15 research outputs found

    Survivance de la Riziculture Pluviale dans le Departement De Bouake : Des Anomalies Pluviometriques a L’adaptation Paysanne

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    Les changements climatiques constituent une  menace majeure pour la production agricole. Ses effets en  riziculture pluviale se ressentent  par le changement de son calendrier cultural. L’objectif de cette contribution est d’analyser l’évolution de la pluviomĂ©trie de mĂȘme que les pratiques endogĂšnes. Pour cette Ă©tude, il fut utilisĂ© des donnĂ©es climatiques mensuelles (pluviomĂ©trie, Ă©vapotranspiration potentielle) de 1980 Ă  2020. A partir de la mĂ©thode de Franquin, il a dĂ©terminĂ© les pĂ©riodes prĂ©-humide, humide et post-humide et le calendrier cultural du riz pluvial pour le dĂ©partement de BouakĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vĂšlent que pendant la phase prĂ©-humide (Mars Ă  juin), la durĂ©e de cette phase est de 14 jours en moyenne par an entre le semis et le tallage. Quant Ă  la phase humide (juillet Ă  octobre), elle dure en moyenne 45 jours par an. Tandis que la phase post-humide (octobre Ă  dĂ©cembre) dure 65 jours par an en moyenne. Dans cette pĂ©riode, on peut cultiver le riz pluvial dont le cycle est infĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă  120 jours. La saison culturale dĂ©bute en mars (A2) pour prendre fin en dĂ©cembre (C2).  Mais selon les riziculteurs enquĂȘtĂ©s la saison culturale dĂ©bute quelques semaines avant juillet (B1 ou dĂ©but de la saison cultural) et se terminer en dĂ©cembre (C2). À ce titre, la pĂ©riode prĂ©paratoire du sol se situe entre un ou deux mois avant juillet. Le repiquage est exigĂ© en juillet (B1) afin d’obtenir thĂ©oriquement un rĂ©sultat satisfaisant de la production. Ainsi, comme stratĂ©gies endogĂšnes, les riziculteurs du dĂ©partement de BouakĂ© adoptent plusieurs stratĂ©gies qui se rĂ©sument Ă  l’adaptation de nouvelles mĂ©thodes de la riziculture Ă  savoir changement du systĂšme cultural du riz. Concernant les techniques culturales, les riziculteurs modifient leur date de semis.  Avant c’était dans le mois de mai maintenant elle se fait en juin en vue d’une bonne rĂ©colte. Pour le riz pluvial, les riziculteurs commencent le repiquage Ă  partir juillet Ă  aoĂ»t pour s’adaptĂ© aux modifications du climat car ce type de riziculture se fait durant la saison pluvieuse.   Climate change poses a major threat to agricultural production. Its effects in rainfed rice cultivation are felt by the change in its cropping calendar. The objective of this contribution is to analyze the evolution of rainfall as well as endogenous practices. For this study, monthly climatic data (rainfall, potential evapotranspiration) from 1980 to 2020 were used and Franquin's method was applied to determine the periods as well as the rainfed rice cropping calendar for the department of BouakĂ©. The results obtained reveal that the rainy season is divided into three phases (pre-wet, wet and post-wet period). To this end, during the pre-wet phase (March to June), the duration between sowing and tillering is 14 days on average following field surveys. As for the wet phase (July to October), it lasts an average of 45 days per year. While the post-humid phase (October to December) lasts 65 days per year on average. During this wet period, rainfed rice can be grown, the cycle of which is less than or equal to 120 days. With Franquin's method, the growing season begins in March (A2) and ends in December (C2). But according to the rice farmers surveyed, the growing season begins a few weeks before July (B1 or start of the growing season) and ends in December (C2). As such, the preparatory period for the soil is between January and mid-June. Transplanting is required in July (B1) in order to theoretically obtain a satisfactory production result. Thus, as endogenous strategies, the rice farmers of the department of BouakĂ© adopt several strategies which boil down to the adaptation of new methods of rice cultivation, namely change of the rice cultivation system. Regarding cultivation techniques, rice farmers change their sowing date. For upland rice, transplanting is done from July to August to adapt to climate changes

