846 research outputs found

    Paranoid Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms Features in Case of Presence of Musical Ear

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    In our work, we propose one of the options for a prognostic criterion, which at the beginning of the disease can provide sufficient evidence to predict the form and severity of negative symptoms in schizophrenia.Aim. To investigate the influence of the presence of ear on music on the degree of severity of deficiency symptoms in paranoid schizophrenia.The study was conducted on the basis of the third clinical department of the Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital for the period of 2015. 40 patients with paranoid form of schizophrenia, aged 18 to 35, were examined, of which: group I – 20 patients with advanced ear on music (average age 28.60±1.01 years) and group II – 20 patients with no ear on music (average age 27.30±1.15 years). The main methods of studying the observation groups were: clinical-psychopathological, pathopsychological, and statistical. The pathopsychological study of the evaluation of negative symptoms was conducted using the "Qualitative Assessment Scale for Positivity, Negative and General Psychopathological Syndromes" (PANSS – Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale), namely, its PANSS-NS subscale. Comparison of the probability of the difference between the average indices of unrelated groups was carried out using the Mann-Whitney method, comparing the relative parameters of the distribution structure by the xi-square criterion.Analysis of the results of the study shows that in patients with developed ear on music, the level of deficiency symptoms of negative symptoms under the PANSS-NS subclass is 2.2 times lower (p <0.01) than in patients with no developed ear on music: 2.04±0.14 against 4.46±0.17 points, respectively. Comparing the key indicators of the PANSS-NS subscale in patients with paranoid schizophrenia with advanced ear on music, it was found that the manifestations of "Violations of abstract thinking" (N5 – 2.35±0.15 points), "Violation of spontaneity and smoothness in the conversation" (N6 – 2.30±0.15 points) and "Stereotyped thinking" (N7 – 2.20±0.16 points). All these negative symptoms were in patients with muscular earache with significantly lower scores: from lack of severity (1 point) to weakness (3 points). The lack of expressiveness (1 point) was most common in N4 "Passive-apathy social strangeness " - 35.00±10.67 % of patients, very weak severity (2 points) - for N1 "Blurred passion" - 75.00±9.68 % of patients (p <0.05 with the proportion of negative symptoms 1 and 3 points), weakness (3 points) - for N5 – 45.00±11.12 % of patients (p <0.05 with the proportion of negative symptoms 1 point ) The highest proportion (70.00±10.25 %, p <0.05 with a share of negative symptoms of 6 points) of patients with paranoid schizophrenia without ear on music had a high severity (5 points) of rigidity and stereotyping of thinking (N7).The obtained data prove the influence of the factor of the presence of ear on music on deficit syndrome, as well as on the forms and degree of severity of negative symptoms in paranoid schizophrenia

    Recreational potential of metaphorization in mental self-regulation of the students

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    Introduction: In the era of dynamic modern transformations in the education system, there is a need for effective psychological tools for updating individual psychological and life resources, self-regulation of students' mental states, contributing to the preservation and support of their mental health. Purpose: to substantiate the recreational potential of the metaphorization of mental states as a recreational method of self-regulation in the system of psychological well-being, to identify its individual psychological characteristics in students. Methodology: Experimental work was carried out on the basis of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Tavriya National University named after V. Vernadsky. Five hundred and ten respondents were involved in the research process (18 - 45 years, 65% female; study specializations: “Arts”, “Design”, “Management”, “Psychology”). The research was based on the analysis of free associative experiment, method of cognitive interpretation, praximetric and executive methods for distributing certain semantic units Results: the most popular among students causes of dissatisfaction in the situation with stress and lack of satisfaction in basic psychological needs, negative and positive conditions at different levels, life furnishings, those situations when there are stinks; on the basis of the experience of the SUM inquirer, there are positive changes in the most of the majority of students. On the basis of the developed model of self-regulation of mental states by means of metaphorization (5 stages of the act of metaphorical creativity of resource states), when its recreational functions are realized, transformations of strategies of thinking and life take place, internal resources are activated Conclusions: The developed model of metaphorization of search of resource states is an effective means of stabilization and self-regulation of a mental condition of students that allows to be guided quickly in changing living and educational conditions, to choose optimum for each separate case methods and means of mental self-regulatio

