87 research outputs found

    Free market, individual and relational goods

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    Serbest piyasa sistemi en baskın ekonomik sistem haline gelmiştir. Her ne kadar serbest piyasa sistemi insanların hayatın her alanında önemli kazanımlar elde etmelerine imkân vermişse de, günümüzde pek çok soruna sebep olmaktadır. Yabancılaşma, güvensizlik ve stresten kaynaklanan hastalıkların yaygınlık kazanması, aile-iş çatışması, cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin derinleşmesi, gelirin belli bir azınlığın elinde toplanması, piyasa değerlerinin hayatın tüm katmanlarına sızması ve piyasa dışı değerleri yerinden etmesi, baskıya dayalı yeni güç ilişkileri bu sorunlardan bazılarıdır. Bu makalenin temel amacı bireysel çıkar, güç, hiyerarşi, yıkıcı rekabet ve aç gözlülük gibi değerlere dayanan piyasanın alternatifi olarak altruistik davranış, şefkat ve empati gibi değerlere dayalı farklı bir piyasa anlayışının benimsenmesinin piyasa kaynaklı sorunları azaltacağını ortaya koymaktır. İlk olarak, serbest piyasanın iktisadi özne imgesi eleştirel olarak ele alınmaktadır ve altruistik iktisadi bir öznenin bireysel çıkarı benimseyen iktisadi öznenin yerini alması gerektiği savunulmaktadır. İkinci olarak serbest piyasa anlayışının sebep olduğu bazı sorunları azaltmakta sosyal ilişkilerin önemli bir fonksiyonu olduğu ileri sürülmektedir.The Free Market System has become the most dominant economic system. Although the free market system has provided people with the most significant personal gains, this system still leads to many problems. Alienation, widespread diseases steming from distrust and stress, family-work conflict, extensive gender inequality, income accumulation in the hands of a few people, free market values infiltrating other spheres of life and overcrowding nonmarket values, relations based on force and power politics are some of the problems that the free market order brings out. The purpose of this study is to put forward an alternative understanding of the free market based on values such as altruistic behavior, compassion and empathy in order to solve problems caused by the free market system based on self interest, power, hierarchy, distructive competition and greed. First, in this study the idea of the economic agent of the free market is critically examined. This study suggests that an altrustic economic agent should replace a self interest oriented economic agent. Second, it is argued that relational goods have a substantial role in decreasing some of the problems yielded by the free market sytem

    Correlation of the epidural space measured intraoperatively and estimated by MRI or US: an observational study

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    Background and objectives: To assess the agreement between the epidural depth measured from the surgical site with the epidural depths estimated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound scanning. Methods: Fifty patients of either sex, scheduled for L4-5 lumbar disc surgery under general anesthesia were enrolled in this prospective observational study, and the results of 49 patients were analyzed. The actual epidural depth was measured from the surgical site with a sterile surgical scale. The MRI-derived epidural depth was measured from the MRI scan. The ultrasound estimated epidural depth was measured from the ultrasound image obtained just before surgery. Results: The mean epidural depth measured from the surgical site was 53.80 ± 7.67 mm, the mean MRI-derived epidural depth was 54.06 ± 7.36 mm, and the ultrasound-estimated epidural depth was 53.77 ± 7.94 mm. The correlation between the epidural depth measured from the surgical site and MRI-derived epidural depth was 0.989 (r2 = 0.979, p < 0.001), and the corresponding correlation with the ultrasound-estimated epidural depth was 0.990 (r2 = 0.980, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Both ultrasound-estimated epidural depth and MRI-derived epidural depth have a strong correlation with the epidural depth measured from the surgical site. Preprocedural MRI-derived estimates of epidural depth are slightly deeper than the epidural depth measured from the surgical site, and the ultrasound estimated epidural depths are somewhat shallower. Although both radiologic imaging techniques provided reliable preprocedural estimates of the actual epidural depth, the loss of resistance technique cannot be discarded while inserting epidural needles. © 2020 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologi

    Preprocedural ultrasound estimates of epidural depth: Transverse median plane is comparable to paramedian sagittal oblique plane in non-pregnant patients

