85 research outputs found

    Ocjena otpornosti drva na utjecaj umjetnih atmosferskih uvjeta mjerenjem tlačne čvrstoće

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of artificial weathering on selected properties of wood. This paper presents the changes of incompressive strength of wood along fi bers. The study involved wood of different density and anatomy - 17 species of tropical wood commercially available in Europe and Scots pine and European oak. The specimens were exposed to artificial weathering consisting of soaking wood in water, drying at 70 °C and exposure to UV radiation. Three-step aging cycle was repeated 140 times. In general, the tested wood species changed their compressive strength differently under the influence of artificial weathering. The process of artificial weathering caused a loss of strength of all tested wood species. The extent of changes depended on initial properties of wood (especially density) and anatomy. The changes were most pronounced at the beginning of the artificial weathering process.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj umjetnih atmosferskih uvjeta na promatrana svojstva drva. U radu je prikazana promjena tlačne čvrstoće drva uzduž vlakanaca. Istraživanje je provedeno na vrstama drva različite gustoće i anatomske građe – istraženo je 17 vrsta tropskog drva komercijalno dostupnoga u Europi te drvo običnog bora i europskog hrasta. Uzorci su bili izloženi umjetnim atmosferskim uvjetima: naizmjeničnom potapanju drva u vodi, sušenju na 70 °C i izlaganju UV zračenju. Ciklus koji se sastojao od ta tri postupka ponovljen je 140 puta. Općenito, promjena tlačne čvrstoća drva pod utjecajem umjetnih atmosferskih uvjeta za istraživane je vrste drva različita. Izlaganje umjetnim atmosferskim uvjetima prouzročilo je smanjenje tlačne čvrstoće svih istraživanih vrsta drva. Opseg promjena nakon izlaganja povezan je s početnim svojstvima drva (posebno s gustoćom) i anatomskom građom. Najveći intenzitet promjena zabilježen je na početku izlaganja umjetnim atmosferskim uvjetima

    Utjecaj parametara rezanja na kvalitetu površine bukovine

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    The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of flat slicing processes on wood surface characteristics of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). The relation between wettability, roughness and machining methods were studied. Two different wood thickness (3.4 and 4.0 mm) and three levels of compression during slicing (67.5 %, 57.5 % and 47.5 % of desired veneer thickness) were used to prepare surfaces prior to testing. The smaller variation of the thickness of thinner veneers was observed. No significant impact of compression on variation of the thickness was found. The contact angle was lower when roughness measured parallel to the grain was higher. The influence of selected compression on roughness of European beech veneers measured perpendicular to the grain was confirmed. This indicated that the influence of the set of machining processes, such as pressure bar setting during slicing, is significant for wooden veneers surface properties.Glavni cilj rada bio je procijeniti učinke plošnog rezanja furnira na svojstva površine bukovine (Fagus sylvatica L.). Proučavan je odnos između kvašenja i hrapavosti bukovine i metoda rezanja furnira. Za pripremu površine za ispitivanja upotrijebljene su dvije različite debljine furnira (3,4 i 4,0 mm) i tri razine kompresije tijekom rezanja furnira (67,5, 57,5 i 47,5 % željene debljine furnira). Uočena su manja odstupanja debljine tanjih furnira. Nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj kompresije na varijacije debljine furnira. Kontaktni kut bio je manji kada je hrapavost paralelno s vlakancima drva bila veća. Potvrđen je utjecaj odabranog pritiska na hrapavost bukova furnira okomito na vlakanca drva. To je pokazalo da postavke procesa obrade, primjerice odabir pritiska tijekom rezanja, znatno utječu na svojstva površine furnira

    Effect of Anatomical Structure of Shoots in Different Flowering Phase on Rhizogenesis of Once-blooming Roses

