63 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of malaria in irrigated parts of Tana River County, Kenya

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    Irrigation schemes introduced in areas of high malaria endemicity often amplify malaria burden especially if no mitigation or adaptation measures are implemented (Renshaw et al., 1998). Thias study was conducted in Bura and Hola irrigation schemes in Tana River County to (i) understand the knowledge, attitude and practices of the community in relation to malaria control and transmission, (ii) determine malaria prevalence and the associated risk factors of infection and (iii) develop and validate a transmission model for analyzing the effects of irrigation on malaria burden. A cross sectional survey was conducted in 48 households where 160 people were screened for malaria parasites using Rapid Diagnostic Test. A deterministic model was developed and validated using field data. The community demonstrated good knowledge on causes, symptoms, transmission and control of malaria. The main malaria control measure was use of bed nets where one net was shared by two people. Only 12% of the households practice environmental management to control malaria. Treatment of malaria was mainly based on Artemether-lumefantrine (AL) which is freely available in the government health facilities. The prevalence of malaria was 5% with the clinical records showing a declining trend of malaria cases. Households located ≤5kms to the nearest facility had lower risk of malaria infection (OR=0.104, p-value=0.013) than those located >5kms. Household size was also associated with malaria infection (OR=1.685, p-value=0.022). The model predicted the observed prevalence data. The high usage of bed nets and AL could have led to the observed decrease in malaria prevalence despite the intensification of irrigated agriculture. The model developed could be used to predict the prevalence of malaria in this area enabling decision makers to implement appropriate control measures in good time

    Modelling malaria transmission dynamics in irrigated areas of Tana River County, Kenya

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    Development of irrigation schemes is usually associated with escalation of the malaria problem. Mathematical models can be used to explain the effects of irrigation on malaria transmission dynamics. This study aimed at developing and validating a one-host one-vector deterministic model made up of a mosquito population sub-module and disease transmission sub-module. Model parameters were obtained from the literature. Data covering the year 2013 were collected and these included the amount of irrigation water per unit area of irrigated land, rainfall, temperature and prevalence of malaria from the local hospitals. The Fuzzy distribution function was used to relate rainfall and irrigation patterns with oviposition and mortality rates of acquatic stages of mosquitoes. The model was fitted to malaria prevalence data obtained from the local hospitals by varying the parameters of the Fuzzy distribution function. Parameter values that gave the least variance between predicted and observed prevalence were used. The model was implemented in MS Excel using difference equations.The model fitted the data well and predicts an upsurge in the number of malaria cases 2-3 months after the rains or active irrigation. The model could be used to predict the prevalence of malaria in this area enabling decision makers to implement appropriate control measures in good time. Data from non-irrigated areas and covering a longer period of time should be collected for more rigorous model validation and simulation of the effectiveness of various the interventions

    A gendered analysis of constraints to cattle production in Ijara Kenya

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    Persistence of Rift Valley fever virus in East Africa

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    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFv) is a mosquito-borne pathogen of livestock, wildlife and humans that causes severe outbreaks in intervals of several years. One of the open questions is how the virus persists between outbreaks. We developed a spatially-explicit, individual-based simulation model of the RVFv transmission dynamics to investigate this question. The model, is based on livestock and mosquito population dynamics. Spatial aspects are explicitly represented by a set of grid cells that represent mosquito breeding sites. A grid cell measures 500×500 m and the model considers a grid of 100×100 grid cells; the model thus operates on the regional scale of 2,500 km2. Livestock herds move between grid cells, and provide connectivity between the cells. The model is used to explore the spatio-temporal dynamics of RVFv persistence in absence of a wildlife reservoir in an east African semi-arid context. Specifically, the model assesses the importance of local virus persistence in mosquito breeding sites relative to global virus persistence mitigated by movement of hosts. Local persistence is determined by the length of time the virus remains in a mosquito breeding site once introduced. In the model, this is a function of the number of mosquitoes that emerge infected and their lifespan. Global persistence is determined by the level of connectivity between isolated grid cells. Our work gives insights into the ecological and epidemiological conditions under which RVFv persists. The implication for disease surveillance and management are discussed

    The feasibility of canine rabies elimination in Africa: dispelling doubts with data

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    <p><b>Background:</b> Canine rabies causes many thousands of human deaths every year in Africa, and continues to increase throughout much of the continent.</p> <p><b>Methodology/Principal Findings:</b> This paper identifies four common reasons given for the lack of effective canine rabies control in Africa: (a) a low priority given for disease control as a result of lack of awareness of the rabies burden; (b) epidemiological constraints such as uncertainties about the required levels of vaccination coverage and the possibility of sustained cycles of infection in wildlife; (c) operational constraints including accessibility of dogs for vaccination and insufficient knowledge of dog population sizes for planning of vaccination campaigns; and (d) limited resources for implementation of rabies surveillance and control. We address each of these issues in turn, presenting data from field studies and modelling approaches used in Tanzania, including burden of disease evaluations, detailed epidemiological studies, operational data from vaccination campaigns in different demographic and ecological settings, and economic analyses of the cost-effectiveness of dog vaccination for human rabies prevention.</p> <p><b>Conclusions/Significance:</b> We conclude that there are no insurmountable problems to canine rabies control in most of Africa; that elimination of canine rabies is epidemiologically and practically feasible through mass vaccination of domestic dogs; and that domestic dog vaccination provides a cost-effective approach to the prevention and elimination of human rabies deaths.</p&gt