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy and precision of the actual epidural depth (ND) and ultrasound (US) estimates of the distance from the skin to the epidural space in the transverse median plane (ED/TM) and paramedian sagittal oblique plane (ED/ PSO) in patients who were not pregnant and who were undergoing unilateral inguinal hernia repair surgery under combined spinal epidural anaesthesia. Methods: A total of 100 patients with the American Society of Anaesthesiology status I–III of either gender were recruited. All epidurals were inserted at the L3–4 intervertebral space, and the epidural needle was marked with a sterile marker. The ND was measured between the marker and the tip of the needle. The ED/TM and ED/PSO were assessed with a 2–5 MHz curved array probe at the L3–4 intervertebral space. The Pearson correlation coefficient and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient were used to assess the precision and the Bland–Altman test was used to assess the 95% limit of agreement. Results: The ND was 48.98±6.91 mm, the ED/PSO was 48.92±6.91 mm and the ED/TM was 48.90±6.91 mm. The Pearson correlation coefficient between ND and ED/PSO was 0.995 (p<0.001) and 0.994 (p<0.001) with ED/TM. Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient for ND and ED/PSO was 0.995 (95%CI [confidence interval]: 0.992–0.997), and 0.993 for ND and ED/TM (95% CI: 0.990–0.996). The 95% limit of agreement between ND and ED/PSO was 0.70–1.37, and for ND and ED/TM, it was 0.79–1.54. Conclusion: Preprocedural ultrasound (US) scanning in both planes provides reliable estimates for actual epidural depth in non-pregnant patient population. © 2020 by Turkish Society of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation

    Clinical and laboratory evaluation of Turkish children with IgG subclass deficiency

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    MakaleWOS:000922080700001PubMed ID: 36089538Background: IgG subclass deficiency is a laboratory diagnosis and becomes important with recurrent infections. This study aimed to examine the demographic, clinical, and laboratory results of pediatric cases with IgG subclass deficiency and to improve the understanding of the clinical significance of IgG subclass deficiency. Methods: In this study, the clinical and laboratory features of 111 pediatric patients, with at least one whose serum IgG subclasses was measured as lower than 2 standard deviation of healthy aged-matched control values, were evaluated. The clinical and laboratory features of the cases with isolated IgG subclass deficiency (Group 1) and those with low serum levels of any of IgG, IgA, and IgM in addition to the IgG subclass deficiency (Group 2) were compared. Results: A total of 55 (49.54%) and 56 (50.45 %) patients were included in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. Among our studied cases, 20 (18. 1%) had a history of hospitalization in the neonatal period, 61 (54.95 %) had at least one hospitalization due to infection, and 55 (49.54%) had a history of recurrent infection. The frequencies of these three conditions were statistically significantly higher in Group 2 (p < 0.05). The frequencies of infections in the last year in Groups 1 and 2 were 4.4 +/- 1.2 and 5.4 +/- 1.9, respectively (p < 0.05). As a result of recurrent infections, 43.24% (n = 48) of our patients received antibiotic prophylaxis, and 21.62% (n = 24) had immunoglobulin replacement therapy. Furthermore, the numbers of pa-tients who needed these treatments were higher in Group 2 (p < 0.05).Conclusion: In cases with IgG subclass deficiencies, concomitant main-group immunoglobulin deficiencies may increase the number and severity of infections, leading to hospitalizations, antibiotic prophylaxis, and immunoglobulin therapy. More attention should be paid to cases of immunoglobulin main-group deficiencies in the follow-up of these cases.Copyright (c) 2022, Taiwan Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Rethinking enlightenment: Horkheimer and Adorno