    La SĂ©cheresse Dans Le « Quart Nord-Est » De La CĂŽte d’Ivoire: De La RĂ©alitĂ© Climatique À La Perception Paysanne

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    Based on an inquiry on the ground and geostatistics prossessing, this task analyses the problematic of aridity and the perception done by the peasant populations of the ‘’ North -East quarter’’ region of IVORY COAST. We come to know from these analyses that the dryness is a reality in this part of IVORY COAST. Indeed, starting with the indexes of NICHOLSON and MC KEE that is the test of PETTIT and the monthly climatic balance, agricultural and meteorological dryness have been determined to all the studied stations. Mainly the meteorological dryness is much more intensive in this sector of BOUNA and DABAKALA. As to agricultural dryness, it has been heavier in BOUAKE,KATIOLA, DABAKALA and BOUNA respectively. The test of FISHER has justified the variation of the dryness apprehension in the space. Thus, the dryness can be grasped by different ways (four ways) according to the inquired places. However, the peasant populations cannot distinguish the differences between meteorological and agricultural dryness clearly

    Antifungal effect of the cumulative application of biostimulant and fertilizers on young cocoa fruits rot at Tafissou site, Centre-East of CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    The use of biostimulants as an alternative way to chemical, often toxic, remains one of the best approaches to control cocoa black pod disease caused by Phytophthora spp. This study has been carried out to evaluate the effect of biostimulant’s applications number and the cumulative action in case of applying previously fertilizers. The experimental design consisted of a Fischer block with six treatments (T01, T02, T1, T2, T3 and T4) and repeated three times. This design was replicated on two sites, one with previous fertilizer (DAE) and the other without previous fertilizer (DSE). Observations were made monthly on each test tree. The biostimulant Banzai was applied for 3 or 4 consecutive months depending on the treatment at each site. The data collected included the total number of cherelles produced and the number of rotten cherelles. From these, data were deduced the rates of healthy cherelles on which the Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to compare treatments between them and between sites. The results showed that four applications of the biostimulant with fertilizer provided better control than three applications without fertilizer. The results also showed that the majority of treatments at the DAE site were more effective than treatments at the DSE site. In conclusion, four applications Banzai coupled with fertilizer have achieved the best rates of healthy cherelles whatever the site. Regarding the cumulative effect of the previous fertilizer with Banzai, treatments of the site with the previous fertilizer were still better than the treatment site without fertilizer

    Variabilite Des Extremes Pluviometriques Sur Le Bassin Versant De La Riviere Bia (Sud-Est, Cote d’Ivoire)

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    Climate change is a reality which affects many climatic variables, including precipitation. The objective of this article is to study the extreme rain variability from a historical database (1941 - 2000). For this purpose, eleven (11) rainfall indices were calculated at the Adiaké, Bianouan, Ayamé, and Agnibilekro rainfall stations in CÎte d'Ivoire. Due to lack of data on daily rainfall on the Ghanaian section of watershed, nine (9) monthly precipitations indices were estimated from monthly rainfall at the Enshi and Buakuc stations. The trend analysis of the precipitations indices show that a generalized downward was most significant in Adiaké compared to other stations. Furthermore, indices extreme thresholding (P99, P99p, P99,5 and P99,5p) have experienced a stable trend and a stationary evolution. All steps were detected in the non-stationary indices mostly observed after 1980 (late break) and before 1960 (precocious break)

    Effet de la Consommation de l’Amande de Cacao sur la Croissance et les Valeurs Moyennes des MĂ©tabolites SĂ©riques Chez le Rat

