29 research outputs found

    Trispectrum estimator in equilateral type non-Gaussian models

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    We investigate an estimator to measure the primordial trispectrum in equilateral type non-Gaussian models such as k-inflation, single field DBI inflation and multi-field DBI inflation models from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies. The shape of the trispectrum whose amplitude is not constrained by the bispectrum in the context of effective theory of inflation and k-inflation is known to admit a separable form of the estimator for CMB anisotropies. We show that this shape is 87%87 \% correlated with the full quantum trispectrum in single field DBI inflation, while it is 33%33 \% correlated with the one in multi-field DBI inflation when curvature perturbation is originated from purely entropic contribution. This suggests that gNLequilg_{\rm NL} ^{equil}, the amplitude of this particular shape, provides a reasonable measure of the non-Gaussianity from the trispectrum in equilateral non-Gaussian models. We relate model parameters such as the sound speed, csc_s and the transfer coefficient from entropy perturbations to the curvature perturbation, TRST_{\mathcal{R} S} with gNLequilg_{\rm NL} ^{equil}, which enables us to constrain model parameters in these models once gNLequilg_{\rm NL}^{equil} is measured in WMAP and Planck.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    On the full quantum trispectrum in multi-field DBI inflation

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    We compute the leading order connected four-point function of the primordial curvature perturbation coming from the four-point function of the fields in multi-field DBI inflation models. We confirm that the consistency relations in the squeezed limit and in the counter-collinear limit hold as in single field models thanks to special properties of the DBI action. We also study the momentum dependence of the trispectra coming from the adiabatic, mixed and purely entropic contributions separately and we find that they have different momentum dependence. This means that if the amount of the transfer from the entropy perturbations to the curvature perturbation is significantly large, the trispectrum can distinguish multi-field DBI inflation models from single field DBI inflation models. A large amount of transfer TRS1T_{\mathcal{RS}} \gg 1 suppresses the tensor to scalar ratio rTRS2r \propto T_{\mathcal{RS}}^{-2} and the amplitude of the bispectrum fNLequiTRS2f_{NL}^{equi} \propto T_{\mathcal{RS}}^{-2} and so it can ease the severe observational constraints on the DBI inflation model based on string theory. On the other hand, it enhances the amplitude of the trispectrum τNLequiTRS2fNLequi2\tau_{NL}^{equi} \propto T_{\mathcal{RS}}^2 f_{NL}^{equi 2} for a given amplitude of the bispectrum.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, minor corrections, references are added, published version in PR

    Primordial non-Gaussianity from the DBI Galileons

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    We study primordial fluctuations generated during inflation in a class of models motivated by the DBI Galileons, which are extensions of the DBI action that yield second order field equations. This class of models generalises the DBI Galileons in a similar way with K-inflation. We calculate the primordial non-Gaussianity from the bispectrum of the curvature perturbations at leading order in the slow-varying approximations. We show that the estimator for the equilateral-type non-Gaussianity, fNLequilf_{\rm NL} ^{equil}, can be applied to measure the amplitude of the primordial bispectrum even in the presence of the Galileon-like term although it gives a slightly different momentum dependence from K-inflation models. For the DBI Galileons, we find 0.32/cs2<fNLequil<0.16/cs2-0.32 /c_s^2 < f_{\rm NL} ^{equil} < -0.16/c_s^2 and large primordial non-Gaussianities can be obtained when csc_s is much smaller than 1 as in the usual DBI inflation. In G-inflation models, where a de Sitter solution is obtained without any potentials, the non-linear parameter is given by fNLequil=4.62r2/3f_{\rm NL}^{equil} = 4.62 r^{-2/3} where rr is the tensor to scalar ratio, giving a stringent constraint on the model.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in PR

    On the full trispectrum in single field DBI-inflation

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    We compute the tree-level connected four-point function of the primordial curvature perturbation for a fairly general minimally coupled single field inflationary model, where the inflaton's Lagrangian is a general function of the scalar field and its first derivatives. This model includes K-inflation and DBI-inflation as particular cases. We show that, at the leading order in the slow-roll expansion and in the small sound speed limit, there are two important tree-level diagrams for the trispectrum. One is a diagram where a scalar mode is exchanged and the other is a diagram where the interaction occurs at a point, i.e. a contact interaction diagram. The scalar exchange contribution is comparable to the contact interaction contribution. For the DBI-inflation model, in the so-called equilateral configuration, the scalar exchange trispectrum is maximized when the angles between the four momentum vectors are equal and in this case the amplitude of the trispectrum from the scalar exchange is one order of magnitude higher than the contact interaction trispectrum.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Lorentz boost and non-Gaussianity in multi-field DBI-inflation

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    We show that higher-order actions for cosmological perturbations in the multi-field DBI-inflation model are obtained by a Lorentz boost from the rest frame of the brane to the frame where the brane is moving. We confirm that this simple method provides the same third- and fourth- order actions at leading order in slow-roll and in the small sound speed limit as those obtained by the usual ADM formalism. As an application, we compute the leading order connected four-point function of the primordial curvature perturbation coming from the intrinsic fourth-order contact interaction in the multi-field DBI-inflation model. At the third order, the interaction Hamiltonian arises purely by the boost from the second-order action in the rest frame of the brane. The boost acts on the adiabatic and entropy modes in the same way thus there exists a symmetry between the adiabatic and entropy modes. But at fourth order this symmetry is broken due to the intrinsic fourth-order action in the rest frame and the difference between the Lagrangian and the interaction Hamiltonian. Therefore, contrary to the three-point function, the momentum dependence of the purely adiabatic component and the components including the entropic contributions are different in the four-point function. This suggests that the trispectrum can distinguish the multi-field DBI-inflation model from the single field DBI-inflation model.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, v2:references added. Accepted for publication in PR

    Trispectrum estimation in various models of equilateral type non-Gaussianity

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    We calculate the shape correlations between trispectra in various equilateral non-Gaussian models, including DBI inflation, ghost inflation and Lifshitz scalars, using the full trispectrum as well as the reduced trispectum. We find that most theoretical models are distinguishable from the shapes of primordial trispectra except for several exceptions where it is difficult to discriminate between the models, such as single field DBI inflation and a Lifshitz scalar model. We introduce an estimator for the amplitude of the trispectrum, gNLequilg_{\rm NL} ^{equil} and relate it to model parameters in various models. Using constraints on gNLequilg_{\rm NL} ^{equil} from WMAP5, we give constraints on the model parameters.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; (v2) minor revisions, reference added; (v3) typos in Tables correcte

    Non-Gaussianities in multi-field DBI inflation with a waterfall phase transition

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    We study multi-field DBI inflation models with a waterfall phase transition. This transition happens for a D3 brane moving in the warped conifold if there is an instability along angular directions. The transition converts the angular perturbations into the curvature perturbation. Thanks to this conversion, multi-field models can evade the stringent constraints that strongly disfavour single field ultra-violet DBI inflation models in string theory. We explicitly demonstrate that our model satisfies current observational constraints on the spectral index and equilateral non-Gaussianity as well as the bound on the tensor to scalar ratio imposed in string theory models. In addition we show that large local type non-Gaussianity is generated together with equilateral non-Gaussianity in this model.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure