22 research outputs found


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    Euromaidán és el nom que rep una sèrie de manifestacions que va començar a final de l’any 2013 a Ucraïna, quan l’expresident Victor Yanukovych va declarar la suspensió de la signatura de l’Acord d’Associació amb la Unió Europea. Com a conseqüència, milers de persones van sortir als carrers de Kiev per mostrar el seu desacord amb la decisió del Govern. D’aquesta manera, l’Euromaidan, que va començar sent un moviment social, va acabar per provocar una confrontació entre els ciutadans i el Govern ucraïnès, situació que va derivar en un conflicte militar amb Rússia a l’est d’Ucraïna. Aquesta situació va marcar el principi de l’actual crisi política del país. En aquest article es presentarà el context històric ampli, a més de la cronologia actual de la crisi ucraïnesa, des de novembre de 2013 fins a maig de 2019. Tots els esdeveniments han de considerar-se com un únic procés, tal com mostra la següent seqüència: Euromaidan, annexió de Crimea, fase activa del conflicte militar al Dombass (fins a la signatura del Segon Protocol de Minsk el 2015), fase passiva del conflicte militar al Dombass i militarització del Mar Negre. Finalment, s’hi presentaran les conclusions i les perspectives per al futur.Euromaidan is the name given to a series of demonstrations that began at the end of 2013 in Ukraine, when former President Victor Yanukovych declared the suspension of the signing of the Agreement about the Association with the European Union. As a result, thousands of people started to protest on the streets of Kiev to show their disagreement with the decision of the government. Thus, Euromaidan, which began as a social movement, ended up causing a confrontation between citizens and the Ukrainian government, which led to the military conflict with Russia in Eastern Ukraine. This situation marked the beginning of the current political crisis in the country. The article presents the broad historical context of the conflict, as well as the current chronology of the Ukrainian crisis, from November 2013 to May 2019. All the events of this Ukrainian crisis should be considered as a single process, as shown in the following sequence: Euromaidan, annexation of Crimea, active phase of military conflict in Donbass (until the signing of the Second Minsk Protocol in 2015), passive phase of the military conflict in Donbass, and militarization of the Black Sea. Finally, the conclusions and future prospects will be presented.Euromaidán es el nombre dado a una serie de manifestaciones que comenzó a finales del año 2013 en Ucrania, cuando el ex presidente Victor Yanukovych declaró la suspensión de la firma del Acuerdo de Asociación con la Unión Europea. Como resultado, miles de personas salieron a las calles de Kiev para mostrar su desacuerdo con la decisión del Gobierno. De esta manera, el Euromaidán, que empezó siendo un movimiento social, acabó provocando una confrontación entre los ciudadanos y el Gobierno ucraniano, situación que derivó en un conflicto militar con Rusia en el este de Ucrania. Esta situación marcó el comienzo de la actual crisis política del país. En este artículo se presentará el contexto histórico amplio como también la cronología actual de la crisis ucraniana, desde noviembre de 2013 hasta mayo de 2019. Todos los acontecimientos de esta crisis ucraniana deben considerarse como un único proceso tal y como se muestra en la siguiente secuencia: Euromaidán, anexión de Crimea, fase activa del conflicto militar en Dombás (hasta la firma del Segundo Protocolo de Minsk en 2015), fase pasiva del conflicto militar en Dombás y militarización del Mar Negro. Finalmente, se presentarán las conclusiones y las perspectivas para el futuro

    PLoS Biol

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    Microorganisms must make the right choice for nutrient consumption to adapt to their changing environment. As a consequence, bacteria and yeasts have developed regulatory mechanisms involving nutrient sensing and signaling, known as "catabolite repression," allowing redirection of cell metabolism to maximize the consumption of an energy-efficient carbon source. Here, we report a new mechanism named "metabolic contest" for regulating the use of carbon sources without nutrient sensing and signaling. Trypanosoma brucei is a unicellular eukaryote transmitted by tsetse flies and causing human African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness. We showed that, in contrast to most microorganisms, the insect stages of this parasite developed a preference for glycerol over glucose, with glucose consumption beginning after the depletion of glycerol present in the medium. This "metabolic contest" depends on the combination of 3 conditions: (i) the sequestration of both metabolic pathways in the same subcellular compartment, here in the peroxisomal-related organelles named glycosomes; (ii) the competition for the same substrate, here ATP, with the first enzymatic step of the glycerol and glucose metabolic pathways both being ATP-dependent (glycerol kinase and hexokinase, respectively); and (iii) an unbalanced activity between the competing enzymes, here the glycerol kinase activity being approximately 80-fold higher than the hexokinase activity. As predicted by our model, an approximately 50-fold down-regulation of the GK expression abolished the preference for glycerol over glucose, with glucose and glycerol being metabolized concomitantly. In theory, a metabolic contest could be found in any organism provided that the 3 conditions listed above are met

