652 research outputs found

    H.E.S.S. deeper observations on SNR RX J0852.0-4622

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    Supernova Remnants (SNRs) are believed to be acceleration sites of Galactic cosmic rays. Therefore, deep studies of these objects are instrumental for an understanding of the high energy processes in our Galaxy. RX J0852.0-4622, also known as Vela Junior, is one of the few (4) shell-type SNRs resolved at Very High Energies (VHE; E > 100 GeV). It is one of the largest known VHE sources (~ 1.0 deg radius) and its flux level is comparable to the flux level of the Crab Nebula in the same energy band. These characteristics allow for a detailed analysis, shedding further light on the high-energy processes taking place in the remnant. In this document we present further details on the spatial and spectral morphology derived with an extended data set. The analysis of the spectral morphology of the remnant is compatible with a constant power-law photon index of 2.11 +/- 0.05_stat +/- 0.20_syst from the whole SNR in the energy range from 0.5 TeV to 7 TeV. The analysis of the spatial morphology shows an enhanced emission towards the direction of the pulsar PSR J0855-4644, however as the pulsar is lying on the rim of the SNR, it is difficult to disentangle both contributions. Therefore, assuming a point source, the upper limit on the flux of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) between 1 TeV and 10 TeV, is estimated to be ~ 2% of the Crab Nebula flux in the same energy range

    VHE gamma-ray observations of the young synchrotron-dominated SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 with H.E.S.S

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are widely considered to be accelerators of cosmic rays (CR). They are also expected to produce very-high-energy (VHE; E>100E > 100 GeV) gamma rays through interactions of high-energy particles with the surrounding medium and photon fields. They are, therefore, promising targets for observations with ground-based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes like the H.E.S.S. telescope array. VHE gamma-ray emission has already been discovered from a number of SNRs, establishing them as a prominent source class in the VHE domain. Of particular interest are the handful of SNRs whose X-ray spectra are dominated by non-thermal synchrotron emission, such as the VHE gamma-ray emitters RX J0852.0-4622 (Vela Jr.) and RX J1713-3946. The shell-type SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 also belong to this subclass and are further notable for their young ages (1\leq 1 kyr), especially G1.9+0.3, which was recently determined to be the youngest SNR in the Galaxy (100\sim100 yr). These unique characteristics motivated investigations with H.E.S.S. to search for VHE gamma rays. The results of the H.E.S.S. observations and analyses are presented, along with implications for potential particle acceleration scenarios.Comment: ICRC 2011 proceedings, 4 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    HESS J1507-622: an unique unidentified source off the Galactic Plane

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    Galactic very high energy (VHE, > 100 GeV) gamma ray sources in the inner Galaxy H.E.S.S. survey tend to cluster within 1 degree in latitude around the Galactic plane. HESS J1507-622 instead is unique, since it is located at latitude of ~3.5 degrees. HESS J1507-622 is slightly extended over the PSF of the instrument and hence its Galactic origin is clear. The search for counterparts in other wavelength regimes (radio, infrared and X-rays) failed to show any plausible counterparts; and given its position off the Galactic plane and hence the absorption almost one order of magnitude lower, it is very surprising to not see any counterparts especially at X-rays wavelengths (by ROSAT, XMM Newton and Chandra). Its latitude implies that it is either rather close, within about 1 kpc, or is located well off the Galactic plane. And also the models reflect the uniqueness of this object: a leptonic PWN scenario would place this source due to its quite small extension to multi-kpc distance whereas a hadronic scenario would preferentially locate this object at distances of < 1 kpc where the density of target material is higher