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    The research was conducted on five once-blooming different origin historical roses. The aims were establishing differences in the anatomical structure of shoots taken in four maturity stages and their natural ability to roots creating. There were hypothesized, that the changes in anatomical structure occur in the time of flowering and may affect the ability of rhizogenesis. Single node one leaf cuttings of chosen cultivars were cut from shoots in four maturity phases: flower buds closed, all flowers open, just after and 7-14 days after petal fall. The cuttings were planted in multipot trays in peat substrate without using rooting stimulators. The anatomical structure of shoots in the place of rhizogenesis were observed, the width of xylem layer and cambial zone, diameter of vascular cells were measured. The percentage of rooted cuttings and forming only a callus were counted. Adventitious roots appeared probably in the cambium zone, pith rays, and also in the zone of phloem and pericycle. The anatomic structure of shoots changes during the period of flowering and influences rooting percentage and the percent of cuttings which developed callus only. The width of the cambium layer of shoots influences the width of the wood layer in all cultivars. The rise of width of cambium tissue have an effect of increase of percentage of cuttings forming a callus only in ‘Hurdals’ and ‘Maiden’s Blush’. The width of the cambium layer in shoots enlarges during full blooming in four of the studied cultivars (‘Hurdals’, ‘Maiden’s Blush’, ‘Mousseuse Rouge’, ‘Semiplena’) and in one it stays at the same level for the whole duration of the experiment (‘Duchesse d’Angoulême’). The specifying in practice the period of taking rose cuttings, individual properties of cultivars and phenological phase of shoot should be taken into consideration

    Kvašenje površine drva iz tropskih i umjerenih zona polarnim i disperzivnim tekućinama

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    Wood species from Africa, South America and Europe, primarily used as a flooring and construction material, were acquired for the study. Wetabillity was determined using the measurement of the contact angle of wood with the reference liquids (water, diiodomethane) based on the sessile drop method. Surface free energy of wood on tangential sections within first 60 s after applying a drop was determined. Among the species from the tropical zone, the greatest hydrophobicity, similar to oak wood, was characteristic for courbaril wood. After 60 s, the value of the surface free energy for the heartwood of the studied species was between 60 and 70 mJ·m-2, while for the sapwood of pine and birch, it was about 80 mJ·m-2. The biggest changes in the work of adhesion, within 60 s after the application of a drop of water on the surface of the wood, was stated for pine sapwood, and the smallest one for tauari and courbaril wood.Istraživanje je provedeno na vrstama drva rasprostranjenima u Africi, Južnoj Americi i Europi, ponajprije na onima koje se upotrebljavaju kao materijal za podove i za gradnju. Kvašenje drva određeno je mjerenjem kontaktnog kuta drva s referentnim tekućinama (vodom, dijodometanom) postupkom kapanja. Utvrđena je površinska slobodna energija na tangencijalnom presjeku drva unutar prvih 60 s nakon nanošenja kapi. Među vrstama drva iz tropske zone najveću je hidrofobnost, sličnu onoj koju ima hrastovo drvo, pokazalo drvo jatobe. Vrijednost slobodne površinske energije za srževinu ispitivanih vrsta drva nakon 60 s bila je između 60 i 70 mJ·m-2, dok je za borovinu i brezovinu bila oko 80 mJ·m-2. Najveće promjene zbog djelovanja adhezije unutar 60 s od nanošenja kapljice vode na površinu drva zabilježene su za borovinu, a najmanje za drvo brazilskog hrasta i drvo jatobe

    Prevalence of PgR, ER and HER2+ receptors among women with breast cancer by age in Poland

