2,060 research outputs found

    Stable Genetic Effects on Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence from Adolescence into Early Adulthood

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    Relatively little is known about how genetic influences on alcohol abuse and dependence (AAD) change with age. We examined the change in influence of genetic and environmental factors which explain symptoms of AAD from adolescence into early adulthood. Symptoms of AAD were assessed using the four AAD screening questions of the CAGE inventory. Data were obtained up to six times by self-report questionnaires for 8,398 twins from the Netherlands Twin Register aged between 15 and 32 years. Longitudinal genetic simplex modeling was performed with Mx. Results showed that shared environmental influences were present for age 15–17 (57%) and age 18–20 (18%). Unique environmental influences gained importance over time, contributing 15% of the variance at age 15–17 and 48% at age 30–32. At younger ages, unique environmental influences were largely age-specific, while at later ages, age-specific influences became less important. Genetic influences on AAD symptoms over age could be accounted for by one factor, with the relative influence of this factor differing across ages. Genetic influences increased from 28% at age 15–17 to 58% at age 21–23 and remained high in magnitude thereafter. These results are in line with a developmentally stable hypothesis that predicts that a single set of genetic risk factors acts on symptoms of AAD from adolescence into young adulthood

    The possibility of evidence-based psychiatry: depression as a case

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    Considering psychiatry as a medical discipline, a diagnosis identifying a disorder should lead to an effective therapy. Such presumed causality is the basis of evidence-based psychiatry. We examined the strengths and weaknesses of research onto the causality of relationship between diagnosis and therapy of major depressive disorder and suggest what could be done to strengthen eventual claims on causality. Four obstacles for a rational evidence-based psychiatry were recognised. First, current classification systems are scientifically nonfalsifiable. Second, cerebral processes are—at least to some extent—nondeterministic, i.e. they are random, stochastic and/or chaotic. Third, the vague or lack of relationship between therapeutic regimens and suspected pathogenesis. Fourth, the inadequacy of tools to diagnose and delineate a functional disorder. We suggest a strategy to identify diagnostic prototypes that are characterised by a limited number of parameters (symptoms, markers and other characteristics). A prototypical diagnosis that may either support or reject particular elements of current diagnostic systems. Nevertheless, one faces the possibility that psychiatry will remain a relatively weak evidence-based medical discipline

    Stable Genetic Influence on Anxiety-Related Behaviours Across Middle Childhood

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    We examined the aetiology of anxiety symptoms in an unselected population at ages 7 and 9, a period during which anxiety disorders first begin to develop (mean age at onset is 11 years). Specifically, the aim of the study was to investigate genetic and environmental continuity and change in components of anxiety in middle childhood. Parents of over 3,500 twin pairs completed the Anxiety-Related Behaviours Questionnaire (ARBQ) when twins were 7 and 9 years old. Multivariate-longitudinal analyses were conducted to examine genetic and environmental influences on stability and change in four anxiety scales: Negative Cognition, Negative Affect, Fear and Social Anxiety. We found moderate temporal stability in all four scales from 7 to 9 years (correlations ranging from 0.45 to 0.54) and moderate heritability (average 54%). Both shared and non-shared environmental influences were modest (average 18%–28% respectively). Genetic factors (68%) explained most of the homotypic continuity in anxiety. We show that homotypic continuity of Anxiety-Related Behaviours (i.e. the continuation of one specific type of anxiety over time) was largely driven by genetic factors. In contrast, though more varied, heterotypic continuity between some traits (i.e. the change from one type of anxiety-related behaviour into another over time) was mainly due to shared-environmental factors

    The diagnosis of mental disorders: the problem of reification

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    A pressing need for interrater reliability in the diagnosis of mental disorders emerged during the mid-twentieth century, prompted in part by the development of diverse new treatments. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), third edition answered this need by introducing operationalized diagnostic criteria that were field-tested for interrater reliability. Unfortunately, the focus on reliability came at a time when the scientific understanding of mental disorders was embryonic and could not yield valid disease definitions. Based on accreting problems with the current DSM-fourth edition (DSM-IV) classification, it is apparent that validity will not be achieved simply by refining criteria for existing disorders or by the addition of new disorders. Yet DSM-IV diagnostic criteria dominate thinking about mental disorders in clinical practice, research, treatment development, and law. As a result, the modernDSMsystem, intended to create a shared language, also creates epistemic blinders that impede progress toward valid diagnoses. Insights that are beginning to emerge from psychology, neuroscience, and genetics suggest possible strategies for moving forward