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    Cette Ă©tude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet de la consommation des amandes de cacao sur les caractĂ©ristiques nutritionnelles et sur la valeur moyenne des paramĂštres biochimiques sĂ©riques chez les rats en croissance. Pour ce faire, vingt et un rats mĂąles en croissance repartis en trois lots ont Ă©tĂ© nourris durant 21 jours, avec trois rĂ©gimes alimentaires. Ainsi, un rĂ©gime tĂ©moin Ă  base de poudre de soja (SO), un rĂ©gime Ă  base de poudre de cacao fermentĂ© (PCF) et un rĂ©gime Ă  base de poudre de cacao de marque ̏Tafissa ̋ (PCC), achetĂ© dans le commerce, ont Ă©tĂ© mis en expĂ©rimentation. Le taux de protĂ©ines de ces rĂ©gimes est fixĂ© Ă  10 %. A la fin de l’expĂ©rience, les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les rats nourris avec les rĂ©gimes alimentaires Ă  base de poudre d’amande de cacao PCF et PCC ont subi une perte de poids corporel du dĂ©but jusqu’à la fin de l’expĂ©rimentation, tandis que ceux nourris avec le rĂ©gime tĂ©moin (SO) ont une croissance normale. Cette Ă©tude montre qu’il n’y a pas de diffĂ©rence significative (p > 0,05) entre les valeurs de triglycĂ©ride, de cholestĂ©rol total et de cholestĂ©rol HDL des rats soumis aux rĂ©gimes PCF et PCC par rapport au tĂ©moin. Les taux sĂ©riques de cholestĂ©rol LDL des rats des rĂ©gimes PCF et PCC sont significativement infĂ©rieurs (p ≀ 0,05) Ă  ceux des tĂ©moins(SO). De mĂȘme, les valeurs de bilirubines conjuguĂ©es et de bilirubines totales des rats soumis au rĂ©gime PCC sont significativement infĂ©rieures (p ≀0,05) Ă  celles des tĂ©moins. Ces rĂ©sultats impliquent que l’amande de cacao pourrait ĂȘtre un bon complĂ©ment alimentaire car, sa consommation rĂ©guliĂšre a des effets bĂ©nĂ©fiquessur la santĂ© par son action contre la surcharge pondĂ©rale et les maladies cardiovasculaires. This study aims to evaluate the effect of cocoa almond consumption on the nutritional characteristics and on the average value of serum biochemical parameters in growing rats. To do this, twenty-one male rats growing in three lots were fed for 21 days, with three diets including a control diet based on soybean powder (SO), a diet based on fermented cocoa powder (PCF) and a commercial cocoa powder diet of brand ̏Tafissa ̋(PCC). The protein content of these diets is set at 10 %. At the end of the experiment, the results reveal that rats fed on cocoa almond powder diets PCF and PCC undergo body weight loss from the beginning to the end of the experiment, while that of those fed the control diet (SO) have normal growth. This study showsthat there is no significant difference (p> 0.05) between the triglyceride, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol values of rats subjected to the PCF and PCC diets compared to the control. Serum LDL cholesterol levels in PCF and PCC rats were significantly (p ≀ 0.05) lower than those of controls one (SO). The values of conjugated bilirubins and total bilirubins of the rats subjected to the PCC diet were significantly lower (p ≀0.05) than those of the controls. These results imply that cocoa almond could be a good dietary supplement because, its regular consumption has beneficial effects on health by its action against overweight and cardiovascular diseases

    Évolution Des ExtrĂȘmes PluviomĂ©triques Dans La RĂ©gion Du GĂŽh (Centre-Ouest De La CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    The GĂŽh region located in western-central Ivory Coast is a region whose economy depends mainly on agriculture, which itself is dependent on the climate. Thus, variation and climate change has a significant impact on crop yields. The objective of this work is to study the evolution of extreme rainfall on rainfall station in the region (Gagnoa station). The calculation of rainfall indices was performed with the software RclimDex. It appears from this study has the Gagnoa station, five (5) of the seven indices calculated namely, the maximum rainfall of one day height (Rx1day), the maximum total rainfall of 5 days (Rx5daiy), the days very rainy (R95) extremely rainy days (R99p) and consecutive dry days (CDD) experienced an increase. While the total annual rainfall (PRCPTOT) and consecutive wet days (CWD) declined. In general, the GOH region is experiencing a decline in rainfall and therefore an increase in dry spells during the rainy seasons

    Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover over South-Western African Basins and Their Relations with Variations of Discharges

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    West African basins play a vital role in the socio-economic development of the region. They are mostly trans-boundary and sources of different land use practices. This work attempts to assess the spatio-temporal land use and land cover changes over three South Western African basins (Volta, Mono and Sassandra basins) and their influence on discharge. The land use and land cover maps of each basin were developed for 1988, 2002 and 2016. The results show that all the studied basins present an increase in water bodies, built-up, agricultural land and a decline in vegetative areas. These increases in water bodies and land use are as a result of an increase in small reservoirs, of dugouts and of dam constructions. However, the decline in some vegetative clusters could be attributed to the demographic and socio-economic growth as expressed by the expansion of agriculture and urbanization. The basic statistical analysis of precipitation and discharge data reveals that the mean annual discharge varies much more than the total annual precipitation at the three basins. For instance, in the entire Volta basin, the annual precipitation coefficient of variation (CV) is 10% while the annual discharge CV of Nawuni, Saboba and Bui are 43.6%, 36.51% and 47.43%, respectively. In Mono basin, the annual precipitation CV is 11.5% while the Nangbeto and Athieme annual discharge CV are 37.15% and 46.60%, respectively. The annual precipitation CV in Sassandra basin is 7.64% while the annual discharge CV of Soubre and Dakpadou are 29.41% and 37%, respectively. The discharge varies at least three times much more than the precipitation in the studied basins. The same conclusion was found for all months except the driest months (December and January). We showed that this great variation in discharge is mainly due to land use and land cover changes. Beside the hydrological modification of the land use and land cover changes, the climate of the region as well as the water quality and availability and the hydropower generation may be impacted by these changes in land surfaces conditions. Therefore, these impacts should be further assessed to implement appropriate climate services and measures for a sustainable land use and water management

    PLoS One

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading causes of death in the world, mainly occurring in low-and-middle income countries. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors among university students at a National Polytechnic Institute in CĂŽte d'Ivoire. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among students of the National Polytechnic Institute of CĂŽte d'Ivoire. Sample was selected using a non-probabilistic convenient sampling method. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure and capillary blood glucose were measured. A logistic regression model allowed to determine factors associated with hypertension. RESULTS: A total of 2,030 students, 79.7% males and 20.3% females, with a median age of 20 years (IQR = [19-22]) participated in the study. On hypertension knowledge, 96.9% (n = 1,968) of students reported having heard of hypertension; salty foods were reported by more than a third as a cause of hypertension (n = 734; 37.3%), while 114 (5.8%) and 157 (8.0%) selected tobacco and alcohol as causes of hypertension, respectively. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 6.0%, higher in males (6.8%) compared to females (2.7%) (p < 0.001). As for CVD risk factors, 148 (7.3%) were overweight or obese; 44.0% of males and 36.6% of females reported alcohol consumption. In multivariate analysis, being a female (OR = 4.16; CI 95% = [1.96-9.09]; p<0.001), being 25 years old and older (OR = 3.34; CI 95% = [2.01-5.55]; p = 0.001), tobacco use (OR = 2.65; CI 95% = [1.41-4.96]; p = 0.002), being overweight or obese (OR = 3.75; CI 95% = [2.13-6.59]; p<0,001) and having abnormal waist circumference (OR = 6.24; CI 95% = [1.99-19.51]; p = 0.002) were significantly associated with high blood pressure. CONCLUSION: CVD risk factors are prominent among young adults in CĂŽte d'Ivoire. Appropriate behavioural health interventions promoting a healthy lifestyle for young adults should be urgently implemented for CVD burden reduction