    Climate change: causes, effects and the ways out

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    Climate is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather pattern over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in average condition. Based on the broadest scale, the rate at which energy is received from the sun and the rate at which it is lost will determine the equilibrium temperature and climate of earth distributed around the globe by winds ocean currents and other mechanisms to affect the climate of different regions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3603

    The essence of social partnership

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    Робота присвячена аналізу соціального партнерства в Україні. У статті розглянуто теоретичні проблеми щодо визначення соціального партнерства як явища, охарактеризоване це явище як відносини між суб’єктами трудового права. Розкрито статус суб’єктів соціального партнерства, визначено об’єкт цих відносин та їх зміст.The research is devoted to the analysis of social partnership in Ukraine. There considered the theoretical problems regarding to the definition of social partnership as a phenomenon. This phenomenon is described as a relationship between subjects of labour law. It is revealed the status of the subjects of social partnership, the object of these relations and their content are determined.Работа посвящена анализу социального партнерства в Украине. В статье рассмотрены теоретические проблемы по определению социального партнерства как явления, охарактеризовано это явление как отношения между субъектами трудового права. Раскрыт статус субъектов социального партнерства, определены объект этих отношений и их содержание

    Проектирование параметрического маховика с использованием новых технологий

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    Статья содержит один из способов оптимизации характеристик маховика исполнительногооргана системы ориентации малого космического аппарата на основе анализа математической моделимаховика. Математическая модель позволяет оценить взаимное влияние его характеристик и установитьсвязи между ними, которые напрямую не определяются. Наиболее эффективным методом оптимизациихарактеристик является варьирование параметров конструкции через параметризацию с использованиемспециализированного программного обеспечения, реализующего геометрическую параметризацию ивозможность эффективного расчета требуемых характеристик. Создается параметрическая 3D-модель,включающая в себя расчет эксплуатационных характеристик. Варьированием параметров 3D-моделивозможно получить оптимальный комплекс эксплуатационных параметров. Это весьма актуально наэтапе проектирования, поскольку позволяет существенно повысить качество проектируемого устройстваи сократить общее время проектирования.Article contains a optimization ways of a flywheel characteristics of the navigation executive body systemof the small spacecraft on the basis of the a flywheel mathematical model analysis. The mathematical model allowsto estimate mutual influence of his characteristics and to establish connection between them which directly aren'tdefined. The variation of a design parameters through parametrization with use of the specialized software realizinggeometrical parametrization and a possibility effective calculation of the required characteristics is the mosteffective method of optimization of characteristics. The parametrical 3D model including calculation of operationalcharacteristics is created. It is possible to receive an optimum complex of operational parameters a variation of a3D model parameters. It is very actual at a design stage as allows to increase significantly quality of the designeddevice and to reduce the general time of design


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    The lack of historical experience in suppression of the financial risks and the inefficiencies of the models of opposition to the threats lead to the inability of the state to influence the processes of support, protection and improvement the bank’s financial security properly. Thereby the role of providing the financial security of banking in Ukraine increases. The article researches various megaregulator models and their functioning in the foreign states, where the financial sector of the economy is considered as stable. Defined the advantages and the disadvantages of these models, as well as the possibilities to use one of them in Ukraine. Proved the necessity to reform the domestic financial market by creating the megaregulator of the financial market as well as the reformation of the financial market as the main part of the development of the financial sector. Counting the reduction of the number of central bank’s staff it is proposed to use the released staff and the technical base during the creation of the megaregulator based on the central bank, or in case of the creation of a separate supervision institution and dividing the supervision functions between them.Статью посвящено исследованию функционирования различных моделей мегарегулятора в зарубежных государствах. Определены преимущества и недостатки таких моделей и возможности их использования в Украине. Доказывается необходимость реформирования отечественного финансового рынка путем создания мегарегулятора рынка финансовых услуг.Статтю присвячено дослідженню функціонування різних моделей мегарегулятора в зарубіжних країнах. Визначено переваги і недоліки таких моделей та можливості їх впровадження в Україні. Доводиться необхідність реформування вітчизняного фінансового ринку шляхом створення мегарегулятора ринку фінансових послуг