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    Introduction. Prevalence of estrogen (ER), progesterone (PgR) and human epidermal growth factor receptors (HER2) vary by age among women with breast cancer (BC). Such variation has a large significance for the prognosis and treatment process. This study characterizes the prevalence of breast cancer subtypes by age in a hospital sample in Poland. Material and methods. The study population included 735 women with BC aged 27–91 years old (ICD-10: C50) and treated in the years 2009–2011 in the Military Institute of Medicine in Warsaw. Subjects were divided into 2 age categories — 27–44 and 45+ — which included 66 (9%) and 669 (91%) women respectively. In each group prevalence of PgR, ER and HER2+ receptors was investigated. Results. In both age groups the most frequent BC subtype was luminal A (hormone dependent BC — with PgR and ER receptor expression) — 27–44 years old — 44% and 45+ years old — 56%. The lowest number of cases in the age group 27–44 was luminal B (triple positive breast cancer) — about 15% of cases and for 45+ age group — HER2+ BC — about 11%. Discussion. Performed research shows relationship between growing age of diagnosis and presence of more desirable features of BC among women aged 55 and more, such as expression of steroid receptors or lack of expression of HER2 receptors, which is a good prognostic indicator for treatment outcomes. In the same time, many studies suggest that more aggressive types of breast cancer (basal-like — triple negative) are more characteristic for younger age groups (under 45 years old and younger women in perimenopausal age). Same results have been obtained in own study. Conclusions. A high incidence of BC in older age groups (45+) and more frequent occurrence of aggressive types of BC among younger women (27–44 years old) indicate the need to educate women from both age groups about risk factors and early symptoms of the disease. As we still have not recognized all BC risk factors, education about well-known agents, such as alcohol intake, overweight and obesity, play significant role in decrease of BC incidence and mortality

