sentences are assigned the same class.K, is then endowed with an equivalence relation, two spaces belonging to the same equivalence class if and only if they lie in the same classes prescribed by the taxonomy. A space X in K is characterized within the classification scheme if whenever Y E K, and Y is equivalent to X, then Y is homeomorphic to X. As prime example, the closed set taxonomy assigns to each sentence in the first order language of bounded lattices the class of topological spaces whose lattices of closed sets satisfy that sentence. It turns out that every compact two-complex is characterized via this taxonomy in the class of metrizable spaces, but that no infinite discrete space is so characterized. We investigate various natural classification schemes, compare them, and look into the question of which spaces can and cannot be characterized within them

    LpL^p-generic cocycles have one-point Lyapunov spectrum

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    We show the sum of the first kk Lyapunov exponents of linear cocycles is an upper semicontinuous function in the LpL^p topologies, for any 1p1 \le p \le \infty and kk. This fact, together with a result from Arnold and Cong, implies that the Lyapunov exponents of the LpL^p-generic cocycle, p<p<\infty, are all equal.Comment: 8 pages. A gap in the previous version was correcte

    Dynamical consequences of a free interval: minimality, transitivity, mixing and topological entropy

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    We study dynamics of continuous maps on compact metrizable spaces containing a free interval (i.e., an open subset homeomorphic to an open interval). A special attention is paid to relationships between topological transitivity, weak and strong topological mixing, dense periodicity and topological entropy as well as to the topological structure of minimal sets. In particular, a trichotomy for minimal sets and a dichotomy for transitive maps are proved.Comment: 21 page

    On disjoint Borel uniformizations

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    Larman showed that any closed subset of the plane with uncountable vertical cross-sections has aleph_1 disjoint Borel uniformizing sets. Here we show that Larman's result is best possible: there exist closed sets with uncountable cross-sections which do not have more than aleph_1 disjoint Borel uniformizations, even if the continuum is much larger than aleph_1. This negatively answers some questions of Mauldin. The proof is based on a result of Stern, stating that certain Borel sets cannot be written as a small union of low-level Borel sets. The proof of the latter result uses Steel's method of forcing with tagged trees; a full presentation of this method, written in terms of Baire category rather than forcing, is given here