1,203 research outputs found


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    Techniques are described herein for clustering network hosts based on their network behavior to create groups of hosts that behave similarly. An anomaly detection model trained on a single group of network hosts is more robust to fluctuations of the behavior of individual hosts when compared to the per host models. When comparing to the group all models that are trained using the behavior of all network hosts, finer anomalies (e.g., stealthy data exfiltration) that would otherwise be hidden may be detected by modelling diversely behaving network hosts

    Determination of equivalent loading of turnout frog

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    In the course of a vehicle passing over a turnout, a high dynamical response appears during passing over the turnout frog. The increased loading of this turnout part negatively influences its wear and finally its service life too. The methodology for determination of the equivalent loading of a turnout frog in the course of a vehicle passing has been developed just for the evaluation of the frog loading. A vertical acceleration measured on the wheelset axle box of a vehicle passing over the frog is an input parameter for the calculation of the equivalent loading. Actually the turnouts of several types built in modernized station Ústí nad Orlicí are monitored since 2014 in a cooperation with a turnout producer and one of the train operator with application of the mentioned methodology. The reference vehicle for the evaluation of these turnouts is an electric locomotive of axle load 22 t. The verification of optimized design of some turnouts in terms of loading of their frogs is the purpose of this project

    Why Did Voucher Privatization Occur?

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    Anotace: Práce se snaží analyzovat všechny souvislosti, které vedly ke kuponové privatizaci. Konkrétní historické události, jako pohyby v revolučním OF se snaží analyzovat v rámci celospolečenských procesů. Sleduje tak přelévání moci mezi většinou obyvatel a elitou a ptá se po legitimitě rozhodnutí představitelů revolučních hnutí. Moc, která střídavě přechází ze společnosti na jedince, je indikátorem pro hledání souvislostí, které vedly ke kuponové privatizaci. Práce se tak snaží sociologickým způsobem chápat skupinu disidentů okolo Václava Havla a skupinu reformistů okolo Václava Kaluse, které zkoumá z hlediska jejich organizace a názorové koherence. Ideologická východiska těchto dvou skupin jsou porovnána s míněním veřejnosti a neomezuje se jen na dobu porevoluční, nýbrž na kořeny určitých společenských okolností, které měly na názory veřejnosti vliv, jsou viděny také v minulosti před listopadem 1989. Práce se snaží najít v předrevolučním období, revolučním období a transformačním období určitou kontinuitu. Z logiky věci plyne, že práce zabíhá do historie revolučních hnutí, pokouší se analyzovat privatizační rétoriku diskursivně analytickým způsobem s využitím novinových článků i publikací reformátorů, televizních vystoupení či už proběhnuvších obecnějších úvah v tomto směru v odborných publikacích. K...In this paper I try to analyze all circumstances and threads that led to voucher privatization. I try to analyze factual historical events like for example certain motions in the Civic Forum (Czech: Občanské fórum) within the frame of corporate processes. I observe the shift of power between the majority of citizens and elite and question the legitimity of decisions the leaders of the revolutionary movements make. The power shifting from an individual onto the society served me as an indicator for searching the relations that could had led to the voucher privatization. I try to understand the circle of disidents around Václav Havel and the circle of reformists around Václav Klaus from the sociological perspective and try to apprehend these from tin the light of their organization and opinion coherence. Ideological data of these two groups are compared with the meaning of the public; moreover, I do not restrict myself just to the time after the revolution. I pay attention also to the pre - revolutionary roots of certain social circumstances that influenced the public. I try to find the continuity between the time before the revolution, during the revolution and after the revolution. Naturally it made sense to allude often examples from the history of revolutionary movements. I analyzed the rhetoric...Department of SociologyKatedra sociologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Reinterpretation of the substrate specificity of the voltage-sensing phosphatase during dimerization.

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    Voltage-sensing phosphatases (VSPs) cleave both 3- and 5-phosphates from inositol phospholipids in response to membrane depolarization. When low concentrations of Ciona intestinalis VSP are expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, the 5-phosphatase reaction can be observed during large membrane depolarizations. When higher concentrations are expressed, the 5-phosphatase activity is observed with smaller depolarizations, and the 3-phosphatase activity is revealed with strong depolarization. Here we ask whether this apparent induction of 3-phosphatase activity is attributable to the dimerization that has been reported when VSP is expressed at higher concentrations. Using a simple kinetic model, we show that these enzymatic phenomena can be understood as an emergent property of a voltage-dependent enzyme with invariant substrate selectivity operating in the context of endogenous lipid-metabolizing enzymes present in oocytes. Thus, a switch of substrate specificity with dimerization need not be invoked to explain the appearance of 3-phosphatase activity at high VSP concentrations

    Stationary device for vibrodiagnostics of passing vehicle

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    On the base of the carried out measurement in 2013 and 2014, the stationary measurement system has been developed for vibrodiagnostics of railway vehicles. This system is currently in a trial operation in Prague's subway. The principle of the railway vehicle bogie diagnostics is based on noise and vibration measurement of a railway superstructure. The measurement system is self-contained – it saves the measured data of a passed train automatically, including identification of the trainset and the each wheelset. The measured data are evaluated in the frequency domain, where failure symptoms are identified. The measurement repeatability makes possible application of a neural network for detection of the failure symptoms. The next phase of this project will concern to the application of the neural network. The function of the developed device and the principle of failure detection are described in this paper. The existing results of the carried out measurement are presented too

    Former les enseignants tchèques à préparer les élèves à la vie quotidienne et/ou à acquérir une culture générale ?

