36 research outputs found

    Leyendo la Tuḥfa de Abdallāh b. Abdallāh al-Tarŷumān (1420) en el Imperio Otomano: Polémica Cristiano-Musulmana e Intertextualidad en la época de la “Confesionalización”

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    In 1604, a charismatic Sufi sheikh from Tunis commissioned the translation into Ottoman Turkish of Abdallāh b. Abdallāh al-Tarjumān’s polemical text entitled Tuḥfat al-Adīb fī alradd ʿalā ahl al-ṣalīb (1420), with the intention of presenting it to Ottoman Sultan Ahmed I. Soon after, this text became one of the most widely known and disseminated anti-Christian polemical texts in the Islamic world, and by the late ninteenth century, in Europe as well. The article examines the circumstances of Tuḥfa’s translation from Arabic into Ottoman Turkish, the actors involved, the narrative’s trajectory from Tunis to Istanbul, its reception by the Ottoman reading public, as well as impact on the development of an Ottoman polemical genre of self-narrative of conversion to Islam. Transcription and translation of such an Ottoman narrative, which appears to have been directly influenced by Tuḥfa, is featured in the article’s appendix. By focusing on the trajectory of a single text belonging to the genre of religious polemics, the article bridges the traditionally disconnected academic discussions pertaining to the early modern Iberian, North African and Ottoman history and demonstrates their inherent connectivity in the age of confessional polarization (16th-17th centuries).En 1604, un carismático sufí de Túnez encargó la traducción al turco otomano del texto de polémica titulado Tuḥfat al-Adīb fī al-radd ʿalā ahl al-ṣalīb (1420) de Abdallāh b. Abdallāh al-Tarjumān, con la intención de presentárselo al Sultán otomano Ahmed I. Poco después, este texto se convirtió en uno de los textos de polémica anti-Cristiana mejor conocidos y leídos en el mundo islámico y en Europa, a finales del siglo XIX. Este artículo estudia las circunstancias en que se realizó la traducción de la Tuḥfa del árabe al turco otomano, los actores involucrados en esa traducción, la narrativa de su trayectoria desde Túnez hasta Estambul, su recepción por el público letrado otomano y, finalmente, su impacto en el desarrollo del género de polémica otomana en las narrativas de conversión al Islam. En el apéndice de este artículo se incluye una transcripción y traducción de esa narrativa, que parece estar directamente influida por la Tuḥfa. Mediante el estudio de la trayectoria de un único texto perteneciente al género de la polémica religiosa, este artículo evita las discusiones académicas, tradicionalmente desconectadas entre sí porque estudian la historia moderna ibérica, norte africana y otomana de forma separada, demostrando así su íntima conexión en la época de polarización confesional (ss. XVI y XVII)

    Historicizing Sunni Islam in the Ottoman Empire, c. 1450-c. 1750

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    Articles collected in Historicizing Sunni Islam in the Ottoman Empire, c. 1450–c. 1750 engage with the idea that “Sunnism” itself has a history and trace how particular Islamic genres – ranging from prayer manuals, heresiographies, creeds, hadith and fatwa collections, legal and theological treatises, and historiography to mosques and Sufi convents – developed and were reinterpreted in the Ottoman Empire between c. 1450 and c. 1750. The volume epitomizes the growing scholarly interest in historicizing Islamic discourses and practices of the post-classical era, which has heretofore been styled as a period of decline, reflecting critically on the concepts of ‘tradition’, ‘orthodoxy’ and ‘orthopraxy’ as they were conceived and debated in the context of building and maintaining the longest-lasting Muslim-ruled empire. Readership: All interested in the debates on Sunni Islam and in the politics of religion and confessionalism in the early modern Ottoman Empire and in “post-classical” Islamic history more generally

    The use of recycled crushed clay brick aggregate for the purpose of forming a prefabricated façade panel

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    The contemporary 4R concept of waste management, in accordance with the globally spread trend of sustainability, promotes: reducing the amount of waste at the source, reusing of elements and their parts, recycling in order to produce raw material and recovering of the embodied energy. Discarded bricks from building demolition sites considered in this research could be reused, but also crushed in appropriate facilities and employed as aggregate in various cement composites. This paper investigates the possibility of using such recycled crushed clay brick material as aggregate in a prefabricated composite façade panel with the face of stone, which can be used in a ventilated façade system. It describes the production process of a pilot element, and further suggests the details of the façade cladding technology concerning the proposed element, i.e. its production technology options, as well as transport and installation technologies. The paper further displays various design possibilities of the panel closely related to the production technology options, as well as observed aspects of sustainability and cost effectiveness relevant to the application of the proposed façade panel. The research contributes to the contemporary course of sustainability within the construction industry by proposing an example of forming a new prefabricated building element using recycled building demolition waste material

    An example of using recycled crushed clay brick aggregate: a prefabricated composite façade panel with the face of stone

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    The contemporary trend of sustainability and waste management, among other principles of environmental preservation, promote recycling of building waste material. Building waste material may contain significant quantities of discarded bricks and concrete, which can be further used crushed, as aggregate. In line with the principle of recycling, the following research displays a possibility of using recycled crushed clay brick aggregate to form a prefabricated composite façade panel with a face of stone, which can be used within a ventilated façade system. The paper presents the production technology of a pilot element and design possibilities of the panel. The research contributes to the environmental preservation and sustainability concept by offering an example of using recycled building waste within a new building element

    Influence of yeast and nutrients on the quality of apricot brandy

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    Five yeast strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae and S. bayanus (SB, Top Floral, Top 15, Aroma White and Red Fruit) and two nutrients, diammonium phosphate and Nutriferm Arom, were examined for their influence on young apricot brandies, with a special emphasis on the chemical, volatile and sensory characteristics. Analyses of the major and minor volatiles and sensory analysis of the apricot brandies showed important differences between the samples. The total sensory scores of the apricot brandies ranged between 16.88 for the control sample to 18.35 for the sample produced with the SB yeast strain and diammonium phosphate as nutrient. All the samples of apricot brandies fulfilled EU requirements as regards their content of methanol and other components, such as acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, and higher alcohols

    Biorational CO2 fumigation of sunflower and common bean: insecticidal potential and effect on seed vitality and quality

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    Store product pests often cause high qualitative and quantitative losses to seeds of agricultural plants during storage. Damages inflicted to a high category seed result in reduced germination that practically affects agricultural production. Therefore, it is important to control insect pests and mitigate losses in storages, but at the same time to preserve the germination potential of the seeds as well as their vitality and quality. Fumigation with CO2 is a biorational method used for controlling store product pests in a variety of commodities. Its insecticidal potential is well documented, however the information about the effect on seeds is lacking. In this work, we assessed the efficacy of CO2 fumigation and its effect on vitality (germination energy and germination) and quality (fatty acid composition) of sunflower and common bean seeds. CO2, (62, 93 and 96 %), was applied to sunflower seeds artificially infested with Plodia interpunctella larvae and common bean infested with Acanthoscelides obtectus adults, in gastight bags. The lowest concentration (62 %) caused total mortality (100 %) of P. interpunctella larvae after 7 days of exposure. The two highest CO2 concentrations caused relatively high mortality after two hours of exposure (81 and 86 %), while total mortality (100 %) was achieved after 24 h. The lowest concentration caused only 62.0 % mortality of A. obtectus after 24 h of exposure. In treatments with 93 and 96 % of CO2 mortality was 88 and 93 % after 24 h exposure, respectively. Fumigation with CO2, irrespective of concentrations, showed no adverse effect on seed germination of sunflower (97.0 to 99.5 % in all treatments) or common bean (91.3-95.3 %), or on the percentage of detectable fatty acids in sunflower seeds. However, varietal differences should be considered.This work was done as a part of activities of the Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Breeding of Climate Resilient Crops – Climate Crops, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia

    Transfer factors of Cs137 from soil to plants used in traditional medicine in central Serbia

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    U ovom radu su odredjeni transfer faktori 137Cs iz tla u biljke koje se koriste u tradicionalnoj medicini na teritoriji centralne Srbije. Transfer faktori (TF) su računati kao odnos aktivnosti suvog biljnog uzorka i aktivnosti suvog uzorka zemlje. Specifične aktivnosti 137Cs u uzorcima su merene gama spektrometrijskom metodom koristeći koaksijalni germanijumski detektor. Absalom model je primenjen za teorijsko predviđanje količine 137Cs koja prelazi u biljke na osnovu određenih karakteristika tla: pH vrednost, sadržaj kalijuma, humusa i gline. Vrednosti transfer faktora dobijene pomoću Absalom modela su u opsegu od 0,011 do 0,307, gde je srednja vrednost 0,071. Eksperimentalno određena srednja vrednost je 0,069, pri čemu je uočeno dobro slaganje sa teorijski predviđenom vrednošću. Prisustvo 137Cs u biljkama je u najvećoj meri posledica akcidenta u Černobilju, pri čemu se sadašnje izračunate vrednosti transfer faktora mogu koristiti za eventualnu procenu koncentracije aktivnosti 137Cs u lekovitim biljkama u vreme akcidenta u Černobilju.Transfer factors 137Cs from soil to plants used in traditional medicine were determined. The transfer factors (TF) were calculated as Bq kg-1 of dry plant per Bq kg-1 of dry soil. Mass activity concentrations of 137Cs in soil and plant samples were measured with high purity germanium detector (HPGe). The Absalom model was used for determination of the amount of 137Cs transferred from soil to plant based on soil characteristics such as pH, exchangeable potassium, humus and clay contents. The estimated transfer factors were in the range from 0.011 to 0.307 with an arithmetic mean of 0.071, median of 0.050, geometric mean of 0.053 and GSD of 2.08. This value agreed well with that calculated from the measurements of 0.069.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230

    Transfer factors of Cs137 from soil to plants used in traditional medicine in central Serbia

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    U ovom radu su odredjeni transfer faktori 137Cs iz tla u biljke koje se koriste u tradicionalnoj medicini na teritoriji centralne Srbije. Transfer faktori (TF) su računati kao odnos aktivnosti suvog biljnog uzorka i aktivnosti suvog uzorka zemlje. Specifične aktivnosti 137Cs u uzorcima su merene gama spektrometrijskom metodom koristeći koaksijalni germanijumski detektor. Absalom model je primenjen za teorijsko predviđanje količine 137Cs koja prelazi u biljke na osnovu određenih karakteristika tla: pH vrednost, sadržaj kalijuma, humusa i gline. Vrednosti transfer faktora dobijene pomoću Absalom modela su u opsegu od 0,011 do 0,307, gde je srednja vrednost 0,071. Eksperimentalno određena srednja vrednost je 0,069, pri čemu je uočeno dobro slaganje sa teorijski predviđenom vrednošću. Prisustvo 137Cs u biljkama je u najvećoj meri posledica akcidenta u Černobilju, pri čemu se sadašnje izračunate vrednosti transfer faktora mogu koristiti za eventualnu procenu koncentracije aktivnosti 137Cs u lekovitim biljkama u vreme akcidenta u Černobilju.Transfer factors 137Cs from soil to plants used in traditional medicine were determined. The transfer factors (TF) were calculated as Bq kg-1 of dry plant per Bq kg-1 of dry soil. Mass activity concentrations of 137Cs in soil and plant samples were measured with high purity germanium detector (HPGe). The Absalom model was used for determination of the amount of 137Cs transferred from soil to plant based on soil characteristics such as pH, exchangeable potassium, humus and clay contents. The estimated transfer factors were in the range from 0.011 to 0.307 with an arithmetic mean of 0.071, median of 0.050, geometric mean of 0.053 and GSD of 2.08. This value agreed well with that calculated from the measurements of 0.069.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230