1,742 research outputs found

    Cosmology of modified (but second order) gravity

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    This is a brief review of modified gravity cosmologies. Generically extensions of gravity action involve higher derivative terms, which can result in ghosts and instabilities. There are three ways to circumvent this: Chern-Simons terms, first order variational principle and nonlocality. We consider recent cosmological applications of these three classes of modified gravity models, in particular to the dark energy problem. The viable parameter spaces can be very efficiently constrained by taking into account cosmological data from all epochs in addition to Solar system tests and stability considerations. We make some new remarks concerning so called algebraic scalar-tensor theories, biscalar reformulation of nonlocal actions involving the inverse d'Alembertian, and a possible covariant formulation holographic cosmology with nonperturbative gravity.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Based on a talk given at the 4th Gamow conference "Astrophysics and Cosmology after Gamow: recent progress and new horizons" at Odessa, Ukraine, 17-23 August 200

    CMB statistics in noncommutative inflation

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    Noncommutative geometry can provide effective description of physics at very short distances taking into account generic effects of quantum gravity. Inflation amplifies tiny quantum fluctuations in the early universe to macroscopic scales and may thus imprint high energy physics signatures in the cosmological perturbations that could be detected in the CMB. It is shown here that this can give rise to parity-violating modulations of the primordial spectrum and odd non-Gaussian signatures. The breaking of rotational invariance of the CMB provides constraints on the scale of noncommutativity that are competitive with the existing noncosmological bounds, and could explain the curious hemispherical asymmetry that has been claimed to be observed in the sky. This introduces also non-Gaussianity with peculiar shape- and scale-dependence, which in principle allows an independent cross-check of the presence of noncommutativity at inflation.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Three-magnetic fields

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    A completely new mechanism to generate the observed amount of large-scale cosmological magnetic fields is introduced in the context of three-form inflation. The amplification of the fields occurs via fourth order dynamics of the vector perturbations and avoids the backreaction problem that plagues most previously introduced mechanisms.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures -- v2 as published (title changed in the published version to "Cosmic magnetization in three-form inflation"

    Spacetimes with vector distortion: Inflation from generalised Weyl geometry

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    Spacetime with general linear vector distortion is introduced. Thus, the torsion and the nonmetricity of the affine connection are assumed to be proportional to a vector field (and not its derivatives). The resulting two-parameter family of non-Riemannian geometries generalises the conformal Weyl geometry and some other interesting special cases. Taking into account the leading order quadratic curvature correction to the Einstein-Hilbert action results uniquely in the one-parameter extension of the Starobinsky inflation known as the alpha-attractor. The most general quadratic curvature action introduces, in addition to the canonical vector kinetic term, novel ghost-free vector-tensor interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 0 figures. V2: Added the general quadratic theor
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