936 research outputs found

    Experimental research method of correction of errors precision ADC nonlinearity

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    Досліджено особливості реалізації методу експериментальних досліджень ефективності корекції похибки нелінійності АЦП, похибка нелінійності яких менша 0,003%. Запропонований метод дозволяє доволі суттєво (в 10…100 разів) зменшити вимоги до взірцевих засобів, які необхідні для проведення експериментального дослідження похибки нелінійності таких прецизійних АЦП, а також визначити ефективність засобів корекції цієї похибки.The article explores the peculiarities of the method of experimental research the effectiveness of error correction of nonlinearity of ADC nonlinearity error of less than 0.003%. The method allows quite significantly (10 ... 100 times) reduce the requirements for exemplary facilities necessary to conduct experimental research nonlinearity errors such precision ADC and also to determine the effectiveness of correcting this error

    Handling and analysis of ices in cryostats and glove boxes in view of cometary samples

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    Comet nucleus sample return mission and other return missions from planets and satellites need equipment for handling and analysis of icy samples at low temperatures under vacuum or protective gas. Two methods are reported which were developed for analysis of small icy samples and which are modified for larger samples in cometary matter simulation experiments (KOSI). A conventional optical cryostat system was modified to allow for transport of samples at 5 K, ion beam irradiation, and measurement in an off-line optical spectrophotometer. The new system consists of a removable window plug containing nozzles for condensation of water and volatiles onto a cold finger. This plug can be removed in a vacuum system, changed against another plug (e.g., with other windows (IR, VIS, VUV) or other nozzles). While open, the samples can be treated under vacuum with cooling by manipulators (cut, removal, sample taking, irradiation with light, photons, or ions). After bringing the plug back, the samples can be moved to another site of analysis. For handling the 30 cm diameter mineral-ice samples from the KOSI experiments an 80x80x80 cm glove box made out of plexiglass was used. The samples were kept in a liquid nitrogen bath, which was filled from the outside. A stream a dry N2 and evaporating gas from the bath purified the glove box from impurity gases and, in particular, H2O, which otherwise would condense onto the samples

    Two-atom dark states in electromagnetic cavities

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    The center-of-mass motion of two two-level atoms coupled to a single damped mode of an electromagnetic resonator is investigated. For the case of one atom being initially excited and the cavity mode in the vacuum state it is shown that the atomic time evolution is dominated by the appearance of dark states. These states, in which the initial excitation is stored in the internal atomic degrees of freedom and the atoms become quantum mechanically entangled, are almost immune against photon loss from the cavity. Various properties of the dark states within and beyond the Raman-Nath approximation of atom optics are worked out.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    The Pauli equation with complex boundary conditions

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    We consider one-dimensional Pauli Hamiltonians in a bounded interval with possibly non-self-adjoint Robin-type boundary conditions. We study the influence of the spin-magnetic interaction on the interplay between the type of boundary conditions and the spectrum. A special attention is paid to PT-symmetric boundary conditions with the physical choice of the time-reversal operator T.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Formation of Giant Quasibound Cold Diatoms by Strong Atom-Cavity Coupling

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    We show that giant quasi-bound diatomic complexes, whose size is typically hundreds of nm, can be formed by intra-cavity cold diatom photoassociation or photodissociation in the strong atom-cavity coupling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Complementarity and Young's interference fringes from two atoms

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    The interference pattern of the resonance fluorescence from a J=1/2 to J=1/2 transition of two identical atoms confined in a three-dimensional harmonic potential is calculated. Thermal motion of the atoms is included. Agreement is obtained with experiments [Eichmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2359 (1993)]. Contrary to some theoretical predictions, but in agreement with the present calculations, a fringe visibility greater than 50% can be observed with polarization-selective detection. The dependence of the fringe visibility on polarization has a simple interpretation, based on whether or not it is possible in principle to determine which atom emitted the photon.Comment: 12 pages, including 7 EPS figures, RevTex. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The HMW effect in Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics

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    The HMW effect in non-commutative quantum mechanics is studied. By solving the Dirac equations on non-commutative (NC) space and non-commutative phase space, we obtain topological HMW phase on NC space and NC phase space respectively, where the additional terms related to the space-space and momentum-momentum non-commutativity are given explicitly.Comment: 8 Latex page

    Contested resources: unions, employers, and the adoption of new work practices in US and UK telecommunications

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    The pattern of adoption of high-performance work practices has been explained in terms of strategic contingency and in terms of union presence. We compare the post-deregulation/privatization changes in work practice at AT&T, Bell Atlantic and British Telecom. On the basis of these cases, we argue that the choice of new work practices should be understood as a consequence not only of the company's resources or changes in its environment, nor of a simple union presence, but also as a consequence of the practices' effects on union power, the nature of the union's engagement, and the union's strategic choices

    Interference pattern with a dark center from two atoms driven by a coherent laser field

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    In a recent paper Meyer and Yeoman [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2650 (1997)] have shown that the resonance fluorescence from two atoms placed in a cavity and driven by an incoherent field can produce an interference pattern with a dark center. We study the fluorescence from two coherently driven atoms in free space and show that this system can also produce an interference pattern with a dark center. This happens when the atoms are in nonequivalent positions in the driving: field, i.e., the atoms experience different intensities and phases of the driving field. We discuss the role of the interatomic interactions in this process and find that the interference pattern with a dark center results from the participation of the antisymmetric state in the dynamics of the driven two-atom system

    Containing, embracing and hyper-activating Britishness: British-based foreign-owned firms

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    There are in the UK ownership forms different to the characteristics of Britishness – British-based foreign-owned firms where dominant owners may have differentiated control interests. These may contain, that is, override, national institutional characteristics embedded in a particular national capitalism. Accordingly, separating the agency of these firms from presumed business system structures may reveal how diverse patterns of firm ownership – those associated with British-based foreign-owned firms – can inform dynamic ownership developments in British capitalism which contain and hyper-activate Britishness. The article theorizes British-based foreign-owned firms and provides empirical detail on how ownership characteristics influence financial commitment and strategic control in 10 of these firms