    Socializing One Health: an innovative strategy to investigate social and behavioral risks of emerging viral threats

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    In an effort to strengthen global capacity to prevent, detect, and control infectious diseases in animals and people, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) PREDICT project funded development of regional, national, and local One Health capacities for early disease detection, rapid response, disease control, and risk reduction. From the outset, the EPT approach was inclusive of social science research methods designed to understand the contexts and behaviors of communities living and working at human-animal-environment interfaces considered high-risk for virus emergence. Using qualitative and quantitative approaches, PREDICT behavioral research aimed to identify and assess a range of socio-cultural behaviors that could be influential in zoonotic disease emergence, amplification, and transmission. This broad approach to behavioral risk characterization enabled us to identify and characterize human activities that could be linked to the transmission dynamics of new and emerging viruses. This paper provides a discussion of implementation of a social science approach within a zoonotic surveillance framework. We conducted in-depth ethnographic interviews and focus groups to better understand the individual- and community-level knowledge, attitudes, and practices that potentially put participants at risk for zoonotic disease transmission from the animals they live and work with, across 6 interface domains. When we asked highly-exposed individuals (ie. bushmeat hunters, wildlife or guano farmers) about the risk they perceived in their occupational activities, most did not perceive it to be risky, whether because it was normalized by years (or generations) of doing such an activity, or due to lack of information about potential risks. Integrating the social sciences allows investigations of the specific human activities that are hypothesized to drive disease emergence, amplification, and transmission, in order to better substantiate behavioral disease drivers, along with the social dimensions of infection and transmission dynamics. Understanding these dynamics is critical to achieving health security--the protection from threats to health-- which requires investments in both collective and individual health security. Involving behavioral sciences into zoonotic disease surveillance allowed us to push toward fuller community integration and engagement and toward dialogue and implementation of recommendations for disease prevention and improved health security

    Situation Socio-Demographique, Culturelle Et Comportement Nutritionnel Des Femmes Enceintes En Consultation Prenatale Au Chu De Cocody-Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire)

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    The objective of this work is to evaluate the socio-demographic and cultural status, and the nutritional behavior of pregnant women received in medical consultation at the Gynecology-Obstetrics Department of the University Hospital Center of Cocody-Abidjan (CĂŽte d'Ivoire). A survey was conducted on a cohort of 504 pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in the period from August 26, 2015 to February 23, 2017. The survey method consisted of collecting information on socio-demographic, cultural and nutritional status, pregnant women, from a survey card. The results showed that these women, whose age varies between 15 and 44 years, are predominantly Ivorian, with 49.23 % of them belonging to the Akan ethnic group. Burkinabe women represent more than half of non-Ivorian women. The Christian women represent 68.25 %, against 29.76 % of Muslim women. Of those surveyed, 82.14 % are single, 82.54 % are literate, compared to 17.86 % married and 17.46 % illiterate. Living conditions have revealed that 3-room apartment buildings are the most inhabited, and many of them enjoy the amenities of a modern home. At the nutritional level, 1.19 % of respondents followed a diet recommended by a doctor and 31.35 % have dietary prohibitions. 0.99 % of this study population regularly consume alcohol. Food groups such as breads, cereals, starchy foods and pulses are the most consumed (68.06 %); meat is more consumed than fish. Fresh fruits and vegetables are less present in the dietary habits of these respondents. From this study, it could be concluded that the respondents have a satisfactory sociodemographic situation. However, civil marriage is not a proof of marital stability. The percentage of divorced could give an indication of this stability, although in CĂŽte d'Ivoire, customary marriage is the most recognized by the community. Finally, in CĂŽte d'Ivoire, eating habits are often known. But it is a good and balanced diet that the population often ignores