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    Aydınlanma, eleştirel ve özgür atmosfer içerisinde pek çok bilimsel buluşa imza atılmasına imkân verdi. Diğer taraftan sosyal ve siyasal alanda insanların esaretine sebep olan her türlü mitsel ve metafizik öğenin reddedilmesini sağladı. Aydınlanmanın bilimsel gelişmeleri ve insanı özgür kılan sosyal ve siyasal kurumlar yaratması hikâyenin sadece bir yüzüdür. Aydınlanmanın öteki yüzü ise akıl üzerinden yeni tahakküm ilişkilerinin üretildiği ve sürdürüldüğü bir senaryo sunar. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı aydınlanmanın tahakküm ilişkilerini yeniden üreten senaryosunu Horkheimer ve Adorno üzerinden tartışmaktır. İlk olarak Aydınlanmanın temel argümanları açıklanmaktadır. Ardından Frankfurt okulunun Horkheimer ve Adorno’nun düşüncelerinin şekillenmesindeki rolü incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın son kısmında ise Horkheimer’ın ve Adorno’nun Aydınlanma eleştirileri Odysseus’un serüvenleri dolayımıyla irdelenmektedir.On one hand the Enlightement provided an opportunity for many scientific discoveries in a critical and free environment, and on the other hand, it led to the demolition of any mythological or metaphysical component in the social and political arena that resulted in the enslavement of people. On one side of the coin, the scientific developments, and social and political institutions that entitled the people to their freedoms were created by the Englightenment. On the other side of the coin, enlightenment led to another scenario that included a new set of relations by producing and sustaining suppression and domination. The main purpose of this study is to examine this latter scenario that reproduced superiority relations by taking into consideration Horkheimer’s and Adorno’s thoughts on Englightenment. First, the study explains the main arguments of the Enlightenment. Second, the role of the Frankfurt School that shaped Horkheimer’s and Adorno’s perspectives is discussed. In the final section, the criticisms of both philosophers are scrutinized through Odysseus’ adventures

    Contemporary Refugee Crisis: An Arendtian Criticism

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    Bu makale, günümüzdeki mülteci krizini, uluslararası mülteci sistemi ve Türkiye’nin son yıllardaki mülteci politikası üzerinden ele almaktadır. Bu noktada Hannah Arendt’in mülteciliği uluslararası düzeyde ve ulusal ölçekte analiz etmek için zengin bir zemin sağladığını söylemek mümkündür. Çalışmada ilk olarak mevcut uluslararası mülteci sistemi eleştirel olarak ele alınmaktadır. Ardından Türkiye’nin mülteci politikası Arendt’in kavramları ve düşünceleri ışığında yeniden düşünülmektedir. Makale, Türkiye’nin mülteci politikasının hak ve özgürlükler doğrultusunda olumlu bir dönüşüm geçirdiğini, fakat buna rağmen hâlâ bir takım karışıklıklar ve açmazlar içerdiğini savunmaktadır.This study focuses on the contemporary refugee crisis by taking on the international refugee system and the recent refuge policy of Turkey. In this regard, it should be said that Hannah Arendt offers a rich optic to analyze refugee crisis in the international and the domestic level. First, the study examines the international refugee system. Second, it rethinks the refugee policy of Turkey by employing Arendt’s concepts and arguments. Finally, the study argues that although the refugee policy of Turkey has headed into a direction that is based on rights and freedoms, there are still perplexities and dilemmas in the refugee policy of Turkey

    The problem of humanitarian intervention in political philosophy

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    Aynı siyasi sınırlar içerisinde yaşayan insanlar, birbirleriyle ve toplumsal,siyasal, ekonomik kurumlarla olan ilişkilerinde sürekli olarak adil olmayandurumlarla karşılaştıkları gibi uluslararası alanda da adaletsizliklere muhatapolmaktadır. Küresel yoksulluk, iç savaş, göç, küresel ısınma insanlarınyüzleşmek zorunda oldukları bazı küresel sorunlardır. Son yüzyılda dünyanınfarklı bölgelerinde insan haklarının yaygın bir şekilde devletler tarafından ihlaledilmesi insani müdahaleyi siyaset felsefesinde en çok tartışılan araştırmanesnelerinden birine dönüştürmüştür. Bu makalenin temel amacı, insanimüdahalenin ahlaki temellerini sorgulamaktır. Bu çalışma, insan haklarıihlallerine rağmen küresel arenada ulusal egemenliğin ve ulusal çıkarınkorunması adına insani müdahaleye karşı çıkan anlayışı reddederken insanhaklarını ve özgürlüklerini korumaya yönelik insani müdahalenin evrensel ahlakibir zorunluluk olduğunu savunmaktadır.People living within the same political borders not only face unfair conditions intheir relationship with each other as well as social, political, and economicinstitutions but also are exposed to injustice at the international level. Globalpoverty, civil war, immigration, and global warming are some of the globalproblems that human beings have to face. Humanitarian intervention has recentlymorphed into one of the most highly discussed issues in political philosophy dueto the fact that human rights have been vastly violated by individual states withinthe last century. The main purpose of this study is to examine the moralfoundations of humanitarian intervention. This study challanges the idea thatrejects humanitarian intervention in order to protect national sovereignty andnational interest at the global level although human rights are violated by a state,and it argues that Humanitarian Intervention is a universal obligation to protecthuman rights and freedoms