    New unidentified H.E.S.S. Galactic sources

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    H.E.S.S. is one of the most sensitive instruments in the very high energy (VHE; > 100 GeV) gamma-ray domain and has revealed many new sources along the Galactic Plane. After the successful first VHE Galactic Plane Survey of 2004, H.E.S.S. has continued and extended that survey in 2005-2008, discovering a number of new sources, many of which are unidentified. Some of the unidentified H.E.S.S. sources have several positional counterparts and hence several different possible scenarios for the origin of the VHE gamma-ray emission; their identification remains unclear. Others have so far no counterparts at any other wavelength. Particularly, the lack of an X-ray counterpart puts serious constraints on emission models. Several newly discovered and still unidentified VHE sources are reported here.Comment: ICRC 2009 proceeding

    Self-propelled particles with fluctuating speed and direction of motion

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    We study general aspects of active motion with fluctuations in the speed and the direction of motion in two dimensions. We consider the case in which fluctuations in the speed are not correlated to fluctuations in the direction of motion, and assume that both processes can be described by independent characteristic time-scales. We show the occurrence of a complex transient that can exhibit a series of alternating regimes of motion, for two different angular dynamics which correspond to persistent and directed random walks. We also show additive corrections to the diffusion coefficient. The characteristic time-scales are also exposed in the velocity autocorrelation, which is a sum of exponential forms.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Young star clusters as gamma ray emitters and their detection with Cherenkov Telescopes

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    Young massive star clusters as sites of strong stellar winds and supernova explosions may accelerate charged particles at high energies and produce gamma-rays. These sources may also contribute to the production of cosmic rays in our galaxy. At TeV energies several candidates have already been detected: Cygnus OB2, Westerlund 1 \& 2, W43, Pismis 22 and W49A. Our study addresses the issue of very young star clusters where no supernova has occurred yet. During the lifetime of a massive star (M>20M > 20 M_{\odot}), supersonic stellar winds do indeed release as much energy as a supernova explosion. As supernova remnants are already known as gamma-ray emitters our purpose is to avoid any ambiguity on the origin of a possible gamma ray emission and to fully assume a stellar wind contribution. In this work we first present a catalogue of potential gamma-ray emitting clusters and discuss the criteria used to built the catalogue. We hence model the expected energetic particle spectrum including escapes and losses. We deduce gamma-ray luminosities produced by Inverse Compton and pion decay emission of each cluster and their associated HII regions. We finally compare these gamma-ray luminosities with HESS-II and CTA Cherenkov telescopes sensitivities

    Pulsar Wind Nebula candidates recently discovered by H.E.S.S

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    H.E.S.S. is currently the most sensitive instrument in the very-high-energy gamma-ray domain and has revealed many new sources along the Galactic Plane, a significant fraction of which seems to be associated with energetic pulsars. HESS J1825-137 and Vela X are considered to be the prototypes of such sources in which the large VHE nebula results from the whole history of the pulsar wind and the supernova remnant host, both evolving in a complex interstellar medium. These nebulae are seen to be offset from the pulsar position and, for HESS J1825-137, a spectral steepening at increasing distance from the pulsar has been measured. In this context, updated H.E.S.S. results on two previously published sources, namely HESS J1809-193 and HESS J1912+101, and preliminary results on the newly discovered HESS J1356-645, are presented. These extended VHE sources are thought to be associated with the energetic pulsars PSR J1809-1917, PSR J1913+1011 and PSR J1357-6429, respectively. Properties of each source in the VHE regime, together with those measured in the radio and X-ray domains, are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Proceedings of "4th Heidelberg International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy 2008

    Collective motion of active Brownian particles in one dimension

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    We analyze a model of active Brownian particles with non-linear friction and velocity coupling in one spatial dimension. The model exhibits two modes of motion observed in biological swarms: A disordered phase with vanishing mean velocity and an ordered phase with finite mean velocity. Starting from the microscopic Langevin equations, we derive mean-field equations of the collective dynamics. We identify the fixed points of the mean-field equations corresponding to the two modes and analyze their stability with respect to the model parameters. Finally, we compare our analytical findings with numerical simulations of the microscopic model.Comment: submitted to Eur. Phys J. Special Topic