13 research outputs found

    Evidence for a Transport-Trap Mode of Drosophila melanogaster gurken mRNA Localization

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    The Drosophila melanogaster gurken gene encodes a TGF alpha-like signaling molecule that is secreted from the oocyte during two distinct stages of oogenesis to define the coordinate axes of the follicle cell epithelium that surrounds the oocyte and its 15 anterior nurse cells. Because the gurken receptor is expressed throughout the epithelium, axial patterning requires region-specific secretion of Gurken protein, which in turn requires subcellular localization of gurken transcripts. The first stage of Gurken signaling induces anteroposterior pattern in the epithelium and requires the transport of gurken transcripts from nurse cells into the oocyte. The second stage of Gurken signaling induces dorsovental polarity in the epithelium and requires localization of gurken transcripts to the oocyte's anterodorsal corner. Previous studies, relying predominantly on real-time imaging of injected transcripts, indicated that anterodorsal localization involves transport of gurken transcripts to the oocyte's anterior cortex followed by transport to the anterodorsal corner, and anchoring. Such studies further indicated that a single RNA sequence element, the GLS, mediates both transport steps by facilitating association of gurken transcripts with a cytoplasmic dynein motor complex. Finally, it was proposed that the GLS somehow steers the motor complex toward that subset of microtubules that are nucleated around the oocyte nucleus, permitting directed transport to the anterodorsal corner. Here, we re-investigate the role of the GLS using a transgenic fly assay system that includes use of the endogenous gurken promoter and biological rescue as well as RNA localization assays. In contrast to previous reports, our studies indicate that the GLS is sufficient for anterior localization only. Our data support a model in which anterodorsal localization is brought about by repeated rounds of anterior transport, accompanied by specific trapping at the anterodorsal cortex. Our data further indicate that trapping at the anterodorsal corner requires at least one as-yet-unidentified gurken RLE

    Matrin 3 is a co-factor for HIV-1 Rev in regulating post-transcriptional viral gene expression

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    Post-transcriptional regulation of HIV-1 gene expression is mediated by interactions between viral transcripts and viral/cellular proteins. For HIV-1, post-transcriptional nuclear control allows for the export of intron-containing RNAs which are normally retained in the nucleus. Specific signals on the viral RNAs, such as instability sequences (INS) and Rev responsive element (RRE), are binding sites for viral and cellular factors that serve to regulate RNA-export. The HIV-1 encoded viral Rev protein binds to the RRE found on unspliced and incompletely spliced viral RNAs. Binding by Rev directs the export of these RNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Previously, Rev co-factors have been found to include cellular factors such as CRM1, DDX3, PIMT and others. In this work, the nuclear matrix protein Matrin 3 is shown to bind Rev/RRE-containing viral RNA. This binding interaction stabilizes unspliced and partially spliced HIV-1 transcripts leading to increased cytoplasmic expression of these viral RNAs

    The macrophage in HIV-1 infection: From activation to deactivation?

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    Macrophages play a crucial role in innate and adaptative immunity in response to microorganisms and are an important cellular target during HIV-1 infection. Recently, the heterogeneity of the macrophage population has been highlighted. Classically activated or type 1 macrophages (M1) induced in particular by IFN-γ display a pro-inflammatory profile. The alternatively activated or type 2 macrophages (M2) induced by Th-2 cytokines, such as IL-4 and IL-13 express anti-inflammatory and tissue repair properties. Finally IL-10 has been described as the prototypic cytokine involved in the deactivation of macrophages (dM). Since the capacity of macrophages to support productive HIV-1 infection is known to be modulated by cytokines, this review shows how modulation of macrophage activation by cytokines impacts the capacity to support productive HIV-1 infection. Based on the activation status of macrophages we propose a model starting with M1 classically activated macrophages with accelerated formation of viral reservoirs in a context of Th1 and proinflammatory cytokines. Then IL-4/IL-13 alternatively activated M2 macrophages will enter into the game that will stop the expansion of the HIV-1 reservoir. Finally IL-10 deactivation of macrophages will lead to immune failure observed at the very late stages of the HIV-1 disease

    Strategic monetary and fiscal policy interaction in a liquidity trap

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    In its classical form, the liquidity trap, a term coined by Keynes (1936), is a situation where an increase in money supply fails to reduce the nominal interest rate. The modern literature has concentrated on the case where the nominal interest rate has been driven down to zero (the so called ‘zero bound’). The source of a liquidity trap, in most circumstances, is a sharp fall in aggregate demand; see Keynes (1936), Bernanke (2002). Interest in the liquidity trap has revived in recent years due, in no small measure, to the experience of Japan since 1990. Woodford (2005, 29) discusses the near miss of the US economy from a liquidity trap in the summer of 2003. The era of successful delegation of monetary policy to independent central banks with low inflation targets1 opens up the possibility that sufficiently large negative demand shocks might push an economy into a liquidity trap with huge associated welfare consequences.2 Blanchard et al. (2010) propose an inflation target of 4 percent in order to provide greater range for the nominal interest rate instrument. Our paper provides one framework within which to evaluate this proposal

    Role of brassinosteroids, ethylene, abscisic acid, and indole-3-acetic acid in mango fruit ripening

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    Rapid ripening of mango fruit limits its distribution to distant markets. To better understand and perhaps manipulate this process, we investigated the role of plant hormones in modulating climacteric ripening of ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruits. Changes in endogenous levels of brassinosteroids (BRs), abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and ethylene and the respiration rate, pulp firmness, and skin color were determined at 2-day intervals during an 8-day ripening period at ambient temperature (21 ± 1°C). We also investigated the effects of exogenously applied epibrassinolide (Epi-BL), (+)-cis, trans-abscisic acid (ABA), and an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), on fruit-ripening parameters such as respiration, ethylene production, fruit softening, and color. Climacteric ethylene production and the respiration peak occurred on the fourth day of ripening. Castasterone and brassinolide were present in only trace amounts in fruit pulp throughout the ripening period. However, the exogenous application of Epi-BL (45 and 60 ng g−1 FW) advanced the onset of the climacteric peaks of ethylene production and respiration rate by 2 and 1 day, respectively, and accelerated fruit color development and softening during the fruit-ripening period. The endogenous level of ABA rose during the climacteric rise stage on the second day of ripening and peaked on the fourth day of ripening. Exogenous ABA promoted fruit color development and softening during ripening compared with the control and the trend was reversed in NDGA-treated fruit.The endogenous IAA level in the fruit pulp was higher during the preclimacteric minimum stage and declined during the climacteric and postclimacteric stages. We speculate that higher levels of endogenous IAA in fruit pulp during the preclimacteric stage and the accumulation of ABA prior to the climacteric stage might switch on ethylene production that triggers fruit ripening. Whilst exogenous Epi-BL promoted fruit ripening, endogenous measurements suggest that changes in BRs levels are unlikely to modulate mango fruit ripening

    The plant kinome.

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    Advances in Molecular Biology of Phytotoxin Production and Its Involvement in Plant Pathogenesis

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