    Механізми реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки в умовах інформаційного суспільства

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    У звіті здійснено теоретичне обгрунтування передумов формування і реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555

    Механізми реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки в умовах інформаційного суспільства

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    У звіті здійснено теоретичне обгрунтування передумов формування і реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555

    Aminobisphosphonates Synergize with Human Cytomegalovirus To Activate the Antiviral Activity of Vγ9Vδ2 Cells

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    Human V gamma 9V delta 2 T cells are activated through their TCR by neighboring cells producing phosphoantigens. Zoledronate (ZOL) treatment induces intracellular accumulation of the phosphoantigens isopentenyl pyrophosphate and ApppI. Few attempts have been made to use immunomanipulation of V gamma 9V delta 2 lymphocytes in chronic viral infections. Although V gamma 9V delta 2 T cells seem to ignore human CMV (HCMV)-infected cells, we examined whether they can sense HCMV when a TCR stimulus is provided with ZOL. Fibroblasts treated with ZOL activate V gamma 9V delta 2 T cells to produce IFN-gamma but not TNF. Following the same treatment, HCMV-infected fibroblasts stimulate TNF secretion and an increased production of IFN-g, indicating that V gamma 9V delta 2 cells can sense HCMV infection. Increased lymphokine production was observed with most clinical isolates and laboratory HCMV strains, HCMV-permissive astrocytoma, or dendritic cells, as well as "naive" and activated V gamma 9V delta 2 cells. Quantification of intracellular isopentenyl pyrophosphate/ApppI following ZOL treatment showed that HCMV infection boosts their accumulation. This was explained by an increased capture of ZOL and by upregulation of HMG-CoA synthase and reductase transcription. Using an experimental setting where infected fibroblasts were cocultured with gamma delta cells in submicromolar concentrations of ZOL, we show that V gamma 9V delta 2 cells suppressed substantially the release of infectious particles while preserving uninfected cells. V gamma 9V delta 2 cytotoxicity was decreased by HCMV infection of targets whereas anti-IFN-gamma and anti-TNF Abs significantly blocked the antiviral effect. Our experiments indicate that cytokines produced by V gamma 9V delta 2 T cells have an antiviral potential in HCMVinfection. This should lead to in vivo studies to explore the possible antiviral effect of immunostimulation with ZOL in this context

    Functional analysis of isoprenoid precursors biosynthesis by quantitative metabolomics and isotopologue profiling

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    International audienceIsoprenoids are amongst the most abundant and diverse biological molecules and are involved in a broad range of biological functions. Functional understanding of their biosynthesis is thus key in many fundamental and applicative fields, including systems biology, medicine and biotechnology. However, available methods do not yet allow accurate quantification and tracing of stable isotopes incorporation for all the isoprenoids precursors

    Miniaturisation of metabolomic and fluxomic workflow on spheroids cultures applied to the treatment of gastric cancer.

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    International audienceSpheroid (3D) culture models are becoming essential to mimic what happens in tissues in vivo. They are more representative of the cell-cellcontact, dynamic interactions and reduce the impact of plastic compared to traditional 2D cultures. According to the models of cultures,metabolic differences were observed (in glycolytic activity, ATP production and sugar nucleotides synthesis). Expression of drug resistance genesmay be also different and spheroids are often more resistant to the drug than 2D cultures. Culture of single spheroids are used to analyse withhigh throughput a large number of conditions. The challenge of this project was to be able to perform a study of metabolism for single spheroid(metabolomics and 13C metabolomics) of gastric cancer cell line

    Miniaturisation of metabolomic and fluxomic workflow on spheroids cultures applied to the treatment of gastric cancer.

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    International audienceSpheroid (3D) culture models are becoming essential to mimic what happens in tissues in vivo. They are more representative of the cell-cellcontact, dynamic interactions and reduce the impact of plastic compared to traditional 2D cultures. According to the models of cultures,metabolic differences were observed (in glycolytic activity, ATP production and sugar nucleotides synthesis). Expression of drug resistance genesmay be also different and spheroids are often more resistant to the drug than 2D cultures. Culture of single spheroids are used to analyse withhigh throughput a large number of conditions. The challenge of this project was to be able to perform a study of metabolism for single spheroid(metabolomics and 13C metabolomics) of gastric cancer cell line