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    Actuality. Relevance is conditioned by the demand for the manager training who are capable to solve tasks at the level of modern requirements for managing project activities in the socio-cultural sphere. Purpose and methods. The aim is to determine the peculiarities of forming the psychological readiness of the future manager to manage the project activity, as well as to establish its relationship with the success of this activity and the professionalism of the manager. Methods of research: analysis and generalization of general theoretical positions on management theories, in particular project activity, separate aspects of psychological readiness of managers for professional activity; the classification and systematization of the components of the structure of the manager's psychological readiness for project management. Results. The essence of psychological manager  readiness for project management has been determined; its main components; qualities that can characterize it; components of the mechanism of its formation. The personal factors of efficient functioning of the project management system management system are singled out. Conclusions and discussion. The complexity and multidimensionality of the structure of the psychological readiness of future managers for project management with such functionally interconnected and interdependent components as value-motivational, cognitive-evaluative, operative-reflexive, personally affective. Scientific novelty consists in revealing the relationship of the specified readiness with the factors of effective functioning of the project management system. The research results provide opportunities for defining a set of measures to optimize the psychological readiness for professional activity in the learning process, as well as identifying the indicators of the formation of the future manager's psychological readiness for project management

    On the state and outlooks of cooperation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with IIASA

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    The paper is dedicated to the analysis of the history and perspectives of one of the priorities of international cooperation of the NASU with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). A brief history of the establishment and early development of IIASA is described. Key research directions of the initial period of IIASA and input of scientists of Ukrainian institutes are mentioned. Research methodology, approaches and models developed at IIASA in cooperation with Ukrainian scientists are described. In particular, the role of Academician Glushkov and Academician Mikhalevich is well marked. Specific attention is focused on the period since 1994 leading to the independent National Member Organization of Ukraine. The role played by Academician Paton and Academician Shpak in this process is described. The existing IIASA network of research institutes and universities is also described. Important scientific and applied joint projects are listed. Existing perspectives in both scientific and policy making fields are discussed

    Шляхи удосконалення інституційного середовища соціо-еколого-економічної системи

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    Дослідження присвячене пошуку шляхів удосконалення інституційного середовища соціо-еколого-економічної системи. У роботі удосконалено методичні підходи до оцінки ефективності наявного інституційного середовища та окремого інституту екологічно сталого розвитку, які на відміну від традиційних ураховують екологічні цілі і дають можливість застосовувати інструменти організаційно-економічного характеру для формування еколого-орієнтованої економічної політики з урахуванням рівня ефективності інститутів екологічно сталого розвитку.Исследование посвящено поиску путей усовершенствования институциональной среды социо-эколого-экономической системы. В работе усовершенствованы методические подходы к оценке эффективности существующей институциональной среды и конкретного института экологически устойчивого развития, которые в отличие от традиционных учитывают экологические цели и дают возможность использовать инструменты организационно-экономического характера для формирования эколого-экономической политики с учетом уровня эффективности институтов экологически устойчивого развития.The research focuses on finding ways of improvement of institutional environment of socialecological-economic system. Methodological approaches towards the assessment of the present institutional environment effectiveness and some particular institution of sustainable development are improved. In contrast to traditional ones, these approaches take into account ecological aims and allow using organizational-economic tools to create ecological-economic policy considering the effectiveness level of institutions of sustainable development