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    Chargé d’éduquer les générations futures, chaque enseignant est appelé à réfléchir non seulement au sens de cette éducation, mais aussi à celui de sa propre formation, surtout au regard des évolutions récentes de sa profession. Notre article est le fruit d’une réflexion et d’un dialogue partagés sur l’éducation, la formation et les conditions d’exercice des enseignants tchèques. Il vise à mettre en valeur le statut paradoxal de leur professionnalisation actuelle où, d’une part, des théories pseudoscientifiques visent à fixer des normes univoques, des compétences pédagogiques ciblées et des recommandations de bonnes pratiques, et où, d’autre part, une ambiguïté aisément démontrable du concept d’éducation (Bildung) existe – notamment à propos de la représentation de l’humanité qu’elle véhicule. Nous montrons ainsi que former n’est pas, et de loin, proposer une politique de spécialisation professionnelle formelle qui se résumerait à une conformation à l’administration de bonnes pratiques exogènes.Dans ce contexte, nous notons que l’éthique téléologique est délaissée. Cet oubli est compris comme l’un des facteurs conduisant à une minoration des débats, publics ou experts, et à la confusion des concepts fondateurs de la pédagogie, scolaire ou universitaire, actuelle (approche par compétences utiles pour la vie quotidienne, formation tout au long de la vie…). La réflexion philosophique, en questionnant des concepts supposément clarifiés et établis, propose d’analyser leurs présupposés et leurs principes. Notre collaboration plaide donc in fine pour une problématisation plus fouillée des concepts clés de l’éducation et de la formation.Being responsible for educating future generations, each teacher is called to reflect not only on the meaning of education but also on the meaning of their own training, especially in light of recent developments in their profession. Our article is the result of shared reflection and dialogue on education, training and conditions of practice of Czech teachers. It aims to highlight the paradoxical status of their current professionalization in which, on the one hand, pseudoscientific theories aim to set univocal standards, targeted pedagogical skills and recommendations for good practice, and in which, on the other hand, there is an easily demonstrable ambiguity of the concept of education (Bildung) –especially in the representation of humanity it conveys. We thus show that training does not by far equal proposing a policy of formal professional specialization that would boil down to a conformation to the administration of good exogenous practices.In this context, we note that teleological ethics is being neglected. This oversight is understood as one of the factors leading to a reduction in debates, public or expert, and to confusion of the founding concepts of pedagogy, school or university, current approach to aquiring skills useful for everyday life, lifelong learning, etc. Philosophical reflection, bi.e. questioning the supposedly clarified and established concepts, proposes to analyze their assumptions and principles. Our collaboration therefore ultimately calls for a more thorough problematization of key concepts of education and training

    Tidying up international nucleotide sequence databases

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    Sequence analysis of the ribosomal RNA operon, particularly the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, provides a powerful tool for identification of mycorrhizal fungi. The sequence data deposited in the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (INSD) are, however, unfiltered for quality and are often poorly annotated with metadata. To detect chimeric and low-quality sequences and assign the ectomycorrhizal fungi to phylogenetic lineages, fungal ITS sequences were downloaded from INSD, aligned within family-level groups, and examined through phylogenetic analyses and BLAST searches. By combining the fungal sequence database UNITE and the annotation and search tool PlutoF, we also added metadata from the literature to these accessions. Altogether 35,632 sequences belonged to mycorrhizal fungi or originated from ericoid and orchid mycorrhizal roots. Of these sequences, 677 were considered chimeric and 2,174 of low read quality. Information detailing country of collection, geographical coordinates, interacting taxon and isolation source were supplemented to cover 78.0%, 33.0%, 41.7% and 96.4% of the sequences, respectively. These annotated sequences are publicly available via UNITE (http://unite.ut.ee/) for downstream biogeographic, ecological and taxonomic analyses. In European Nucleotide Archive (ENA; http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/), the annotated sequences have a special link-out to UNITE. We intend to expand the data annotation to additional genes and all taxonomic groups and functional guilds of fungi

    Increasing the level of abstraction in FPGA-based designs

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    Traditional design techniques for FPGAs are based on using hardware description languages, with functional and post-place-and-route simulation as a means to check design cor-rectness and remove detected errors. With large complexity of things to be designed it is necessary to introduce new de-sign approaches that will increase the level of abstraction while maintaining the necessary efficiency of a computation performed in hardware that we are used to today. This paper presents one such methodology that builds upon existing re-search in multithreading, object composability and encapsu-lation, partial runtime reconfiguration, and self adaptation. The methodology is based on currently available FPGA de-sign tools. The efficiency of the methodology is evaluated on basic vector and matrix operations. 1