294 research outputs found

    Low Temperature Heat Capacity of PuPO4

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    PuPO4 was prepared successfully by coprecipitation and its heat capacity measured between 5 K and 300 K by a hybrid adiabatic relaxation calorimeter. The standard entropy S0 (298.15 K) of PuPO4 was derived and a semiempirical method was used to describe the total entropy as the sum of the lattice entropy Slat and the excess entropy Sexs as verified for the iso-electronic lanthanide orthophosphates. Thus the standard entropies of some actinide (III) orthophosphates were estimated.JRC.E.6-Actinides researc

    SUPERFACT: A Model Fuel for Studying the Evolution of the Microstructure of Spent Nuclear Fuel during Storage/Disposal

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    The transmutation of minor actinides (in particular, Np and Am), which are among the main contributors to spent fuel α-radiotoxicity, was studied in the SUPERFACT irradiation. Several types of transmutation UO2_{2}-based fuels were produced, differing by their minor actinide content (241^{241}Am, 237^{237}Np, Pu), and irradiated in the Phénix fast reactor. Due to the high content in rather short-lived alpha-decaying actinides, both the archive, but also the irradiated fuels, cumulated an alpha dose during a laboratory time scale, which is comparable to that of standard LWR fuels during centuries/millenaries of storage. Transmission Electron Microscopy was performed to assess the evolution of the microstructure of the SUPERFACT archive and irradiated fuel. This was compared to conventional irradiated spent fuel (i.e., after years of storage) and to other 238^{238}Pu-doped UO2_{2} for which the equivalent storage time would span over centuries. It could be shown that the microstructure of these fluorites does not degrade significantly from low to very high alpha-damage doses, and that helium bubbles precipitate

    Synthesis and characterization of homogeneous (U,Am)Oâ‚‚ and (U,Pu,Am)Oâ‚‚ nanopowders

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    This paper details the first dedicated production of homogeneous nanocrystalline particles of mixed actinide oxide solid solutions containing americium. The target compositions were U0.75Pu0.20Am0.05O2U_{0.75}Pu_{0.20}Am_{0.05}O_{2}, U0.90Am0.10O2U_{0.90}Am_{0.10}O_{2} and U0.80Am0.20O2U_{0.80}Am_{0.20}O_{2}. After successful hydrothermal synthesis and chemical characterisation, the nanocrystals were sintered and their structure and behaviour under self-irradiation were studied by powder XRD. Cationic charge distribution of the as-prepared nanocrystalline and sintered U0.80Am0.20O2U_{0.80}Am_{0.20}O_{2} materials was investigated applying UM4U M_{4} and AmM5Am M_{5} edge high energy resolution XANES (HR-XANES). Typical oxidation states detected for the cations are U(IV)/U(V)U_{(IV)}/U_{(V)} and Am(III)/Am(IV)Am_{(III)}/Am_{(IV)}. The measured crystallographic swelling was systematically smaller for the as-synthesised nanoparticles than the sintered products. For sintered pellets, the maximal volumetric swelling was about 0.8% at saturation, in line with literature data for PuO2PuO_{2}, AmO2AmO_{2}, (U,Pu)O2(U,Pu)O_{2} or (U,Am)O2(U,Am)O_{2}

    Validation of the Wiedemann-Franz Law in solid and molten tungsten above 2000 K through thermal conductivity measurements via steady state temperature differential radiometry

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    We measure the thermal conductivity of solid and molten tungsten using Steady State Temperature Differential Radiometry. We demonstrate that the thermal conductivity can be well described by application of Wiedemann-Franz Law to electrical resistivity data, thus suggesting the validity of Wiedemann-Franz Law to capture the electronic thermal conductivity of metals in their molten phase. We further support this conclusion using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations with a machine-learned potential. Our results show that at these high temperatures, the vibrational contribution to thermal conductivity is negligible compared to the electronic component

    In-situ high-temperature EXAFS measurements on radioactive and air-sensitive molten salt materials

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    The development at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, The Netherlands) of an experimental set-up dedicated to high-temperature in situ EXAFS measurements of radioactive, air-sensitive and corrosive fluoride salts is reported. A detailed description of the sample containment cell, of the furnace design, and of the measurement geometry allowing simultaneous transmission and fluorescence measurements is given herein. The performance of the equipment is tested with the room-temperature measurement of thorium tetrafluoride, and the Th—F and Th—Th bond distances obtained by fitting of the EXAFS data are compared with the ones extracted from a refinement of neutron diffraction data collected at the PEARL beamline at TU Delft. The adequacy of the sample confinement is checked with a mapping of the thorium concentration profile of molten salt material. Finally, a few selected salt mixtures (LiF:ThF4) = (0.9:0.1), (0.75:0.25), (0.5:0.5) and (NaF:ThF4) = (0.67:0.33), (0.5:0.5) are measured in the molten state. Qualitative trends along the series are discussed, and the experimental data for the (LiF:ThF4) = (0.5:0.5) composition are compared with the EXAFS spectrum generated from molecular dynamics simulations

    Education, training and mobility: towards a common effort to assure a future workforce in Europe and abroad

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    The paper highlights the main features of some Euratom projects, which have been running recently in support to education, training and mobility in the nuclear fields. The described projects address various critical aspects of nuclear knowledge management, aiming at maintaining the wealth of nuclear expertise in Europe in an environment characterised by decreased attractiveness of nuclear careers. In an effort to broaden the cooperation and to further extend the opportunities for mobility, some projects ran in parallel with similar initiatives undertaken beyond the European borders. The lesson learnt in terms of successes achieved and critical aspects revealed by the different actions are finally discussed also considering recent recommendations and assessed scenarios by the European Commission for the decarbonisation of the energy sector

    In situ high-temperature EXAFS measurements on radioactive and air-sensitive molten salt materials

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    The development at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, The Netherlands) of an experimental set-up dedicated to high-temperature in situ EXAFS measurements of radioactive, air-sensitive and corrosive fluoride salts is reported. A detailed description of the sample containment cell, of the furnace design, and of the measurement geometry allowing simultaneous transmission and fluorescence measurements is given herein. The performance of the equipment is tested with the room-temperature measurement of thorium tetrafluoride, and the Th-F and Th-Th bond distances obtained by fitting of the EXAFS data are compared with the ones extracted from a refinement of neutron diffraction data collected at the PEARL beamline at TU Delft. The adequacy of the sample confinement is checked with a mapping of the thorium concentration profile of molten salt material. Finally, a few selected salt mixtures (LiF:ThF4) = (0.9:0.1), (0.75:0.25), (0.5:0.5) and (NaF:ThF4) = (0.67:0.33), (0.5:0.5) are measured in the molten state. Qualitative trends along the series are discussed, and the experimental data for the (LiF:ThF4) = (0.5:0.5) composition are compared with the EXAFS spectrum generated from molecular dynamics simulations
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