    Socioeconomic status and cardiovascular risk SCORE

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      Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the most frequent causes of morbidity and death both in men and women. The influence of the following factors on the occurrence and progression of atherosclerosis is well known: hyperten­sion, hypercholesterolaemia, tobacco smoking, obesity, diabetes, age, and sex. As well as the typical risk factors of CVD, there is also a significant association between the incidence of those diseases and socioeconomic status (SES). Aim: The aim of this study was to establish the correlation between SES status and CVD risk assessed according to the SCORE algorithm. Methods: The study encompassed 516 participants (207 men and 309 women) aged 40–74 years, who had never been diagnosed with any CVD. The SES was calculated by multiplying the patient’s education and net monthly income. The cor­relation between the SES and SCORE was established using linear and logistic regression analysis. Results: After considering the influence of age, an inverse correlation between the SCORE risk value and the SES index was established, both in the entire group (p = 0.006) and in the men’s group (p = 0.007). In the analysis of individual age subgroups, this correlation was demonstrated in the following groups: 55–59-year-olds (p = 0.011), 60–64-year-olds (p = 0.014), and 65–69-year olds (p = 0.034). A similar relationship was established in men aged 65–69 years (p = 0.038) and women aged 40–44 years (p = 0.003). The logistic regression analysis demonstrated that, after considering the influence of age, the odds of the SCORE risk value being ≥ 10% were becoming smaller along with the increase in the SES index value in the entire group (p = 0.048) and in the men’s group (p = 0.011). The odds ratio (OR) for the SCORE risk value being ≥ 10% depending on the SES index value was OR = 0.978 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.956–0.999) in the entire group and OR = 0.964 (95% CI 0.938–0.992) in men. Furthermore, we also established that the risk of SCORE ≥ 5% decreased with the increase in the SES index value in the women’s group (OR = 0.970; 95% CI 0.941–0.999; p = 0.042). Conclusions: 1. We demonstrated a statistically significant correlation between the SES and the CVD risk assessed according to the SCORE algorithm. 2. The value of the CVD risk according to SCORE was inversely correlated with SES status.Wstęp: Schorzenia układu sercowo-naczyniowego są jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn zachorowań i umieralności zarówno wśród mężczyzn, jak i kobiet. Dotychczas określono wiele czynników ryzyka związanych z rozwojem schorzeń układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Dobrze znany jest wpływ czynników, takich jak: nadciśnienie tętnicze, hipercholesterolemia, palenie tytoniu, otyłość, cukrzyca, wiek oraz płeć na wystąpienie i progresję miażdżycy. Oprócz klasycznych czynników ryzyka schorzeń układu sercowo-naczyniowego istotny związek z występowaniem schorzeń z tej grupy ma pozycja socjoekonomiczna (SES). Cel: Celem pracy było określenie zależności między SES a ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym ocenionym wg algorytmu SCORE. Metody: Badanie jest częścią projektu WOBASZ II, które przeprowadzono w Polsce w latach 2013–2014 w ramach profilaktyki pierwotnej schorzeń układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Analizie poddano dane zebrane w losowej grupie mieszkańców województw: śląskiego, dolnośląskiego i opolskiego. W każdym z województw wylosowano do badania 6 gmin: 2 małe (do 8 tys. mieszkańców), 2 średnie (od 8 do 40 tys.) i 2 duże (od 40 tys.). Następnie w każdej gminie wylosowano 70 mężczyzn i 70 kobiet w wieku 20 i więcej lat. U wszystkich badanych określono pozycję socjoekonomiczną, którą zdefiniowano wg metody zastosowanej w badaniu ATTICA, jako iloczyn wykształcenia i dochodu miesięcznego (netto). Poszczególnym kategoriom zmiennych nadawano odpowiednie wartości liczbowe — wykształcenie: niepełne podstawowe = 1, podstawowe = 2, zasadnicze zawodowe po szkole podstawowej = 3, gimnazjum = 4, zasadnicze zawodowe po gimnazjum = 5, liceum/technikum (średnie) = 6, policealne = 7, licencjat (niepełne wyższe) = 8, wyższe = 9, dochód: ≤ 500 zł = 1, 501–1000 zł = 2, 1001–1500 zł = 3, 1501–2000 zł = 4, 2001–2500 zł = 5, 2501–3000 zł = 6 i > 3001 zł = 7. Iloczyn wykształcenia i dochodu stanowił wynik SES. Grupy SES zostały wyznaczone następująco: niski SES — wskaźnik 18. Wybrana losowo grupa liczyła 884 osoby. Z powyższej grupy wyodrębniono 516 osób (207 mężczyzn i 309 kobiet) w wieku 40–74 lat, u których nie stwierdzono schorzeń układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Określono u nich ryzyko sercowo-naczyniowe na podstawie algorytmu SCORE dla populacji Polski. SES oceniono jako iloczyn wykształcenia i dochodu miesięcznego (netto). Następnie określono związek między SES a SCORE przy użyciu analizy regresji liniowej i logistycznej. Wyniki: Wyniki analizy regresji liniowej wykazały, że po uwzględnieniu wpływu wieku zależność pomiędzy wartością ryzyka SCORE a wskaźnikiem SES została zaobserwowana zarówno w całej badanej grupie (p = 0,006), jak i w grupie mężczyzn (p = 0.007). Analizując poszczególne podgrupy wiekowe całej badanej grupy, zależność ta potwierdziła się w grupach wiekowych: 55–59 lat (p = 0,011), 60–64 lata (p = 0,014) i 65–69 lat (p = 0.034). Podobną zależność stwierdzono w grupie mężczyzn w wieku 65–69 lat (p = 0,038) i kobiet w wieku 40–44 lata (p = 0,003). Wyniki analizy regresji logistycznej wykazały, że po uwzględnieniu wpływu wieku zwiększone ryzyko wystąpienia wartości ryzyka SCORE ≥ 10% w zależności od wartości wskaźnika SES zaobserwowano w całej badanej grupie (p = 0,048) i w grupie mężczyzn (p = 0,011). Szansa wystąpienia wartości ryzyka SCORE ≥ 10% w zależności od wartości wskaźnika SES wyniosła OR = 0,978 (95% CI 0,956–0,999) w całej grupie oraz OR = 0,964 (95% CI 0,938–0,992) wśród mężczyzn. Ponadto stwierdzono zwiększone ryzyko wystąpienia SCORE ≥ 5% w zależności od wartości wskaźnika SES w grupie kobiet bez uwzględnienia wpływu wieku (p = 0,042; OR = 0,970; 95% CI 0,941–0,999). Wnioski: 1. Wykazano istotną statystycznie zależność między pozycją socjoekonomiczną a ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym ocenionym wg algorytmu SCORE. 2. Wartość ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego wg SCORE była odwrotnie związana z pozycją społeczno-ekonomiczną