    Utilising milk from pooling facilities as a novel approach for foot-and-mouth disease surveillance

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    This study investigated the potential of pooled milk as an alternative sample type for foot‐and‐mouth disease (FMD) surveillance. Real‐time RT‐PCR (rRT‐PCR) results of pooled milk samples collected weekly from five pooling facilities in Nakuru County, Kenya, were compared with half‐month reports of household‐level incidence of FMD. These periodic cross‐sectional surveys of smallholder farmers were powered to detect a threshold household‐level FMD incidence of 2.5%, and collected information on trends in milk production and sales. FMDV RNA was detected in 9/219 milk samples, and using a type‐specific rRT‐PCR, serotype SAT 1 was identified in 3/9 of these positive samples, concurrent with confirmed outbreaks in the study area. Four milk samples were FMDV RNA positive during the half‐months when at least one farmer reported FMD, i.e. the household‐level clinical incidence was above a threshold of 2.5%. Additionally, some milk samples were FMDV RNA positive when there were no reports of FMD by farmers. These results indicate that the pooled milk surveillance system can detect FMD household‐level incidence at a 2.5% threshold when up to 26% of farmers contributed milk to pooling facilities, but perhaps even at lower levels of infection (i.e. below 2.5%), or when conventional disease reporting systems fail. Further studies are required to establish a more precise correlation with estimates of household‐level clinical incidence, to fully evaluate the reliability of this approach. However, this pilot study highlights the potential use of this non‐invasive, routinely‐collected, cost‐effective surveillance tool, to address some of the existing limitations of traditional surveillance methods

    Designing programs for eliminating canine rabies from islands: Bali, Indonesia as a case study

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    <p>Background: Canine rabies is one of the most important and feared zoonotic diseases in the world. In some regions rabies elimination is being successfully coordinated, whereas in others rabies is endemic and continues to spread to uninfected areas. As epidemics emerge, both accepted and contentious control methods are used, as questions remain over the most effective strategy to eliminate rabies. The Indonesian island of Bali was rabies-free until 2008 when an epidemic in domestic dogs began, resulting in the deaths of over 100 people. Here we analyze data from the epidemic and compare the effectiveness of control methods at eliminating rabies.</p> <p>Methodology/Principal Findings: Using data from Bali, we estimated the basic reproductive number, R0, of rabies in dogs, to be ~1·2, almost identical to that obtained in ten–fold less dense dog populations and suggesting rabies will not be effectively controlled by reducing dog density. We then developed a model to compare options for mass dog vaccination. Comprehensive high coverage was the single most important factor for achieving elimination, with omission of even small areas (<0.5% of the dog population) jeopardizing success. Parameterizing the model with data from the 2010 and 2011 vaccination campaigns, we show that a comprehensive high coverage campaign in 2012 would likely result in elimination, saving ~550 human lives and ~$15 million in prophylaxis costs over the next ten years.</p> <p>Conclusions/Significance: The elimination of rabies from Bali will not be achieved through achievable reductions in dog density. To ensure elimination, concerted high coverage, repeated, mass dog vaccination campaigns are necessary and the cooperation of all regions of the island is critical. Momentum is building towards development of a strategy for the global elimination of canine rabies, and this study offers valuable new insights about the dynamics and control of this disease, with immediate practical relevance.</p&gt

    The vaccination of 35,000 dogs in 20 working days using combined static point and door-to-door methods in Blantyre, Malawi

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    An estimated 60,000 people die of rabies annually. The vast majority of cases of human rabies develop following a bite from an infected dog. Rabies can be controlled in both human and canine populations through widespread vaccination of dogs. Rabies is particularly problematic in Malawi, costing the country an estimated 13 million USD and 484 human deaths annually, with an increasing paediatric incidence in Blantyre City. Consequently, the aim of this study was to vaccinate a minimum of 75% of all the dogs within Blantyre city during a one month period. Blantyre's 25 administrative wards were divided into 204 working zones. For initial planning, a mean human:dog ratio from the literature enabled estimation of dog population size and dog surveys were then performed in 29 working zones in order to assess dog distribution by land type. Vaccination was conducted at static point stations at weekends, at a total of 44 sites, with each operating for an average of 1.3 days. On Monday to Wednesday, door-to-door vaccination sessions were undertaken in the areas surrounding the preceding static point stations. 23,442 dogs were vaccinated at static point stations and 11,774 dogs were vaccinated during door-to-door vaccinations. At the end of the 20 day vaccination programme, an assessment of vaccination coverage through door-to-door surveys found that of 10,919 dogs observed, 8,661 were vaccinated resulting in a vaccination coverage of 79.3% (95%CI 78.6-80.1%). The estimated human:dog ratio for Blantyre city was 18.1:1. Mobile technology facilitated the collection of data as well as efficient direction and coordination of vaccination teams in near real time. This study demonstrates the feasibility of vaccinating large numbers of dogs at a high vaccination coverage, over a short time period in a large African city
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