41 research outputs found

    Causes of Morbidity in Wild Raptor Populations Admitted at a Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Spain from 1995-2007: A Long Term Retrospective Study

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    Background: Morbidity studies complement the understanding of hazards to raptors by identifying natural or anthropogenic factors. Descriptive epidemiological studies of wildlife have become an important source of information about hazards to wildlife populations. On the other hand, data referenced to the overall wild population could provide a more accurate assessment of the potential impact of the morbidity/mortality causes in populations of wild birds. Methodology/Principal Findings: The present study described the morbidity causes of hospitalized wild raptors and their incidence in the wild populations, through a long term retrospective study conducted at a wildlife rehabilitation centre of Catalonia (1995-2007). Importantly, Seasonal Cumulative Incidences (SCI) were calculated considering estimations of the wild population in the region and trend analyses were applied among the different years. A total of 7021 birds were analysed: 7 species of Strigiformes (n = 3521) and 23 of Falconiformes (n = 3500). The main causes of morbidity were trauma (49.5%), mostly in the Falconiformes, and orphaned/young birds (32.2%) mainly in the Strigiformes. During wintering periods, the largest morbidity incidence was observed in Accipiter gentillis due to gunshot wounds and in Tyto alba due to vehicle trauma. Within the breeding season, Falco tinnunculus (orphaned/young category) and Bubo bubo (electrocution and metabolic disorders) represented the most affected species. Cases due to orphaned/young, infectious/parasitic diseases, electrocution and unknown trauma tended to increase among years. By contrast, cases by undetermined cause, vehicle trauma and captivity decreased throughout the study period. Interestingly, gunshot injuries remained constant during the study period. Conclusions/Significance: Frequencies of morbidity causes calculated as the proportion of each cause referred to the total number of admitted cases, allowed a qualitative assessment of hazards for the studied populations. However, cumulative incidences based on estimated wild raptor population provided a more accurate approach to the potential ecological impact of the morbidity causes in the wild populations

    Bone turnover markers for early detection of fracture healing disturbances: A review of the scientific literature

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    Imaging techniques are the standard method for assessment of fracture healing processes. However, these methods are perhaps not entirely reliable for early detection of complications, the most frequent of these being delayed union and non-union. A prompt diagnosis of such disorders could prevent prolonged patient distress and disability. Efforts should be directed towards the development of new technologies for improving accuracy in diagnosing complications following bone fractures. The variation in the levels of bone turnover markers (BTMs) have been assessed with regard to there ability to predict impaired fracture healing at an early stage, nevertheless the conclusions of some studies are not consensual. In this article the authors have revised the potential of BTMs as early predictors of prognosis in adult patients presenting traumatic bone fractures but who did not suffer from osteopenia or postmenopausal osteoporosis. The available information from the different studies performed in this field was systematized in order to highlight the most promising BTMs for the assessment of fracture healing outcome.As técnicas imagiológicas são o método convencional para a avaliação dos processos de cicatrização das fraturas. No entanto, estes métodos não são talvez totalmente confiáveis para a deteção precoce de complicações, as mais frequentes destas sendo o atraso da união e a não-união. Um diagnóstico eficaz destas desordens poderia prevenir a dor e a incapacidade prolongada do paciente. Esforços devem ser dirigidos no sentido do desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para melhorar a exatidão no diagnóstico de complicações após fraturas ósseas. A variação nos níveis dos marcadores do turnover ósseo (BTMs) têm sido avaliados com vista à sua capacidade para prever o comprometimento da cicatrização das fraturas numa fase inicial, no entanto, as conclusões de alguns estudos não são consensuais. Neste artigo os autores fizeram uma revisão do potencial dos BTMs como fatores de previsibilidade precoce do prognóstico em doentes adultos que apresentavam fraturas ósseas traumáticas mas que não sofriam de osteopenia ou osteoporose pós-menopausa. A informação disponível nos diferentes estudos realizados neste campo foi sistematizada com vista a evidenciar-se os BTMs mais promissores para a avaliação da evolução da cicatrização das fraturas.SFRH/BD/45018/200