2,554 research outputs found

    Dynamo-generated magnetic fields in fast rotating single giants

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    Red giants offer a good opportunity to study the interplay of magnetic fields and stellar evolution. Using the spectro-polarimeter NARVAL of the Telescope Bernard Lyot (TBL), Pic du Midi, France and the LSD technique, we began a survey of magnetic fields in single G-K-M giants. Early results include 6 MF-detections with fast rotating giants, and for the first time a magnetic field was detected directly in an evolved M-giant: EK Boo. Our results could be explained in the terms of α\alpha--ω\omega dynamo operating in these giants.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of IAUS259: Cosmic Magnetic Field

    Small cycles, generalized prisms and Hamiltonian cycles in the Bubble-sort graph

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    The Bubble-sort graph BSn,n2BS_n,\,n\geqslant 2, is a Cayley graph over the symmetric group SymnSym_n generated by transpositions from the set {(12),(23),,(n1n)}\{(1 2), (2 3),\ldots, (n-1 n)\}. It is a bipartite graph containing all even cycles of length \ell, where 4n!4\leqslant \ell\leqslant n!. We give an explicit combinatorial characterization of all its 44- and 66-cycles. Based on this characterization, we define generalized prisms in BSn,n5BS_n,\,n\geqslant 5, and present a new approach to construct a Hamiltonian cycle based on these generalized prisms.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Reconstruction of permutations distorted by single transposition errors

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    The reconstruction problem for permutations on nn elements from their erroneous patterns which are distorted by transpositions is presented in this paper. It is shown that for any n3n \geq 3 an unknown permutation is uniquely reconstructible from 4 distinct permutations at transposition distance at most one from the unknown permutation. The {\it transposition distance} between two permutations is defined as the least number of transpositions needed to transform one into the other. The proposed approach is based on the investigation of structural properties of a corresponding Cayley graph. In the case of at most two transposition errors it is shown that 32(n2)(n+1)\frac32(n-2)(n+1) erroneous patterns are required in order to reconstruct an unknown permutation. Similar results are obtained for two particular cases when permutations are distorted by given transpositions. These results confirm some bounds for regular graphs which are also presented in this paper.Comment: 5 pages, Report of paper presented at ISIT-200

    “Entrée into the Mind and Mood of America”: Proverbs in Commencement Rhetoric

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    The present paper explores different aspects of proverb use in the commencement address discourse. It draws on the analysis of 100 speeches delivered at US universities over the past three decades. First, I offer some introductory remarks about the commencement ceremony as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Second, I look at the discursive characteristics of the commencement address. Next, I analyze the role proverbs play on the thematic level of the speeches and provide comments on their cognitive-discursive functions in the most significant thematic groups distinguished in the course of study. Last, I offer a closer study of the entertaining function and the function of structural organization of dis-course proverbs fulfill in the commencement address

    “Love Trumps Hate”: Proverbial and Idiomatic Leitmotifs of the Anti-Trump Social Media Discourse

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    The present paper explores different aspects of the use of proverbs and popular idioms found in anti-Trump social media posts. It draws on the analysis of 700 texts posted on Facebook and Twitter during September 2019 and January 2020 by a number of opposition communities. First, we offer some introductory remarks about the topic, methods, and the practical material. Second, we present a thematic classification of the sampled media texts. Third, we discuss the idiomatic portrayal of the President and the Republican Party and the use of multiple codes (i.e. phenomenon of creolization) in the collected posts. Fourth, we look into how culture specific proverbs, mostly modified, are employed as a form of structuring American socio-political reality and verbalizing the pre-sent-day phenomena, and, then, highlight the problem of paremiological creativity. Last, we specify what cognitive-discursive functions the analyzed proverbs and idioms fulfill in the anti-Trump social media dis-course. The study has confirmed the proposition that proverbs and idioms as lingua-cognitive signs possess significant potential for influencing mass audiences and molding public opinion

    Aвтоимун тироидит по долга употреба на агонист на гонадотропин- ослободувачки хормон како третман за предвремен централен пубертет – приказ на случај

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    There is a small number of studies that have reported abnormalities in endocrine function after a long-term gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) treatment in girls. This treatment is considered as safe and effective by most authors. We report our second case of unusual outcome of long-term GnRHa therapy in a girl with central precocious puberty (CPP) of idiopathic or familial etiology. She has received monthly depot of injections of triptorelin for a time period of 4 years. We have examined thyroid function by measuring serum levels of thyrotropin (TSH), thyroxine (T4), thyroid antibodies and ultrasound of thyroid gland. At the age of 11 years she developed a mild goiter and presented with autoimmune thyroiditis, having elevated thyroid antibodies and ultrasound of thyroid gland typical for Hashimoto thyroiditis. Having in mind these two cases, we suggest a closer monitoring of thyroid function in girls with CPP, before and during therapy with GnRH agonist.Постојат мал број студии кои пријавиле нарушувања на ендокрината функција по долга употреба на агонист на гонадотропин – ослободувачки хормон (ГнРХа) кај девојчиња. Овој третман е опишан како безбеден и ефикасен од повеќе автори. Прикажуваме случај на невообичаен исход по долготрајна терапија со ГнРХа кај девојче со централен предвремен пубертет (ЦПП) од идиопатска или фамилијарна етиологија. Во период од 4 години, девојчето примало еднаш месечно трипторелин депо. Ние ја испитавме функцијата на тироидната жлезда со мерење на серумските нивоа на тиротропин (ТСХ), тироксин (Т4), тироидни антитела и ултразвук на тироидната жлезда. На 11 години таа развила блага гушавост презентирана како автоимун тироидит, со покачени тироидни антитела и тироидна жлезда типична за Хашимото тироидит. Затоа, предлагаме редовно следење на функцијата на тироидната жлезда кај девојчиња со ЦПП пред и за време на терапија со агонист на ГнРХ