1,063 research outputs found

    Decoding reward–curiosity conflict in decision-making from irrational behaviors

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    機械学習により「心の揺れ・葛藤」の解読に成功 --報酬と好奇心の間で揺れる想い--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-05-29.Humans and animals are not always rational. They not only rationally exploit rewards but also explore an environment owing to their curiosity. However, the mechanism of such curiosity-driven irrational behavior is largely unknown. Here, we developed a decision-making model for a two-choice task based on the free energy principle, which is a theory integrating recognition and action selection. The model describes irrational behaviors depending on the curiosity level. We also proposed a machine learning method to decode temporal curiosity from behavioral data. By applying it to rat behavioral data, we found that the rat had negative curiosity, reflecting conservative selection sticking to more certain options and that the level of curiosity was upregulated by the expected future information obtained from an uncertain environment. Our decoding approach can be a fundamental tool for identifying the neural basis for reward–curiosity conflicts. Furthermore, it could be effective in diagnosing mental disorders

    〈論文〉社会の多様な現場でのコミュニケーショ ンを伴う造形表現活動の展開 : ゴブリンプロジェクトのコミュニケーション関連要件による分析

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    コミュニケーションを伴う造形表現活動(FAAG)における、コミュニケーションに関する要件を整理し、FAACにおける多様なコミュニケーションのかたちを示すことが、本稿の目的の1つである。そしてコミュニケーションに関する要件のタイプと継続性の関係を検証することがもう1つの目的である。近年、FAACは、地域アートプロジェクト等により社会の様々な現場に広がっている。一方でディスコミュニケーション等の問題も生じているが、過去の事例などからも、活動を継続していくことがそれらを解決できると考えられる。筆者は10年以上の間、事物の擬生物化表現作品「ゴブリン」を制作するFAAC「ゴブリンプロジェクト」を実施してきた。そしてコミュニケーションに関する要件によって、活動の継続性が異なるという実感を得てきた。そこで本稿では、ゴブリンプロジェクトの活動実績から、コミュニケーションに関する要件の類型とタイプを示し、継続性との関係を検証した。「まずはコミュニケーションに関する要件の3類型 [1] 作品類型、[2] 参加型類型、[3] アーティストの滞在性類型、計14タイプに分類して概要を述べることで、FAACにおける多様なコミュニケーションのかたちを示すことができた。次に過去のゴブリンプロジェクト約150件から継続性が比較できる75件を対象とし、上記要件の各タイプ別に活動の継続性を分析した。その結果、身体接着型(作品類型)、純粋協働型(参加型類型)、複数日滞在型(滞在性類型)の継続性が高い傾向にあった。これらはいずれも強い協働性を伴う要件であると考えられた。The first purpose of this paper is to describe the various communication forms used in formative art activities with communication (FAAC) that have various communication requirements. The second purpose is to examine the relationship between the type of communication requirement and the continuity of the art activities. Lately, FAAC has spread to diverse society sites through regional art projects. There are problems such as miscommunication, but are the cases that the continuations of the activities could solve it. For over 10 years, I have worked on the Goblin Project, which involves FAAC, to create biomimetic expressions of goblins from everyday objects.observed that the continuity of activities differs based on the communication requirements. Then, in this paper, I described different types of communication requirements and examined the relation between communication requirement types and continuity of FAAC. by looking at the Goblin Proiect. First, I classified the activities of the Goblin Project into three types: 1) artwork form, 2) collaboration form, and 3) artist visit. Then, I described the various forms of communication in FAAC. Next, I analyzed the continuity of 75 activities by types. The results confirmed that body adhesion type (artwork form), Cooperation type (collaboration form), and multi-day stay type (artist visit) were related with the continuity of FAAC. I argued that communication requirements related to these activities facilitate cooperativeness

    〈論文〉社会の多様な現場でのコミュニケーションを伴うアート活動の展開 : ゴブリンプロジェクトの継続における現地協働運営者の存在意義

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    本稿は、社会の多様な現場でのコミュニケーションを伴うアート活動の継続における現地協働運営者の存在意義を具体的に明らかにすることを目的とするも のである。社会の多様な現場でのコミュニケーションを伴うア ート活動を実現して継続するためには、活動をアーティストと協働で運営する現地協働運営者の存在が重要となる。筆者は10年以上の間、コミュニケーションを伴うアート活動「ゴブリンプロジェクト」を社会の多様な現場で実施してきた。本稿では、このゴブリンプ ロジェクトの過去活動を研究対象として論じた。 まず、これまでのゴブリンプロジェクトの中の2プロジェクト「白川村ゴブリンプロジェクト」「小児科ゴブリンワークショップ」における現地協働運営者の具 体的な役割を記述し、そこからコミュニケーションの目的を見出してカテゴリー化することができた。そして、それらを分析することで、2プロジェクト間の現地 協働運営者の存在意義における共通点と相違点を整理することができた。共通点には、継続の中でコア協働運営者が徐々に主体性を得ながら活動を支えている点などがあった。一方、題材の考案プロセス、参加へのし、声量、記録、取材対応の面において相違点が見出せた。This paper examines collaboration enforcers in the context of art activities in communication within diverse areas. A collaboration enforcer who collaborates with an artist is necessary for conducting artistic programs with appropriate communication within diverse areas. Over a period of more than ten years, the writer conducted the art program Goblin Project that involved communication in a diverse area. This activity is described in this paper. The concrete role in collaboration enforcement have been described in this paper from "Pediatric Goblin Workshop" and "Shirakawa Village Goblin Project." The purpose of communication in this context were developed in those projects and they aided classification using categories. The commonalities and differences between the two projects were assessed, particularly in the role of the collaboration enforcer. This demonstrated how the programs were supported while the core collaboration enforcer gradually gained independence as the program continued. On the other hand, the differences within the actions related to the subject, promotion of participation, voice volumes, photographic recording, and coverage were assessed

    Why Not Study Polytonal Psychophysics?

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    The relative consonance/dissonance of 2-tone intervals is well understood both experimentally and theoretically and provides a strong foundation for explaining why diatonic scales or their subsets are used in most musical cultures. Frequent textbook assertions notwithstanding, however, the consonance of intervals fails to account for the basic facts of harmony (3 or more tone combinations). We have recently shown (Cook & Fujisawa, 2006) how consideration of 3-tone psychophysics can explain the fundamental regularities of diatonic harmony. Distinct from the dissonance of 2-tone intervals, 3-tone combinations introduce an effect described by Leonard Meyer (1956) as harmonic “tension”: when a third tone is located midway between an upper and a lower tone, the chord takes on an unresolved, unstable, tense character – a psychoacoustical property inherent to the diminished and augmented chords. If the effects of the upper partials are included in a formal model that includes both 2-tone and 3-tone effects, the perceived sonority of the triads (major>minor> diminished>augmented) is easily explained

    Application of Simple Imaging Technique for Fluorescence Bronchoscope

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    It was reported that the significant spectral difference of autofluroescence induced by laser light between cancer and normal tissue. A fluorescence bronchoscope system with simple light source and light filter was newly developed. In this paper, the detection of autofluorescence from bronchogenic dysplasia with this system was reported