    Impact of diagnostic misclassification on estimation of genetic correlations using genome-wide genotypes

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    Disorders that share genetic risk factors often are placed in closely related diagnostic categories and treated similarly. Until recently, evidence for shared genetic etiology derived from classical research strategies – coaggregation in family and twin studies. Accumulating sufficient numbers of families was often problematic. However, in the era of genome-wide genotyping, we can now directly estimate the degree of sharing of genetic risk factors between disorders. This strategy is practical even for very rare disorders, where it is infeasible to ascertain informative families. Importantly, the estimates of genetic correlations from genome-wide genotypes are derived using such distant relatives that contamination by shared environmental factors seems unlikely. However, any method that seeks to quantify the shared etiology of disorders assumes they can be distinguished diagnostically from one another without error. Here we investigate the impact of misdiagnosis on estimates of genetic correlation both from traditional family data and from genome-wide genotypes of case–control samples from unrelated individuals. Our analyses show similar results for levels of misdiagnosis in both types of data. In both scenarios, genetic variances and heritabilities tend to be slightly underestimated but genetic correlations are overestimated, sometimes substantially so. For example, two genetically distinct but equally heritable disorders each with prevalence 1%, can generate false-positive estimates of genetic correlations of >0.2 in the presence of 10% reciprocal misdiagnosis. Strategies for minimizing the effects of misdiagnosis in cross-disorder genetic studies are discussed

    Psychosis among "healthy" siblings of schizophrenia patients

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    BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia aggregates in families and accurate diagnoses are essential for genetic studies of schizophrenia. In this study, we investigated whether siblings of patients with schizophrenia can be identified as free of any psychotic disorder using only register information. We also analyzed the emergence of psychotic disorders among siblings of patients with schizophrenia during seven to eleven years of follow-up. METHODS: A genetically homogenous population isolate in north-eastern Finland having 365 families with 446 patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia was initially identified in 1991 using four nationwide registers. Between 1998 and 2002, 124 patients and 183 siblings in 110 families were contacted and interviewed using SCID-I, SCID-II and SANS. We also compared the frequency of mental disorders between siblings and a random population comparison group sample. RESULTS: Thirty (16%) siblings received a diagnosis of psychotic disorder in the interview. 14 siblings had had psychotic symptoms already before 1991, while 16 developed psychotic symptoms during the follow-up. Over half of the siblings (n = 99, 54%) had a lifetime diagnosis of any mental disorder in the interview. CONCLUSION: Register information cannot be used to exclude psychotic disorders among siblings of patients with schizophrenia. The high rate of emergence of new psychotic disorders among initially healthy siblings should be taken into account in genetic analysis

    Heritability of Self-reported Phobic Fear

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    Twin studies on fear and phobia suggest moderate genetic effects. However, results are inconclusive regarding the presence of dominant genetic effects and sex differences. Using an extended twin design, including male and female twins (n = 5,465) and their siblings (n = 1,624), we examined the genetic and environmental influences on blood-injury, social, and agoraphobic fear and investigated their interaction with sex and age. Data of spouses (n = 708) of twins were used to evaluate assortative mating for the three fear dimensions. Results showed that there was no assortative mating for blood-injury, social and agoraphobic fear. Resemblance between biological relatives could be explained by additive and non-additive genetic effects for blood-injury and agoraphobic fear in all participants, and social fear in participants aged 14–25 years. For social fear in participants aged 26–65 only additive genetic effects were detected. Broad-sense heritability estimates ranged from 36 to 51% and were similar for men and women

    Adult Romantic Attachment, Negative Emotionality, and Depressive Symptoms in Middle Aged Men: A Multivariate Genetic Analysis

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    Adult romantic attachment styles reflect ways of relating in close relationships and are associated with depression and negative emotionality. We estimated the extent to which dimensions of romantic attachment and negative emotionality share genetic or environmental risk factors in 1,237 middle-aged men in the Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA). A common genetic factor largely explained the covariance between attachment-related anxiety, attachment-related avoidance, depressive symptoms, and two measures of negative emotionality: Stress-Reaction (anxiety), and Alienation. Multivariate results supported genetic and environmental differences in attachment. Attachment-related anxiety and attachment-related avoidance were each influenced by additional genetic factors not shared with other measures; the genetic correlation between the attachment measure-specific genetic factors was 0.41, indicating some, but not complete overlap of genetic factors. Genetically informative longitudinal studies on attachment relationship dimensions can help to illuminate the role of relationship-based risk factors in healthy aging