    The proplem of justice between utopia and reality: The comparison of the theories of justice of John Rawls and Robert Nozick

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    Adaleti, farklı unsurların olduğu bir matris içinde yorumlayan adalet teorilerinden bir tanesi liberal adalet teorisidir. Bu noktada tezin iki temel amacı olduğu söylenebilir. Bunlardan ilki, liberal adalet teorisinin bazı unsurları içermesi ve bu unsurları tutarlı bir metodolojik çabayla ilişkilendirmesi gerekliliğine işaret etmektir. Liberal adalet teorisi, özgürlük, eşitlik, hak ediş, yetkilenme, birlikte yaşama unsurlarına dayanarak adaleti ve adil toplumu tanımlamaktadır. Ancak liberal adalet teorisi içinde çalışan her filozof bu unsurlar arasında farklı bir bileşime dayanarak kendi adalet teorisini inşa etmektedir. Bu nedenle liberal adalet teorisinin sınırlarına ilişkin bir uzlaşı eksikliğinden söz edilebilir. Tezin ikinci temel amacı, John Rawls ve Robert Nozick'in adalet teorilerini karşılaştırarak ve bu teorilere yöneltilen eleştirileri dikkate alarak liberal adalet teorisinin sınırlarını yeniden yorumlamaktır. Rawls'ın ve Nozick'in adalet teorilerinde yer verdikleri unsurlar ile bu unsurlara ilişkin farklı ve benzer yorumları, her iki düşünüre yöneltilen eleştiriler liberal adalet teorisinin içermesi gereken unsurların neler olduğuna ve bu unsurların tutarlı bir şekilde nasıl ilişkilendirileceğine dair yeterli ipuçları vermektedir. Rawls'ın ve Nozick'in adalet teorileri arasındaki farklılıklar ve benzerlikler, liberal adalet teorisinin bireyin önceliğine, negatif özgürlüklere, yetkilenmeye dayanan yorumunun dışında başka bir yorumun mümkün olduğunu ve bu yorumun yine liberal adalet teorisinin kendi içinden çıkmasının mümkün olduğunu göstermektedir.The liberal theory of justice is one of theories of justice which interpretes justice in a matrix that comprises several elements. It can be said that this thesis has two aims in that direction. The first one highligts that the liberal theory of justice should contains some elements and make these elements methodoligically and coherently connected. The liberal theory of justice defines the concept of justice and the society in terms of freedom, equality, entitlement and living together. However, all philosophers studying in Philosophy build their accounts of justice on the basis of a different inputs which includes those elements above. As a result, it can be said that there is no consensus on the boundaries of liberal theory of justice. The second aim of this thesis is to reinterpret the boundaries of liberal theory of justice by comparing the theories of justice of John Rawls and Robert Nozick and taking account of the criticisms that are directed to their theories. The theories of justice of Rawls and Nozick included similar and difference comments regarding to these elements, and the criticisms to have been directed to their theories give enough clues about what the elements which the liberal theory of justice should comprise are and how to connect them coherently. The similarities and differences between the theories of justice of Rawls and Nozick point out that there is a possible interpretation except the interpretation of liberal theory of justice which is based on the priority of self, negative freedom, entitlement and this possible interpretation can be found in the liberal theory of justice itself


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    Türkiye’de siyasetin belirlenmesinde ve parti yaşamında siyasal partilerin merkez organlarının rolü önemli olmakla birlikte, siyasal partilerin yerel elitleri yönetim merkezleri ile halk arasında köprü olma görevini sürdürmektedirler. Türkiye’de siyasal partiler üzerine yapılan araştırmalar daha çok partilerin genel merkez politikaları üzerine odaklanmakta olup çoğu zaman siyasal yaşamada yerel siyasal elitlerin değerleri, tutumları ve rolleri üzerinde yeterince durulmamaktadır. Oysa, yerel siyasi elitlerin Türkiye’de siyasetin sorunlarına bakış açılarının ve siyasal kültür değerlerinin mevcut parti sisteminin işleyişinde ve aksayan yönlerinde önemli etkilere sahiptir. Bu çalışma, alan araştırması yöntemi kullanılarak Hatay ili örneğinde yerel siyasal parti elitlerini incelenmektedir

    microcomputer aided simulation of wind turbines by means of a thyristor controlled D.C.motor.

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