    Importance of fatiguing, overtraining and chronic fatigue in athletes

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    Piesik Adam, Dryja Monika, Zawadka-Kunikowska Monika, Slomko Joanna, Kozakiewicz Mariusz, Tafil‑Klawe Małgorzata, Klawe Jacek J., Zalewski Paweł. Importance of fatiguing, overtraining and chronic fatigue in athletes. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(9):203-216. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.893319 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4829 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/831622 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 15.08.2017. Revised: 10.09.2017. Accepted: 10.09.2017. Importance of fatiguing, overtraining and chronic fatigue in athletes Adam Piesik1, Monika Dryja1, Monika Zawadka-Kunikowska1, Joanna Slomko1, Mariusz Kozakiewicz3, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe2, Jacek J. Klawe1, Paweł Zalewski1 1 Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology, and Ergonomics Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy UMK w Toruniu, Polska 2 Department of Physiology Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy UMK w Toruniu, Polska 3 Department of Chemistry of Foodstuffs Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy UMK w Toruniu, Polska Correspondence: Adam Piesik, Department of Ergonomics and Exercise Physiology, ul. M. Curie Skłodowskiej 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz, [email protected], tel./fax 52 585-35-89 Abstract Each training that requires achieving a higher heart rate limit and/or increased concentration in time may cause fatigue, considered to be a natural defence mechanism of a body. In the case of excessive fatigue and insufficient time designated for rest and regeneration, an overtraining syndrome (OTS) may develop. The main symptom of overtraining is increased fatigue that fails to become reversed in normal conditions of regeneration. Although authors are familiar with the overtraining syndrome and associated symptoms, as of today no diagnostic tool has been developed that may form a basis for a final diagnosis, and the diagnosis itself is frequently based on a subjective assessment of the athlete. Possible causes of the band overtraining syndrome are disorders of sodium, inflammatory processes resulting from physical activity and / or disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Key words: OTS, elite sportsmen, supercompensatio

    Effects of Sitting Callisthenic Balance and Resistance Exercise Programs on Cognitive Function in Older Participants

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    Background: Exercise training programs have the potential to improve cognitive function in older subjects. However, the majority of training programs are based on aerobic modality. In the current study, the influence of 3 months programs of sitting callisthenic balance (SCB) and resistance training (RT) on cognitive functioning and the mediating role that a change in the level of neurotrophic factors and strength in older, healthy participants plays were examined. Material and methods: Global cognitive function was examined using MoCA, short-term memory using Digit Span and Delayed Matching to Sample, set shifting using Trial Making Test Part B, speed of processing simple visual stimuli using Simple Reaction Time, decision making using Choice Reaction Time, visual attention with Visual Attention Test (VAT), tests. Strength of lower and upper limbs, neurotrophin level (irisin, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 3 (NT-3), neurotrophin 4/5 (NT 4/5) were examined. Results: Improved scores in RT vs. SCB were noted in MoCA (p = 0.02), reaction time in SRT (p = 0.02), TMT B (p = 0.03), errors committed in CRT (p = 0.04) and VAT (p = 0.02) were observed. No significant changes in the level of neurotrophic factors were observed. Changes in upper limb strength were related to changes in the number of errors committed in the SRT (p = 0.03). Lower limb strength changes explained the dynamics of the number of correct answers (p = 0.002) and errors committed (p = 0.006) in VAT. Conclusions: Both SCB and RT influenced multiple cognitive domains. The RT program improved global cognitive functioning, while no improvement was noticed in the SCB group. Decision making, visual attention and global cognitive function were improved after the RT program. Set-shifting, short-term visual memory processing speed of simple visual stimuli were improved after the SCB program, while a decrease in the processing speed of simple visual stimuli was noted in the RT group. Changes in irisin were related to set-shifting and short-term memory, while in BDNF to an improvement in the processing speed of simple visual stimuli. Resistance exercise training programs could be applied to prevent age related declines of cognitive function in healthy older subjects